So on the earth, a fierce treasure hunting movement began. Anyone who wanted to ascend to the sky and become the most noble person in the world would dig the earth with tools, and an alien version of the "gold rush movement" began.

Even because of the search for Hill's Box, conflicts have gradually arisen among countries that live in peace and harmony, and military conquests have begun.

"It seems that no matter which world it is, there are always many people who want to reach the sky in one step and get something for nothing."

After Ning Tianjiao mentioned the story of Hill, some people with good intentions commented that whether it is the gold rush in the west or the lottery, they are all for a chance, and the same is true for the movement to find the magic box in other worlds.Everyone clearly knows that there is only one treasure, but they are still willing to believe that they are the one.

Different from the gradually chaotic world, the Violet Kingdom in the East is dead and silent. In fact, on the island, the decisive battle between King Charlotte of the East and King Angie of the Western Lion was a battle of national destiny.

Charlotte has won all her life, growing up with flowers and gold, surrounded by praises and blessings, but he lost the most important battle!The Violet Kingdom, which was originally imposing like a rainbow, suddenly let out like a rainbow, and never recovered.

Charlotte even lost her original throne, and became the first prince, third prince, and last prince again.

Chapter 400 Charlotte's Annoyance

In the corner of the royal city of the Eastern Violet Kingdom, there is a down and out prince who is drinking heavily.Fluffy hair, cloudy eyes covered with blood, Prince Charlotte is no longer as handsome as before, and the whole person is extremely decadent.

"Where's the wine? Where's my wine?"

Charlotte stood up staggeringly, and stretched out her hand to ask the maid for a drink.

"Prince, you can't drink any more."

The maid on the side wanted to dissuade her, but he rudely pushed her away. Charlotte had a splitting headache, her own soul consciousness was suppressed, and the legendary Emperor Terry, his ancestor, attempted to seize the house. Everyone didn't know , What kind of mess is his head, coupled with the endless pressure, the disappointment after everyone's expectations were shattered, all these made him extremely painful.

Only alcohol can paralyze the split consciousness and the pain of the soul.

The maid faded away after taking the wine in disappointment, "The prince is dead."

All the Violet people, including her, thought so, and what had been hope had turned to despair.Everyone felt that he was devastated after losing the National Games. No one knew the pain and struggle in his heart, the pain in his soul, was enough to drive people crazy.

"Maybe I'm crazy."

Charlotte, who borrowed alcohol to paralyze herself, staggered and held the empty wine jug, echoing in the silent palace like a ghost, the prosperity passed, leaving only loneliness.In the palace, there is no family affection, no true love.The servant who flattered and flattered him back then is gone.

The younger sister who often acted like a baby to her in the past also shows disgust now, and the half-brothers are even worse, using themselves as a stepping stone, and doing nothing for the throne of Violet.The father, who was originally kind and kind, is now dismissive.

At the lowest point of his life, Charlotte fell from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the valley, and he had experienced the bitterness of the world. He once climbed to the top with flowers all the way, and was also deeply trapped in the mud and swamp.Everyone is watching jokes, no one really understands his inner core.

Charlotte, who was wandering like a ghost, suddenly heard a rustling sound in a corner of the garden. After listening carefully, he found that it was still a familiar voice.

"Oh, don't touch it, it will be terrible if someone finds out here." The sweet girl's voice was the voice of his fiancée Elizabeth.

"Haha, so what if I'm discovered? I'm the crown prince now, the first heir to Violet! The old man is dead, and the whole world is mine. I want to see what Charlotte can do after being discovered. Anyway, he already is a piece of crap.

Drinking too much all day long, and neglecting you, the most beautiful rose in the violet kingdom, my brother naturally has to "take care of". "The male voice is the first prince Milne who is now famous. He is Charlotte's half-brother. Before Charlotte was born, he was the first heir. Now that Charlotte is demoted, naturally He's on top.

"Hehe, I see that all of you are not only greedy for my body, but also want to vent the depression of being bullied by Charlotte." Princess Elizabeth said coquettishly. It sounds like Milne is not the only one who is thinking about her.

Charlotte clenched his fists in the dark, and the rough nails pierced into the flesh, which was extremely painful, and the pain made his mind clearer.The pain of the body can be endured, and the pain of the soul can be anesthetized, but what about the betrayal of the one you love the most?

Then there was another rustle, hum, haha, Charlotte closed her tired eyes in pain, and dropped the empty flagon with a snap, the two people who were so frightened got up in panic, shouting who it was At this time, Charlotte has gone further and further away. Unknowingly, she has been wearing so many green hats, and Charlotte is annoyed.

Confused consciousness, even thinking becomes a problem, the Atrium King Sword was also taken back, no one can use it, lying quietly in the treasure house in the palace, the sword is dusty and rusty.


In the deep palace, Charlotte's crazy laughter suddenly came out. His ancestors betrayed him, his father betrayed him, his elder brother betrayed him, his wife betrayed him, and even the knights he formed back then also betrayed him. Underneath, Charlotte, who was at the lowest point in her life, fell down with a bang.

When he was dying, he saw a mysterious and mysterious black box, which contained all the evils in the world, and also contained the most precious light of hope, which can give hope to the world and destroy all living beings.

Good and evil are only in a moment, becoming a god or a demon is only in a moment.

At this time, the lines of the mysterious black box flickered, as if sensing something, a gap opened unconsciously in the tightly closed box, and the infinite malice in it was bewitching Charlotte's soul.

"Do you want revenge? Do you want to get back everything you own? Do you want the whole world to crawl under your feet?" One after another bewitching voices came from the black box.

Charlotte instinctively stretched out his right hand to grab the hope in his heart. He saw his future in the black box, and his right hand paused for a second in the air, and then grabbed the black box without hesitation.

Different from the chaotic Violet Kingdom, the Lion Kingdom located in the west of the atrium is now full of vigor and vitality. Both the King of Knights and the Knights of the Round Table are full of fighting spirit, the society is peaceful, and the politics is stable. Soldiers from the bottom have overcome all obstacles and climbed to the top. Dian became a member of the Knights of the Round Table, and the adventure stories of each knight inspired many teenagers.

However, in the middle of the night, An Qi, who was alone, leaned against the pillar and looked at the bright and bright moon, often feeling confused.With trusted subordinates and caring friends, she often felt that she had done something wrong, and she began to think of the days in the forest of elves.

In fact, she has ruled the Lion Kingdom for so many years. In order to show the world a perfect king, she even married the prime minister's daughter, Dana, but on the night of the wedding, she told her the biggest secret—the knight The king is a woman.

Recalling Dana who was full of astonishment at that time, the corners of An Qi's mouth raised unconsciously.She and Dana are just a formal marriage. She told Dana that she doesn't have to worry about herself and can pursue what she loves with confidence.

"King, it's late at night, why don't you rest?"

Dana's voice came from behind, she covered Angel with a gorgeous royal robe, even though she knew her real body.But Dana still really loves the king, because she is too perfect, in line with everyone's imagination of a real king.

Angel turned back and said, "I don't know why, I feel uneasy recently, and the sword of victory is also a little uneasy. I wonder if I can find anything by observing the sky at night."

Princess Dai Na said curiously: "Now the country is prosperous and the people are peaceful. Everyone respects you and believes in you. It should be no big deal."

As soon as the words were finished, in the dark night, a sky-high bloody light suddenly appeared in the east direction. This light was so dazzling that it traveled thousands of miles, making Dunlun King City covered in a sea of ​​blood.

"That's the direction of the Violet Kingdom, what happened there?!"

The holy sword on An Qi's waist vibrated, and the green jade scabbard trembled slightly, as if warning her, or reminding her to run away.

At this moment, the great sage in the Free Federation of St. Adam in the south of the atrium also noticed the vision. The great sage is a demigod powerhouse, and he can be said to be the strongest man who can stay in the atrium for a long time. At this time, the great sage is wearing glasses It was also frightening.

In the northern magic empire, the head of the empire's chief predictor star master burst open, scaring the apprentices to scream. Even Lacus, the goddess of magic who was far away in the God Realm, was awakened by the shock.

"Why is this power so evil and mysterious?"

Lux felt that the power that invaded the magic empire was a bit familiar. She personally cast spells in the temple to investigate, and spent a huge price. After consuming ten magic spar mountains, she finally knew where the power came from. It turned out to be their pain. The hard-to-seek Hill's Box!

She had a premonition that something bad was going on, and she rang the bell of God's Domain to summon the gods.

"What is it? Why is the bell ringing so quickly?"

One after another, the gods left the customs and stepped into the center of the God's Domain. One of the twelve main gods was missing. Except for the accidentally fallen Emperor Terry, all the others were present, and finally even the Supreme God Cook appeared.

His eyes are like the eyes of the world, overlooking all things, ruthless and sexless, maintaining order.The Supreme God looked at the Goddess of Magic and asked, "What is the reason for summoning a group of gods?"

Lux didn't say much, stretched out her finger and tapped lightly, the image of Hill's magic box flashed across the Violet Kingdom, the magic box opened the mysterious corner, the gods stood on tiptoe and hurriedly looked, and saw countless black water All the evils of this world poured down from the gap, all pouring into a figure below.

"This is Terry's aura. This is his blood descendant. It should be his backhand. After the attempt failed, he made a comeback. It seems that his junior is a genius. The consciousness of the two is entangled. Life is better than death. There was chaos and no one was winning.

But how did he summon the Hill's Box?Could it be that before the fall of Emperor Terry, the opportunity to find out the emergence of the magic box? "

Everyone sitting here is at the top of Hill's world, so they naturally know many secrets, and can see through most of the truth at a glance.The gods kept guessing that the deep and malicious horror could be perceived from the screen alone. This was a terrible thing that caused the decline of the God Realm and the birth of the Underworld.

"Your Majesty, the origin of Hill's Box is mysterious. I don't know whether it is good or evil. This time it reappears in the world. I'm afraid it's either a blessing or a curse. If I don't wait, there may be catastrophe for the atrium and even the five worlds." Magic The red lips of the goddess moved slightly, a kind reminder.

The gods recalled the major event caused by the appearance of this mysterious magic box. The first time the salted fish sage opened the magic box, resulting in the end of the ancient era and the birth of the underworld.The second time was the battle of the Three Realms. The human king Locke raised the banner of rebellion and fought fiercely with the most powerful god king in ancient times, and finally got the support of the magic box.

It has no good or evil, but every time it is born, it will lead to chaos in the world, and it does not know whether it is good or bad.

At this time, many true gods were secretly observing the face of the Supreme God. His predecessor was created by Hill's Box. Speaking of which, the relationship between the Supreme God and the human king is very complicated. It can be said that the Supreme God is the divine side of the human king. Without a trace of humanity, the perfect god in Locke's vision.

"Fate is countless. There is no good or evil in the magic box. Every birth brings blood and blood. This time the God Realm is closed. I don't want to use my own will to forcibly change the world. Wishful goodwill is the greatest malice."

The Supreme God's answer puzzled the gods. Even the goddess of magic opened her lips slightly and wanted to say something more, but in the end she sighed and did not persuade.

The human king raised the flag of rebellion because the gods manipulated the human world at will, using the countries as a game and all living beings as pawns. Now he is naturally not interested in interfering in the human world.This answer is not surprising, not to mention that the appearance of Hill's Box may not be a disaster.

Among the gods at the meeting, Ning Tianjiao's eyes were the most complicated, "Is the Hill's Box left by the traveler back then another big war? I hope not too many people will die this time."

The world of the gods is closed and no longer intervenes in the human world, so the methods of the churches to contact the gods are all ineffective, and the loyal leaders shouted: "God abandons the world and no longer saves the world. We wait for the lamb to pay for our crimes." Atonement."

When such a big event happened in his own territory, King Violet and Oscar III were not fools. Naturally, he found out early on that he summoned the Royal Palace Guards and rushed to the place of blood light as soon as possible. The blood light was deep in the palace. When he saw the blood light figure, Everyone was stunned, none other than Prince Charlotte who was cast aside by everyone.

Now he is dancing wildly, wrapped in the blood river, like a bloody demon god.

"Xia, Charlotte, have you regained your vigor and strength?"

Oscar III asked tremblingly. He seemed to be in tears. How long had he been waiting for this day? Since the failure of the First World War, the Violet Kingdom, which was originally as magnificent as a rainbow, has already appeared to be subjugated.There are powerful enemies outside, and princes and ministers fighting for power and profit inside.

Prince Charlotte was also depressed, mentally confused, unconscious, and drinking all day long. As a king, he could only find the next heir. Now it seems that Charlotte has gone one step further, although it looks a bit weird.

At this time, princes and princesses came from all corners of the palace, including Elizabeth and Milne who had arranged their clothes and had flushed cheeks.

"Charlotte, how are you?" Fiancee Elizabeth straightened her hair and took a nervous step forward with her collar.


Only more and more resounding cries appeared in the blood-filled sky. Charlotte was covered in blood plasma, as if returning from purgatory, and those scarlet eyes looked particularly gloomy.

Suddenly.Charlotte suddenly raised her right hand, scoff!Suddenly, a holy sword of the atrium flew out of the treasure house deep in the palace, turned into a beam of sword light and fell into his hands, beheading hundreds of imperial guards along the way, and returning to the owner's hands as quickly as possible.

Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar holy sword, the depraved Charlotte smiled strangely. Now he is neither Charlotte nor Terry the Great, but the soul of revenge born from the entanglement of the two consciousnesses.


Charlotte suddenly stretched out her left hand and wiped the sword fiercely. The sharp holy sword cut the palm of the hand with blood pools, and the whole holy sword turned blood red.

"I am not Terry, nor Charlotte. Naturally, you are not the Holy Sword of the Atrium. I will call you in the future. You will be my only partner and witness my great cause of conquering the world."

The completely new Frostmourne made everyone present shudder, and there was an inexplicable fear in their hearts.

Oscar III realized that something was wrong, he stretched out his hand tremblingly and stepped forward, saying excitedly:

"My son! The day you were born, all the violet forest whispered that name—Charlotte.

Child, I look at you with pride, grow up day by day, and become the embodiment of justice.

Remember, we have always ruled this country with wisdom and strength.I also believe that you will use your great power carefully.

But the real victory, my son, is the stirring of the hearts of the people.

One day my life will come to an end, and you, will be crowned king.

After experiencing hardships and setbacks, you can truly become the king of Violet today, and I will officially confer the throne on you today. "


The answer to Oscar III was a bloody sword light. The startled King Oscar's head flew out and was thrown far away. Before he died, he heard the screams and panic of everyone present. He saw his most proud son Charlotte Te that pair of quiet and crazy eyes.

"It turned out that we were all wrong, and no one really understood his heart."

Chapter 401 Did You Drop The Golden Sword Or The Silver Sword? [Thanks to the leader of Ziyanyan for the reward]

Screams and cries for help filled the entire royal city. In the sea of ​​blood, the fallen prince held up Frostmourne and ignited the flames of revenge. Whether it was his father, brothers, sisters, or even his fiancée who betrayed him, he was either killed by the owl or It was devoured by the screaming and resentful souls in the sea of ​​blood.

In the long dark night, the sky is full of blood, and countless ferocious heads float up and down in the sea of ​​blood, making screams. Ghost hands seem to drag people into hell. The bloody ghost grabbed millions of people and sank into the sea of ​​blood. Even if they struggled, it was useless. In the sea of ​​blood, undead emerged one by one

The next day.

The tragedies that happened in the Violet Kingdom horrified people all over the continent. On the street, newsboys were selling newspapers that were urgently printed overnight. looked up.

"Shocking news!The capital of the Violet Kingdom was destroyed last night, and the fallen prince Charlotte killed his father, brother and wife! "The horror headline alone occupies one-sixth of the newspaper's page, and the following will explain what happened one after another.

"As we all know, since the defeat of the National Games on Zurfa Island, Prince Charlotte has been devastated and mentally disordered. He was spurned by his father, fiancee, and citizens, and the people of Violet are ashamed.

Last night, for unknown reasons, according to reporters thousands of miles away who interviewed the public, a mysterious black box appeared, and Prince Charlotte was demonized because of it, and the Holy Sword in the Atrium was transformed into Frostmourne.

The Violet King City was destroyed overnight, and the sea of ​​blood was overwhelming. Dead bodies climbed out of it to avenge the living. The undead never extinguished, and there was even a giant frost dragon that emerged from the depths of the earth. The undead disaster appeared, and the Violet Kingdom was being invaded by the undead natural disaster. .

Where the dead passed by, the blood flowed, and the chickens and dogs disappeared.The critical St. Yadan Free Federation has urgently summoned millions of troops, and will soon ride the magic iron dragon to fight against the natural disaster of the undead.According to the prediction of the great sage, if the fallen army is not eliminated in advance, the undead will continue to grow like a snowball in the future, and the Free Federation of St. Adama will not be able to hold it! "

Since the day the newspaper was invented, it has never been so popular. Whether it is the upper-level elite or the lower-level civilians, they all took out silver coins to buy it. This is one of the four major forces in the atrium. Wronged souls claim their lives, replaced by crazy undead, they yearn for the flesh and soul of the living.

"My lord, do you ever know what happened to Charlotte?" Princess Dana asked in the round table council hall in the city of London.

At the equal round table council, the first knight secretly peeked at Princess Dana. An Qi didn't notice it and said: "When we fought with him before, the hero was sympathetic to each other. I admire his knightly character very much. But I don't know Why did he become like this now, bewitched by the devil."

Recalling the first battle back then, An Qi found that there was something strange about Charlotte at that time, and there was something contradictory in her breath, as if two souls were fighting for control of the body.

"Is it the undead natural disaster? The best time to eliminate it is at the very beginning, otherwise it will continue to procrastinate, one will ebb and flow, and the other will become a catastrophe." The first knight Lance reminded.

"Santa Yadan has already dispatched troops, borrowing the iron dragon. Their marching speed is very fast, and they can rush to the territory of the Violet Kingdom within three days. During this time, I am afraid that there will be heavy casualties among the Violet. I am afraid that there will be variables. I want to ride the red horse alone. The dragon investigates the enemy's situation." An Qi wanted to go deep into the enemy's territory by herself.

Naturally, the expressions of the Knights of the Round Table changed, and each of them persuaded: "How can the king risk himself? What's more, there are great sages sitting in Saint Adam, who can surely use magic tools to predict the enemy's opportunities."

Among them, An Qi's apprentice, the pure knight Delia, even said that instead of taking risks with the Knight King, she might as well go there herself.

Finally, the round table meeting came to an end, and An Qi was persuaded by everyone. He wrote a letter to contact Saint Adam and the Magic Empire to discuss the crusade against Violet.

The magic iron dragon is a magic train running on a fixed track, the speed is particularly fast, but the gathering of millions of troops does not happen overnight, not to mention the logistical food.

When Saint Yadan mobilized urgently, no one expected that the invasion speed of the undead natural disasters in the Violet territory would be so terrifying. The great sage invoked the sky eye, and the female leader of the magic empire borrowed the magic net to spy, all of which failed.

All external forces invaded the plague domain of the undead natural disasters and were swallowed up, such as the black tide of natural disasters continues to spread, marching day and night, do the dead need logistics?Should the dead have to worry about the wounded?

The natural disaster army passed by, and the plague was rampant all the way. Before the Violet people escaped, they were sick and died, and the dead individuals turned into silent knights and merged into the army of undead.

Three days later, St. Adam's million-strong army, led by Marshal Maluo, the apprentice of the great sage, attacked the Violet territory. , The monster roared uncomfortably.

The faces of the elite generals changed drastically and they looked around. At the end of the horizon, a wave of black plague rushed towards them. They exuded the breath of death, and they didn't move at all. They just kept moving forward with bone knives and spears.Visual estimation estimates that the army of undead is at least tens of millions!

Marshal Ma Luo drew his sword in despair. Before he died, he saw the giant frost dragon roaring in the sky, the blue ghost fire overlooking the bottom, and a white-haired prince holding Frostmourne on the dragon's back looking down at the world.

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