As soon as this remark came out, everyone came to their senses. Netizens all agreed. This is indeed the most reasonable guess. Humanity has been awakened from divinity, and this is her "cause"!

"In this way, this is not a disease, let alone something wrong with the body, but to become a normal creature!"

Xianyu nodded in satisfaction in front of the computer. Sure enough, the wisdom of netizens is inexhaustible.

I was at a loss just now, and I couldn't figure out how such a powerful creature would feel heartbroken, but now I understand!

Salted fish is going online quickly, afraid that Aphra will wait too long.

In the atrium world, as soon as he opened his eyes, Xianyu saw Aphra in white guarding his front.

As soon as the salted fish consciousness returned to the atrium, Aphra immediately turned around and noticed that she slightly parted her lips.

"Can the saint gain anything?"

ps: Ask for a recommendation ticket on Monday

Chapter 110 Beating the World Tree (Please recommend)

In the deep mountains and old forests, Xianyu smiled slightly: "Your doubts and the cause of the disease, I have just obtained the help of void information!"

Aphra's eyes brightened, "If the saint can answer my doubts, I will be rewarded in the future!"

Xianyu chuckled and asked, "Aphra, how long have you lived in the God Realm?"

"For a very short time, in comparison, I stayed in the atrium world longer." Afra recalled.

That's it!

Xianyu continued to laugh and said: "Aphra, you are not sick, but you have never had the emotions of ordinary creatures before, and you only have divinity before!

When I saw the tragic scene of Yongwang Mountain, I felt pity and pity from my heart. This is the human nature that every living being has! "

Aphra looked puzzled and asked in puzzlement, "Divinity? Humanity?"

"Yes, you are not sick! It is a normal emotion that every living being has! Even Gilga, even the gods and god kings have all kinds of emotions and desires!"

At this moment, Xianyu is like an incarnation of a sage of wisdom to solve Afra's confusion. After all, all these years are not for nothing, and the eloquence that has been honed for so long is dedicated to fooling people!

"Before you were just cold and divine, and your soul was like a stone without any fluctuations. You would not be happy or sad because of others. You just simply completed your own tasks. Time to show pain!"

"But in fact, deep in your heart is still an ancient well, undisturbed by external objects, like the hardest diamond rock, despite the wind and rain, your sincerity will not change!"

These words were deafening like a thunderbolt from the blue, and they echoed in Afra's heart completely. Afra pursed her lips and savored it carefully, as if she had a clear understanding in her heart, but she still seemed to be puzzled.

She frowned and continued to ask: "Holy One, if this is really the cause of my heartache, how can I solve the pain in my heart?"

Xianyu pondered for a moment and said slowly: "I heard that you have made an appointment with Gilga, the annual war is coming soon, you can take this opportunity to suggest to Gilga not to exploit the people and oppress slaves like this.

After all, everyone is based on the earth, and there is no distinction between high and low. "

Xianyu glanced around, whether it was the verdant forest or the small rocks under his feet, "Everything in the world is treated equally to the great Lahil."

Aphra nodded.

Xianyu then sighed. He didn't like Gilga's tyranny before, but he was so soft-spoken. If he entered the palace, he probably wouldn't be able to get out. If it was Aphra, Xianyu felt that Gilga would definitely make changes!

"After all, this is a solution to the symptoms but not the root cause. If you want to completely solve your "cause", I am afraid that you can only rely on you to go deep into people's lives step by step, to understand the growth of all things, and the chaos of the world. Only in this way can you become a real creature and become one person"."

Aphra thanked the salted fish. She vaguely felt that she seemed to be different from other creatures. Now she finally found the reason, and she needed to find the answer step by step in the world for the next step.

Soon, the day of Gilga and Aphra's appointment came. Gilga never thought that he was so looking forward to fighting with others. In the palace, he didn't think about eating and drinking, and only thought about the coming of the day of the big battle.

However, before the war, Aphra surprisingly spoke to Gilga about the building of Mount Everest.


Gilga frowned. He asked his subordinates to build a statue of himself. How could this woman who was originally like an iceberg persuade him.

If it was anyone else, Gilga would have killed him with a sword, but Aphra's combat power is not weaker than him, and her attributes are completely restrained. Gilga can only endure the surging fighting spirit, listen to her, and finally fight quickly , can only casually agree to reduce the burden on the people.

Hearing that Gilga changed her words and agreed, Aphra raised her mouth slightly and smiled. This was a heartfelt smile, and the magic power of the entire space jumped up, and the surrounding mountains, rivers, plants and trees seemed to start to jump.

Gilga was fascinated by the smile for a while, and his eyes were quietly staring at the beautiful figure in white in front of him.

"There is a flaw!"

A sky lock suddenly appeared from the void, and suddenly attacked the dumbfounded Gilga.

The consciousness honed in thousands of life-and-death battles saved Gilga, with a flash of body instinct, and a twist of the deviant sword, urgently blocked the sky lock.

Another battle begins


Jiang Ping watched the battle on TV, stuffed potato chips into his mouth casually, and watched the journeys of the other players. He always felt that they seemed extremely happy?


Jiang Ping shook his head, "There is nothing more depressing than watching other people play games and not being able to play them yourself!"

At this moment, Jiang Ping suddenly thought of someone Mao. He probably couldn't hold back his playfulness, so he entered the game world himself.

I have traveled briefly in the original world before, but since I created the Great Desolate Realm and planted the World Tree, I have not traveled the world in person, and it seems that I have to get a new vest for myself.

Beckoning, Jiang Ping took out the Genesis, gently turned over the Genesis, a flash of white light shrouded him, whoosh, Jiang Ping's figure completely disappeared from the earth, and the next moment, in the endless chaotic sea, a figure was coming across the other side .

His appearance did not cause a ripple in the space, and neither the king of gods nor the king of giants noticed it at all.

Darkness, violence, and emptiness will always fill the Chaos Sea. According to records in Hill's world, no creature can survive in the Chaos Sea, except the mother of the world.

At this time, Jiang Ping was dressed in ordinary gray clothes, his face was ordinary, and the world-class hurricane was constantly blowing over the Chaos Sea, making his clothes untidy.

Jiang Ping's eyes are extremely deep, as if he can see through every corner of the world. His eyes are not the world tree with infinite brilliance and thousands of laws hanging in front of him, but the depths of the dark and chaotic sea.

"Is this the fate of this world? Or is it fate?"

Jiang Ping murmured, no one could hear what he said, and no one could understand it.

Jiang Ping turned his head and didn't look at the depths of the sea of ​​chaos. He stepped lightly, apparently not moving, but seemed to have crossed hundreds of millions of miles of void.

The next moment, the darkness was gone, and the green light illuminated the dark and chaotic sea.

"It's really beautiful." Jiang Ping stood in front of Lahill, admiring the magic of good fortune and the beauty of Lahill.

In the endless and dead chaotic sea, the billowing sea water is constantly rushing to annihilate all existence, but in the middle of it, there is a tree that is tens of thousands of kilometers high and tens of thousands of kilometers wide. The whole body emits a green light of vitality. Rooted in the sea of ​​chaos like an ancestor dragon, it has been derived to infinity.

Countless emerald-like leaves cover everything, and the thin lines seem to engrave all the truths of the world. The four prosperous worlds are hung on different positions of her body.

Hundreds of billions of creatures live on her, and countless legends are performed.

She is the source of all things and the mother of all things, she is one and all.

"Rahil, we meet again." Jiang Ping smiled and stretched out his hand to gently caress the huge and vigorous tree.

Lahil seemed to be in a deep sleep and didn't notice Jiang Ping's arrival at all.

Or it could be said that it was normal for Rahil to be in deep sleep. When her huge consciousness woke up, countless energy would be consumed every time, causing the world on her body to vibrate.

"It's probably boring for Rahil to stay here all the time. This time, let's take her to relax for a while." Jiang Ping said to himself.

After all, Rahil has worked hard and always stays in one place, so she can't easily act rashly. Jiang Ping plans to use the extra authority this time to directly let her consciousness escape from the World Tree itself for a short time!

dong dong!

Jiang Ping tapped the World Tree with two fingers, which is probably the only action he dared to do. The creatures in the World Tree absolutely dare not even think about it.

"Rachel, don't sleep, I'm coming to see you!"

Jiang Ping is very casual, and he doesn't want to put on any airs of the creator, because so far Lahier is the only creature he cares about.

A vast sound spread throughout the huge World Tree, directly reaching the deepest consciousness of the World Tree.


Rahil's consciousness seems to have just woken up, ignorant, and can't understand why he woke up in a short time?

When she saw the figure in front of her, time stopped.

Boom boom boom!

The huge World Tree began to sway joyfully, nine-colored divine light shone down from the crown of the sky, each leaf reflected the brilliance, and the entire huge World Tree was brightened for a while.

It was obvious that Jiang Ping came to see her, and Rahil was very excited.

Although Jiang Ping was still smiling like an old father, he hurriedly asked Lahil to stop, not for any other reason, just because, following Lahil's swaying just now, the four great worlds were already vibrating up!

Chapter 111 Taking the World Tree to Go Shopping

God Realm, Strange World, Atrium, Giant Kingdom, the four worlds are moving at this time!

This is not an earthquake-like vibration, but the world itself is shaking, as if it is about to leave its original position!

A weak creature could not perceive any abnormality, and even the legend could only instinctively tilt its body, although it quickly corrected itself.

But the top powerhouses in the world woke up one after another!Because the world moves, the azimuth law has to be slightly changed to adapt.

Above the Supreme God Realm, the gods shook one after another, and the king of gods also left the customs!

"What's the matter? I seemed to sense something strange about Rahil's mother's body just now?" Hephas, the God of Fire, asked the gods.

"Indeed, I woke up from a deep sleep too! What happened to the World Tree!"

The gods are talking about it, but Lahier is the foundation of the world. If something happens to her, the gods, humans, elves, dragons, dwarves and countless other creatures living on her will return to the sea of ​​chaos, and the world will be overturned!

God King Yuer appeared to comfort him: "Just now Lahier shook a few times, probably because of the tide of the chaotic sea, you don't need to worry too much, this king personally went to lie on the crown of the sky and asked the great Lahier what happened. What is it?"

After all, the god king held the scepter and walked quickly across the void to go upwards. Unfortunately, the higher he went, the more strict the space and laws were. Even the god king could not break the space and could only make a pilgrimage step by step.

And on the crown of the sky, that is, the top of the world tree, is the holy sword of original sin that bears all laws and causes all disputes in future generations!

It's a pity that no one but God can pick it except for Rachel's admission!

God King Yule carefully knelt down to the top of the treetop, and then used his soul to connect with Rahil's consciousness, but unfortunately there was no response.

"Could it be that Rahil is still sleeping?" The God King was puzzled.

Two creatures in the atrium also sensed something strange, and Gilga stared solemnly at the green branches under his feet.

Aphra gently stroked the walls of Rahil coiled around the world with her hands, and she also immersed her mind in the World Tree, trying to understand what happened.

The great giant king, the only surviving second-generation giant, Water Myr also woke up from a long sleep.

With her waking up, the entire giant country was shaking. Ning Tianjiao was wondering if there was an earthquake. The next moment, in front of his eyes, a huge mountain was shaking, and a super giant with a height of [-] meters woke up wobbly. .


The hammer fell to the ground, and Ning Tianjiao never expected that the mountains he often visited were transformed by giants!

Water Myr began to walk along the wide branches, and she also wanted to find out why Rahil was shaking.

It's a pity that if Rachel wakes up normally, she will respond to many children, but now she expresses that she has no time to respond.

"Why did you appear?" Rachel asked weakly like a child.

Jiang Ping smiled and said: "It's been a long time since I saw you, I just went to your world to see if I have nothing to do, so I woke you up."

Hearing that Chuang Shi Shen was going to patrol her own world, Rahil was happy again. At this time, she was like a child who had done some homework and couldn't wait to show it off to her parents.

"I now have four worlds in my body, namely the God Realm, the Strange World, the Atrium, and the Kingdom of Giants. You can take a good look at it." La Hill was very happy in his consciousness.

"I woke you up because I wanted to take you around your world. After all, although the world belongs to you, you haven't understood it well. It's a pity." Jiang Ping continued, "You are always Kazuki If you stay here, you will spend hundreds of millions of years, and it will probably be boring, so I will show you how to breathe."

"No, I'm very comfortable here and sleep all day." Rahil didn't give Jiang Ping a face at all, and decisively rejected Jiang Ping's proposal.


Several huge question marks appeared in Jiang Ping's mind? ? ?

Suddenly he thought that as a tree species, Rahil's thinking was completely different from that of living creatures. If she couldn't hold back her leisurely mind, she wouldn't be able to stay in the original world for 20 billion years.

Zifeiyu, know the joy of fish

After working for a long time, it turned out that it was all my own wishful thinking!

A black line appeared on Jiang Ping's eyebrows.

Rahil was obviously very simple, and didn't know that the God of Creation was unhappy, and kept shaking the branches enthusiastically to ask Jiang Ping to go to the world quickly.

"Cough! Cough!"

Jiang Ping felt that his stalwart image in Lahille's heart could not be shattered. This time Lahille was unwilling to go out, so he would force her to go!

Jiang Ping said solemnly: "Rahil, you can't think like this. As a world tree, if you can carefully perceive the thoughts of the world's creatures on your body, it will be very beneficial to your growth."

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