Before the security forces took the initiative to find Du Li, Du Li went directly to the building of the government agency. After going through multiple checkpoints and checking the truth, he was brought in front of the highest leader of the city.


"Dean, there is a call from President Mark."

In the increasingly busy research base, someone approached Fenghuang Jizhen to remind him.

At this time, there are only 20 days left before Gaia's complete integration, and the atmosphere in the base is getting more and more tense. Phoenix gave the messenger a strange look, "Take it here."

"It's been a while, Dean Fenghuang, how is the experiment going smoothly? What's the mental state of our mother god? What's the attitude towards us humans? You won't slap us for fear of death as soon as you grow up?"

"You didn't call here specifically to talk nonsense with me, did you?"

While answering the phone, Fenghuang Jizhen picked up the data pen in his hand to write and draw, still working.

"Of course not. There is a person who wants to see you. What he said is very interesting and shocked many leaders. He said that he must want to see you and explain everything to you."

"Who? Isn't it some boring worldly experience?" Fenghuang said impatiently.

"No, it's people from the future."

Click.Fenghuang Jizhen stopped the pen in his hand.

Soon, under the leadership of the Speaker of the United States, Fenghuang Jizhen saw the robot who claimed to be a future man. The moment he saw him, he instinctively noticed something strange, which was a mental frequency that was incompatible with the surrounding world.

This was a secret conversation, only three people, Du Li, Fenghuang Jizhen, and President Mark, listened quietly to Du Li, and Du Li told them everything he knew.

Fenghuang said with an inexplicable face: "I believe you, the history of our human history may be summed up in 20 days."

"President Fenghuang, you..." President Mark's face changed, and just about to dissuade him, Fenghuang fiercely continued:

"It can so clearly describe the hopeless world after the end of the world, without any details. You can answer any questions I ask. Even God's deduction is not so perfect. The most correct lie is the truth. Unfortunately, our first The human calendar of the Five Epochs ended on October 5222, 10."

"No, since you know that the cause of the disaster is from the mother planet, then you should give up the crazy plan to overwhelm the seedlings, and then there is still time!" Du Li stood up excitedly and tried his best to dissuade him. He still felt that human beings could still be saved.

"No, you don't understand anything." Fenghuang shook his head fiercely, his eyes were looking into the distance, and his mind was consuming what he had just learned.

Du Li was still anxiously talking about the information he knew, trying to dissuade the mad scientist who caused the catastrophe with the tragedy of the future, but for some reason, he always felt that the fierceness of the Phoenix seemed to be unmotivated.

"In your conversation just now, you mentioned a very special person." Fenghuang fiercely withdrew his eyes, and his eyes of true knowledge were fixed on Du Li.

"who is it?"

"Your spiritual leader is also the robot mentor who climbed out of the ice 100 years ago and re-lit the fire - the Prophet."

At the mention of this name, Du Li, who was originally restless, calmed down. He turned his electronic eyes and said with respect from the inside out: "The great prophet is the guiding light in our hearts. When civilization is destroyed, it is he who looks for the remaining relics." , to ignite hope.

Rescue Adam, the first human being after the cataclysm and the strongest human being so far, and pass on knowledge to us.Otherwise, relying only on the incomplete knowledge of the ruins, we would not be able to rediscover it, and it may have been destroyed under the nuclear soil long ago. "

Phoenix fiercely perceives the purest trust and worship from the spiritual fluctuations of the mysterious future people, just like the respect and love that Gaia people have for their mother god.

"So, all your history about the past is also told by him?"

"Are you suspecting the Prophet of deceiving us all? No, that's never possible."

Du Li immediately guessed that Fenghuang's ferocious words pleased him, "We have found bits and pieces of historical remnants on the ruins, which are 100% in line with what the prophet said, and this has been recognized by all new human beings."

"Really, did the Prophet reveal which robot he was in the cataclysm era?" Phoenix Fierce was really curious about the current identity of the great robot mentor. Maybe finding him now would solve many mysteries.

Du Li frowned, and the electrons in his brain circulated rapidly, and he began to search for news about the great prophet in the hard disk. When telling the history with all the new human children, the prophet inevitably mentioned himself.

"Have it!"

Du Li suddenly realized, and found the records about the Prophet from the complicated hard disk. Du Li turned his head and looked at President Mark beside him, "The Prophet once mentioned that he is a member of the United States, an expert in the field of consciousness."

"Consciousness domain?" Fenghuang frowned fiercely, and a little god jumped out of his shoulder, flipping through the history for him at the speed of light.After some searching, Ji Zhen shook his head, "Could it be that his reputation is still unknown, is there any key information about his identity?"

Du Li shook his head. Seeing the disappointment of the two people on the opposite side, he hesitated to say: "The great prophet seems to respect you very much. Once someone around him scolded you as the "world-destroyer, mad scientist" who caused everything. At that time, his expression changed greatly and he reprimanded that person.

In your defense, saying you just did what you were supposed to do.If he is the root of all evil, then he is also one of the chief culprits. "

After listening, Fenghuang got up ferociously, staring at Du Li, "He definitely knows me, and I definitely know him, because he is also one of the principals of the "Gaia Growth Plan"!"

"How is it possible?" President Mark was surprised. "Now you, Professor Zhang, and Master Tefan are the only ones who help Gaia grow. Although Master Tefan is the first robot, he definitely does not behave like this."

Fenghuang Jizhen closed his eyes, "Then there is only one answer."

"What answer?" The two asked in unison.

"Prophets don't exist in this world, if I'm not mistaken." Fenghuang said these words meanderingly, then turned and left.

Ji Zhen is right, this world is perfect, just like the real world 600 years ago, the only difference is that there are three people missing in this world.

Information about future people is listed as the top secret of mankind. Although some people questioned Du Li's true identity, but hearing about the tragic situation after the end of the world, the most important thing is the endorsement of Dean Fenghuang.They would rather believe what they have than not believe what they have.

As a result, the most dangerous nuclear bombs, annihilation bombs and other destructive weapons in various countries were urgently destroyed or dismantled into thousands of irrelevant parts and stored in different warehouses.

The "Gaia Growth Plan", which was about to be completed, was urgently stranded, and the matter was of great importance. Even if the pressure from the outside world was greater, they had to re-check the almost dry star sea and the awakened mother goddess consciousness.


On this day, October 10st, the established Day of Destruction of Humanity came, everything went as usual, and the sun rose as usual. Gaia of Xinghai chose to let go after that, instead of living in the base, she chose to travel around with her assistant Christina.

The high-level human beings who relaxed their vigilance encountered a catastrophe one month later, and the dark elements accumulated inside Gaia's body finally erupted.

In the closed base, the originally kind Gaia was screaming, the azure world robe on her body was rapidly turning black, and the outside world was turbulent, even ordinary people were aware of the phenomenon.

At this time, on a famous mountain in the east, Phoenix Jizhen held the hand of his assistant and looked to the north, where a dark mother goddess was slowly rising with tentacles.

"Jizhen, why are you so weird lately? I've never seen you so gentle." The assistant at the side didn't notice the strangeness in the extreme north, but instead focused on the person in the palm.

Fenghuang Xiezhen looked away from the distance, and looked at Christina tenderly, "The original world only records that I died in the catastrophe, and there is no history about you.

But I think, the original me is also facing death with you.So here, no matter whether it is true or not, at least the warmth in the palm is still there, and the fetters of the past are still there.

Since you are going to die, always be with the person you love the most. "

Fenghuang Jizhen gently hugged the assistant, who was surprised, then closed his eyes and smiled, stretched out his hands and hugged his lover's shoulders tightly.


The nuclear bomb disappeared, but the catastrophe still came, the dark Gaia came, the earth cracked, super volcanoes erupted one after another, and the earth's core was restless.The rotation of the original Gaia star has been completely accelerated, and the prosperous human civilization has begun to die for the first time.

Surrounded by fragmented land, the sound of the tsunami was rushing from a distance, and the phoenix fiercely hugged his assistant quietly, and stood on the top of the mountain calmly watching all this.At this moment, his third eye opened. When the world was shattered, the Three Thousand Laws were annihilated, time and space collapsed, and he finally saw the truth of the world.

That was something he guessed after listening to what the people in the future told, and now it is confirmed.

Outside the world, there is a pupil that is bigger than the universe, deep and terrifying, like a black hole.

The shattering of this world is reflected in the depths of the black hole. It turns out to be a dreamlike bubble shattering.

Fenghuang Jizhen also saw not only his own world in the reflected pupils, but also other human worlds around him. They were as puzzled as he was before, living happily in the perfect world he thought.

"What the hell, the whole world is fucking fake."

In the end, Fenghuang fiercely cursed a curse word, and the two embracing figures turned into streaming data and disappeared into the ruined world

In the broken world, everything was recycled, and the essence of all living beings was sucked up by the biggest black hand in the universe, and the scattered light Gaia was blackened again and returned to her real body.

But this time it was a bit different, a sliver of insignificant strange data escaped, and quickly fled to the distance, wanting to return to the real body, the dark Gaia as high as the galaxy glanced at him indifferently, opened his mouth and sucked

Chapter 442

"Where is this place?" Du Li, who had just witnessed the destruction of the world with his own eyes, woke up again after escaping from the catastrophe. The surroundings were not the familiar Yujing refuge, but a futuristic science fiction world that was no different from before, surrounded by high-rise buildings. Buildings, row upon row.

"Is it back to the world before the destruction just now?"

Du Li was terrified, but soon he found that his thinking was too simple. This is a time that keeps repeating on the same day, May 5212, 5. At this time, people have not explored the star sea, and people who have just solved the Y3K problem Full of fighting spirit, countries vigorously develop science and technology and march into space.

Day after day, every time Du Li wakes up from sleep, everything around him will be restored, and everything will be reset as the death bell reaches zero.The sun rose as usual, leaving the terrified Du Li roaring wildly.

He was driven crazy by the days of reincarnation, was imprisoned by police robots, and was taken to a cyber prison to be imprisoned and healed spiritually.He used to create riots to vent his anger.

In the 100th time of reincarnation, he finally found the right opportunity to use the information he obtained in reincarnation to easily tell everyone's next action. Under the eyes of everyone who looked at him as a monster, he took the most advanced car The flying saucer, within 24 hours, went to see the great wise man Phoenix.

Thanks to the development of science and technology, Du Li once again saw the Phoenix in this world of reincarnation. After he confessed all the information, Du Li saw that the Phoenix in this world was no different from the same body that had destroyed the world before. expression.

"Sir, you must have discovered something. Every time I tell you a lot of information, you seem to have seen through the truth. Can you tell me, what is going on with me now? Is it an electronic ghost traveling through ancient history, or did I A dream about ancient times?" Du Li anxiously looked at the fierceness of Fenghuang, puzzled.

"It's just a small act of a boring god."

Fenghuang fiercely said slowly: "No matter which world you are in, the prophet robot you mentioned is missing. It seems that his identity is very special. No wonder he can escape the catastrophe of destruction in the official history. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that he is also a descendant of Gaia. life and reawaken human civilization."

"What do you mean?" Du Li had a bad thought in his heart.

"It's very simple. The world you experience, including ours now, is a virtual world evolved according to the official history. If I guess right, this is the handwriting of the real Gaia mother goddess in the official history. She has It has evolved to an unimaginable level, and we can't even guess it.

I know it's virtual, but I can't tell the difference, it's like she split into different fate lines, this world is a parallel world, who can judge whether it's real or not?Only the observer. "Feng Feng's ferocious words were shocking, but his expression was very calm.

"The ground under our feet should also be a clone of her. The real me, the real Gaia has long been a charred ruin, and the first image of doom in your memory is the true face of history.

I don't know what Gaia intends to do by re-evolving so many parallel worlds, it should not be just for her own bad taste.After devouring god and emperor in reality, she should evolve to the limit, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she dominates the universe.I can only guess that this may have something to do with her final transformation. "

Fenghuang fiercely looked at Du Li who was restless on the opposite side, "My original real body is already dead, and being buried in the catastrophe you mentioned is the price I paid for what I did. Regardless of blackening What is Gaia's ultimate purpose is absolutely bad for you.

As for you, you may have slipped into Gaia’s proving ground by coincidence, but I think you are also one of her pawns. Maybe this struggle has no results from the very beginning and is doomed to failure. "

"Even I am her test subject?" Du Li was shaken, "No wonder anyone is forbidden to connect to the Internet. Gaia's real body is in the virtual world. During the cataclysm, so many mechanical Gaias were swallowed up. How many deaths will come? How many.

So how do I escape now?How to escape this day-to-day reincarnation? "

"Wait, I can only wait. If I'm not wrong, the truth of this universe has been revealed, and this world won't last long. You can only find opportunities to break through the prison of time in the shattering again and again."

Unsurprisingly, as expected by Fenghuang, it seems that because someone was able to break the truth of the world, the next day, the reincarnation finally broke, and the long river of time continued to flow. A big problem.

The sky was dark, the sun was robbed of its brilliance, and an incomparable mastermind appeared on the horizon laughing wildly, enjoying the negative energy emanating from the desperate crowd after knowing the truth

The world is also shattered, and all souls are dead.

In this way, Du Li started his journey to the wonderful world. He traveled to fantasy worlds one after another, and even came to October 5222, 10 several times. He watched the civilization collapse, and he wanted to take a rocket to escape. In the end, it was shot down by a satellite.

He even traveled to ancient civilizations that were older than humans. The world is the same, but civilizations are different. They all have one thing in common.

Gaia never tires of playing, and seems to like their blackening.If it weren't for the support of an obsession in his heart, which automatically shielded too much spiritual damage, Du Li's data soul would collapse.

Gradually, he became numb. Finally, after another world was shattered, he finally escaped. This time, Du Li did not fall into the world cycle, but followed the familiar path, relying on the dark On the pinned hard link, his soul turned into lightning and finally returned.


In the crowded Yujing refuge, Du Li, who had returned to his old body, woke up with electric current running through his body, and his spirit was very restless.

After waking up, he immediately familiarized himself with his surroundings, and after confirming that he had returned to reality, he immediately contacted the top leader he knew, reported everything, and asked to see the leader.

He is familiar with this, and he has reported it countless times during his long world tour.

In this way, Du Li quietly waited for the summons of the upper class in his cramped home of less than 6 square meters.

"Come out, the king of humans wants to summon you."

Within a day, someone knocked on the door of Du Li's house and said solemnly to him.Adam, the king of mankind, is an existence alongside the prophet, the leader in the hearts of everyone. Of course, he himself always feels that the prophet is always the father and cannot be surpassed.

From one to ten thousand, today's remaining human civilization is built up step by step by him and the Prophet, especially after the Prophet disappeared, Adam took the initiative to delegate power, cultivate elite humans, and split several shelters, which was respected by everyone .

Hearing the summoning of the King of Humanity, Du Li, who had gone through many troubles, stood up calmly. He was once the supreme existence, and now he can easily accept it.

For the next journey, even the eye-opening Du Li was amazed at the transparent orbit and the transmitted array. It seems that despite such a harsh era, human beings have not given up their pursuit of self-evolution.Despite limited energy and materials, leaders still put most of their resources into research.

Finally, Du Li saw the spiritual leader whom he had heard about since he was a child. Adam turned his back to Du Li, "I read your report, and it is a capital offense to go online without permission. I can be sure that the moment you enter the virtual network, you will fall The Mother Goddess has found you.

As for your wonderful journey, it may be intentional, including your appearance in front of my eyes at this time. "

Adam turned around. He was 2 meters tall and had a firm face. He was no longer young, but middle-aged.

Du Li instinctively knelt down on one knee, "The King of Humanity, Phoenix Jizhen from different worlds also said the same."

"Really, he is indeed the mad scientist who summoned everything. Although he is very arrogant, he does have real skills. Did he tell you about the future development of our human beings?" Adam asked.

"Every time I see a different Phoenix, after telling him everything I know, he can basically find that he is in a virtual parallel world immediately. And often at this time, the destruction of the world has already Not far away.

Knowing the tragic situation of human beings in 600 years, he just suggested that we flee to space to delay the time of extinction. "

"Delaying the time of extinction? The gap is too big, and there is no chance of winning? It seems that he thinks so." There was no surprise or despair on Adam's face. Obviously, he had already guessed the end of mankind. Even so, he was still leading mankind. The remnants are holding on.

"The thing I'm most curious about is that you don't see the shadow of the Prophet in each world. Do you know what this means?"

Seeing that Du Li's spirit was sluggish, Adam continued: "This means that the fallen home planet cannot count everything, at least the prophet is not under her control!"

Adam's eyes were firm, "The prophet, that is, my father, he once told me that in every catastrophe, there is always a savior who appears with the last hope. I asked him, am I the savior? He said I am not, the savior should have someone else, it is not yet time to be born, I am just a teacher who teaches the savior!"

"You are the first new human being in the post-civilization era. In such an environment of desolation, you have become a god. Even you are not the savior, so who else is there?"

Du Li couldn't believe it, there were only the two of them in this place full of steel, and there was no one else.

Du Li could only see the back of Adam, "Everyone has his own way, all we can do is to take every step under our feet. My father has disappeared, and I don't know where he went. He once said "The way of redemption lies within." He went to find the only thing that could destroy the fallen mother planet.

And you, the new robot who stumbled into the Gaia experiment by mistake, did not simply go through a dream trip.From your narration, we know that although Gaia is sleeping, her spirit is dreaming about worlds.As Phoenix scientists said, although Gaia's purpose is unknown, it is definitely harmful to us and the universe. "

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