Within three days, a full 10 billion Violet people were devoured by the undead natural disaster. No one thought that Charlotte would move so fast. By the time Saint Yadan assembled his army, he would have already fallen into his trap.Millions of elite troops, the entire army was wiped out!

The natural disaster of the undead became more powerful, and the black plague swept through the atrium, leaving no survivors.Passing along the way brings disasters, plagues, wars, and death.After the news came out, the whole world was shaken.

This is an army of more than 10 billion undead, even if they are killed, the holy sword will break. How could the fallen prince's intrusion speed be so fast? I'm afraid he has evolved into a god of death.Aware of the seriousness of the problem, the three major forces, the Federation of St. Yadan, the Magic Empire, and the Kingdom of Lions, formed a coalition force, and they must pursue a battle to determine victory or defeat.It cannot compete with the undead natural disaster.

The King of Knights summoned the Knights of the Round Table, leaving only his disciples Delia and the Princess to preside over the overall situation. She led an army of 500 million knights to support Saint Adam.

For some reason, before she left, when An Qi was drawing her sword, a knight drew out his sword and beheaded a poisonous snake that climbed up the scabbard. The dark red poisonous blood dripped on the blade of the sword. touch.

In the middle of the journey, there was also a change. When the army was stationed to rest, King Anqi washed on the stream alone. Because of her special status, she didn't want to be discovered by others, so she naturally kept others away.

While taking a bath in the Angel River, there was a rustling sound from the bank, and the grass trembled, before she could startle.A squirrel ran away mischievously holding the holy sword on the side.

"Don't run!"

Angel was startled, and hurriedly got up from the river, wrapped in a simple white cloak, and went to chase the squirrel.

The more she chased, the farther she went, and gradually, Angel found that everything became strange, she was getting farther and farther away from the army, and the surroundings became quiet.


The mischievous squirrel with the holy sword fell into a lake deep in the forest. The lake is not big, about ten meters, clear to the bottom, and the banks are covered with green grass.Angel stepped forward suspiciously, carefully looked around with green eyes, and asked:

"Who took my sword? Do you know what kind of sword it is?"

She summoned the sword of victory in her heart, but there was no response.Angel knew that it was someone she couldn't afford to offend.But why does such a person want to snatch her holy sword? Is there such a strong person in the courtyard?

Just as she was constantly suspicious, there were ripples in the clear lake. Following Angel's call, a black-haired male god appeared in the middle of the lake. He had a kind face and compassion for the world. Father and Son.

The black-haired holy father held a golden holy sword in his hand, and asked kindly: "Noble King of Knights, did you drop this golden holy sword, Star Death?"

Angel, who was tightly wrapped in a cloak, had a strange expression on her face, and there were drops of dew on the tip of her golden hair, like water dripping from the eaves, dripping down continuously, making her face even more delicate and voluptuous.

Angel replied with a strange expression: "No, what I dropped was not this sword, but a precious sword hidden in a green wooden scabbard."

She had also heard the name of this divine weapon, the golden holy sword Starfall. She heard that it was the proud work of the ancient god of fire. The power and fame of the single round were still on her sword of victory.But this is not his own after all, not to mention the sword of victory has a special meaning to him.

Hearing Angel's answer, the black-haired Holy Father in the lake nodded and sank back into the bottom of the lake. Just as Angel was guessing what he was going to do next, ripples soon appeared in the lake again, and the black-haired Holy Father appeared again. The holy sword he held in his hand this time caused the usually nervous Angel to widen her eyes in disbelief.

This is a sword, a holy sword known to all Hill people, it is the origin of the concept of weapon, it symbolizes destruction and war.

The old divine genealogy of the ancient "Hill's Calendar" ended because of it, and the war of the Three Realms in the ancient times also ended because of it.Nothing is broken, nothing is cut, it symbolizes original sin and invincible power, and there is no one in the world who does not desire.

"Honest King of Knights, did you drop this Holy Sword of Original Sin just now?"

Angel: ""

"No, I didn't drop this sword either. What I dropped was a knight's sword."

In the end, Angel restrained her inner greed and chose to answer honestly.

This time, the black-haired Holy Father sank to the bottom of the lake again. Just when Angel was curious about what else he would bring out, the Holy Father who emerged again took out a familiar sword with a green scabbard.

"Knight King, did you drop this elven sword?"

"Yes, that's right." Angel replied without hesitation.

She raised her steps and walked slowly across the lake, holding the holy sword from the Holy Father, a hint of cunning flashed in her emerald green eyes, she threw herself forward, and hugged this funny god tightly:

"Dad, you're kidding me again. According to the story, shouldn't you give me the Holy Sword of Original Sin in the end?"

Said that she has been coquettishly turning in the arms of the Holy Father, like a little golden cat that has not grown up.She didn't realize it at first, but when the Holy Father came out of the lake for the second time, she remembered the fables that her father told her in the forest of elves when she was a child.

In the story, it is the woodcutter and the main god who dropped the axe.I didn't expect that I would become the protagonist in the story today.After the birth, Angel collected information, and vaguely knew the identity of her father, the extremely mysterious god of joy and mischief, and such behavior was indeed his style.

The last Holy Sword of Original Sin made her 100% sure.

Feeling the coquettish and writhing body in his arms, and hearing the Holy Sword of Original Sin yelling in his ears, Luo Er smiled wryly: "I still can't escape the eyes of the little troublemaker, I thought you had forgotten about Dad a long time ago."

"It's been so many years, and you haven't come to see me, thinking that you and everyone in the elf forest don't want me anymore. I heard that the God Realm is closed, and the roads between the worlds are difficult to walk. I wanted to go home several times, and finally Still did not return for various reasons.”

Angel let go of Luo Er, and pulled him to the shore with a smile on his face, "Dad, this time, I want to show you my growth. When I was younger, you always hit me on the head with a branch. , this time I want to avenge my shame!"

On the shore, An Qi is not like the king in front of the Knights of the Round Table, but a pure girl, with a very relaxed smile, holding the sword of victory with both hands, eager to challenge her father.

Luo Er also wanted to take the opportunity to see her growth, so he broke a branch from the tree and waved to the grown-up Angel, "Come on, little troublemaker, let me see your growth over the years."

What followed was a battle between dragons and tigers, so that the sun and the moon dimmed, the sky and the earth faded, the space shook, and the universe disappeared.

"Oh, it hurts. It hurts."

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.The fierce battle in Angel's mind did not appear, and she was still hit on the head by a branch as usual. She had obviously grown a lot, and all major swordsmanship was at her fingertips, but let alone hurt her father, she didn't even touch the corner of her clothes.


Angel threw down the sword of victory and stuck it on the ground. She raised her nose and said, "No more fights, no more fights. Dad always plays tricks."

Luo Er also put down the branch, "It's not that I'm cheating, but that although you have grown up, your mind is not as simple and straightforward as before. Angel, have you been fighting for yourself all these years?"

An Qier sat on the ground and waved her hands indifferently, "Now I have citizens who support me, trust my companions, and close friends, why don't I live for myself."

It seems that she still doesn't realize the seriousness of the problem. Luo Er shook his head, "The road I chose, I have to walk on my knees. I hope you will remember the words I said to you when we parted."

"Which sentence is it?"

Angel turned her head and asked, but unexpectedly, there was no one behind, and her father had already left.

Angel's lips moved, and her heart was a little empty. She murmured in words only she could hear: "You must never forget your original intention. I know why you came here this time, Dad, but there are hundreds of millions of people behind me." , I cannot escape."

After she finished speaking, she picked up the holy sword and got up, and Angel heard the shouts of her companions not far away.

"Knight King, where did you go just now? We have been waiting for 20 minutes." The loyal knight Bede asked. The normal time for the king to bathe is less than 10 minutes.

"Is it only 20 minutes?" An Qier's heart moved. She had just reunited with her father and had a sword fight for a while. Logically speaking, it took a long time, but she had already known the miracle of her father.

The King of Knights got on his horse, "The whole army set off!"

In the end, she glanced back at this unknown mysterious forest, and embarked on the journey without nostalgia.

"The turning point, the beginning of the downhill road, fate is really wonderful." In the forest, Rolle sighed.

ps: Thanks to the leader of Ziyanyan for the reward, the first cute leader in life, I am touched, there are ten thousand for one.Recently, I have been physically and mentally exhausted due to something. I am recuperating these days. When my spirit recovers and my state returns, I will definitely add more.Recently, the website has changed its algorithm recommendation, adding a sharp drop, headaches, maybe this is life.I can only do my best and look at the destiny.

Chapter 402 The Four Horsemen of the Doom

Angie led the Knights of the Round Table to join the coalition forces of St. Adam and the Magic Empire. Every member of the Knights of the Round Table is at least an epic knight, and many of them are in charge of artifacts. The heroic deeds of each knight are widely publicized in the atrium. According to legend, their character has become a model for people all over the world.

The teenagers in the courtyard aim to join the Knights of the Round Table, and they are the protagonists of legends.

And the magic empire has tens of thousands of magisters. They hold magic wands, not just human-shaped cannons. The magic cannons developed by them absorb the ideas of the craftsman God Tianjiao in the new era, and cooperate with their ideas, which are more powerful than old and new firearms. .

"No matter how strong the undead natural disaster is, they are still flesh and blood, and our infinite firepower is exactly their nemesis." Louise, the magician zero magician, said confidently.

"The biggest reliance of the fallen prince is that the more soldiers he fights, the more he fights. Anyone who dies in battle can be reduced to his subordinates. The plague of the undead is pervasive, and the war is endless. But what if the soldiers are all smashed into blood? Resurrection? What's more, our sacrificial holy group has also come this time.

Purify the legion and save the people.Three Kingdoms United, how can Charlotte win? "

Louise proudly stretched out her hand and pointed to the white magicians not far away, and those were their greatest reliance.

The St. Yadan Freedom Alliance has a loose system. It is formed by the union of hundreds of small countries, and the trade within the Federation is unimpeded. Therefore, the commercial economy is the head of the Atrium, especially the latest magic technology is amazing. Their leaders are voted by the people. The one who decides is the great sage.

The great sage has snow-white hair and has lived for a thousand years. Although he is old, his waist is straight, and he wears high glasses on his nose.Behind the great sage, there are huge monsters wearing divine armor and galloping. Their strength is equally terrifying.The great sage may not be very powerful, but he is a real wise man and enjoys a great reputation in the court.

"Look, here comes the Knights of the Round Table."

Someone in the allied army pointed to the west direction, where the Lion King flag was flying. The leading knight king had dazzling blond hair and wore a green jade holy sword.

"Great Sage, I don't know why Charlotte fell. If I don't go all out to eliminate this time, the undead natural disasters will continue to spread under the plague war, and the entire atrium will be reduced to a kingdom of death."

Louise asked the great sage for advice, "This time, the troops we brought, tens of millions of elite troops, are enough to fight against a hundred. It is expected that the natural disaster of the undead will not be a problem, but it will only delay our pace. The most important thing is that the fallen prince But not so easy to deal with.

As long as he escapes and ascends to heaven, then this time it will be a big defeat for us. We only need to give him time, and he will make a comeback in a short time. At that time, I am afraid it will be a catastrophe for us. "

At this moment, An Qi also came in, and the great sage looked at the heroic knight king, and he said firmly: "The one who destroys Charlotte is also the knight king. You two are destined enemies, born on the same day , under the influence of fate, one black and one white.

If Charlotte wins, the atrium will become the kingdom of the dead, and the life forms of all of us will change. The God Realm will not intervene in this process, because who can judge that the undead are wrong?If the King of Knights wins, everyone will be happy, and I will make Saint Adam surrender to him.He will dominate the atrium, accomplish great deeds, ignite the divine fire, and ascend to the God Realm. "

After listening, the masters present were all surprised, they didn't expect this battle to have such a profound impact.Changing the shape of life in the entire atrium, thinking about it carefully, although they think they are righteous and bright, who can say that darkness and evil are wrong?

Where there is light, there is darkness. These are pros and cons. There is no right or wrong, just different positions.From the perspective of World Tree, these are all her children, a rebellion and a rule.

An Qi stood at the sword, looking towards the east with deep blue eyes, where the ominous black tide was rolling in, like a beast with its bloody mouth open, waiting for them to throw themselves into the net.

During the battle on Zurfa Island, the two fell in love with each other. Angie believed that Charlotte was a perfect prince, but unexpectedly, the world was impermanent, the pressure around him was too great, and there were problems with his own soul. In the end, the perfect prince blackened and became a fearful demon king, spreading disaster.

He is still a king, but not a human king, but an undead monarch.

At this time, one hundred thousand miles away from the gathering place of the armies of the Three Kingdoms, a [-]-meter-long frost dragon exuding a faint blue will-o'-the-wisp is soaring high in the sky, and the fallen prince wearing armor on its back is also looking in this direction .

The gazes of the two old enemies traveled thousands of miles and met in the air. Under the traction of Qi, the two sensed each other at the same time.

"Can only one live?"

The Frost Dragon flapped its wings and landed slowly. It looked back and licked its master affectionately. The blue light overflowing from Frostmourne in its hand made Xia Luoer slightly comfortable. The world betrayed him, at least he still had the sword in his hand.

Not far away came white horse knights, red horse knights, black horse knights, and green horse knights. They were dressed like princes, and their bodies were covered with thick armor, making it hard to see their appearance.

The knight on the white horse holds a longbow and wears a crown on his head. He is the head of the four knights of the apocalypse, symbolizing victory and conquest.

The knight on the red horse holds a blood-dripping sword in his hand, and the hideous blood-colored sword is haunted by resentment, which is eerie and terrifying.Symbolizes war and destruction.

The rider of the black horse supports the balance, which symbolizes chaos and famine. When he appears, it represents chaos in the world, soaring prices and economic collapse.

The name of the green horse knight is the most mysterious and terrifying. Under the heavy armor, only a pair of eyes of the dead are exposed.

The four knights of the doomsday were born by sacrificing more than 10 billion people. They each carry a certain law. This is Charlotte's confidence to conquer the world.

The Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms did not dare to neglect, time was on Charlotte's side, the longer the time passed, the more terrifying his undead natural disaster would be.

The coalition forces made some preparations, and when the sun rose and the sky turned pale the next day, they had already sounded the war horn.

With the sound of whining horns, the ancient knights, the magic group with wands in their hands, and even the mechanical shaft wheels rolled, and the mechanized magic guide troops had emerged from the warehouse.

Knight King, Zero Mage, and Great Sage, the three came out and looked forward at the same time.

Black smoke blows from the end of the earth, and countless undead and zombies like army ants are advancing aimlessly. Their bodies are crooked, their flesh is festered, and they exude a strong smell of corpses, which makes the living creepy and infected with corpse poison.

In the land where the undead natural disasters have passed, not a single blade of grass grows. The green grass and big trees under their feet are sick and withered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Hundreds of millions of undead gather and form a plague of death, devouring all life. zir

In the center of the undead natural disaster, the giant frost dragon is staring down below, the belly of the dragon is hot, and his neck is waiting to erupt the blue dragon's breath at any time, destroying the disrespectful creatures below.

"Charlotte, it's been a long time. I didn't expect that when we meet again, we will live and die separately."

After so many years, things have changed. An Qi rode on the red dragon and said to the white-haired Charlotte opposite.

On the back of the Frost Dragon, Charlotte, who was covered in armor, couldn't see his expression clearly, only a pair of eyes were particularly bright, which made people feel deeply sad.

"I am no longer Charlotte, King of Knights. You are born free, so why lead the army to stand in my way? The world is too complicated and unfair. Maybe only by completely overthrowing the old order and transforming into a heartless undead, can everyone understand each other. Heart to heart."

What the fallen prince said stunned everyone. Unexpectedly, his ideals are quite lofty. It sounds very reasonable, but after careful consideration, it seems that there is something wrong.

In order for you to avoid disputes and differences, I will kill you all first.

"It seems that you who have been bewitched by Hill's Magic Box are no longer the person you were before. Can you tell me, what did you see on that box?" researched.

"All the malice of human beings is the darkest and most terrifying, but it contains the most precious hope. It will only appear around the human beings who desire it the most." Thinking of the mysterious black box that made her, Charlotte also has complicated emotions.He saw despair in it, but some people also saw hope.

A box is a box only as long as the person who opens it.

In the last era, it created the strongest human king in history, and this time it created itself.

While they were talking, the Scourge of the Undead was still advancing. They didn't need logistics and food, and they didn't eat or drink. They only had the simplest thought of killing and devouring.As for the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms, the magic cannon was already on standby, ready to roar at any time.


The head of the four knights of the apocalypse, the knight on the white horse took the lead. He drew his long bow angrily and shot towards the sky. With a bang, the arrow soaring into the sky shot at the enemy. One turned into two, two turned into three, and three turned into ten thousand. In an instant, the sky appeared Dense arrows of death.

He didn't shoot the frontline leader, but the fire force behind.The Apocalypse Knights knew very well that they had the upper hand in numbers. As long as the most threatening troops in the rear were eradicated, even demigods would fall in the endless Dead Sea tactics.


The first knight, Lance, stepped on his feet and pulled out his holy sword—the sword of the fairy in the lake.This is a beautiful sword made of clear ice crystals. When the sword is pulled out, there are hexagonal snowflakes flying, and a ray of cold light shoots from the sky, directly piercing the fairy sword.

"Guard the City of Ice Heart."


Suddenly, the surrounding temperature dropped sharply. With Lance as the center, a thick layer of ice city spread on the ground. The kingdom of ice and snow descended in an instant, and an arc-shaped shield blocked the front.

"Clang clang clang."

All the arrows of death were blocked by Ice City. The knight on the white horse turned his head to look at Lance, who was holding the fairy sword.

Following the attack of the white horse knight, the undead natural disasters in the rear rioted. Their cloudy eyes lit up bloodthirsty light, and the power from their rotting bodies came from nowhere, like a beast that smelled food, and rushed towards the enemy.

Thousands of people form an army, hundreds of millions of people form a sea, and the terrifying army of undead rushes towards us. This momentum makes the warriors of all battles terrified.They didn't care about whether they would accidentally injure their own people by trampling on him. If they trampled to death, they stepped on his corpse and continued to move forward.

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