In this era, a strong man is definitely capable of both civil and military skills. Through analyzing the nuclear beast, everyone initially discovered that the radioactive radiation has transformed its organs, and the optimal gene combination cells after mutation, so that it can accelerate the absorption of nowhere. Absent terror energy.

This time, the nuclear energy cultivation method requires the living person to implant the cells of the nuclear energy beast, and the robot simulates its genome to absorb the surrounding source energy.No matter what the circumstances, there are always heroes born.

Whether a civilization thrives depends on them.

The Prophet looked at this scene with satisfaction. He had also borrowed the ancient practice method to absorb the spiritual energy that had changed its law. Intensify, become more violent, uncontrollable.

Random inhalation will distort one's own genes, causing the cells to dissimilate and become an indescribable monster, which is very suitable for this chaotic era.

He originally wanted to do it himself, by comparing the genes of ancient and modern species, and borrowing the mutated original organism of the white-haired beast, to explore a new cultivation method, but in the end he put it down and let the descendants dig it out by themselves.

"The fire has been ignited, you don't need me anymore, I can finally complete my task."

On the second day after the release of the nuclear energy cultivation method, the kindling was lit, and the prophet who had a high status in the hearts of the newcomers disappeared, and no one knew where he was. generally.Fulfill the responsibility of a prophet, light the fire, and inspire each human being.

Some people also said that he sailed in the outer space to seek the revenge of the extraterrestrial race. There are different opinions, and only Adam received a letter left by him.

"To Adam, my favorite child:

The fire has been ignited, you don't need me as an old man anymore, you can grow and grow on your own.Now it is time for me to quit, otherwise it will become an obstacle to your progress. I also want to do what I have always wanted to do, to find the only hope that may solve the dark Gaia.

After all, Gaia was caused by the carelessness of our generation. As the only heir of the old era, I have the responsibility to completely end this tragic tragedy, to avenge my companions, myself, and the earth itself.

After I leave, everything else will develop as you wish, except that the virtual network cannot be contaminated at all.Recently, I often feel mental tremors, as if a giant is looking down on me.Stand on the ground, as long as the target is not too big.Gaia itself is not subtle enough to control every inch of land.This is also one of the soils on which we live.

And the virtual world is completely her home field, how many people enter, how many people die, completely facing Gaia's real body, life and death.I pass the fire of civilization into your hands, Adam, go on.The stars are still there, and the torch is not extinguished.

—A stiff dad. "

After reading the letter, Adam clenched his fists unconsciously. He looked back word by word, and finally said to himself: "Don't worry, dad. With me here, the fire will burn forever."

He asked his father a long time ago why he didn't choose to take them to flee the universe together, so as to get rid of the threat of Dark Gaia.At that time, the old man said earnestly: "The way of redemption lies in it. The only one who can defeat Gaia is Gaia herself."

But now it seems that Dad wants to use his own method to solve the biggest villain in the universe.

Chapter 440

In the dark sky and the long night, it is easy to forget the time, and a hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye.

100 years have passed.The post-civilized nuclear energy cultivation method invented by Adam back then has also developed very well, combining the genetic method of the previous era, and strengthening itself through controllable genetic mutation.

After countless failures and research, people have discovered a series of benign mutations, and this is the path of cultivation in today's era.

Everything has two sides. Nuclear energy can be a devastating energy, and it can also promote genetic mutation and evolution.

After the cultivation method was determined, the eternal leader prophet in everyone's heart disappeared. From the initial turmoil to the subsequent voyage of the ark under Adam's command, human beings are still trying their best to survive.People born in this era have the toughest hearts, like steel, indomitable.

Now the Ark has split into several human refuges. After all, eggs cannot be put in one basket, such as Zion and Yujing. They are hidden in different corners of Gaia, or like the mother Ark, they are in motion all the time. Sailing, or hiding in a forbidden area where creatures are extinct, or the only deep-sea trench that still retains the ecological circle of the last era.

Most of the places where human beings gather are named after the famous cities at the peak of human civilization. Now new humans can only trace the glory of civilization that is far away and untraceable in history books.

This is an era of wasteland. Except for gathering places to filter toxic substances and allow humans to move freely, the outside world is still a piece of scorched earth and gray snow. Although there are a few weeds, it is not suitable for human habitation.

What the prophet said back then was right. Today's era belongs to mutated beasts. Dust covers up the brilliance of civilization, and broken walls and ruins proclaim the glory of the past. From time to time, one or two mutated beasts with weird shapes emerge from the corner and run cautiously.

And sometimes there are fully armed exploration teams with machine guns and cannons to explore. They feel the glory of the Fifth Epoch and wonder who caused all this.

When human beings grow slowly, different mutant beasts appear around the world, and strange changes arise in the core, and the world around the dark Gaia that splits into countless consciousnesses becomes more and more real.

"Hey, Professor Crowe, are you going to Brera City in the Dancy Federation to attend a seminar on optics?"

In the bustling future city, there are pedestrians and robots constantly walking. One of the professors greets his colleagues in suits.

The prosperous and prosperous scene around is exactly the same as the fifth era that was destroyed 600 years ago, and the people living in this city did not expect that their memories would stay forever at the moment of death.

These are all human remnants who died tragically under the catastrophe, or the deepest obsessions that are still stubbornly resisting after being swallowed by Gaia, and the robot consciousness that was captured alive by Gaia.

In the dusty soil, the crowds gather into stars.Even if the weakest consciousness continues to condense, it will eventually become a force that cannot be ignored to interfere with Gaia.

"Ha ha."

Seeing the world he wove, where human beings lived happily, constantly overcame scientific research difficulties, and struggled for the future, Dark Gaia seemed to find it very interesting, and smiled unconsciously.

She stretched out her finger and pointed to another world called Kolding City. This world is very small, with only one big city, which was the capital of the famous United States of Polar Bears back then, symbolizing the cutting-edge level of human beings.

Among them are not only the masters of science and technology, but also the top evolutionists, and even the existence of gods and men.

"Go to bed early, tomorrow I have to go to the Eastern Continent for the martial artist assessment."

"Good night. Tomorrow morning, I will rush to the North Sea's sulfur island to discuss martial arts with others."

"Go to bed first, and I'll read "The Story of Nirvana" written by Professor Fenghuang."

As night fell, the noisy Kolding City gradually settled down. A day passed, some people were going to bed, and some were still staying up late to practice hard. However, as the clock ticked, it slowly arrived after 0:[-].

Everything has changed, the whole world is flipping, time goes back, light and shadow travel, a new day begins, people get up again and start to fix February 2, the torn calendar never reaches tomorrow.Because they are forever trapped in time, even those who stay up late don't realize it.

In the prison for a long time, the consciousness of powerful souls continued to decrease and weaken, and finally became dead souls no different from machines. As Gaia took a deep breath, the world of constant reincarnation, the eternal sinking consciousness was swallowed by her. swallowed.

Dark Gaia's temperament is more ethereal, and the final obsessions of all beings that trouble her are resolved so easily and happily. What she loves most is watching them lose themselves in the time prison and maze she carefully crafted, indulging in the glory of the past , lost all possibility, and finally announced that they were all dead when he appeared on the stage!

Seeing the crazy and unbelievable human expressions, Gaia enjoyed it very much, and even smelled the despair, hatred and other emotions overflowing from the blackness of their hearts, which was the most delicious food for her.

"It's too bad." Outside Jiang Ping shook his head with emotion.With the current strength of human beings, it is almost a dream to overthrow the blackened mother planet. Gaia stretches out a finger and can pinch to death the human civilization that has finally recovered.

Now Gaia just spends time and energy on digesting the gains from the previous era, and studies how to completely eliminate her good side.

"However, she found some interesting things in these experiments."

Dark Gaia has done some things that Jiang Ping is not easy to do, so he also discovered some wonderful energies, and now Gaia has also discovered a clue, that is, the leap evolution that breaks the shackles of creatures when they encounter stimulation and breaks through common sense .

According to historical records, in the most ancient period, the tyrannosaurus god of the first era underwent a wonderful leap and evolution at the moment of life and death, almost killing the white-haired man and becoming the overlord of the first era.

And this is by no means an isolated case. Before Tyrannosaurus, there were many unknown and weak creatures that had undergone incredible evolutions because of encountering dangers.

After Tyrannosaurus God, scholars of many different civilizations have studied related topics.Just like human beings are in danger, such as when a grandma sees a car crushing her grandson, in desperation, she suddenly lifts a car that cannot be lifted by a strong man in the world to rescue her grandson.

"Psychic power is really not bad, even Gaia has not mastered it. Is she deliberately blackening the pure soul now, observing it for a moment, and absorbing negative psychic energy?"

In many dream worlds, as the consciousness and obsession of the major robots sink and forget their original appearance, the strength of Dark Gaia has grown again. A lot of precious knowledge.

On this day, Gaia, who was in the depths of the star core, discovered something. She looked sideways and saw that it was a new consciousness completely different from the people of the old age. Walking in the dangerous virtual world.

The shelter expressly forbids anyone and robots from connecting to the Internet. Many people speculate that maybe the culprit that destroyed the Fifth Epoch is hidden in the dark and virtual. However, sometimes the more taboo, the more people like to break it.

After such a long time, a new robot in the shelter finally carefully built a receiver and sneaked into the virtual network. He thought his actions were very careful, but he couldn't imagine who he was going to face. Mother Planet Consciousness!

At this time, Dark Gaia quietly watched this immature soul explore this world cautiously.

"It seems that after such a long time, the backhand of human beings on the earth has been activated, and tiny crowds have appeared, but it is no longer the same day as it was back then, not even one in a million."

With the movement of Gaia's thoughts, the sky is full of wind and clouds. The Gaia star itself is her body, but because there are too many things to control and calculate, sometimes the small things are ignored.At this time, as Gaia carefully searched for popularity, he soon found several places where suspected crowds were stationed.

Facing such a weak "bug", Gaia couldn't even summon up the energy to destroy it.

However, after discovering the descendants of humans, Gaia thought of something more fun, suddenly smiled, she let go of layers of defenses, guided this carefully exploring soul, and let this soul enter the dream world she woven layers upon layers

"What, what is this?!"

When the robot named Du Li stumbled into a world, he looked at everything around him in disbelief. There were busy people in front of his eyes and loud noises in his ears.

He dared to swear that he had never seen so many people in his life. The space in the shelter is limited, and the material is the most precious. Here, they are wearing the high-end clothes that he dreamed of. delicious food.

"I heard that the Yunzhou Kingdom plans to launch another kilometer-long supernavigation starship. This time their goal is a gold star outside the solar system. I think if the plan is successful, the price of gold will drop again."

"Is there any way? The price level depends on whether there is demand or not. I hope Yunzhou Kingdom's plan can bring back more extraterritorial minerals. No matter what, bringing back rare space materials is beneficial to all mankind."

Surrounded by human beings and robots talking, Du Li, who had strayed into Taoyuan Township suddenly, was at a loss. He looked at his body, which was still as dilapidated as before, like cast iron, and there were people around him pointing and pointing. What about "performance art" and "retrospective style".


Du Li suddenly slapped himself hard. He is a robot, and robots don't know how to dream, but now he suspects that he was too obsessed with reading historical materials, and accidentally dreamed of the prosperous world 600 years ago.

Du Li, who slapped himself hard, opened his eyes again, and the people around him looked at him as if they were stupid 13, "Could it be that I fell into the illusion trap programmed by others?"

Du Li began to doubt life. His electronic eyes kept looking at everything around him. He moved his stiff body and grabbed a walking human being. Du Li nervously asked, "Where is this? The Garden of Eden or the Ark? How far is it from Yujing?" ?!"

The person caught by him shook off the antique robot unhappily. He has great strength and a higher level of evolution than Duli. It's Shangshui City, and it's still a hundred and eight thousand miles away from Yujing, the capital of Yunzhou Kingdom, where did you come from? Did you accidentally break your head?"

The kind-hearted man wanted to take Du Li to the police, but Du Li, who was instinctively afraid of violent agencies, quickly shook off his hand and fled away from the crowd.

"If this is an illusion programmed by someone else as a deliberate prank, then I have to admit that this is a big joke, but no matter how perfect a program is, there are loopholes!"

Du Li gritted his teeth and began to try to integrate into this world, trying to find loopholes.

He found that this suspected fifth-era city had too much supplies, and even provided fuel and mechanical materials for free. He did not hesitate to replace himself with a brand new body.

The shiny robot body reflected light, and Du Li felt that his body was three times lighter. This was not an illusion, his whole body function had indeed increased three times, although deep down he still felt that this world was false and was woven by others. become.

But as Du Li went deep into every corner of the city, he found that the various facilities and measures in Shangshui City were more perfect than Yujing where he stayed.

He stood in the middle of the square in a daze, looking up stupidly at the outdoor report of a robot reporter on the screen.

"Hi everyone, this is Shufang Plain"

Du Li also went to the outside world to perform missions. It was a twilight world intertwined with scorched earth and frozen soil. There was endless polluted snow and snow, and there was not a ray of green in the silent world.But now Du Li saw the boundless, dreamlike green ocean behind the reporter.

The wind blows the grass and sees cattle and sheep. With a gust of wind blowing, the green grass in the grassland undulates like waves. This extraordinary scenery made Du Li cry in the wasteland era.

"What the hell is going on here, a world without loopholes, a human city in the Fifth Epoch, did I travel through time and space?"

Du Li staggered, unable to believe what he saw and heard, which overturned his cognition.At this time, he accidentally bumped into a pure sweeping robot performing the task of cleaning the city, and he quickly grabbed the sweeping robot, "What time is it now? What year is this year?"


"This year is September 522, 9 in the human calendar."

After the sweeping robot answered Du Li's question, it started the task again, leaving only Du Li who was dumbfounded in place. He looked up at the sky feebly, not understanding what was wrong with him, and seemed to think of something. He suddenly woke up,

"Today is September 9st, and in 1 years when the fifth era ends in the history books, the prosperous human era will be destroyed one month later. What happened? I want to stop it, and I want to change history!"

Du Li is anxious, but the problem is that the high-level officials concealed the culprit that destroyed civilization. He still doesn't know what happened to Gaia star that day, one month later, causing the global military field to be invaded, [-] nuclear bombs to wipe out the ground, and even The two moons in the sky co-orbit.

"No matter what, we must first prevent countries from kidnapping good nuclear bombs!"

Du Li turned around and planned to leave here, telling the leader everything he knew, but at this time a radio sound came from behind,

"The current "Gaia Growth Plan" led by Professor Fenghuang is almost complete. The Heavenly Dao system and the God system have been upgraded several times. Just one month later, the Mother Goddess whom we all love will get rid of the shackles of the earth and merge with the planets to create a new world. Imprint all creatures since and become an eternal god!

And she, Goddess Gaia, will lead us humans to the pinnacle of the universe, and now countries have started preparations for celebrations, let's take a look at the Darcy Republic"

Du Li couldn't hear the next words clearly, he turned his iron head stiffly, and looked behind dumbfoundedly:

"how is this possible!"

Chapter 441 Future Man?

There were obviously noisy crowds around, and the bright sunshine in the sky shook people's minds. This was the paradise Du Li had imagined. However, when he heard the broadcast sound from behind, Du Li felt a chill all over his body instead of a trace of warmth.

He turned his head and looked at the experiment screen without blinking. It was a research team that gathered all the human elites, and the leader was the famous Dean of Phoenix Fierceness.

Even now, 600 years later, Du Li has seen this number several times from the corners of the dilapidated ruins. It seems that he represents the most outstanding talent of that generation. As for him in the history books, there is only a simple picture in a white coat. Photos, below is only a simple comment:

【The Mad Scientist Who Summons All Evil】

The fierceness of the phoenix on the screen is far more spiritual than the pictures in the books. Wearing the iconic white coat, especially those sharp eyes, it seems to be able to see through the essence of everything.

Faced with the reporter's interview and the doubts of the outside world, Fenghuang Jizhen did not answer, but turned around and started working again. The Duli robot stared at the huge screen on the square without blinking, not wanting to let go of a frame.

"It's him, the culprit, who caused the destruction of the prosperous fifth era! He is the biggest executioner in history!"

Du Li's spirit was agitated. Seeing this mad scientist with his own eyes, he couldn't hide his anger. If it weren't for him, perhaps humans and robots still live under the blue sky and white clouds, and they don't need to be in the dangerous and cold radiation area every day. Be vigilant and vigilant against the increasingly powerful mutant beasts, and collect meager materials to support themselves.He has done his best just to survive.

"What's that?" He saw two light men made of data, accompanying Phoenix Jizhen.

The people around looked at him like a fool, "This is the real body of God and the Emperor of Heaven. They are the pride of our human civilization. They are based on the spirit overflowing from our subconscious mind and are constantly changing. It can be said that they are two data gods. Unity is the way of heaven in the online world!"

The people next to him showed pride, but Du Li became even more angry when he heard it, he grabbed the fellow robot on the right, "Since you have such a good world, why do you end up on the road of self-destruction with such abundant resources? There is such a great virtual god, why should it touch taboos!

Do you know what you have left for us, for your children and grandchildren?There are only debris and viruses in one place. In order to survive, we even recycle our own excrement to process organic food, but you have destroyed our dream of paradise! "

Du Li's voice was so sad that he was stunned by the robot he caught, "I don't understand what you are talking about. Is your brain circuit short-circuited? Or is it a programming error?"

"Everyone, please see, this is the embodiment of the will of our mother god."

On the screen, the reporter continued to explore the mysterious research base with the camera. After passing through the cutting-edge computers, the camera finally pointed at the mysterious center. Before Du Li had time for his colleagues in Panasonic's hands, he looked at the source of all evil in a daze.

It was a bright and clean goddess with blue hair like a waterfall, sleeping in the obsession of all beings. The moment she saw her, the people and robots in the square knelt down at the same time, closed their eyes, and sincerely prayed from the inside out. .

At this time, among the people kneeling on the ground, Du Li and the robot caught by him stood out, "This, this is Yujing, no, is it the culprit that all the senior management of the refuge have avoided talking about? No wonder not If you are willing to break the news to the public, if you really say it, something big will happen and shake all the foundations of our existence."

Du Li let go of the robot tremblingly. He vaguely saw the sleeping girl open a gap, which made him kneel down instinctively in fright, not daring to look directly.

In a corner where he didn't pay attention, there was a high-definition camera silently recording everything, reporting this antique robot with weird behavior.

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