"Yes, after entering the Science and Technology City, you need his assistance when you come back. You can't go back the same way. You have to use a computer, telephone and other network ports to transmit your consciousness offline. If your mental power is strong enough, like our king, you can If your own mental frequency enters the technology city, you don't need the help of equipment." The lady explained to him,

"Of course, because our king entered once, caused a big wave, beheaded several evil gods who were still gestating, and fought fiercely with the mechanical emperor who was still lurking underground in the major mechanical cities, so he was listed as the most wanted order. get blacklisted."

Speaking of Adam, this beauty looked adoring.Tiangan was surprised, he didn't expect Adam to do so many things unknowingly.

"What did he find in it? When he came back, quickly summon the elites to connect to the Internet."

With doubts in his heart, Tiangan lay on the bed and let the staff do what they wanted.

"Play games in the game world."

Tiangan has a strange feeling in his heart, infinite dolls?

With the darkness in front of his eyes, Tian Gan who reopened his eyes was already standing on the noisy street in a black suit, surrounded by people in a hurry, and the sun above his head was so dazzling that he couldn't look directly at it.

"This is?"

Before he could think about it, the headphones on his head sounded:

"Tiangan hurried to the hut in the forest at the coordinates, and be careful not to be exposed."

At this time, he had already seen the patrolling mechanical troops on the side, and the guilty conscience hurriedly lowered his head and walked to the corner

Chapter 450 The Cub of the Evil God Born on the Internet

"[Wanted order: 001-Adam (extremely dangerous!!!)]

[Crime: crimes against humanity, founder of the largest terrorist organization Ark, killing 5 presidents of the United States]

[Reward amount: 1000 billion Gaia coins]"

"[Wanted order: 002-Pang Long (extremely dangerous!!)]

[Crime: crimes against humanity, leader of Yujing terrorist organization, murder of 2 federal presidents]

[Reward amount: 500 billion Gaia coins]"

"003-Lilith, 004-Makino, 005-Du Li"

The streets and alleys are covered with wanted posters, and there are even screen projections showing the faces of wanted criminals. Tiangan is more cautious and walks through the crowd quickly, lest he be noticed by the mechanical troops.

Unexpectedly, not only Adam, the king of human beings, has entered this place, but also the kings of other refuges from all walks of life have come here to test. Unknowingly, the top human beings have already confronted each other.

His keen anti-investigation awareness also told him that the men in the crowd wearing sunglasses and black suits were also hidden plainclothes policemen. It seemed that the major leaders had violently entered this world before, which aroused the vigilance of this world.

"It turns out that the Emperor of Machinery is sleeping in the ground of the mechanical city outside, and his real body is in this world?" Tian Gan guessed and listened carefully to the teaching of the voice on the earphone.The gigantic monster sleeping on the ground is the ultimate guardian monster created by Gaia. Among human beings, only Adam can contend.

Unexpectedly, not only the real world, but also the virtual world is controlled by the mechanical emperor.

"I declare that during my tenure, I will devote myself to combating terrorism, maintaining the order of Gaia Star, and jointly promoting global harmony. If you encounter any criminals who are bewitched, you are welcome to report it." The 5-meter screen not far away is playing the mayor's speech speech.

Tian Gan turned his head to look, and found that the mayor had a big shoulder and a thick waist, and was very rich. His round head was like a big watermelon, and he seemed inexplicably happy.

"Heavenly dry, put on your sunglasses and be mentally prepared."

Hearing the words on the earphones, Tiangan's heart moved. He took out the sunglasses from his arms and put them on. The moment he put them on, he was in a trance and almost fell to the ground. The surrounding environment was like a snowflake TV with unstable signals. The real corner of this world was exposed In front of the sky.

There are data codes flashing in the void, and the human beings passing by are souls. The metropolis of Nuo is like a ghost town, which makes people shudder.

When he opened his eyes again, the world returned to its original state.It seems that the laws of this world are very stable, at least more advanced and real than Skynet in the last era.Vulnerabilities can be patched as soon as possible, and calculations can be performed anytime, anywhere.

Tian Gan, who was just about to turn his head and leave, was stunned suddenly. On the huge screen, the kind mayor who was a fat man a moment ago, now he saw a monster octopus standing in front of the podium giving a speech!

Tiangan's heart was beating violently, "It's true that there is no distinction between good and evil, good and evil are reversed. The hero who tried to help the people out of the sea of ​​suffering became a wanted terrorist leader, but the monsters that ate people's souls and malice were admired by thousands of people."

With a heavy heart, Tiangan walked to a non-polluting car parked on the street. He didn't need a car key, just click on the decoding program on the data to automatically crack it. For him, this real world is no different from a game.


The car rode the dust away, leaving the owner alone who was holding the food soon after and looked confused. He didn't know how long he had been driving. Just in case, Tian Gan dismantled the smart system installed on the car and threw it on the side of the road, and drove it all the way by himself. West.

All the way through thousands of rivers and thousands of mountains? I don’t know how many times the sun rises and the moon sets, he is getting closer and closer to the coordinates, and he is in the enemy’s territory? His anti-reconnaissance awareness is very strong. Driving into the lake, the final journey is on your feet.


Pushing open the dusty wooden door of the hut in the forest, Tian Qian immediately raised his hands and surrendered: "My own? Tian Qian, the deputy captain of the Ark Salvation Army."

Is this a hut in a dense forest? The camouflage seems to have been left by a lumberjack. There are five people in the house, three men and two women are holding machine guns at the sky.

Hear what he said? The others put down their guns and relaxed. A thin man grabbed the bloody steak on the table and began to bite. While eating, he asked, "Are you the newcomer who took the initiative to come in this time? Congratulations on entering Arrived in Xanadu."

At this time, Tianqian's immediate boss, Du Li, walked out of the room in the hut. He is also the fifth super criminal wanted by the major coalition governments today?

Du Li looked around and reminded: "Is he a talent highly valued by the leaders? Please show some respect. Wo San put down the steak in your hand."

"It's him"

Don't others dare to underestimate it anymore? That Wo San also reluctantly put down the delicious and juicy steak? He stretched out his greasy right hand and shook hands with Tiangan: "Welcome to join us."

Looking at the greasy and shiny pig's hand, Tian Gan held out his hand after hesitating for a second, and there was a burst of laughter in the scene.

Wo San held his hand tightly and said: "You clearly know that this is a virtual world made up of data and spirit, but tasting every piece of meat in your mouth can generate pleasure signals in your brain nerves, Secretion of happy hormones. Even though I know my hands are clean, I still resist instinctively.

It seems that your practice is not enough, you still have something to learn in this world. "

Wo San shook his head and finally let go of his hand. Tiangan thought to himself: "No wonder the upper-class people have to cut off the memory of the virtual world and the real world. For the real world with scarce resources, this 100% virtual world is no different from heaven."

Next, Captain Du Li explained the basic situation of this world to Tiangan. This place should be a magical world created by the spirit of Gaia combined with the talent of the virtual god of the last era. This is also the secret hidden in the major mechanical cities.

Every day, an unknown number of people are created in artificial wombs in the city, and then placed in petri dishes

, the whole body is wrapped in energy fluid, and the soul is introduced into this world, where they grow, age, and die, and this is their whole life.

"Our mission?"

Tiangan asked.

"Our task is to turn against the outstanding talents here, find someone who may be the savior, and save the light."


Unanimous questions sounded in the hut, and Wo San couldn't help but said, "Boss, you never told us what light to look for besides the savior. What is it? Treasure? Human? It's still a big secret."

"Because this is not something you can interfere with. Even I only know a thing or two. The reason why the masters of civilizations invaded this world several times is to find the light. This task was even initiated by the leader himself. Last time he To make a fuss in this world is to discover a trace of light.

It's just that he was blocked by the evil god in the end, which made the leader furious. The "252 incident" that caused a sensation in the world occurred in this world, and more than three evil gods were killed. In the end, it was the awakening of the mechanical emperor that forced the leader to retreat. "

Speaking of Adam, Du Li's tone couldn't help being awed, and only then did Tian Qian know why Adam offered such a high bounty.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and he remembered the "big shots" he saw on the road.

"Could it be that those monsters that look strange to us are evil gods?"

"That's right." Du Li nodded heavily, "This world is a breeding ground for evil gods. People gather here, die in sorrow, and all negative energies will be fused into Internet evil gods. At first, the evil god cubs were petty officials. After that, he climbed to high positions step by step, and when he became the lord of a country, he would be the real Internet evil god.

And this is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that Gaia built the mechanical city not only to breed human cubs, but also to build the evil god itself! "

"When more and more evil gods become stronger and stronger, and the earth is full of evil gods, that will be the end of our humanity!"

Apparently no one else heard the inside information. A delicate woman stammered and asked, "The big guy sleeping deep in the earth is also an evil god? It's the mechanical emperor who has fought against the leader several times."

"Yes, he should be the template of the evil god, the ancestor of the evil god, and the king of the evil god. After all, he was personally created by the fallen mother planet. The identity of the mechanical emperor here is a virtual god who supervises the network, and his status is higher than that of the presidents of various countries."

Everyone was silent, the road ahead was bumpy, and they could not see the dawn of light.

"The reinforcements from the Kingdom of Light are coming soon. We don't have to be pessimistic. There is always a solution." Tian Qian explained to everyone. In fact, his heart sank. It was terrible!You must know that until now, Fallen Gaia has not personally acted, they are still fighting with the minions!

Sometimes he even wondered, would he win if he really found the savior?His enemies have strengthened the way of heaven.Didn't Hill's protagonist Locke also die in battle with the previous protagonist, the God King, and if he were to fight against the World Tree, wouldn't it be even more hopeless?

The task has been taken, he can only do his best to go down.

In this hut, I met my companions and learned the basic information. Tiangan dispersed and reintegrated into the metropolis. The city is the best cover instead.

Carefully lurk in this virtual city, only the genius knows its perfection and maturity, the rules are perfect, and the operating rules have no loopholes. Gaia itself is a real "master architect".

And the "npc" in this game wants to discover the loopholes in the world by themselves and discover the abnormalities in this world, which is tantamount to nonsense.


At this moment, Tiangan was typing on the keyboard in a well-decorated room. He did not log out of the Internet, but entered Gaia's virtual world in the "Little Universe" game, and went online in the virtual world to instigate aspiring talents.

As he said, infinite dolls, he turned himself into a spy to find qualified people in various online communities.

"Do you want to know the true meaning of life?"

At the moment, he's sending multiple-choice questions to a hacker on a mailbox.

"The choice of the world is always in your mind."

Li Ang is a young and promising programmer. Of course, this is his identity on the surface, but secretly he is a well-known hacker on the Internet. As soon as he went online today, he saw someone hacked into his computer, leaving a A letter, the letter is an invitation, inviting him to enter a terrifying but real world.

"Fighting eagles for a thousand days, I was finally pecked by eagles. I was also blackmailed?"

Li An laughed angrily, and chose "yes" without hesitation. After that, nothing happened, and his daily life continued day after day. He also searched for the sender's address, but unfortunately, he found nothing. obtained.

Just when he had almost forgotten this episode, one night, he saw an unexpected guest coming.

Tiangan, dressed in black, stood at the head of the bed, whispering like a deceptive demon:

"Ann Lee, you are an outstanding genius with a fanatical heart hidden deep in your body. Are you bored with the boring world? Have you ever suspected that the world you live in is just an online game woven by others?"

"Have you ever thought that one day you will see the real and cruel world?"

Poor Li An was frightened at the head of the bed. He clutched the quilt tightly with both hands, and asked tremblingly, "Are you from the terrorist organization Ark or from Zion?"

Tiangan was stunned for a moment, knowing that the official brainwashing made him and others have a very bad reputation, and the Salvation Organization became the largest criminal group, killing many officials and presidents, and bewitching people to commit suicide.

"What I'm going to say next may be scary, but I hope you can calm down and listen to it, and then think independently."

In the middle of the night, Tiangan opened the gate of hell for this young man, and a cruel and tragic world unfolded in front of Ang Lee.

"No! It's not true! How can we live in the game world of data? When I was young, I doubted the reality of the world and did many experiments, but every experiment told me that the world is perfect!

You are a liar and a super criminal! "

The information received in his head was too horrifying, Li An stumbled out of bed, hiding from Tiangan, he roared at Tiangan at the top of his lungs:

"To you, this world is just a word, but to me, this world is my whole life! He is my everything!"

Boom!Li An slammed his head through the window glass and jumped from the height of the 21st floor. The sound of watermelons falling and screams came from below.

"Well, our "terrorist" organization has committed crimes again."

Tiangan stood at the same place with complicated thoughts, breaking the worldview he had been born in, how difficult is this?This is not the first time I have failed. It is really difficult for them to abandon everything in this world and enter the real world of cruel and resource-poor wasteland.

"Tick tock, heaven is dry, let's go! The Gaia security team has noticed your activity on the Internet, they have already taken the elevator, and you are about to go offline!"

At this moment, the urgent voice of the operator came from the earphones, and Tian Qian was startled. He quickly stepped forward to turn on Li Ang's computer. His computer configuration was extremely high, and it started up in an instant, but the next power-on password disabled him for 3 seconds. crack.

"Da da da."

Heavy footsteps were approaching quickly, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from Tiangan's forehead. Finally, the familiar background picture of the grassland appeared, and the computer was connected to the Internet. At the same time, the door was violently kicked open.

Agents in suits, holding machine guns, and wearing sunglasses rushed up.

"Goodbye, it won't be this identity when we meet next time."

At the critical moment, Tian Qian smiled at them. The instant the door was opened, the omnipotent enter key had already been hit. His body, like a string of codes, shuttled through the network through the computer screen and disappeared without a trace.

"Did it disappear again? The super criminal code-named 456-Newcomer."

The agents in black began to search Ang Li's room, but found nothing, and Tian Gan, who opened his eyes again, heard a pleasant female voice:

"Welcome back."

Chapter 451

In addition to Tiangan going offline, there were other people in the room who also raised their bodies in a daze. His heart skipped a beat. No wonder he seemed to feel a force attacking his memory during the process of going offline.

Look at the colleagues who wake up dazed, no matter how wonderful they are in the virtual world built by Gaia, they forget all love and hatred in the moment of waking up.

"The reality is already so bitter. If the memory is not blocked, no one in the exploration team will be able to resist such a temptation." Tian Gan thought to himself. On the one hand, the resources are poor, and even the strong at the top have to save clothes and diet The world of wasteland, on the other side is the prosperous world of economic development, is this still a choice?

Fortunately, I am a player, and my soul memory is protected by the system from being interfered by any force, and I can even adjust the pain.Only then can the memory be preserved.

"Even Gaia is powerless to interfere, let alone the shielding device you made."

Tian Gan walked out of the room again, with a heavy heart.

The sealed mechanical cities are like a pasture for raising human beings. Birth and death are all inside. The body breeds the soul, and the soul is taken away, falling into a virtual dream world, and the dream world has given birth to evil gods.

Even now, there is an extremely terrifying Mechanical Emperor lurking on the ground, comparable to the Heavenly Emperor and God of the last era.

"If it weren't for its mission to protect the peace of the Mechanic City, rather than to attack and eradicate humans, then the shelter might be destroyed in one day."

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