In the sky, the black terror king was suppressed howling, and thousands of black air was evaporated, sharp-eyed people have already seen lifelike grimaces with clear facial features, there are men and women from the black air.The black air seems to symbolize the fear of the unknown in people's hearts.

As the black energy that made up his body continued to disappear, the aura of the King of Terror fell again and again, shrinking from the size of the sky to the size of the ocean in a blink of an eye.

The dark inverted cross on the chest flashed out, turning into a god-killing arrow and piercing the god's eyes that were brighter than the bright sun.

This is the counterattack of the King of Terror. He is about to successfully control the earth and become the master of the two worlds. How can he give up?

Before getting close to the eyes of God, the inverted cross has been continuously evaporating, and it will vibrate violently and dissipate continuously just by being illuminated by the holy light.

The King of Terror wailed and screamed, and people's hearts were shaken. Anyone who was not a fool would be able to spot at a glance that there was an essential difference between God's Eye and the King of Terror.

In their eyes, the king of fear, who is invincible in the world, and the world's nuclear bombs hit and explode, can't hurt him. In the eyes of gods, he is no more difficult to deal with than an ant. This is a super-standard power, and it is very likely to be the strongest known so far. biology.

And such a powerful creature, in the face of the crisis of annihilation, human beings didn't notice it at all!

"God, Lamb, I beseech you to redeem the world, bring light, and bring heaven back to earth."

"Buddha, I hope you will bring down the fruit of enlightenment and guide us foolish people to awaken the Buddha's heart, so that everyone can become a Buddha."

"Emperor of Heaven, is that you? Come back to defeat the enemy and rule the world again?"

All kinds of sounds of worship sounded from the ground, and the fear in people's hearts was swept away by the appearance of God's Eyes, and their faces glowed with new vitality. I have to say that appearance is really important.

The black air condenses, and thousands of rolling ghost faces gather to form the king of fear. At first glance, he is the big boss who destroys the world.It makes people feel bad.

The other side is full of holy light, and the divine eyes that heal the hearts of the world are like the sun that nourishes all things, which makes people feel good at first glance.

Shenyan slightly lowered his head to look at the kneeling crowd below, there was no expression in his eyes, only a grand sound of heaven rolled in, stirring the sea of ​​clouds.

"I am not God, nor Buddha, nor God King."

This is God's answer!The crowd shook, never expecting that He could really talk to human beings. More importantly, in this sentence, they realized the human nature of being able to communicate, and if they can communicate, everything will be hopeful.

For example, the Lord of Sacrifice, the Lord of Rebirth, etc., were all cold at the beginning. They were not so much people as a procedure to act according to the rules. On the contrary, they were the king of terror who had the most contact with human beings. He became more and more human, and he deliberately Choose to oppress them, make everyone feel fear, and then slowly reap the harvest.

With humanity comes selfishness, and God is no longer a pure God.

"Then who are you?"

This is the question of all human beings. In the corner of the earth, more than one person raised his head and asked.

Looking down slightly, "You can call me: Producer."

Boom! !

Undoubtedly, at this moment, an unknown number of people on the planet are frightened, ranging from the president to ordinary netizens.Even the prehistoric players and Hill players were all frightened!

Producer, these three names are as important as Mount Tai, appearing frequently on the Internet, some people worship them, and some people curse them.Every time he appeared, it meant a cyber storm and the coming of a different world.

No one expected that the coming of the King of Terror would lead to the appearance of this true god. Could it be that, as netizens guessed, the game producer has been on the earth, incarnated as an ordinary human being, traveling the world, observing world?

He is watching us all the time.

"Why did you let go of these demons, really to cleanse the world? Why did you lead us into another world? And let the monsters from the other world attack the earth?"

Someone raised his head and asked, under this catastrophe, many people died, and the economic loss was also huge.When the King of Terror came down just now, all 70 billion human beings howled in despair. Everyone was puzzled why the producer did all this.

God's eyes overlooked everything indifferently, and then looked at the terrifying king who planned to escape, and even escaped back to the spiritual world of the imaginary world.

"It wasn't me who created him, and it wasn't me who created many gods and demon kings, but you humans yourself."


A sharp light of divine punishment shot out from the eyes of the gods, like the felling of the gods. The terrifying king who fled with a blurred body froze for an instant, turned his face in disbelief, and slowly disappeared into the sky.

"Creating gods or demon kings is all in your hearts. One thought becomes a god, and one thought becomes a demon."

Chapter 499

The king of terror that hangs over the hearts of all mankind has been wiped out in the blink of an eye, and the ultimate enemy that can't be solved by nuclear bombs is no more difficult than moving the mouse to click for the game producer who created all these.

In an instant, the clouds were light and the wind was light, the darkness faded, the earth was still blue, and the sun reappeared.

"If you are as great as you, you can create an incredible creature. Why do you say that it is because of us?"

Some people on the earth were puzzled and asked questions, and the appearance of the spiritual realm was very abrupt, and it had a great impact on reality.If the previous Tiantian game was just talk from other people's mouths, then it is an existence that really affects the whole world.

There is only one last sliver left, the demon king of terror will be in charge of the world, the human civilization may end today, and the remaining people will surely live in nightmares and fears.

"The realm of the mind is a virtual world similar to other games. Creatures born out of the intertwined emotions of the mind. Good thinking is good, and evil thinking is evil. The earth stores too much negative energy, The monsters that caused so much destruction are nothing but the embodiment of disaster.

Disaster, just detonated in advance. "

The eyes of the gods hang high in the sky, patrolling the sky like a great sun, illuminating all the demons and ghosts.What happened this time was a bit beyond Jiang Ping's expectations.He originally expected that the gods who could personally come to the material world would take a long time to brew, but he didn't expect that under human intervention, it would evolve so quickly, stemming from people's fear of nuclear energy and absorbing the resentment of the dead people caused by nuclear accidents. King of terror.

But even if there is no terror king coming, maybe it won't be long before a stronger and more fierce evil god will be bred from the battlefield and the slaughter field.In fact, if Jiang Ping hadn't shot just now, part of the most terrifying Lord of Truth and Sacrifice had already descended.As the existence that first obtained its real name and was recognized by people, its terror is definitely more than other existences.

In charge of the rules of truth knowledge and equivalent exchange, He is absolutely terrifying.Especially equivalent exchange, which is a higher-level rule that overrides many rules.

"You have a better way to go, and you are too eager for quick success."

This is the conclusion made by Jiang Ping. If the previous negative energy is excreted, there will be truth, goodness and beauty in people's hearts. It may not be possible that the heaven in the myth cannot be realized. It is a pity that the devil has almost ruled the world before the Holy Spirit comes. In the beginning, nature is evil?

"Will they reappear? The world has positive and negative sides. Why do we only see evil gods but not angels?"

In the West, a group of religious believers are trying their best to speak out. They know that this is the moment closest to the truth. If they miss this time, they don’t know when they will understand the true intentions of this unimaginable man behind the scenes.

"There is darkness in the world, but there is light naturally. Evil cannot prevail. This time is the revenge of many people who died unexpectedly. This deity originally wanted to slowly improve the earth's environment. This is your secret. Fortune and misfortune depend on each other. It seems that you are not sure. live. Heaven has not come."

The kneeling people all over the world felt disappointed. They dare not look directly into God's eyes, and can only figure out His thoughts from the side.

"He is very disappointed with us humans? We didn't seize the opportunity?"

Thousands of thoughts flashed through the mind of the general who was with other presidents. As the helm of a country, the first thing he thought about was the producer's attitude towards human beings.

It seems that the producer is very kind to them. The emergence of the spiritual world is also to slowly transform the earth's environment, and this time it also rescued them.

"You guys are good at knowing yourself. You must know that there are gods standing three feet above your head. If there is something wrong in the world, there will be justice to punish it. I will only take action this time."

After God Eye left this last sentence, it disappeared without a trace.

After a long time, when people raised their heads carefully, the sky was still the same sky, the sun was still rising, and neither the devil nor the saint was seen.

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The ground trembled, and people jumped up one after another, embracing their loved ones enthusiastically, celebrating that they had escaped a terrible disaster. The horror king who deliberately descended slowly really gave people too much psychological pressure.He seems to be staring at you specifically, and people with poor psychological quality are directly frightened and faint.

At this time of crisis, a savior appeared to solve everything, which shocked mankind too much.

Needless to say, grand banquets are held everywhere on the earth to celebrate the aftermath of the catastrophe.

People with knowledge have begun to reflect on the gains brought about by this catastrophe. There is no doubt that the spiritual world has become the sword of Damocles hanging in everyone's heart.

The producer made it very clear that his original intention was to slowly transform the earth's environment with the help of the virtual world. The earth's negative energy was so concentrated that it gave birth to a monster with evil attributes and an evil god of the evil camp.

Even because of the fear of nuclear bombs in people's hearts, and because of the many casualties caused by nuclear energy before, the king of terror came.

"It seems that we will strictly enforce the law in the future, and we must not let justice not be done."

More than one leader said to his subordinates, "It's not terrible to make mistakes. The terrible thing is to make mistakes and not know how to correct them. Is justice that is delayed still justice?"

Many people are surprised to find that since the advent of the King of Terror, various countries have severely cracked down on various criminal incidents, especially murder cases, at all costs.The police are no longer quarreling with each other, but doing their best to do what they are supposed to do.

When the people call, the law responds.

Even in the complex area where the Third World War is located, the Citigroup army is no longer as unscrupulous as before, but is trying its best to reconcile, avoid wars, and stop provoking each other.

In particular, the two taboo names of massacre have been strictly ordered to remain still by various countries, and even interfered by force!

Because there is an ancient massacre battlefield in Africa, where ghosts cry and gods howl, some evil spirits are resurrected from the depths of the earth to take revenge on the world.Before the evil spirits caused huge casualties, the peacekeeping forces jointly formed by various countries had sealed off the area.

This is only a subsidiary birth, if another evil god appears, wouldn't it kill human beings?

And the "Heaven has not come" mentioned before by God's Eye also touched the hearts of many believers.

People's hearts are very fragile. From ancient times to the present, from the ancient ignorance period to today's step into space, the shadow of religion has always been entangled in human civilization.

This time they got the answer, not that real angels and holy spirits do not exist, but that their hearts are not pure and true enough!

For a time, the global atmosphere was positive, and countries promoted truth, goodness and beauty, and cast aside money-worshiping capitalism.Whenever something bad happens, its own security team will deal with it as soon as possible.

Earth's blue sky has never been so blue.

"Sure enough, no matter who you are, you can take hard things or soft things."

Jiang Ping, who watched the development of human society on earth silently at home, commented that the special world he created was originally intended to slowly transform the earth's environment, and now this result is quite unexpected.

This 47 billion-year-old land has stored too much negative energy, and when it is stimulated by the spiritual realm, super creatures are bred, almost turning the entire earth environment into its own nightmare kingdom.

But everything has two sides, and the appearance of the king of terror also makes people no longer act recklessly.Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish. Isn't the atmosphere on the earth slowly improving now?At least the criminal who committed the crime of homicide will get the punishment he deserves, instead of sitting in prison for ten years and then coming out to cause harm to the world.

Because the law enforcers know that if they don't deal with it well, then the monsters will be fair.

It can improve the atmosphere of the whole society and let everyone be kind. This is also a merit, and it can be regarded as a windfall.

"take it easy."

Jiang Ping was sitting in the small yard, lying on the rocking chair and rocking slowly, a brilliance burst out from the computer screen, and gathered into a cute little fairy, it was Sha Niu.

"Father God, you don't know that the Internet world is the biggest magic cave in the world!"

Sha Niu flapped her transparent wings and surrounded Jiang Ping like a bee.

"Oh? What happened to the online world? How does it compare to the virtual worlds of other worlds you remember?"

Jiang Ping was a little surprised. Anyway, Sha Niu has also seen the big world. Her predecessor was an unscrupulous world destroyer who specially created virtual worlds and multi-dimensional mazes for playing. Now even she said that the earth's network environment is dangerous.

The silly girl flew over, leaned close to Jiang Ping's ear, and said quietly: "You don't know that in reality, there are still legal restrictions, and you are afraid of being PKed by real people.

On the Internet, a series of atrocities such as talking, igniting, cursing, and cursing can be done at no cost. Many people deliberately detonate gender differences and racial differences in order to chase traffic.It can be said that the information network is the spiritual garbage dump of the people on earth.People's dissatisfaction and pressure in real life are tilted to the online world. "


Sha Niu showed a look of disgust on her face, "At first, I never realized that this time, due to the changes in the outside world, the spirit on the Internet was boiling, revealing the tip of the iceberg, and there was no ray of light in the dark sea of ​​spirits. The light of hope will be swallowed by the surrounding ink-like black paint environment in an instant.

If you hadn't sent me to monitor the network to prevent monsters from appearing there, I guess the strongest and most evil demon god in the spiritual world should come from the network. "

After listening to Sha Niu's report, Jiang Ping nodded clearly. Looking at the history of the small world, the Internet world is indeed the best breeding ground for evil gods, which is why he let Sha Niu take charge of the Internet world.

"It is urgent to improve the network environment."

Jiang Ping is determined to improve, and feels that such a backlog will definitely cause major problems.But if you think about it carefully, there will be no fish when the water is clear. A certain country also issued a ban on alcohol in an attempt to curb the outbreak of vicious incidents.

Unsurprisingly, rigid demand is indispensable, and the Prohibition Act has led to the proliferation of bootleg alcohol and the rise of the mafia.

It's not a good thing to keep suppressing people's mental excretion for a long time.

If everyone is in the "sage state" as imagined, then there is probably no hope for this Ming.

"It's better to block than to sparse. The best way to deal with it is to let people's excess energy and pressure go out. It's not appropriate to keep it in your heart."

When the inspiration came, Jiang Ping took out his little notebook and began to ponder over it carefully. The silly girl was curious, so she also flew to her body, shaking her little head to look around.

Seeing this, Jiang Ping smiled, "Silly girl, how about I update the realm of the mind and create a dungeon battlefield?"

"Dungeon? Battlefield?" Silly girl suddenly realized, "Do you want to drain the dark energy squeezed by the network?"

"Well, it's not appropriate to hold it down all the time. Even if you are watching, but if it goes on for a long time, when more and more gods and demons are born in reality, the Internet world will also quietly give birth to the most evil collection in human history. body, then this enlightenment is over.”

Desire itself is a good thing, without desire there would be no human civilization today, and a civilization without desire would have no future, it would just be a puddle of stagnant water.

Jiang Ping doesn't want to cut off human nature, but just wants to "slightly" guide people's spiritual development, just like the improvement of social atmosphere in the first version of the realm of the soul, subtly, the spirit of the whole civilization is completely new.

Jiang Ping started to write and draw, conceived the second version, and Sha Niu also put forward his opinions.

No matter which world you are in, spiritual power cannot be underestimated. In the world of Hill, the spiritual power overflowed instinctively by many fantasy races is used by Ning Tianjiao's magic net plan.

One after another, the magic towers stand upright, absorbing the surrounding mental power like a magnet, and transforming it into usable energy and storing it in the magic net. The atrium magician can use a very small amount of mental power to pry big spells within the range of the magic net. Contribute your part to world building.

As for the prehistoric world, hehe, the divine way is suppressed by the immortal way and the Buddhist way, and the power of the incense of the common people can also make people ascend to the way.There are also many people with average talents who take the path of becoming gods, especially the earth gods who belong to the grassroots of the gods. They are the foundation of the world!

The earth's network environment is compared to a stinky ditch by a silly girl. She is so smoky that she doesn't want to go deep into it, lest she fall into the cesspit.


Shit is also an extremely useful resource!It depends on how you use it. Ancient excrement is a rare resource. For a mouthful of excrement, people in the village have to fight dog blood.

In Jiang Ping's hands, even a pile of waste rocks can be turned into gold, let alone a cesspit?Isn't that a cornucopia?

When conceiving the second version of the realm of the mind, Jiang Ping remembered a cartoon he watched by accident in the past, which gave him inspiration.

It seems that I can use my hands and feet to make use of the online world. Anyway, I am a silly girl, and she will settle the dirty work.Conceive a big framework by yourself, and let her complete the specific details.

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