"Is this the sixth era intelligent race created by Dark Gaia? Take our human genes as samples?"

"No, I checked carefully, and his genes are the same as ours." Adam's eyes were a little heavy, "Dark Gaia has made a big move, I brought out more than one baby from the unfinished technology city , and many cultivation devices, as well as the nutrient solution that feeds them until they die."

"What do you mean? What have you discovered?" The heroic Lord of Yujing raised his eyebrows coldly, and he already had bad thoughts in his mind.

Adam closed his eyes heavily, "According to what I brought out from the tech city, I judge that part of Gaia's spirit has begun to re-cultivate human beings. You all know that the tech cities in various places have not yet been completed. When it is completed, the tech cities will It will become a steel farm for raising human beings, shaped like an upside-down bowl lid, and no one is allowed to enter or leave.

And the human beings in captivity are in it from birth to death. Their spiritual will should be extracted, played by Gaia, and imprisoned in it. All Mankind". "


The audience was in an uproar, and all the big figures who had experienced countless lives and deaths were all changed by Adam's words. Gaia re-cultivated human beings and sent robots to build steel prisons. This is to torture the souls of creatures in the virtual world. flesh and truth?

"It's too deceiving! What does she think of us humans? Beasts or toys? The fate from birth to death is controlled by her. Even a mother can't control the fate of a child's life. Creator!"

A strong man's face was ashen, and he was so angry that he wanted to go into the depths of the earth to argue with the fallen mother goddess.

Among them, Lilith, the hostess of the Garden of Eden, was relatively calm. She asked Adam with a pale face: "What is the purpose of the fallen mother goddess? I don't believe that she is just trying to please herself. She has spent so much time and effort, there should be a deeper purpose."

Adam shook his head: "At present, I don't know her deeper intentions. My seventh sense tells me that there is a big mystery in me, and there may be major events that will affect the entire universe. For example: it is related to her next promotion. Humans may be just an experiment for her."

After hearing what he said, everyone's heart was heavy. This is the supreme mother goddess who gave birth to all things, and also the lord of all evils who caused all disasters. Everyone had complicated thoughts about her, and taking action against her would be mother-killing, but they had no choice but to do so.

"Can we escape from our homeland? If we're lucky, we might meet our predecessors who took refuge in space 600 years ago. It's not a shame to be a wandering civilization." The leader of another refuge said.

"I'm afraid not. I can escape for a day, but I can't escape for a lifetime. If it continues, Dark Gaia will become the shadow behind the whole universe." Adam's eyes are firm, "I always think that the only one who can defeat Gaia is herself. Before I made Du Li's plan to find the savior deadlocked, after the Internet, how many people died.

But now I see the dawn, the savior will be born in these closed steel prisons!The more difficult the environment, the more powerful ones can be born.Everyone sitting here is more than a point stronger than the powerhouses of the same level in the previous era? "

Adam is worthy of being Adam. His words cheered up the heavy-hearted crowd. Someone asked, "Is there still no prophet after such a big event?"

If Adam, the king of mankind, is the spiritual leader of all people, then the Prophet is the spiritual pillar of mankind today.

Hearing the long-lost name, Adam hesitated and shook his head regretfully: "I don't know where my father went, I only know that he is looking for the only treasure that can defeat Gaia."

"The Prophet was born in the last era. It is said that he has enjoyed a great reputation in the fifth era. After escaping the catastrophe and restarting human civilization, I believe that what he plans must be a major event that will determine the era." Everyone was discussing, and suddenly Lilith said :

"Recently, a strange thing happened in my jurisdiction. A man with weird thoughts asked me to bring him to you. He said that he was related to the prophet and inherited the will of the ancient sages."

Everyone who was discussing paused again, "Isn't it some kind of lunatic? I happened to pick up the USB flash drive from that year, learned some things, got some adventures and thought I was the son of destiny, and even wanted to joke about the prophet. "

Adam also frowned, "Let him in."

Tiangan, who had been waiting in the council hall for a long time, was admiring the interior of the Ark of the First Refuge. This place is really unusual. It deserves to be the first base of post-civilization. It can be simulated, fly into the sky and even be turned into a super weapon.

"Come in, the leader wants to summon you."

Before he could study it carefully, some guards led him into the heavily guarded Supreme Council Hall. Tian Gan packed his mind and walked into the gate ready for battle.

"This is all I know. Both the Prophet and I were reincarnated from alien demon stars. The former Prophet's friend Fenglongshen Councilor is also one of them, and I have obtained his inheritance. I came here at this time to save the world. , come to save mankind!"

Standing among the superhuman beings, even though he felt a lot of pressure, Tian Qian still tried his best to maintain a calm mind and speak out the information that should be said in an orderly manner.

The leaders frowned and pondered. What the human being named Tiangan said just now was too shocking.

"You said just now that you want to help us fight against Gaia and find a savior. Can you tell me your motivation?" Adam's eyes looked into Tiangan's heart like a sword.

The corner of Tiangan's mouth curled up: "Do you need a reason to defeat the ultimate oss?"

"You mentioned earlier that there was a companion who descended with you. He was on the human civilization fleet that fled into space. How did you contact him? The two are separated by an unknown number of light-years, even if it was the most advanced quantum Communication needs to be based on years." The Lord of Yujing continued to question.

"This is the talent of our race. No matter how far away light years are, the dimensions can be connected with each other. I think you should not be on guard against me first. Regardless of your actions, come down. You will naturally know what I am doing when you see my actions. The words are true, we are in the same camp." Tian Gan looked calm and frank in his heart:

"I can also tell you that Gaia has already acted. As you have guessed, she has planned a grand plan. If we don't find a savior to stop her this time, then the entire universe will fall into darkness! My companion has arrived at the place of light. China, he will try his best to persuade the Atlanteans to send troops, but I don’t think the Atlanteans can defeat Gaia, the most is to contain them and buy us more time to fight back.”

He looked at the people who still had concerns in his heart, and laughed at himself: "After all, they were also conceived by Gaia."

"Is the Kingdom of Light also in touch? With the help of the Fourth Epoch Atlantis civilization, our pressure will be reduced a lot, and the fallen goddess will not be so relaxed!"

Next, Tiangan continued to explain his views to the leaders, especially for the king of human beings. He even combined the Chinese martial arts he practiced since childhood with the current radiation martial arts, and proposed the martial arts will to temper the unity of origin and god. , or the god of martial arts!

Adam is very interested in this aspect. He is the first new human being in the post-civilization, inherits the previous civilization taught by the prophet, and opens up a new radiation system.

"The God of Martial Arts you mentioned already had its embryonic form in the ancient times of the Fifth Epoch, but it was not so mature."

Then Adam, who had an epiphany, dismissed the meeting early and closed the meeting. Regarding the monitoring of the technology city, the task of deciphering the equipment brought out from it was given to other people.

Everyone felt that the leader was worthy of being a martial idiot, and they also performed their duties one after another. This meeting was extraordinary. Everyone passed to reveal to the public the culprit of the destruction of the last era. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.When the Science and Technology City is fully built and the human cubs inside are constantly being nurtured, the people who will know the truth will set off riots and revolutions.

Sure enough, when leaders from all over the place returned to the refuge and revealed the reason for the destruction of the Fifth Epoch, all the refuges were shocked.

"Our enemy is the earth under our feet? The great human civilization is destroyed by the hands of the gods!"

"But now the demonized mother goddess has made a comeback. This is the punishment given to us by heaven and earth. We can only wait for death."

There are all kinds of voices. On this day alone, hundreds of thousands of people committed suicide or died due to riots.But the ants still steal their lives, and the survival derived from the depths of genes still makes everyone face the cruel reality.

There are also people who escaped. They adhere to the principle of fleeing if they can't fight, and want to imitate the martyrs and flee in space. Although the upper class said that fleeing to the universe is just to delay the death time, they still can't stop them. There are tycoons who have a lot of resources The secret construction of spaceships began, and these losses were still within the acceptable range of the leaders.

And the blockbuster Tiangan also entered the core decision-making level and became one of the captains looking for the savior. As long as he needs it, he will give priority to the supply of precious practice resources.

Adam concluded that the captive human beings in the technology city will give birth to the hope of salvation. This group of searchers for the savior is composed of elites from the refuge. Their current task is to supervise the robots all over the land.

"Ewen, I have entered the high-level. Because of my appearance, Adam has made a breakthrough. How are you doing in the Kingdom of Light? When will you be able to send troops to Gaia? There has been a mutation on the Gaia star, the fallen mother goddess They plan to keep all humans in captivity!"

On the forum, Tiangan summoned his companions with a lot of thoughts. If the time was delayed, the reinforcements from the Kingdom of Light would be too late.

Chapter 449 Infinite Matryoshka

In the Land of Light, Aiwen was like the heavenly stem at the meeting not long ago, talking boastfully, describing the tragic situation of Gaia Star today, and even the King of Light was moved.

"Gaia's mother planet is really blackened? Then this is a major event affecting the universe." King Guang and the ministers looked at each other.

"Sacrifice the magic mirror of space."

The largest artificial star above the Kingdom of Light split open, and infinite light overflowed from it, causing the Atlanteans below to raise their heads in surprise.

"What's going on? Even the artifacts of the country have come out."

"It seems that today Dijia brought back a foreigner from the distant hometown of Gaia."

"The magic mirror is actually the energy source of the Kingdom of Light." Standing below, watching the stars occupying all the field of vision split apart, Aiwen was dumbfounded. He didn't expect the Atlanteans to be so generous.

The sun god mirror shot out a space divine light, the divine light broke through the extreme speed of physics, folded countless times, and disappeared from the kingdom of light in an instant.

The King of Light and the others are waiting patiently, and Aiwen can only wait patiently for the investigation of the magic mirror, "I don't know how many light-years the Kingdom of Light is from Gaia, and there is still a space dimension difference. This wait may take ten days." Half a month, I hope there is no urgent matter over there."

Ai Wen just thought this way in his heart, but unexpectedly, a familiar galaxy-the solar system flashed in the sky after a cup of tea.

The most eye-catching star in the solar system is covered with dust, and as the divine light shines down at a high speed, the status quo of the parent star after two eras comes into the pupils of the eyes.

The sandy ruins after the nuclear explosion, the gray snow dust that is withering all the time, and the steel cities that are under construction exuding metallic luster, and even the shelters where many human beings gather have been detected, Aiwen After looking carefully, except for the ark that was not found, the other shelters were exposed.

"It is full of infinite vitality in the records. How did a piece of blue and green sapphire mother star become like this?"

The people of Atlantis are horrified. This is completely different from the place of origin in the records. There is no life, the sky is full of dust that cannot be scattered, the air is filled with deadly radioactive substances, the laws of the planet are disordered and the death star of the universe Generally the same.

Suddenly, the image of Gaia star projected by the magic mirror was fuzzy. Before the King of Light could be puzzled, a black pupil as deep as a cosmic black hole occupied the sky and appeared above the Kingdom of Light.


The King of Light's face changed drastically, and he quickly closed the sun mirror with a wave of his cloak, but it was already too late. As the supreme lord noticed, the glorious kingdom of light seemed to be falling into eternal night, and finally an unhealable crack appeared in the center of the mirror It was barely closed.

"It was the will of the fallen Gaia just now?"

The expressions of the other young warriors of the Kingdom of Light changed. The sense of pressure from being watched by the inexplicable will has never been felt before. They thought that they were born as gods. Feel the emotion of fear once.

"Just [-] light-years away can affect the Kingdom of Light. Your Majesty, the heart of the universe has fallen. Is it really beyond human power? We still need to hide behind closed doors in the interdimensional interlayer to survive this cosmic catastrophe. "Feeling a ray of power from Gaia, a minister immediately dissuaded him.

Many naked people nodded in agreement. It was precisely because they walked out of Gaia that they knew how terrible she was.I was raised by her? How can I resist?

Aiwen on the side laughed angrily at his words. He was already timid before fighting? He stood up without fear and looked directly at the light man who was more powerful than Zhishen Peak:

"Is this the legendary Atlantean? It's so ridiculous? Even wandering in the universe for a hundred years, we have encountered genocide crises several times? Our human space fleet has not forgotten to return to the home planet? To avenge the martyrs ambition.

Now, just being looked at by someone, I was so frightened that I packed up my belongings and hid them, which is worse than my three-year-old human child. It seems that I came here by mistake this time. "

Aiwen shook his head in disappointment, and pretended to walk out of the door, "I advise you to run away quickly? Wait for Gaia to digest the income? The solar system can't satisfy her appetite? Use the universe as a pasture? Maybe you can survive outside the universe. "

Aiwen's sarcastic words made the minister angry just now? Before he slapped the daring bug to death, King Guang raised his hand to stop everyone from discussing. He looked at Di Jia who was meditating and asked, "Di Jia Jia, what do you think? Shall we shoot or dodge?"

Di Jia stepped forward and replied: "In my opinion, although our family has returned from death with a neutral attitude and takes maintaining the order of the universe as our mission. But today is different from the past. The will of the fallen mother star is really terrifying, and it has the heart to dominate the universe. The ambition to keep everything in captivity.

How long can we retreat?How far can you retreat?The universe is huge, but it cannot accommodate two generations of overlords, not to mention that in the eyes of the will of the mother planet, we are also her playthings. "

King Guang nodded, and the opposition frowned, knowing that King Guang had made up his mind.

The King of Light stood up and held up the king's staff engraved with the crystal of light, "This kid stay here for now, the fallen Gaia is the public enemy of the universe, just now the magic mirror's prying has been discovered, we can only take action.

You just talked about being able to contact a companion on the home planet across time and space, can you create a token for us? "

"A token?"

Aiwen, who had succeeded in his plan, turned around. From the very beginning, he knew that the Congress of Light would take action, because this is not a responsibility they can evade. This is a major event affecting the entire universe. As long as Atlantis is not a fool, he will fight with him Humans join forces.Otherwise, after human beings are wiped out and most of the universe is devoured, Gaia will definitely reclaim the Kingdom of Light.

"That's right, the Kingdom of Light is far away from Gaia, and now the magic mirror of the country has been severely damaged. With the current situation, it may be too late for the soldiers of the Kingdom of Light to arrive at Gaia. I need you to contact your companions and create a The token of light enables the brave warriors of our country of light to rush back to their home planet as quickly as possible to check the latest situation."

"Okay!" Aiwen took over the important task without hesitation, and then an Atlantean who was in charge of marching on the road explained to Aiwen the creation of the token.

The reason why the Giants of Light can patrol the entire universe so quickly is because they are in the form of energy. As long as their consciousness reaches a certain place and they build a space-time channel, they can reunite with their real bodies.

Aiwen also learned during the detailed discussion that not every Atlantean is good at fighting. For example, the space master in front of him is a logistics staff who specializes in surgery. Take this aspect to the extreme.

In addition to the up-and-coming star Di Jia who received him at the beginning, there is also the famous Space Guard. Among them, the six brothers, especially the captain with a flaming head that looks like a burning sun, made Aiwen look sideways.A look is the top powerhouse!Look at this big fiery red head with cheeks redder than asses.

"With this powerful living army assisting mankind, there is finally hope of completing this mission." Aiwen sighed in his heart.Afterwards, he troubled Captain Yantou to bring the space fleet back to the Kingdom of Light to strengthen it. After everything was properly arranged, he went offline again to contact his companions.

On the forum, Aiwen, who had just logged off the assembly line, was stunned by the sound of tens of thousands of summoning trumpets. After seeing the news from Tiangan, his brows twitched. It turned out that Gaia made robots and built Iron City to keep humans in captivity!She built a human breeding factory in it, and each human being was locked in the city from birth to death like domestic animals!

Such a cruel truth completely calmed Aiwen, who had just had a ray of pride.

"I have already understood the matter. There must be a big secret behind captive human beings. I don't believe that Gaia is just for fun. The situation is so bad, no wonder the producer will assign a mission to save the world. I have arrived in the Kingdom of Light to convince Atlantis People send troops!"

As soon as he logged into the forum, Aiwen shared exciting news. He posted the photo of the Kingdom of Light that he secretly took.

For a while, the Internet was empty, and everyone flocked to the forums of Tiantian Games to check the stalwart of the Kingdom of Light. This is the only known god-level civilization so far. Those gods who are as great as a planet just sit there. The overwhelming sense of pressure.

If you take them as opponents, your scalp will be numb, but as companions, they give you incomparable confidence.

"How far is the Kingdom of Light from Gaia? How long will it take to get there?" Tian Qian hurriedly asked the key question.

At this moment, Fenglongshen, who has already left the stage, is quietly admiring the Atlantis kingdom that he was also fascinated by back then. Looking at the figures of the two newcomers struggling for the sake of mankind, he remembered that he and his three companions traveled into the world together. The eventful years of Gaia.

Time is not forgiving, and now, except for the chief who left the field early, the other two players died or disappeared. The prosperous fifth era has completely disappeared, and the brilliant and fierce Phoenix will always remain in that glorious time.

Fenglongshen clicked the mouse, and closed the photo of Kingdom of Light with complicated thoughts, "Our era is over."

The two new players are communicating fiercely. On Gaia, the construction of robots is changing with each passing day. How fast is the industrial construction?

Ten days later, the first human farm was built on a continental plate in the south. The refuge called it No. 001. It is a round egg shape, covering an area of ​​5000 kilometers. There are densely packed millions of robots patrolling day and night. However, if a powerful mutant beast passed by, they would kill them without hesitation.

For a while, the location of the mechanical city became a forbidden place for mutant beasts.

Occasionally, the investigation's elite team can hear the sound of machinery turning inside day and night, as well as the sound of crying babies waiting to be fed.

The changes in the earth have doubled the pressure in the major shelters. The upper echelon has already revealed the reason for the destruction of the last era. There have been escapees who have privately raised funds to build spaceships. Some have succeeded and some have failed.

At this time of panic, Adam, who came out of the retreat, illuminated the ark with the light of his soul, sweeping away the haze in everyone's heart.

"The leader has made another huge breakthrough!"

Everyone cheered up, how precious it is to have such a bright light in this dark age, guiding the way ahead, so that people are no longer confused.

The golden lanterns patrol the various refuges, and finally enter the No. 001 breeding ground with a whoosh. The external net can't resist it, and the carefully crafted steel wall is useless. No one knows what Adam saw in it, only that he After returning, call together elite soldiers from various bases to train spirits, and secretly build access points that can connect to the Internet.

"Adam is really amazing. He enters the city with his soul, and he is not afraid of being monitored by the Internet and left behind by monsters."

Lilith marveled at Adam's boldness, and knew that he would gain a lot. Although he was very strong before, at least she and others could hold her own. This time, she was inspired by the words of that boy from Heaven, and she witnessed her own heart, enlightened the Dao, and united soul and body. One, the most critical step has been taken.

The rulers of the major refuges rushed to the Ark again, and at the same time, Tiangan brought you an exciting news. The legendary fourth era god-level civilization-Atlantis has decided to help mankind and jointly resist Gaia tyranny!

The Ark, the Garden of Eden, and the shelters of Zion all became a sensation. Everyone took off their helmets and cheered. It’s been a long time, and people haven’t been so happy. The legendary Quaternary once dominated the universe and claimed that the whole family is a super god. civilization!

The plan to create tokens and choose the descending human body presided over by Tiangan was the first to pass.

The mechanical cities on the land were built and sealed, only robots who didn't know how to be warm and cold were patrolling. Tiangan made tokens to communicate with Aiwen, but couldn't help curiosity, applied to the leader, and lurked in by himself.

With the establishment of the mechanical city, the latent network work that had been suspended began again. This time, everyone who has been connected to the network has signed the highest order not to disclose the secrets. Even Tiangan heard that the networked helmet is equipped with a memory shielding device. You can't take away your online memories even offline.

"I'm a player, and my soul memory seems to be protected by the system. I'm not afraid. This time I just happened to see what's going on inside the Technology City."

Everything was arranged properly, even the suicide note was written, Tiangan was taken into a sealed white room, where there were elite soldiers sleeping on the bed wearing networked helmets, and a control computer connected to each bed in the center, There was a young man wearing glasses nodding to Tiangan.

"He is the operator responsible for your return." The young lady who led the way introduced to Tian Qian.


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