The palace is not big, but it has all internal organs. Wu Xie likes this place very much.

Glancing at the large group of beauties who were kidnapped by Chu Feng, Wu Xie asked Chu Feng with some doubts, "Do you welcome me to come here often?"

"How could I refuse you?" Chu Feng smiled and took off a simple ring in his hand, and put it on his innocent finger, "If you like it, you can live here, and help me make love to those people!"

Wearing the simple ring on her hand, Wu Xie immediately knew what it was!

That ring can not only control the sky island, but also control an inch of the world!

"This is too expensive, I, I can't bear it..."

"No way?" Chu Feng smiled and scratched the innocent little Qiong's nose, "You little witch would say such things!"

"Although I gave you Sky Island, you belong to me, you know?"

While Wuxie was in a daze, Chu Feng took the opportunity to kiss her little mouth!

"You bastard!" When she came back to her senses, Wu Xie was both angry and shy, "Since you say that, then I'm not going to be polite!"

"Don't mess with me, or I'll turn those women downstairs into vixens. If you provoke me, I'll let them squeeze you dry!"

"Really, just give it a try!" While speaking, Chu Feng attacked Wu Xie again.

The small pink mouth was repeatedly treated lightly by Chu Feng, and she was so innocent that she pulled out her whip!

Wu Xie lashed at Chu Feng with a whip, but he didn't expect Chu Feng to disappear out of thin air, and he didn't know where he went!

"That guy, what exactly is he doing?" Wu Xie couldn't understand what Chu Feng was doing at all.

Chu Feng handed over the empty island to Wuxie in order to confuse some people into thinking that he was in the empty island.

Now, when he left Sky Island, he naturally went to another place.

On the other side, Zhu Tairan quickly reported Chu Feng's appearance!

Such an incident did cause some commotion, since no order was issued to drive or kill Chu Feng.

The order given by the superior is to wait and see what happens, and try not to provoke Chu Feng and other orders.

After receiving such an order, Zhu Tairan was stunned!

He knew that there were peerless emperor-level powerhouses in the army resisting the barbarians of the Northern Plains!

Don't even the peerless powerhouses in the Emperor Realm dare to attack Chu Feng easily?

That demon Chu Feng, how powerful is he!

On the southern border of Dongzhou, the monster clan's invasion has not stopped for a moment!

It can be said that the Dongzhou people are retreating steadily!

No one expected that a prince from the Taishang Kingdom would win an unimaginable victory when everyone was retreating steadily!

He led a team to win more with less, and severely damaged the attack from the Teng Snake Demon Kingdom!

The prince's name was Hua Yan, and he became famous in one battle!

Huayan became famous in one battle, in addition to the arrangement of the Lord Ziju, it is also indispensable for the assistance of the system!

Since obtaining the system, Huayan's cultivation has improved rapidly, and now he is extremely powerful!

What Huayan didn't expect the most was that he also got the help of Luo Futing!

Luo Futing came into contact with Huayan mainly to complete system tasks!

Luo Futing has obtained many exchange points.

Luo Futing did not use the exchange points obtained every time he completed the task!

He needs to collect enough exchange points to exchange for something that allows him to break through the Emperor Realm!

Once Luo Futing has the cultivation base of Emperor Realm and has the assistance of the system, no one can stop him in the sky and on earth!

In order to exchange points, he doesn't mind being driven by Huayan, and the reason why Huayan can accept Luo Futing is precisely to complete the task arranged by the system!

Under the reminder of the system, Huayan already knew that the war that is happening now was deliberately caused by Chidi City!

Red Emperor City wants to profit from the war!

As for Huayan, he also wants to use this war to achieve his own goals!

All forces are calculating because of their own interests!

They didn't know that Chu Feng had played them all in his hands!

Chu Feng, who left from the empty island, used the ants' hiding skill, and he arrived at the side of an abyss comparable to the Great Rift Valley without anyone noticing.

The conflict between the human race and the barbarian race has existed since ancient times. In the endless years ago, a shocking war broke out between the human race and the barbarian race on the border between Dongzhou and Beiyuan!

Such a big battle would naturally hurt both sides, leaving behind an abyss that even time cannot heal!

Standing above the abyss rift and looking down, the terrifying rift extends far to the horizon, like a wound on the earth!

The bottom of the abyss rift is bottomless, and the dark abyss can swallow everything in the world!

And Ji Haoyang's peerless powerhouses, their purpose of initiating the war is to be under the abyss!

Taking a deep breath, Chu Feng jumped down towards the bottomless abyss!

Chu Feng fell towards the abyss at a rapid speed!

The cliffs on both sides of the abyss keep narrowing!

When Chu Feng landed at the bottom of the abyss, the bottom of the abyss was so narrow that only one person could walk!

Chu Feng walked forward in the darkness where he couldn't see his fingers. The more he walked, the more he felt like he was going home.

The surrounding dark air is filled with magic mist, and I don't know how far I have walked, and the front suddenly opens up!

Chu Feng saw the figure of a troll standing in the darkness.

That troll was as huge as the troll Chu Feng saw in Wanmo Cave!

It's just a pity that the troll is dead!

Apart from the troll, Chu Feng found many fallen warship wreckage around!

Chu Feng frowned. This place was clearly a battleground between humans and barbarians. Why did trolls fall?

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