Just one sentence, simple and clear, no doubt, no reason, it really seems to be a normal transaction between the patient and the doctor.


"Gannenliang bitch, my life is worth seven jars of blood? Shenjing Bing just went to find you!"

I don't know whether to be angry or laugh.

Jiang Wuye had a weird expression, he set fire to the letter paper, and cursed, but his heart was inexplicably warm.

That day, he forcibly used Yuantu Senluoji. Although he killed the group of immortal bastards and left only a couple of dogs and men, but due to insufficient strength, the hardware could not keep up with the software, and suffered an unprecedented backlash.

Nearly eight days.

The soul is dragged into the abyss by countless dead souls. Day and night, it is bitten and corroded all the time, wandering and struggling in the endless dark ocean, unable to return to the true self.

If it weren't for the will of the second-upgraded Barbarian True Ancestor to guard and assist, and Ye Anchen's crucial ray of light that entered hell to guide him.

His soul might have been extinguished by a wave long ago, let alone returning to his true self after struggling tenaciously for eight days, he might have died completely on the first day.

Repay kindness, don't be a white-eyed wolf, this point, he has never forgotten in his past and present lives, and he has always adhered to it.

When he was in Qinghe Village, the Land God saved his life. He has always remembered this favor, and if he has the opportunity in the future, he will definitely repay it.

Although Ye Anchen was insane, and perhaps had some unknown purpose, he also saved his life, which is undeniable.

This grace, he has also remembered it.

After closing the door and sitting back on the bed, Jiang Wuye subconsciously probed the spine on his back with his perception.

Dark and dull, ordinary.

But under the calmness, there seems to be an endless hell hidden, deep and infinite, exuding an evil and depraved atmosphere, which makes the soul tremble uncontrollably.

Invoke the power of the ancient hell, the higher the cultivation level, the more the traction, and the divine treasure realm can be used...

Jiang Wuye's eyes flickered, thinking of Yuantu Senluoji, an evil supernatural power derived from the mysterious spine, he shivered with lingering fear, and withdrew his perception.

The two tyrannical and unparalleled skills of Xiong Ba Tian Tian and Eight Fierce True Astral Engines will make people stunned.

And with this supernatural power, it is easy to lose your mind, if you are unlucky, you will be doomed directly, and your life will be gone!

He made up his mind that he would never use it again unless he was in a situation where there was no way to retreat.

The Realm of Divine Treasure corresponds to the Realm of Immortal Dao Dazhen, also known as the Realm of Divine Embryo!

Perceive the door of good fortune hidden in the body, open the door with the full and harmonious spirit of the real world, blend the innate good fortune contained in it, cast the martial arts god embryo, and give birth to all kinds of incredible physical supernatural powers.

As for this kind of supernatural power, it does not mean that it is a specific one, but it is determined according to the attributes of the martial arts that each person has practiced, and it varies from person to person.

For example, Han Heng, who has been in contact with him before, his martial art is forged with sword intent, so he used the sword to blast open the gate of good fortune, and after casting the divine embryo, what he obtained was the supernatural power related to the sword.

In the same way, if Jiang Wuye later uses the Furious Thunder Gang to blend the spirit of good fortune to cast a divine fetus, what he will get will naturally be the supernatural power of thunder.

"The end!"

With a soft call, the familiar final panel appeared, clearly showing his current strength data.

"Jiang Wuye——

Martial arts:

The bear dominates the world, the bear dominates the city (cannot be upgraded)

Eight fierce real gang engine, eight gang calamity sun environment (cannot be upgraded)

Emperor Sha Shen Desolate Bone: Purgatory, Yuantu Senluo Ridge (cannot be upgraded)

Positive energy: 150. "

It took Xiong Batianxia more than 1000 points of positive energy to break through to the second floor, and the eight fierce engines and eight gangs cost him a total of [-] positive energy points, each of which was no less than [-] positive energy points.

Judging from the law of positive energy consumed by the promotion of large realms in the past.

Jiang Wuye speculated that in order to open the gate of good fortune, reach the realm of the gods, and forge the embryo of supernatural powers, he needs to prepare at least [-] points of positive energy, no less!

As for normal practice.

Jiang Wuye calculated the time and resources needed, and decisively chose to give up.

If you have talent and don't use it, choose penance, that is a second-hand act, and it is not worth advocating.

"Damn it, if you didn't go crazy when you were in Xuanhuang's death zone, and slaughtered a few more cities, wouldn't it take off now..."

Patting his head, Jiang Wuye smacked his lips, feeling a little flustered for a while.

However, just think about it.

If it were really going to be at that time, he would probably make the same choice, otherwise, being unable to understand his thoughts would be worse than killing him.

Born to be human, remember to be human.

He has always kept these words in his heart.

As a human being, you don't have to be a great hero or a great man who cares about the common people and saves the suffering.

But obviously capable, but chose to watch the same people in dire straits, being treated like pigs, dogs and ants, killing and playing with them wantonly and not doing anything.

What kind of bullshit is that cultivating?

This kind of person who has no concept of racial honor and disgrace in his heart and forgets his roots and feelings, no matter how far he goes, is just a pure power puppet.

Anyway, with Jiang Wuye's philosophy, he really couldn't think of the meaning of living like that.

"Maybe I haven't grown up yet?"

With ups and downs in his thoughts, Jiang Wuye thought of a sentence from his previous life - children only talk about good and evil, adults only talk about pros and cons.

Is it a child?

Heh, I'm obviously a teenager!

Laughing at himself, Jiang Wuye didn't think about it any more, got up and opened the door, the breeze was blowing, and the blue sky and grassland came into view.

"Everyone, the next stop is Anyang Daoyu South Station. Passengers who want to get off the Kun, please prepare in advance."

A pillar of blue light hit the Advent Square.

Thousands of mountains and rivers appear in the sky, and the scene of the world.

"The holiday is over."

Looking at the familiar Anyang Yu, Jiang Wuye stretched his waist, raised the corners of his mouth, smiled slightly, and strode towards Advent Square.

Compared with that sentence, he prefers another silly and naive sentence——

May you leave half your life and return as a teenager.

I just want to practice

No.80 three and two fingers wide

Anyang Domain, south, five hundred miles east of Black Tiger City, Laoqiao Town.


Twilight is approaching, and the sky is getting darker.

The midsummer wind howls and howls from time to time, blowing the continuous tunnels and old forests outside the town like rolling waves, undulating endlessly, and the town is also billowing with yellow ash, dust and dust.

"Old Qiao, it's getting dark now, the mountain road is difficult to walk, and the world is not good. You'd better go back tomorrow."

"It's okay, don't you know the strength of my feet? It's about thirty miles away. I guess I'll be home before it gets dark."

Town mouth.

Tall and mighty, the bearded Qiao Carpenter declined his employer's offer to stay, turned around and strode into the twilight wind and sand with a long knife for self-defense.

His wife died of a serious illness a few years ago, and he has no intention of continuing. With his ancestral carpentry skills, he goes around to pick up jobs and shoulder the burden of the family. He is neither rich nor hungry, and he barely passes by.

This time, he came out to work in the town for a few days, leaving only his old mother who was always in poor health and a younger son who didn't know much about important matters at home.

Although I have carefully explained all kinds of domestic and foreign affairs before I left, I still have something in my heart that I can't let go of.

She is homesick, and today her eyelids kept twitching, and her heart was inexplicably heavy, as if something was about to happen.

Naturally, he had already flown home with one heart, and didn't want to delay any longer.

He also knew what the boss said "the world is bad", and he even witnessed the horror of those things when he was a child.

It's just that it's not dark at the moment, and those things don't mean that they are everywhere, and you can come across them when you go out when it gets dark.

Another one, he has been practicing martial arts since he was a child, and now he is at the age of dragon and tiger. Although he has not embarked on the path of extreme, his physique is still far superior to ordinary people.

The thirty-li mountain road from Laoqiao Town to the village is just a meal for him, and he can reach it before dark.


A few miles away from the town, the population is gradually thinning out, the mountain wind is howling, the vegetation is swaying, and the dark clouds in the sky are increasing, making people breathless.

Carpenter Qiao watched as the old forests on both sides of the dirt road got darker and darker, and the sky also suddenly changed. It was dark and dark. It should be raining, not too bad.

Although Yi Gao was bold, he still felt a little bit guilty in his heart, so he couldn't help speeding up his pace.

Two miles ahead is Hejia Village, my younger sister is married there, if it rains and I can't go, I can stay for one night, so I won't be afraid of falling in this remote mountain and wild place.



After running for about a mile, it seemed that he was about to rush out of the dense forest.

On this day, there were thunderstorms in the sky, and the big raindrops fell as soon as they said it, and the vision quickly dimmed. The wind and rain were turbulent, and it was impossible to see clearly from seven or eight meters away.

more importantly.

I don't know if it's the rain, the strong wind, the noisy sounds in the mountains, or the psychological hint.

Carpenter Qiao always felt that there was more than one person stepping on the puddles in the dark rain behind him, chasing him non-stop.

"Which one is going to die?!"

But when he gritted his teeth and turned his head to scold Zhuang Bold angrily, he couldn't see anything except the vast rain, the old forest and ancient trees.

All of a sudden, he felt a little anxious, and all kinds of weird legends couldn't stop coming to his mind, which made his hair stand on end.

"Bah! I'm not easy to mess with, I advise you to leave early!"

Touching the rain on his face, Carpenter Qiao cursed at Lao Linzi again, ignoring the sound of footsteps that seemed real and fake, he squeezed the long knife in his hand, recognized the way, and buried his head with one deep step and one shallow step run wildly.


After that, nothing happened all the way, and it was safe and sound.

Without encountering those messy things, he walked through the deep forest and saw the outline of Hejia Village in the distance, which was shrouded in black drizzle.

Only then did he heave a long sigh of relief, the beating heart in his chest stabilized for the most part, but his feet didn't stop, ready to rush into the village with all his might.


Unexpectedly, I just went down the mountain and was about to turn a bend in the mountain.

Suddenly, Qiao Carpenter heard bursts of sad cries in the rain, mixed with the sound of suona, and there were quite a few people listening to the sound.

Listen carefully, it seems to be ahead.

Is someone dead in He Family Village?

It's dark and rainy today...

Although he was puzzled, Carpenter Qiao didn't think about other aspects. Funerals in the village are like this. It's normal for big and small things to happen on the day of the funeral. Sometimes it's normal to be busy until dark.

Another one, just at the entrance of this village, the popularity is strong, what could happen?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help speeding up his pace and quickly crossed the mountain bend.

After turning the corner, the line of sight became wider, and there was a new tomb standing quietly in the dim night not far ahead, on the side of the dirt road a few hundred meters from the entrance of the village.

All kinds of paper kraft, paper, horse, and paper figurines near the grave were exposed to rain, and the paper shells fell off, drooping, and the "skeleton" inside could be clearly seen.

And on the dirt road in front of the grave, eight people can be seen wearing sackcloth, wearing pointed white filial hats, holding mourning sticks, and walking towards the village while crying.

Hey, this move is from He Laosi's family, right?

His father or mother?

Carpenter Qiao took a look at the well-built new wall outside the grave, as well as all kinds of well-made dead goods in front of the grave.

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