Unexpectedly, he was still spotted by Chu Feng!

Chu Tianhao and Liu Hongfei hid in the crowd like dead dogs.

Chu Feng's eyes fell on a woman who was sinking like a fish and a wild goose.

"Senior Sister Sang Yin, we meet again."


Sang Yin from the Cangyan Sect lowered her head.

Once she was ordered by the Cangyan Sect to plot against Chu Feng.

At this moment, she felt extremely terrified!

"I once let you go, but just now, you actually joined forces with Chu Tianhao and the others to try to kill my woman!"

"Senior Sister Sang Yin, have you forgotten how powerful I am?"

Chu Feng flashed and appeared in front of Sang Yin.

He stretched out his hand to pinch Sang Yin's pointed chin.

Sang Yin's beautiful cheeks were pale with fright, and her beautiful eyes were full of fear!

Witnessing this scene, someone was heartbroken, and he was evoked with extremely uncomfortable memories!

"Chu Feng, you demon!" A young man jumped out from the crowd, and he shouted with a distorted face, "You once raped and killed Jing Wenying and sisters of the Jing family in full view, now, you And want to harm other women!"

"Everyone, let's work together to kill the evil spirit Chu Feng!"

That man's name was Ning Gaocen. Chu Feng had met him before and knew that he was in love with Jing Wenying.

Unexpectedly, at this time, he actually had the courage to jump out and raise his arms and shout!

Ning Gaocen knew that he was no match for Chu Feng!

However, back then he watched Jing Wenying and Jing Yaorou being imprisoned on the bed and dying miserably!

Those two fairy-like girls were raped by that evil Chu Feng!

Ning Gaocen will never forget the scene at that time for the rest of his life!

He originally thought that other people suffered as much as him, wishing to tear Chu Feng into pieces!

It's a pity that he raised his arms and shouted, but he didn't get any support from anyone. People around him quickly kept their distance from him like snakes and scorpions!

This scene made Ning Gaocen dumbfounded. Seeing Chu Feng smiling and looking at him, he was almost scared to pee!

"Ning Gaocen!" Chu Feng said with a smile, "You are very courageous, I remember you, although your cultivation level is not high, but you are less than the disciples of the ancient Chu family, the disciples of the Holy Confucian Academy, and the Ziguang sect." The Lord is much more powerful!"

"Gu Xingyuan!" Chu Feng turned his head and locked on an extraordinary handsome man in the crowd, "You were shouting happily just now, why did you turn off the flame now?"

Gu Xingyuan clenched his fists in the crowd, because Chu Feng destroyed Tianzhao City, causing Gu Xingyuan's father Gu Yuanyi to disappear!

It also caused the status of Ziguang Sect to plummet in Dongzhou!

As the young master of the Purple Light Sect, he didn't have to conquer the barbarians in the Northern Plains himself!

But Gu Xingyuan wants to use his own hands to make great contributions and add glory to Ziguang Sect!

Gu Xingyuan never expected that he would encounter the evil spirit Chu Feng just after arriving at the border of Dongzhou!

It's terrible now, not to mention making contributions, I guess I'm going to die!

Gu Xingyuan was secretly crying!

The same goes for everyone else.

Just now they were clamoring to kill Wu Xie!

It was so desperate that Chu Feng actually appeared. With Chu Feng's behavior style, how could he let them go!

"Hehe..." Glancing at the silent crowd, Chu Feng grinned coldly, "Didn't you all shout to kill me just now, why no one dares to attack me now?"

"Since you don't make a move, then I will do it!" Chu Feng waved his hand, and suddenly, a gust of wind appeared!

There are more than a thousand people surrounded by people!

At this moment, more than half of the people were frightened and collapsed to the ground!

There are also people with higher cultivation levels, such as Gu Xingyuan who immediately chose to run away!

However, after the strong wind passed by, Chu Feng disappeared out of thin air, and everyone found that there was no damage in their bodies!

Just when they were pleasantly surprised by this incident, someone screamed, "My junior sister is gone!"

"Our school's senior sister is also gone!"

"It must be that demon Chu Feng who took them away!"

"Damn, really damn..."

At this moment, they were all cursing Chu Feng angrily!

The angrier they are, the more Chu Feng can gain a steady stream of hatred!

Chu Feng led Wu Xie, and he took Sang Yin and his group of beautiful women captive to the empty island!

Chu Feng did this to anger those people, so as to collect hatred.

Of course, Chu Feng kidnapped beauties to Sky Island mainly because he felt that Sky Island was empty and lacked popularity.

With the addition of those beauties, Sky Island will definitely become lively!

There is another reason, Chu Feng did this to deceive Ji Haoyang and his party!

He has to act like a demon, and can't let the peerless powerhouses like Ji Haoyang find out that he already knows some secrets...

Chapter 271 This is the Branch of the Immortal Demon Cave

The beauty who was kidnapped by Chu Feng to the empty island.

Including Sang Yin from the Cangyan Sect, there are dozens of people.

Now, they gathered together shivering and secretly discussing what to do.

Chu Feng ignored them for the time being, and he led Wu Xie into the palace for a tour.

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