A huge figure straddled the sky and the earth, Jiang Ping smiled, and the whole world seemed to be joyous.

"Long time no see, Rachel"

Seeing the real body of the Creator God again, Lahil was so excited that she wanted to cry, "The original world is destroyed, and so many little guys who worshiped me are dead."

Rachel suddenly said sadly, it seemed that she also knew the fate of the original world during her deep sleep.

Jiang Ping is still smiling like an old father. He has always liked this creature that he cultivated and created by himself.

"Everything has its time, and everything will eventually perish. The void will also collapse, and the way of heaven will perish. Everything must have its end.

You don't have to regret the destruction of the original world. "Jiang Ping looked at Rahil calmly.

"This time, you will create the world!"


Rahil couldn't believe what she heard, her consciousness was booming, and she couldn't believe that she could take on such a big responsibility.

"Only as great as you can create a world, and I'm just a small tree." La Hill quickly evaded.

It wasn't that she refused. As a small tree, why was she appointed by the God of Creation?

"I have high hopes for you, and I hope that when you can transcend and reach my world.

This time the new world is still being born, I have let the origin of the world help you with all my strength, and thousands of laws belong to you. "

Jiang Ping continued, then stretched out his finger, and a drop of Jiucai Blood Essence flowed out from the fingertip.

It was quickly poured into the ever-growing Lahier's body, and Lahier's huge body began to condense and shrink, but the chaotic seawater was absorbed faster and more urgently!

At this moment, Lahiel felt that he was connected with this world, and could perceive the laws and sense the laws of all things.

Lahil couldn't help swaying. After condensing, her infinitely huge body caused waves of world tides.

"Creator God, Lahil understands, and will definitely live up to your trust."

Jiang Ping laughed again: "You don't need to be too nervous, everything will follow the fate, let nature take its course, all kinds of things will appear, I look forward to seeing you again next time!"

Then Jiang Ping's huge figure slowly disappeared in the newborn world, and Lahiel swayed reluctantly:

"Rahil is also looking forward to meeting you next time."

On this day, the God of Creation appeared to the world, a new world was born, and the endless sea of ​​chaos surrounded everything, and the God of Creation gently dropped the seeds.

In the center of the world, the sacred tree Lahil grows. Every day, Lahil grows one meter. After countless years, the branches of Lahil have spread to surround the world barrier.

Her huge crown became the crown of the sky, carrying the whole world. This is the legend of the World Tree.

Hill World's Oldest Records, Hill Calendar, Volume Front Page

Chapter 73

"It's good to have someone to help."

When Jiang Ping returned home, New World had Rachel's help, so he didn't need to worry about everything.

He summoned Genesis again: "Put all the remaining 100 points into Rahil!"

The original points are extremely precious, and Jiang Ping is not willing to put them on himself to strengthen them. However, this time, in order to cultivate La Hill, he hopes that she can become a real world tree in the new world.

Jiang Ping not only dripped the Creation Blood, but also used all the remaining points!

A boundless and mysterious energy travels between the two worlds. This is not only energy, but also contains various incredible substances, and has the supreme power to break through the dimension of the world.

The original points flowed into the growing Lahier, and Lahier's huge body bloomed with endless colorful divine light, which illuminated the Chaos Sea, bringing light and warmth to the world.

The world tree carries the world, and its luxuriant branches and leaves cover the endless chaotic sea. Moisturized by the energy in the dark, she becomes more and more miraculous and stalwart.

"Thank you for your help."

Rahil couldn't help but praise the God of Creation, and then she used the roots of the trees spreading across the seabed to draw the chaotic seawater again.

"Time accelerates!"

Jiang Ping adjusted the time and space.

The suddenly reborn Hill's world is advancing rapidly, like a movie speeding up countless times. In Jiang Ping's eyes, La Hill has undergone earth-shaking changes every time.

Soon, La Hill has grown to the limit, and now she can be called the "Day of Heaven" in this world.

After the growth was complete, the excessive energy was stored by her, and gradually two huge divine flowers bloomed on the crown of the sky. After a million years, the flowers bloomed and withered, and two fruits gradually grew in them.

"These two fruits should be the source of all creatures in this world."

Jiang Ping lightly twisted the goblet, and slowly poured half a glass of black happy water for himself. Life needs a sense of ritual, especially when witnessing the world now.

"I don't know. Are they a man and a woman? In that case, they would be Adam and Eve." Jiang Ping took a sip of happiness and speculated with a smile.

Although cheating can be easily seen through, how boring is it?Jiang Ping chose to wait and see the development of the situation like an audience.

Time passed day by day, and millions of years passed in the blink of an eye. The two fruits grew bigger and bigger, and the creatures bred inside became more and more restless. They seemed to want to break the bondage.

Finally one day, the stone broke the sky!

The two dolls bursting out on the same day and at the same moment broke free, and the world applauded their birth!

World Tree couldn't help shaking, celebrating the birth of its own child.

Contrary to Jiang Ping's expectation, the two dolls are not a man and a woman, they are chaotic, yin and yang merge, and there is no gender distinction.

The two dolls were just born, ignorantly opening their teeth and claws, and the two chubby little dolls surrounded each other, running and dancing on the crown of the sky.

There is also a cute sound of "Yi Ya, Yi Ya" from his mouth, which is the most original divine sound in Hill's world.

The two dolls danced for an unknown amount of time, and they never got tired. Jiang Ping looked like he was about to snore to the outside world.

Finally, the two dolls stopped dancing. They seemed to be curious about everything and walked slowly on the crown of the sky.

Occasionally, when I was hungry, I would pick the shoots and eat them. Slowly, the two dolls grew bigger and bigger.

They are tens of millions of meters tall, and they continue to grow taller every day. They have infinite strength and a stalwart body. He is the ancestor giant Uriel.

An extraordinary handsome, extremely intelligent, born to perceive all the laws of the world, he is the ancestor god Karl.

After the two grew up, their bodies were not the same, and differences gradually began to appear. Uriel was bigger and wanted to eat more sprouts.

Karl was not convinced, but Uriel accidentally used too much force and injured the ancestor Karl.

Karl was furious, and the two began to fight. This was the first battle since the creation of the world. The two world's strongest fighters fought to the end of the universe, and the laws were wiped out.

With every gesture, it was as if the universe had just opened, filled with chaos, and thousands of laws were trampled under their feet.

Jiang Ping watched the fight between the two while eating potato chips. He commented: "Why are you fighting like a kindergarten kid? After all, it's the ancestor giant and the ancestor god. Why are they both boxing?"

This battle lasted for 1000 years, and the leaves of the world tree were splashed by the aftermath. In the end, the ancestor giant Uriel was even better, and brought the ancestor god to the ground.

Patriarch Karl buried his heart in his heart, and began to climb down the branches, intending to explore a new world.

This journey opened up the sea and the sky. From then on, the boat of friendship between the two primitive creatures turned over as soon as it was capsized. The reason was that Uriel ate too much, which also paved the way for future disputes between the two races.

Later historians never dreamed that it was such a trivial matter that caused the battle between the titans and the gods in the first place, but sometimes things are as simple as that.

Without Karl chattering by his side, the first giant felt lonely for a while, he ate and slept, slept and ate.

Maybe it was something in his heart and a response in his dream. In another dream, four giants who were much smaller than him were born and crawled out of his limbs.

They are the giant of earth: Bell, the giant of water: Myr, the giant of wind: Il, and the giant of fire: Jill.

When Uriel woke up and found four little guys running on his body, he was very happy, and the guilt of hurting the ancestor Karl disappeared immediately.

In this way, the ancestor giant brought his four children to live in the crown of the sky. Each of them is so powerful that their arms seem to be able to hold the sky.

After the defeat of the ancestor god Karl, he kept climbing down the thick branches like the pillars of the sky. After climbing for a long time, he finally climbed among the lush branches.

He fell asleep exhausted, and in his dream he kept thinking about how to win the round, held down Uriel and beat him up.

Giants control the power of the world, and the ancestor gods control the wisdom of the world.

When the ancestor god Karl woke up and looked at this vast and boundless world tree, he wanted to understand something, and soon Karl settled down on a treetop. He dripped three drops of blood on the branch, and three small fruits Appeared.

Time passed quickly, and three new gods emerged from three small fruits. They were so beautiful that Lahier was shaking for their birth.

Countless divine lights emerged from the world tree, and the divine lights gradually converged into three godheads. They were Ula, the god of the sky, Gaia, the goddess of the earth, and Tos, the god of the sea.

The three-pillar god was born, and the world has since then had the concepts of sky, ocean, and earth.

Looking at the three children, Karl smiled like an old father. He didn't immediately climb up the canopy to settle accounts with Uriel.

Having suffered from unpreparedness before, he took his three children and began to live among the branches, constantly comprehending the law and perfecting the godhead.

In this way, the ancestor Uriel led the four giants of earth, water, wind and fire to live in the crown of the sky, and the ancestor god Karl led the sky, ocean, and earth to live among the branches.

Hill Calendar, Old Theogony.

Jiang Ping yawned at home, Hill was born in the world, and now it's just these little dolls, still living a life like a family, so he doesn't have to worry too much, there is Rachel here.

Jiang Ping had a deep understanding of creating a new world this time. In addition, he had obtained Hongjun's proof of cutting three corpses. Although his own cultivation was still weak, he was uniquely blessed.

Jiang Ping felt that something was brewing in his body, and he estimated that he would be able to cut out the God of Creation of Light at some point!

As for malice, it is the negative emotions of people. Combined with Luo Hu's excavation of the desire of living beings, Jiang Ping thinks that if he does not cut it out, once it is cut out, the combat power will definitely be against the sky!

God of Destruction of Darkness?Or the God of Darkness?

Jiang Ping smiled, if he had cut out the two corpses, he would be much more relaxed, and his cultivation could reach the sky in one step.

Turn over Genesis, the first page: Earth Calendar, on July 7th, Creator God created a new world, an endless ocean of chaos appeared, and the world tree Rachel grew in the center of the ocean.

After countless years, two divine fruits were bred, and the ancestor giant Uriel and the ancestor god Karl appeared.

The giant and the ancestor gods had a disagreement over food, and the first battle between the giants and the gods was launched.

The ancestor gods were defeated and fled to the branches below, giving birth to the new three gods.

Uriel gave birth to the four giants of earth, water, wind and fire in his dream.

The Titans lived in the crown of the sky, and the gods lived among the branches.

Chapter 74 The Holy Sword of Original Sin

Hill's World War I began. The ancestor god led the three children to attack the crown of the sky, and Uriel led the four big guys to defend.

The battle was so violent that the branches swayed and the green leaves flew.

In the end, the swollen noses and swollen eyes of both sides faded away, and the ancestor gods did not take advantage this time, and the crown of heaven still belonged to the titans.

The five giants celebrated their victory at the top of the World Tree. The ancestor Karl was depressed, and he stroked the World Tree:

"Mother, you also gave birth to me and Uriel, why is my strength and body so much weaker than his?"

Rahil sighed deeply. The palms and backs of her hands were full of flesh. She should stand at a neutral angle and not take sides, but she still made a move.

A treetop at the top of the World Tree, which has been brewing for hundreds of millions of years, carrying the strongest law of the World Tree, at this moment the treetop suddenly broke off automatically and fell down!

During the fall, the treetop gradually turned into a holy sword!

The hilt of this holy sword is golden yellow, but there is a green tree heart in the center, hold the handle and look at it at a glance!

There seems to be a shadow of a world tree on the silvery white sword body, and countless green branches spread around the sword body, noble, mysterious and unimaginable.

That night, the ancestor god Karl held up the holy sword in his hand, which was transformed from the top treetop of the world tree, carrying all the laws and lights in the world, and it is the strongest artifact in the world, none of them!

Because of its appearance, there were countless disputes in later generations, and its birth brought the concept of "weapon" to the world.

The white light of the holy sword was as dazzling as the sun, piercing through layers of leaves, and even Uriel on the crown of the sky could see the light.

The god of the sky, the god of the sea, and the goddess of the earth stared blankly at the artifact in his father's hand. At this moment, the world has changed, and this scene will be forever engraved in the long river of history!

"Oh, Rachel is still too soft-hearted!"

Jiang Ping said with emotion that even if he didn't borrow permission, he knew what would happen next.

With weapons, there is killing, there is war, and there is desire.

Sure enough, as Jiang Ping expected, the next day, the ancestor god Karl held the holy sword and challenged the ancestor giant again. This time, Uriel's huge head was cut off by the holy sword.

Bobo's blood flowed from his neck, collapsed!Uriel's head fell into the endless ocean of chaos with an expression of disbelief.

He didn't expect that his brother Karl would kill him, and he didn't expect that there was such a substance in the world that could easily cut him!

Ancestral God Karl's hands were covered with blood, and the rolling blood splashed on his face. He was also stunned. He didn't want to kill Uriel, but just wanted to teach him a lesson!


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