"is it?"

Lahil was confused, "But I can't go out, my body is so big, if I move it casually, the world will shake, if I shrink and move, the four worlds will be turned upside down, and the laws will be disordered."

"No need to worry."

Jiang Ping stretched out a pure white palm. At this time, the Genesis in the Sea of ​​Consciousness kept flipping, and finally it was fixed on the fourth page.

An inconceivable light that ordinary people can't see at all came out from Jiang Ping's hands, and the highest authority of the world came into play. Gradually, countless light spots poured out from various parts of the boundless world tree. This is the root consciousness of Rachel.

Not long after, the water giant Myr arrived outside the world, and she wanted to see what was wrong with Rahil.

A powerful figure also flew over the World Tree, and the God King held a scepter, and he was also worried.

The enemies were extremely jealous when they met, and when they saw that Rachel was sleeping as usual, a giant and a god king fought again!

The Water Giant is also known as the Frost Giant. A pair of ice fists shook the world, freezing everything, and even the space was frozen, while the God King wielded his authority, and laws appeared one after another. He licensed thunder, like a world tree, Punish the living.

Coupled with the fact that the God King possesses the power of gods and giants, Mir was injured again and had to retreat severely. God King Yuer is the strongest creature in this world!

"The protagonist of the era? The darling of the atrium?" the God King looked at the atrium world in the void and said to himself.

In the atrium world, the largest of the four worlds, a young man in a light gray robe and a little girl in a green dress started a journey around the world.

Lahil's real body cannot move rashly, and her consciousness is needed to maintain the balance of the world. Jiang Ping took action to temporarily release her main soul from the bondage of her body, while the secondary soul is still sleeping in the body.

"The city-state streets are busier than before."

Jiang Ping led Lahil to walk in the streets, and pedestrians in sackcloth passed by them.

Occasionally, gold-level powerhouses passed by wearing leather armor made of high-grade animal skins. No one thought that these two unattractive people turned out to be the strongest people in the world.

Jiang Ping personally set foot in this fantasy world before he felt the novelty. There is a big gap between the rich and the poor here. People of low strength are slaves, shabby clothes, and starvation. Magic equipment far ahead of its time.

The various props used are no worse than those on Earth. Whether it is long-distance calls or tools, some magic devices are more convenient than the technological age. This is a polarized world.

"After the last war between the king and Aphra, a policy was issued to ease the excavation of Mount Everlook." The pedestrians nearby were discussing non-stop. This is the hottest topic recently.

Before serving in the army, oppressing every low-level person was miserable, but now Gilga let go, and many city-states cheered!

"The power of love?" Jiang Ping said to himself.

"What is love? Master?"

Rahil next to her asked incomprehensibly. At this time, she was like a 15- or 6-year-old girl, not only her body, but also her consciousness. Jiang Ping also found that Rahil was always in a daze because she could not move for a long time. , the whole person seemed very confused.

She called Jiang Ping the master, naturally because of Jiang Ping's identity, it is inconvenient to address her, otherwise she would be the Lord Chuangshishen when she opened her mouth, which would scare others!

Rahil lived for hundreds of millions of years, but always spent time in a deep sleep. After passing through nirvana several times, she was still a young girl at heart.

"Lahill, you may not understand, it is the relationship between two creatures of different genders." Jiang Ping answered lightly.

Pedestrians continued to chat, "Because of the new policy, the progress of the project has been much slower. The king is a little dissatisfied, but it seems that he intends to go to Yongwang Mountain in person and use the power of the divine weapon to hack down Yongwang Mountain!"

Hearing this, Jiang Ping became a little interested, "Gilga wants to go to Yongwang Mountain in person? It must be very lively."

He looked at Rahil who was in a daze behind him again, "Rahil, we are going to visit Mount Everest, of course we have to witness this historical moment."

Lahille seemed to have regained her senses, and continued to follow her master in a daze. In fact, she preferred to stay in one place and enjoy the sunshine slowly, but she didn't know why the master insisted on pulling her along.

The figures of Jiang Ping and Rahil disappeared on the street in an instant, as if they had never existed before.

The pedestrians who were discussing just now seem to have heard something. "La? Rahil? Who is so bold to name that? Is she crazy? Not afraid of the punishment from God?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? How could anyone dare to call this name, you must have heard it wrong." The companion concluded that he was confused.

The world has spirits, if it is disrespectful to the World Tree, it will even drop a thunder of destruction out of thin air!

Chapter 112 Ordinary God of Creation (recommended)

At the foot of Yongwang Mountain, it is very lively. One side of the 8-meter-high peak has become potholed, but there is still a lot of work to be done to repair it.

This is a task that millions of slaves risked their lives to complete. At this rate, it may take 50 years to complete the huge statue of Gilga and the epic poem of Gilga carved on the cliff, praising his strength and virtue. legend.

"When will the king arrive?"

"Can I see Sumer's national artifact, the Deviation Sword, this time?"

This construction site is crowded with hundreds of thousands of migrant slaves. There are also ordinary aristocratic slave owners who have heard that Gilga is here and have come all the way here just to see the true face of this legendary king.

Workers, merchants, slaves, scholars, generals, three religions and nine streams, mixed with dragons and snakes, are all at the foot of Yongwang Mountain.

Among them, Jiang Ping and Rahil were not conspicuous at all. At this time, he was sitting on a one-meter-high rock not far away, with a relaxed posture, watching all living beings with his eyes.

There are the lowest-level criminals and slaves here, and there are also the top legendary generals. Originally, the two would never have any intersection in their lives, but now they are all here waiting for a king to come.

"Rahil, don't stand there, just sit down." Jiang Ping said to Rahil who was standing aside.

After getting along with each other for the past few days, Jiang Ping felt that Rahil was very "cute". If he didn't tell her what to do, she would always stand in the same place by herself, and she didn't feel the speed of time. She seemed to be able to stand in a daze forever. .

Lahil's green eyes seemed to flash, and she looked at Jiang Ping blankly.

Well, I was too fuzzy just now.


Jiang Ping patted the rock with his hands, and the dust rose up. Lahil finally understood, and sat obediently beside Jiang Ping, and seemed to sway his body intentionally or unintentionally, rubbing against Jiang Ping.

Jiang Ping took out a jug of good wine and drank it. The food in the third dimension was too poor. After entering this world, although the development of food is not as good as that of the earth, but it contains traces of extraordinary energy, which gives Jiang Ping a better taste!

Jiang Ping sipped his wine while Lahier was in a daze again. Gradually, there were more and more people, and all kinds of ghosts and monsters appeared.

In order to prevent accidents, an elite army also came to maintain order and prepare for King Gilga's appearance.

Jiang Ping observed the outstanding talents of this era with his own eyes here. He has seen a lot. Jiang Ping feels that many people may not have a good reputation now, and they will be regarded as ancestors in later generations.


Suddenly, Jiang Ping looked curiously at a corner, and saw a man in a tall hat, covering most of his face, sneakily approaching the center of Yongwang Mountain in the crowd.

"Isn't this player salted fish?"

Seeing the players he summoned, Jiang Ping smiled, and then poured wine into his mouth.

"Looking at the light of faith on him, it seems that he is about to succeed."

Why is salted fish so low-key?When he first became famous, every time he went to a city-state, there were always people chasing him for autographs. He was very excited at the beginning, but finally he experienced what it was like to be a star. What is an international superstar?

But right away he knew the difficulty. He was uncomfortable eating, drinking and slacking off, and always felt that someone was spying on him!

After a period of mental decline, he now hides his true face when he goes to crowded gathering places.

What others didn't notice was that Xianyu was constantly taking screenshots, recording all the different poses and poses of each person, and then uploading them to the forum for live broadcast after going offline at one time!

"Such a historic event, of course I, Xianyu, must witness it myself! Not only to witness, but also to broadcast it live!"

Inadvertently, a screenshot captured Jiang Ping pouring wine into his mouth. Jiang Ping glanced at him, but did not move. people noticed.

In this way, Xianyu had no idea what "deep-sea giant crocodile" appeared in the pictures he took.

On the forum, Xianyu was live broadcasting the grand occasion of Yongwang Mountain, and pictures of them in various poses and with different expressions were uploaded.

Xianyu: Everyone can see clearly, this is a historic moment!Gilga will be here to show his power in front of the world!

Just now, I saw the grand occasion of the historian carving on the stone slab. It will be dug out after thousands of years, and it must be a precious historical relic!

"It seems that people from all walks of life are here, so many beautiful ladies and sisters! I really hope that I can also enter this fantasy world!"

"No way, in this fantasy world, as long as you are strong, you can reshape your body. Basically, there is nothing unsightly about being strong! However, in my heart, Aphra is still number one in the world!"

"Save, save, this will be my precious collection in the future! I want to print out all these pictures!"

At this moment, I don't know how many people clicked the right button. In fact, every picture posted by the players is saved by a large number of netizens, and there are even official personnel who study the pictures carefully every time.

What is the mystery of the prehistoric and strange beasts, the ecological analysis of the world tree, and the people of Hill World

Not only the official collection and writing, many people have been working hard, and they are constantly publishing around people from other worlds. Not to mention, the sales are quite good, so that now they have formed an industrial chain.

Even recently, in various universities, some professors took pictures taken by players to explain foreignization.

"Why are there still people drinking in such a lively scene?" There were so many people, they finally noticed that photo of Jiang Ping.

"This gray-clothed young man looks ordinary. He looks ordinary, but the blank green beauty next to him is very cute. I put this drinking youth on p, leaving only beautiful women. He is too obtrusive."

Some gods removed Jiang Ping's figure, just because he was a bit of an eyesore drinking here alone

After sending the first batch of pictures, Xianyu hastily went online and entered the atrium world.

After Jiang Ping finished drinking, he took out another green wine bottle in a blink of an eye, and several wine jugs lay on the ground under the rock.

A woman in white clothes passed by the stone by accident, and it was obvious that she also came to join in the fun.

As if she felt that this position was good, she stood beside Rahil.

"Is it a coincidence? It's still the deepest reaction in the soul." Jiang Ping's mouth slightly raised, and he continued to drink the wine.

This white-clothed beauty is naturally Aphra, and she also used a little trick to disappear from the crowd.

"Why hasn't Gilga arrived yet?" Aphra frowned slightly.

Rahil, who was sitting on the rock, shook her white feet blankly, as if she didn't respond to this sentence at all.

Aphra looked curiously at Rahil who was dressed in green, and only felt that she had a slight crush on her.

"Could it be that she is a tree spirit?" Aphra guessed.

She is naturally close to the natural world, and has a natural love for flowers and plants.

This strange combination is waiting quietly beside this boulder.

Soon, there was a commotion ahead, the crowd boiled up, and elite soldiers began to vigorously maintain order.

In the distance, a king wearing a golden battle robe and sitting on the back of a legendary griffin appeared under the eyes of everyone!

"Girlga, the overlord of the generation?" Jiang Ping was not drinking, and took a good look at this contemporary protagonist.

He glanced at Aphra next to him again, "This era belongs to you, but I don't even know what will happen in the end!"

With such a big commotion in the crowd, Rahil also came back to his senses, first looked at Aphra next to him, and then at Gilga in the distance.

"Are the two little guys who condense the fate of this world?"


Aphra seemed to feel that she was hallucinating, she looked away, and looked curiously at the woman in green who was sitting on top of the rock and was shaking her thighs.

Chapter 113 A Historic Moment

Gilga jumped off the griffin, he swept around, and everyone began to kneel down unanimously.

"Congratulations to the King on his visit to Everlook Mountain!"

The sound shook the heavens and the earth, and the Yongwang Mountain not far away was shaken to the point that a lot of rubble rolled down!

At this moment, only the strongest legendary powerhouses in the field are eligible to not need to worship!

But this time there were quite a few strong men, and several mysterious figures remained indifferent. Gilga looked over them all, and none of them was simple.

Suddenly his eyes turned to the boulder, and he noticed that Aphra was also here!


After withdrawing his gaze, Gilga walked towards Mount Everest. The soldiers and slaves kneeling beside him did not even dare to breathe. A historian responsible for recording history had already begun to record on the stone slab.

Although there are more advanced carriers, even animal skins and magic paper, historians still like to record major events on stones, because it turns out that with the passage of time, magic power gradually disappears, and only stones are eternal!

As Gilga passed by, the people stood up tremblingly. They looked at the ground with awe in their eyes, and they didn't dare to look directly at the overlord.

Soon Gilga had arrived at the foot of Yongwang Mountain, Jin Tong glanced at the one-year project of his subordinates, and Jin Jin's eyebrows suddenly frowned.


Seeing this face, the general in charge of this matter said that it was not good, his blood stopped in an instant!

Unexpectedly, Gilga said nothing and punished no one!

"The king seems to have changed a bit?"

This idea appeared in the minds of several ministers.

The tall and tall Yongwang Mountain can't be climbed by ordinary people in their lifetime, but Gilga can see through it at a glance, and the cliffs are full of potholes.

"Stay 500 meters away from here!" Gilga yelled, and the voice spread through the crowd, and everyone could hear it clearly.


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