The four giants of Earth, Water, Wind and Fire roared furiously, and they madly attacked the ancestor god. Karl was still in the look of killing his brother by mistake, and was hammered by the giant of the earth, Bell!

The ancestor Karl has fallen!

The sky god Ula's eyes were red, she snatched the holy sword, jumped onto Bell's huge arm, and slashed with both hands!

call out!

The head of the earth giant Bell fell, and his body turned into the ground.

A big chaos is inevitable, and this battle is the one that opens the curtain of the world!

The ancestor giant Uriel fell, his head fell into the sea of ​​chaos, and his body turned into three worlds.

The giant of the earth fell and turned into infinite land, the giant of the wind fell, and Gil, the giant of fire, fled with deep hatred with the seriously injured Mir, the giant of water.

The ancestor god Karl fell, turned into countless laws and merged into the newly born world.

On this day, the god of the sky stood on the corpse of the giant, holding high the strongest holy sword, announcing the coming of the age of the gods.

A vague sigh echoed in the chaotic ocean, but it was a pity that Ula, who had the strongest power, didn't notice it.

The newly born world is located at the top of the world tree, not only is the law of aura abundant, but also can overlook and monitor all the worlds below. This strongest world is occupied by three gods and is called the God Realm.

A world among the leaves below is the battlefield of gods and giants, many of which are occupied by elves born from the corpse of the wind giant.

It's a pity that although these little guys are also very powerful, they can only tremble in front of these two giants. It is said that it is for this reason that they love peace the most in future generations.

Between the branches below is the kingdom of giants, which is occupied by the fire giant Jill. He and the water giant continue to multiply, and there are more and more powerful giants, such as cyclops and hundred-handed giants.

Each of them is a warrior with strength to defy the sky, but they are still powerless in the face of the holy sword!

After mastering the holy sword, Ula, the god of the sky, became invincible and forcibly occupied Gaia. His younger brother, the god of the sea, dared not speak out.

Gaia gave birth to twelve ancient gods, and their strength became stronger and stronger. Every millennium, the gods and giants fought in the elf world, and every time they shook the world, the beautiful elves kept running away.

The giant has been suppressed and beaten, and then he had no choice but to try to slave the elves and make them his cannon fodder.

Only in this way can it be very reluctant to maintain with the gods, but even so the kingdom of giants is facing the crisis of destruction at any time.

After all, the gap between the elves and the gods is too great, so the gods can only make more effort when slaughtering giants, and kill the elves first.

Finally one day, the wise giant among the giants began to secretly contact the God of the Ocean. When the God of the Sky was having sex with Gaia, Ocean Toss secretly stole the holy sword!

Toss had long been dissatisfied, and raised his sword in his hand, Ula, the first generation of god king, fell instantly, and his god body turned into the sky, but the giant who had been waiting for it sneaked into the god world in one fell swoop!

On this day, the gods were almost destroyed due to internal strife, and Haitos, who came back to his senses, also knew that he was being used.

In the end, he died together with the fire giant Jill in the resistance, and before he died, the holy sword was thrown to the strongest third-generation god Ake.

Akon is the god of space, especially after the fall of the first generation of god kings, he inherited part of the sky godhead. He raised his holy sword and tried his best to drive the giant out of the god realm.

Afterwards, the second-generation God King Ake couldn't help taking over Gaia and his sister. In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, he drove the other ten brothers and sisters out of the God Realm and asked them to find another home in the World Tree.

Ake, Gaia and his younger sister gave birth to four generations of gods, and together with the combination of ten other gods, there are more and more gods, and they crusade against the kingdom of giants again and again.

The world of elves was occupied by the gods, and the kingdom of giants was constantly beaten down. After ten thousand years, it actually reached the bottom of a tree!

If you are attacked by the God Realm again, you will be kicked out of the world tree, lost in the chaotic ocean, and drowned by the violent chaotic sea!

Under the threat of life and death, the wisdom giant made another move. She married a three-generation god who had long been unhappy with the king of gods, and gave birth to Yule, who combined the advantages of gods and giants and was the most talented.

Yuer mastered the law of thunder and lightning. With the help of his father, he successfully captured the holy sword and beheaded the second-generation god king Ake. It is said that Ake's living organs were cut off and turned into a new god.

Gaia, the only surviving second-generation god, is no longer obsessed with the world and has no interest in becoming a god. After becoming a god, she chose to turn into the earth itself and sleep forever, and her soul will always accompany Rahil, the mother of all things.

The third generation of god king Yuer is so powerful that he holds the strongest holy sword in his hand, and he can kill everything, but he still has the blood of giants after all, so he still let go of the kingdom of giants.

The kingdom of giants has since fallen to the lowest end of the world tree, and will never enjoy the light.

They always want to counterattack the God Realm, return to the crown of the sky, and three generations of god kings ascended the throne, but he is not a pure god after all, even after marrying a god queen, there are still people who challenge him.

The holy sword was stained with the blood of his compatriots, and in the end even God the Father was beheaded by him!

On this day, the world tree Rahil shook, and the three worlds shook. The king of giants in the kingdom of giants, Mir of Water, changed his face greatly:

"Rahil, the mother of all things, is angry!"

On this day, the strongest holy sword turned into a streamer and flew away from the hands of the god king. This strongest sword, which was stained with countless blood of gods, once again turned into the top treetop of the world tree.

Rachel's voice spread throughout the world: "The king of the world can only conquer everything with his own power!"

This strongest holy sword is called the holy sword of original sin, also the sword of victory, the sword of the king of gods, and the sword in the tree.

It has countless titles and titles, and it is the holy sword that everyone in the world covets.

It is also the beginning of all disputes. It is the origin of weapons. Its disappearance marks the end of the old theogony era. The next chapter will be the birth of our human race.

Hill calendar, the legend of the holy sword of original sin

Chapter 75 Epic Battle

With the disappearance of the Holy Sword of Original Sin, Yule, the king of the gods, does not have the strongest power. Fortunately, he is the most powerful god.

Yule imitated the holy sword to collect the most precious treasures in the world, created the authority of the king of gods, and barely suppressed other gods.

After losing the original sin, in order to gain prestige, the god king Yule once again launched a war against the kingdom of giants!

Jiang Ping smiled at the outside world: "Are you transferring the conflict?".

After losing the holy sword, there is no longer a huge gap between the gods and giants. Although the gods still have an overall advantage, they are not insurmountable.

The two fought again and again, the Titans fell and turned into various substances, and the gods also fell and turned into laws to nourish the world.

Even in order to defeat each other, dragons, dwarves, etc. were also created by giants and gods.

In this war of gods that has spread for thousands of years, countless strange things have been invented by the gods and giants, and the world has suddenly become much richer

In order to completely overwhelm the giant, the gods began to look for a way. One day, Puro, the god of wisdom, went down the World Tree and passed the kingdom of giants.

After countless years, he was down-to-earth and finally set foot on the root of the world tree. Looking at the endless world tree behind him, he couldn't help but praise:

You are the mother of all things and the source of all things.

Pu Luo couldn't help picking up a handful of silt, not far away was the endless sea of ​​chaos.

The chaotic ocean is dangerous and violent, and neither gods nor giants can touch it. In fact, no creature can survive in the chaotic ocean, except the world tree.

The world tree absorbs the chaotic sea water, and feeds it back to the world and creatures on the tree, thus forming a cycle.

Seeing the silt, he became very playful, and couldn't help but start fabricating it according to his own appearance, and the human race was born.

The World Tree also experienced bursts of joy, which puzzled the gods and giants. When the God of Wisdom returned to the God Realm, he followed a group of little guys.

The gods couldn't help teasing this group of little guys. Some gods laughed at the God of Wisdom, saying what's the use of such a weak group?

He can kill countless of them with one slap.

However, Pu Luo smiled. He felt that these little guys would definitely bring a difference to the world.

I don't know when, a huge world appeared in the center of the world tree. It is so beautiful, with the crown of the sky above and the root of the earth below. Whoever gets this world can control the world.

This largest world is named Atrium, and for this world, the gods wage war!

Mill, the king of giants, led tens of thousands of giants to launch the battle of the heavens, and there were also two major ethnic groups affiliated with the two clans.

This is the battle of the era, and it is also a battle to determine the ownership of the world!

"This is the first time I've watched a fantasy-themed battle. Let me see how much it surpasses Lord of the Rings."

Jiang Ping prepared a small bench, potato chips, and happy water to watch this battle of the heavens, and let Genesis record it by the way. This is the best game promotional video!

It will be uploaded soon.

Powerful gods in the sky hold artifacts in their hands and shuttle across the sky. They radiate light and divine light, thousands of laws are intertwined, and countless world-extinction-level moves are smashed all over the sky.

Towering giants with a height of [-] meters are roaring proudly on the ground. They wield the crude weapons in their hands and break through ten thousand spells with one force. Their bodies are the strongest weapons!

Originally, hundreds of thousands of tyrannical dragons followed and challenged the gods together. The dragon's chant shook the sky, and hot dragon flames swept across the world.

There are also a few short but stocky dwarves who wield this warhammer and also come to participate.

The elves who were rescued chose to take refuge in the gods. They wore cool clothes made of green leaves and held their bows and arrows high.

Although their bodies are weaker than giant dragons, their long-distance functions make all the gods look sideways!

The towering trees running in the distance also came, and the huge branches kept waving, and every time they swept away, they could take away a large number of dwarfs.

Dryads have strong fighting power, but it is a pity that it is not easy to cultivate, and the thousand-year-old dryads are enough to fight against giant dragons.

This war brought in all the fantasy races, one after another powerful giants fell and became the fertilizer of the atrium world. If the gods in the sky are unfortunately captured by the giants, what awaits them will be a brittle attack!

The gods are also turned into fertilizer!

Weak humans don't even have the qualifications to participate in the war. Although they have multiplied to tens of thousands now, a few giant dragons can wipe them out!

One blow from the gods can completely destroy the human race. The human race hides in the dark and trembles. There is a person who likes to draw and can't help but record the battlefield, wanting to leave it as a warning to those who come later.

Among them, there are also wise men who watch the battle of the strong without blinking, trying to learn something.

This battle lasted far beyond the imagination of both sides. It lasted for thousands of years, and the blood of both sides soaked this new land.

Tens of thousands of powerful giants fell to the earth, thousands of gods dissipated into the sky, the godhead collapsed, and turned into laws to nourish the world.

Both of the two strongest ethnic groups were injured like this, let alone other affiliated ethnic groups.

I don't know how many dragons fell, and those who survived were like a lapdog, sticking out their dragon tongues, and spitting out a mouthful of dragon flames. They really didn't have a drop!

The thousand-year dryad broke his waist, the dwarves couldn't swing their sledgehammers, and the elves couldn't draw their bows.

In the end, God King Yuer had no choice but to make peace with the giant Mir, and both parties withdrew from this new world. Both sides can invest seeds in this vast new world. Whoever wins, the atrium will belong to him.

"A proxy war?"

Jiang Ping said with emotion, it seems that this battle has exhausted both sides, and neither side wants to do it themselves.

The gods and giants have retreated, leaving only wreckage everywhere. The epic battle is over, and sporadic dragons, elves, dwarves, etc. remain in this atrium world.

But what no one noticed was that a group of ragged little guys carefully appeared on the other side of the mountain, and they slowly appeared in front of this vast world.

Looking at the battlefield with a bewildered expression

Jiang Ping smiled, "It seems that the human race is about to step onto the stage of history. The gods and giants never dreamed that these little guys would become the protagonists of the world and drive them to the corner of history."

After moving his body, Jiang Ping began to edit this epic battle with his notebook, intending to upload them on the platform, everything will be done soon.

Jiang Ping looked at his success with satisfaction, "As far as my level is concerned, if you go to make a movie, you can easily have billions, after all, this is a real fight.

All kinds of magical arts, giant power dances, and various powerful fantasy races compete, even if the human race flashes past the camera, they are still peeking weakly, and when other races are fighting, they are even more wretched. "

After thinking about it, Jiang Ping thinks this is better, don't players like to be the savior?Don't you like saving the human race and saving the sky?

Here is a chance for you, take advantage of it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ping uploaded the game promotional video, "What is the name of this new game? Heavens and Worlds: World Tree? Or Heavens and Worlds: Sword and Magic?"

After thinking about it, I still chose the World Tree. After all, the original intention of creating the world was also to cultivate Rahil well.

Soon, a game icon that had not yet been officially launched appeared on major game platforms. The icon was a towering tree, which was the photo of Lahil, and there was a promotional video accompanying the game.

When countless netizens who were staying up late saw this familiar prefix, they immediately shuddered, don't say anything, click to grab the quota first, but this time it is a reminder that the game is not yet online.

Heavens and Worlds: World Tree, many people clicked on the promotional video of the game

Chapter 76 Tickets to the Heavens and Worlds! (ask for a recommendation ticket)

In the video, the dragon does not sing and the tiger does not

No, it was a giant dragon that spewed flames and dragon breath, and giants who stood upright waved wooden sticks to challenge the gods in the sky.

Under the leadership of the king of gods, the gods brandished their respective artifacts and used a world-destroying forbidden spell with one move, blasting the earth into potholes, forming countless strange scenes!

Dryads, dwarves and other fantasy races shuttle and embellish it.

Watching this 20-minute-long movie, netizens were stunned. Why are the special effects so real?so good?

As if it really happened, and so many special effects do not cost money?

Of course, many people know that this game is really problematic, and this promotional video may really happen somewhere in the universe.But this still can't stop the heart of complaining in everyone's heart!

There was another upsurge on the Internet, topping the Weibo list, as well as various search rankings, forums and communities, the heavens and the world: the world tree suddenly rose in a straight line, showing the momentum of a raptor crossing the river!

Foreign netizens roared, they love this kind of western fantasy theme, and they can't wait to join this battle of gods immediately!

"One thing to say, this game promotional video really surprised me, but I don't know when the producer filmed it. This should be a real battle, right?"

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