Yuantu Senluo slashed down with two knives interlaced.

Two cold lights flashed, one black and one red.

Protective treasures, supernatural powers and true skills, instantly shattered!

A supreme arrogance of a great master died in an instant, and his soul was extinguished, leaving not even a trace of remnants.

"Kill, kill, kill...all dead...all buried with me!!!"


"The First Prince, save me!!"


Soon there were only Gu Changfeng, Aoxue Shuangyan and a slightly behind Tianjiao trio left.

"Mad dog!! Let's be buried here with this city!!"

Crazy and reckless laughter fills the ears like a devil's voice, Gu Changfeng's face is pale, sweating profusely, and he looks up at the battleship not far away.

Gritting his teeth, he pulled out a fist-sized ball from between his brows, which seemed to hide a sea of ​​stars, and threw it fiercely at Jiang Wu, who had caught up with the last Tianjiao.


The next moment, he crazily burned the Dao tree, in exchange for extreme speed, and rushed into a starship together with Aoxue Shuangyan.

next moment.

ding ding ding-


Like a sea of ​​stars exploding, the pulse penetrates the earth and shoots directly into the sky, and the starlight floods the entire underground space. Wherever it passes, all the wreckage and ruins are turned into ashes.

Thousands of evil ghosts screamed and roared from the center of the explosion, and after a black light was extremely bright, it was submerged by starlight in an instant.


The impact of starlight, continuous explosions in the dark space, large chunks of rock and soil fell down, the earth collapsed and sank, quickly burying this space.


The only remaining starship riddled with holes rushed into the tunnel, smashed countless rocks, and rushed out of the abyss before it completely collapsed.

In the depths of the gradually shrinking dark space, there is only a burly body with cracks all over the bones that can't see much meat left, floating quietly, looking at the falling rock and soil with lifeless eyes, like a gossamer, unable to lift a trace of strength .

The darkness is slowly eroding, and the evil spirits of the endless hell are biting his soul consciousness, trying to pull him into the abyss completely.

Eyelids are getting heavier.


I don't know if it's an illusion.

In the middle dantian, it was slightly hot.

A faint spirit penetrated into it, and the mountain god's order quietly suspended in it was emitting a faint light at this moment.


In a trance, there was a familiar desolate Kun language.


A corner of the dark space was shattered, and a thick pillar of light as blue as the sea shot down with a peaceful and distant breath.

The familiar Yingying Yanyan...


clang clang-

gong sound.

A chilly fragrance enters the nostrils.

A familiar white lazy figure appeared in the blurred vision.

Squatting beside him, propping his chin with one hand, yawning continuously, he asked in that familiar, dying tone, "Are you tired?"

"Ha ha……"

Jiang Wuye closed his eyes, and his voice was inaudible: "You say... am I too crazy, or is this world...too fucked up?"


"If you're tired, just take a good night's sleep. If you're full, you don't want to mess around."

"Heh... bitch..."


Swallow the last trace of consciousness.

I just want to practice

No.80 toe child boy adult

The hometown of Xu Kun.

The sky is blue and the wind is light, the white clouds are long, the green grassland is undulating like waves, and the long winding river flows slowly, leisurely and peaceful.

Among the clouds in the sky.

Pavilions, towers and pavilions, kites and paper kites, innocent girls chasing and playing, their laughter is like silver bells, like a fairy tale dreamland.

A refined room.

Yao Xiaoyao with a sweet smile gently pushed open the door, and walked into the room with a bowl of herbal food that radiated the glow of the sun and was refreshing after smelling it.

She wears jet-black double ponytails, a crown of flowers on her head, a blue skirt, knee-high white socks, her cheeks are like peach blossoms, and she always has a cute smile on her face. Never look sad.

On the bed, lying quietly was a burly and sturdy figure with a crew cut, his eyes closed, his face was cold and hard, and his brows were slightly frowned.

Like a dormant ancient fierce beast, the domineering and masculine aura that inadvertently exudes fills the entire room, making Yao Xiaoyao feel as if he has walked into the depths of a volcano, his face turns red, and his heart beats faster.

"This guy, I haven't seen him for a while, why does he feel like a different person?"

Yao Xiaoyao patted her plump chest with a frightened look, sticking out her tongue, a sly look flashed in her eyes, closed the door, walked gently to the bed and sat down.

Putting down the medicinal food in her hand, she fiddled with it a few times, and the spoon was loosened towards Jiang Wuye's mouth,

Do not know why.

The closer the distance, the more her hands trembled uncontrollably, and her breathing became more rapid.

Soon, the spoon came to his mouth, just barely touching Jiang Wuye's mouth.

"Patriarch Yao?"

A weak and lazy voice sounded, interrupting Yao Xiaoyao's movements, and the temperature of the room dropped rapidly, as if walking into a piece of ice.

Ye Anchen, who looked like a fairy in white, walked in yawning, her cold eyes met Yao Xiaoyao's somewhat embarrassed and flustered eyes.

"Hey, Miss Ye."

Yao Xiaoyao withdrew the soup spoon, like a child who was caught doing bad things, a little afraid to meet Ye Anchen's eyes, and whispered: "This is the Three Treasures Calming Soup, which is very good for the recovery of soul trauma."

"Oh, where did the water for the soup come from?"

Ye Anchen responded lightly,

"It's a kind of divine water in my collection~"

Yao Xiaoyao pinched the corner of her skirt, feeling quite aggrieved, but her tone seemed a little lacking in confidence.

"Believe it or not, if you really drink this soup for him, when he wakes up, not only will he not thank you, even if he can't hurt you, he will turn this place upside down, and..."

Ye Anchen sat opposite Yao Xiaoyao, and reminded with narrowed eyes: "The Xukun clan's son-mother river water can only be used with the consent of the guests, no matter where the Xukun clan has always followed this group training.

Patriarch Yao took advantage of others' danger and violated the training of the group, isn't he afraid of being punished by Xu Kun? "

"It's been diluted~"

Xiao Yao waved his hand awkwardly and said, "There is no such effect, at most it makes people more beautiful and their bodies more perfect.

After a few days of taking the medicine, not only will the injury heal, but he will also become as beautiful as us or Miss Ye, and he will still be a man, when the time comes hehehe..."

After talking about it, her embarrassment disappeared, her eyes were full of little stars, and she smiled silly.

"I also ask Patriarch Yao to put away such thoughts, I will heal his injuries."

Ye Anchen listened to Yao Xiaoyao's words, and the more he listened to it, the more weird his face became, and he couldn't understand what kind of strange hobby this Xu Kun patriarch had.

Perhaps it was because of the "beautiful" picture in her mind, she couldn't help getting goosebumps all over her body with her calm mind, she shivered, and quickly interrupted Yao Xiaoyao's silly smile.

"Cough cough."

Noticing his gaffe, Yao Xiaoyao hastily coughed dryly to stop his smile.

Knowing in her heart that with Ye Anchen here, her plans for today would be in vain, she reluctantly glanced at the sleeping Jiang Wuye, picked up the medicinal soup and walked out of the room step by step.

However, before going out, she turned her head and said to Ye Anchen confidently: "When he wakes up, I will convince him, no matter men or women, they will definitely not dislike things like becoming more perfect."

"Oh, good luck to you then."

Ye Anchen yawned and shook his head speechlessly. If you want the bear to agree to that kind of thing, you might as well ask him to commit suicide. Maybe it's easier to achieve.


The door was closed, Ye Anchen went back to the bed, looked at Jiang Wuye who was frowning and gritted his teeth, his face was pale, and his soul seemed to be enduring great suffering.

After staring at it for a while, she didn't say anything, she sat quietly aside, a white brilliance bloomed in her hands, and a delicate gong appeared.


After a while, the beating of the gong with a strange rhythm sounded in the house.

Tranquil and tranquil, leisurely and peaceful, like a ray of light shining into the dark hell, slowly dispelling pain and madness, guiding lost souls to find their way home.

The playful Xukun girls nearby stopped involuntarily when they heard the gentle sound of the gong, squinted their eyes, and smiled on their small faces, immersed in the sound of the gong.

The gong sounded for seven consecutive days.

On the eighth day, it finally dissipated.

"Dear passengers, the next stop is Spring and Autumn Dead Area North Station, passengers who want to go down Kun, please prepare in advance.

Friendly reminder, there is an evil god in trouble in this domain. "

When Yao Xiaoyao's sweet voice sounded again, echoing in Xu Zhixiang.

The door of Jiang Wuye's sleeping room opened again, and Ye Anchen, whose face was as pale as paper, came out.

Her eyes closed and opened suddenly, her eyelashes were covered with frost, and her whole body was trembling uncontrollably, as if she was in a world of ice and snow and was about to faint from the cold.

Holding a palm-sized black jade jar in her hand, she leaned against the wall weakly, raised her head and took a big sip, her face gradually turned bloody, and the trembling of her body gradually stopped.


After a while, she hiccupped, her face became rosy, she put away the jade jar, and staggered towards the square illuminated by the blue light as if drunk.

on the square.

Through the dazzling blue light, one could vaguely see a skinny figure with pitch-black and lifeless eyes, standing quietly with a black coffin on his back.

After half a day.

Jiang Wuye, who had been sleeping for eight days, woke up before Yao Xiaoyao stretched out his "devil claws" again.

"Patriarch Yao, I am very satisfied with the way I am now, and I am absolutely sure that I don't need to become like you said. Thank you for your kindness."

Speechlessly persuaded Yao Xiaoyao to go away who instilled all kinds of strange remarks in him.

Jiang Wuye just rubbed his still somewhat drowsy head and got out of bed.

Out of the corner of his eye, there was a letter on the bedside counter.

Jiang Wuye's heart skipped a beat, thinking of the lazy figure in fluttering white clothes, he frowned slightly, and picked it up to read.

The handwriting is crooked, it can even be said to be scribbled, it is not aesthetically pleasing, but gives people a listless and weak feeling——

"Cure you for seven days, take seven jars of your blood, oh, don't worry, it's ordinary treasure liquid, you won't be stingy with this reward, right?

Well, that's it, if you have something to do, don't look for me, there will be a period later. "

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