"Digimon? It's not enough, it needs to be connected to reality a little more."

Jiang Ping is turning his pen, writing and drawing. The foundation of everything comes from the present world, and the copy of the online world must also revolve around the present world.

What is the original intention of creating the spiritual realm?Transform the environment, give back to the home planet, and give back to the race.

Obviously, no matter who it is, they are extremely eager for Xuan Zhi You Xuan's extraordinary ability.The original plan failed, and it cannot be said to have failed. People's ambitions cannot keep up with their strength.

If the stride is too big, it leads to the king of terror.

Nowadays, all countries are extremely cautious in dealing with supernatural beings, lest the gods will come again, and human beings can no longer stand such a toss!

"With my current strength and means, turning my hands into clouds and turning my hands into rain can turn the online world into a competitive battlefield."

Determine the purpose of what you think and think, and when you have a train of thought, Jiang Ping can push forward

Chapter 500 Earth OL2.0 Version (ask for a monthly pass)

Fingers are dancing like a pretty woman, and on the huge projected screen, Jiang Ping turns into a programmer and is constructing a new copy.

"The 20th version of the spiritual world I conceived is to allow a group of pure-hearted people who symbolize truth, goodness and beauty to have adventures in it, and gradually eliminate the tyrannical energy accumulated on the Internet."

"It's not good to simply squeeze the coolies. There must be timely feedback like a game, such as explosive equipment and gold coins?"

In essence, moving bricks in the game is the same as moving bricks in reality, which consumes a lot of time and energy.Just a reward with immediate feedback to get your brain dopamine going.One does not see benefits in the short term.It can only make people feel boring and tired.

Therefore, the version 20 set by Jiang Ping is extremely simple. It just needs to fabricate the dark energy of the Internet into monsters and let humans destroy them.

When he built the second version and planned to solve the hidden dangers of the earth, the Internet was already boiling, and people cheered and celebrated in various communities.

"From the words of the producer, we can understand that the horror king descending from space originally came from our fear of nuclear energy. Even if there is no him, there will be other demons who will cause harm to the world. There are two sides of good and evil, and Yin and Yang depend on each other. There are angels and such. As long as the social atmosphere is good."

"Didn't you look at the recent wind direction? Severely crack down on vicious crimes, this is to worry about the accumulation of negative energy, and then give birth to a new evil god. I didn't expect that the birth of the spiritual world was to improve the earth's environment. The previous aura storm That should be the beginning."

"Although it is said that the extraordinary has come, who has revealed that he has obtained superpowers?" Someone asked, "The spiritual god is not in the same realm as us. Every time it appears, it is just a projection, and we cannot benefit from it. The biggest possibility is to come through the first god. Equal exchange, but unfortunately it has not succeeded now. The sacrifice he wants is too terrible.

I always feel that the God of Truth is the most demonic king, tempting us step by step to sell everything we have. "

Netizens are no longer as unscrupulous as before when they chat.In words, I have a lot of respect for the producers.There is a god with his head up three feet, maybe he is watching him from the corner of the network.

Facing this blow of dimensionality reduction, both ordinary people and elites alike pursue extraordinary powers.

Who has never thought that one person is the enemy of the country?One person suppresses the world?Who has never wanted to live forever?

In a secret military base in Citigroup, the military is dissecting a batch of mutated animal carcasses transported from the island of disaster. The posture on the carcass that broke through the biological limit before has degenerated after leaving the radiation field. Now lying on the operating table is A corpse that looks like a normal animal.

However, under the careful study of the experts, it was found that the DNA double helix of the different mutant beasts was broken.

"It seems that the power of radiation is to fully stimulate their potential, condensing the power of ten years into one month."

Biology experts wondered, "Can super soldiers be made?".A major in charge of this matter asked, what he valued more was whether it could be used in the military, and the major continued earnestly: "In this era, people need a superhero to appear and inspire people."

The superhuman project has been carried out since World War II, and it is only now seeing the only dawn.

"Only relying on these materials cannot produce a special serum, because there is a lack of extremely critical mysterious substances."

The old doctor in a white coat explained that he turned on the computer and tuned to the information collected about the players who are most likely to have supernatural powers. On the computer screen, Haruka Kusaka, Wutian, Cangqiong and others flashed on the computer screen.

"According to the information that these players inadvertently revealed, the earth is similar to the age of doomsday and lacks spiritual power. This is a fundamental problem, and it may also be the reason why the spiritual god cannot come to reality."

"Where is the king of terror? Why can he come?" The major asked back.

"The power of fear."

The eyes of the old doctor showed wisdom, "The mysterious game producer has told us that the earth lacks spiritual substances, but spiritual power can be used to make up for the transformation, and inexplicable gods and demons are born from the hearts of people. It is because of us human beings that there are them!

As far as the god of truth and sacrifice is understood first, people yearn for true knowledge and desire to be rewarded for what they do, so there is a basis for his birth. "

The major heard one head and two big, and he hesitated: "You mean that we can also transform ourselves through the mind? Is this world ideal or materialistic? Could it be possible to find a few hypnotist masters to hypnotize soldiers and make them fly into the sky? "

It's not that the military has never done this kind of experiment, and the reality is even more absurd.In the 80s of the last century, superpowers became popular all over the world. Some officials recruited masters who called themselves "Masters of Psychic Power" and asked them to move bullets.

After the farce, there was chicken feathers all over the place.

Experiments have proved that the world is very realistic.It won't be changed by your cognition.Schrödinger's cat, whether you see it or not, is in the laboratory.

"No, this method is too low-level. In fact, many times, things that are incomprehensible to us are energy that can be realized in the eyes of a higher being. For example: in the eyes of the producer, maybe our thoughts, or When despair and hope are rekindled, it can burst out with great spiritual energy. In his view, the power of the mind may be like water, and it can be transformed into energy." The old doctor is very optimistic.


And while they were talking, the computer in the secret base issued a reminder sound at the same time. This sound is a reminder sound announced by the Tiantian game!

In an instant, everyone ignored their work and hurriedly clicked to the Tiantian Forum, where they saw a brand new announcement.

The Heavens and Worlds: Realm of Mind Update Announcement:

The producers are very disappointed in you, you are the worst batch of Mings I have ever brought.Is dying a biological nature?The instinct of the spiritual world subtly improves people's hearts, but the material is forcibly intensified, the devil comes, and the end of the world is only a moment away.

Feeling this, the producer feels that there is no such thing as a circle without rules.In order to give human beings a bright hope and to improve the network environment, we hereby update the version 20 of Soul Realm. The update time will be one day, and the new version will be launched at 12:00 noon tomorrow.

This update adds the Digital War DLC, you can download the icon of the spiritual realm by yourself, and the entry qualification is automatically determined by the digital world.

The treacherous and cunning people are not qualified, only the true, the good and the beautiful can enter.Special reminder, the newly-launched Digital Warfare exists a combat organization, and every monster you encounter in it is created by human beings themselves.The fruit you plant, you eat.

However, in the four or nines of the sky, people escape one of them.In order to encourage everyone to kill monsters in the digital world, we hereby insert soul coins and a very small number of extraordinary seeds.How to get it, dig it yourself.

Deeply disappointed producer.

hum! !

There is no doubt that this announcement is like a mine thrown into the deep sea, setting off huge waves.

No one expected that the realm of the mind would be updated with a new version. The most important thing is that the producer has added the opportunity to obtain extraordinary powers in the new version!Although according to his personality, there must be an extremely small number of them, but some are better than none!

"Fuck it, the producer is thinking about it, and decided to start the extraordinary era? From now on, I will be your most loyal licking dog. Let me go east, and I will never go west."

"What I am worried about now is that after the 20th version is launched, I am not eligible to enter. Every time a new game is born, what bothers us is not the difficulty of the game, but the number of places to enter. Obviously, the producer has made rules, and only those with good hearts can enter , but the moral code is idealism, and the human code may be unforgivable in the eyes of pigs and cows."

In the hot discussion on the Internet, what everyone worries most is not being able to enter.Everyone is aware of the urine nature of the Tiantian game. Every time the players are selected, there are only a small number of players. Will it be different this time based on the real world?How to obtain extraordinary seeds?Is it the secret book of cultivation, or the true seed?

The announcement is as simple and clear as ever, and all the answers need to be explored by yourself.

Netizens rejoiced, and many invited the master god who carved a statue of God's Eye to worship at home. More people recited the 24-character mantras such as prosperity, democracy, civilization, and harmony, in an attempt to make a living in just one day. Transform your dirty heart.Incarnation of pure Xiaobai.

"Where is the digital world on earth? Is it on the Internet? Why does the producer say that every monster we encounter in it is made by us humans? What will happen if they are not eliminated?" Many people asked this question, The appearance of the new version makes people even more confused.

Not only ordinary netizens are discussing hotly, players are also chatting privately in the practice group.

Alliance of Earth's Earliest Practitioners:

Yaoyao: ">ω&t;, have you seen the producer's update announcement? Does this mean that the world has entered an extraordinary era? I often feel exhausted when I practice, as if I live in an oxygen-free environment.

At the beginning of the birth of the world of the soul, it was different from other worlds. It was born based on the earth, and slowly transformed the environment. I think the producer has the intention to transform the earth. "

Cang Qiong: "Based on the current information, it is difficult to speculate on the specific impact of the new version on reality. The only thing we can know is that the producer's attitude towards us humans is okay, maybe because he was also a human being before?

Have you noticed the eligibility for the game this time?You only need to be kind-hearted, maybe we players can also enter and obtain other extraordinary powers. "

Fenglongshen: "`?ω?`, can you enter the digital world with a pure heart? I am confident about this. It seems that I am certain to enter the digital world, but I don't know what extraordinary seeds are. Currently, there is a lack of hardware measures. Genetic modification is too difficult. I can only try other routes first."


Who gave you confidence?All of them are sp, they were poisoned by yellow monsters since they were young, now tell me they are pure?

And the people in the group continued to chat, and found that Fenglongshen believed that he was a person with a pure heart from the bottom of his heart.It's not easy for everyone to pierce his self-confidence.

"The wool comes from the sheep, and you can't keep asking me to wipe your ass."

Once the general framework is set, Jiang Ping will leave it to Sha Niu to figure out the details.

As Sha Niu said, the depths of the Internet are darker than the Pacific Ocean Trench. In reality, people's negative energy is vented on the Internet, and it becomes like this over time.

Fortunately, there are no demons on the earth. If it is placed in a fantasy world, the Internet can be said to be a "devil world", with demons dancing wildly inside.

Advertise, !

Jiang Ping asked Sha Niu to control the network before, but this is not a long-term solution after all, and it is impossible for him to stare at and deal with it day and night, which is not so good for his race.

Anyway, the people on the earth panic when they are idle, and they are irritable and punching on the Internet every day. If you are so energetic, go and bury your own pit.

"Father God, if people acquire superpowers so hastily, will it make a group of people go crazy?"

Silly girl asked while working.

"Don't worry, there are risks and benefits. Most of the people who choose to enter this time are kind-hearted people. If they obtain a trace of Extraordinary, the impact on society will be minimized. In addition, it is difficult and rare to obtain Extraordinary seeds." , it will not cause much trouble.”

Having said that, Jiang Ping felt that many people might go crazy because they tried to obtain extraordinary seeds, and power was not so easy to obtain.

There was nothing to say for a day, amidst the hustle and bustle of the Internet, a brand new spiritual world was launched. This time the game icon was half bright and half dark.

Heavens and Worlds: Realm of Mind 20 Edition: Digital Warfare.

When the bell rang at noon, I don't know how many people clicked to download at the same time in front of the computer.


The download speed of the game is extremely fast. After a closer look, I found that the size of the 20 version is only 10KB. Everyone is no longer surprised. They all know that this size is a disguise, and the real function is to obtain qualifications.

"Tick Tock, I'm sorry, because your mind is too dirty to save the digital world, and even pollute and deepen the corruption of the digital world, please leave quickly!"

"The mind is too dirty, please go away!"

"Bah, ugly is shameless, is your brain full, get out!"

The download was almost useless, and the refusal instructions of the poisonous snakes made people feel cold. Only at this time did they know why their hearts were so dirty.People with vicious hearts enter the digital world, but they will still pollute it?

Everyone was confused and didn't know the principles of the digital world. At the same time, they frantically sent messages asking who has entered the digital world and what is the qualification to enter?

Those who have been rejected have already decided in their hearts that from now on, they will eat fast and chant Buddha, reluctantly delete their 1T resources, devote themselves to transforming themselves, and make a contribution to saving the world.

"Uh, my brother seems to have entered the game?"

Soon someone spoke, not the players who entered in person, but relatives.

"My sister has also entered a different world!"

More than one person, after collecting a lot of data, people were surprised to find that the older people entered the digital world less, the most people entered the digital world were at the age of 1218!

"There's no reason. During this time, isn't it the age when hormones are exploding and people like fantasy the most? Why are they ended by the digital world instead? Could it be that they don't have childlike innocence when they grow up?"

Many people are puzzled, including the major officials. They have made sufficient preparations before and specially selected a group of soldiers who are sincerely patriotic and sacrificed their lives for the people. It is expected that many of them were rejected.On the contrary, folk teenagers and girls are selected the most.

"The youth is strong, the ball is strong. They are the hope and future of mankind."

Jiang Ping watched the entry of a number of people at home. After all, it was the first time so many people went online, so he had to keep an eye on it to prevent accidents.

He found that among the crowd, people in their teenage years exude the strongest spiritual power, probably because they are the age with the most hope for the future.As for adults, they have been beaten by society, but they gave up.

Chapter 501 Disaster Realization

Ke Heliang is an ordinary high school student in Huaxia. He also dreamed of being a hero when he was a child. However, the cruel reality told him that he has no super powers, no monsters invading the earth, and no bumps.

Gradually, under the pressure of study, he became ordinary.

Until the emergence of the game of the heavens, until the advent of the horror king in space!

Surreal things appeared one by one, making Xiao Liang, an ordinary student, rekindle his blood, especially the 20th version of the spiritual world, which is even more crazy for the whole people. The wealth and extraordinary seeds mentioned in it all touch people's hearts!

The previous superpowers were only in the words, but the king who personally brought the earth into the era of terror is frightening, especially the demeanor of one enemy and one bright is enviable to others.Who has no personal heroism?Who wouldn't want to be the king of the world?

After updating the realm of the mind, Xiao Liang resolutely grabbed the spot, never thinking that he would actually succeed in entering.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw only darkness and ruins around him, covered with a layer of light blue veil, looked up at the sky, and there was a broken moon in the sky, and the moon fragments were still lingering around.

"What kind of world view is this? Where are the monsters?"

Xiao Liang has played a lot of games, and soon became familiar with the basic controls. The surroundings are not bright, but a scene of ruins, only a faint blue light shines, and he can only see the road clearly with all his strength.

This seems to be a wasteland-like post-Ming world, and the surrounding high-rise buildings are all deserted. He can see the light of players descending in the distance, and while he is thinking, suddenly a sharp and weird beast comes from the corner. Metal monster.


A battle is inevitable, and Xiao Liang finds that his strength and physical strength are increased ten times in the game world!It is completely superhuman strength, picking up a stone and throwing it is comparable to the power of a bomb.

One after another modern monsters kept coming, and he found that he seemed to be particularly "attracting monsters", and the shapes of these monsters were very different, and there were constant curses coming out of the monsters' mouths.

"Is this the entanglement of people's grievances on the Internet?"

He had a guess in his mind. After the initial panic, the novice monster was not difficult to deal with. After all, this is the game world, and the pain can be controlled.


After smashing the monster to death, a gold coin burst out. Xiao Liang's heart moved. It should be the soul coin. He hurried forward to pick it up. Before he could take a closer look, the gold coin turned into golden light and disappeared in his body.

"Congratulations on getting 1000% of the soul coin, and you can exchange for [-] US dollars if you collect a soul coin."

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