I saw how majestic the Qinling Mountains spread thousands of miles, like a big dragon crawling underground, ordinary people's vision is limited, naturally can't see clearly, the sky is soaring in the sky, and it is really seen clearly that it is a dragon vein that suppresses the world, it can be called the ancestral vein in the south. Fanxiang, and Lishan is the position of the dragon head of the dragon vein, and the Mausoleum of the First Emperor happens to be the dragon ball held in the dragon head.

The handrails of the tomb happened to be two slender dragon whiskers, and the sky was amazed to see it. At this time, the ears suddenly moved, and they had already heard something strange. From below, there was an immortal voice.

"Senior brother, Ying Zheng has just fallen and his bones are not cold. If we visit the imperial tomb at night, will it anger the dragons of the world? I heard that Ying Zheng is the clone of that one." On Lishan Mountain, there were two people wearing plain robes, carrying The celestial beings of Xianjian walked side by side.

"Don't worry, people's death is like a lamp going out. Yingzheng ruled the world and committed too many taboos. After being backlashed and fallen, I waited to come to rob the tomb, which is also in the natural cycle. He is dead, and his soul returns to the earth. What else is there to be afraid of?" I just need to worry about the underworld soldiers deployed before his death, the bones of Yingzheng must have melted away.

He collected so many treasures of heaven and earth in front of him, they must all be buried with him.Maybe even one or two Xiantian Lingbao can be found.It will be posted at that time. "

These two Taoists have the realm of celestial celestial beings, but I don't know if they were sent by that fairy mountain spirit.Out of all their audacity, they came here as soon as Ying Zheng died and was buried.

Cang Qiong smiled dumbly, didn't he too?He dared not delay when it came to the opportunity to testify.

"The two just happened to help me detect the ambush in the imperial mausoleum." With a movement in his heart, the sky turned into a speck of dust and fluttered to the corner of the Taoist's clothes.

What kind of cultivation is he?Da Luo Jinxian, whose real body is Chaos Clock, ranks among the strongest quasi-sages.These two juniors naturally don't know.

At the foot of Lishan Mountain, there is still the Afang Palace on the ground under construction. Craftsmen are shuttled and guarded by guards. Not even a fly can enter.

It's a pity that the two Taoists smiled at each other, cast the invisibility talisman, and descended from the ground to the tunnel dignifiedly.

The dark corridor was moist and dark, with many drops of water oozing from the soil on both sides, and a peculiar smell of soil permeated the air.

The two Taoists have extraordinary cultivation bases and their eyes are open to the sky, so naturally they didn't pay attention to these things.

Every [-] meters along the slender corridor, there is a soldier guarding it. The invisible two people turned into the breeze and shuttled quickly. It took about a stick of incense. The two guessed that they had already penetrated a thousand meters underground. Go to the front door of the underground palace.

There are vaguely guards stationed in front, but all of them are listless. Working in this dark underground, if there is energy, there will be ghosts. Behind the guards is a bronze gate with a height of five meters. The gate is thick and closed tightly. Not even a wisp of air can get in.

Seamless and drillable, the breeze transformed by the two Taoists constantly revolves around the ground, trying to find loopholes.

"Exploring the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang? It's quite interesting."

At this time, the praying mantis is catching the cicada, and the oriole is behind.On the bright side, the two Taoists were secretly stealing the tomb, but in the dark, they were invisible in the sky. Finally, Jiang Ping, who was in another world, also drank the fine wine he brewed in his glass and watched their adventure.

"Genesis, project the screen on the TV."

As soon as Jiang Ping's words fell, Genesis opened, and a burst of brilliance shone on the LCD screen of the TV, and suddenly the dark depths of the underground emerged.Which man doesn't like to take the risk of digging graves, searching for treasures, and getting rich overnight?

Jiang Ping regards the dungeon journey of the sky as an adventure movie, sometimes the reality is more exciting than the movie.

Jiang Ping, who was lying on his side on the sofa, smiled and enjoyed the Tomb Raider movie. He even planned to record it and upload it to the Internet later, so that other people can also watch the big movie on the Internet.

On the TV, the two Taoists who went around the ground five or six times at this time were dizzy.The sky that has turned into a speck of dust doesn't know that he has become the protagonist of the movie.

"Senior brother, I think the underground palace is perfectly built. There is no gap at all. Let's go straight to the main entrance. These ordinary soldiers can't stop us." The Taoist was irritated, and the senior agreed.


A gust of misty wind blew by, and before the guards noticed, they all fell to the ground in a daze.In front of the bronze gate, the shadows of two Taoists appeared.

The two looked at each other without talking nonsense. They made sword fingers with both hands and pointed at the bronze gate:

"go with!"

Clang, the fairy sword was unsheathed, and the bright sword light illuminated the dark ground, and the two fairy swords made of fairy gold turned into flying needles, and rushed towards the closed bronze gate.


In an instant, a sharp and piercing metal-iron strike sounded from the ground, especially powerful.In the grand underground palace, cumbersome script scripts emerged. The script scripts were like swimming dragons, which came alive after being counterattacked. Two sword lights were reflected from the bronze gate at a faster speed, which made the two Taoists vomit blood.

"Hey, it's a bit useless, and I can't even enter the simplest gate." Dark Sky sighed, he had just unloaded part of the sound waves secretly, otherwise the two of them would be collapsed by the rushing soul.

"Junior brother, I think Qin Shihuang is unfathomable. After death, it is not so easy to deal with. How about we retreat temporarily this time, after returning to Baiyunmen, call the elders and the head of the sect, and fight back together?" Senior brother retreated a little Church meaning.

The younger brother was reluctant: "After they come, will we still have our share?"

While the two were talking with blood on the corners of their mouths, there was a rustling noise from a dark corner, especially in the quiet underground.

"who is it?!"

The two drew their swords in the direction of the strange sound in an instant, and when they glanced at it, they found that it was a pangolin. Then they noticed that a narrow hole had been exposed in the corner where the pangolin was. I didn't notice it because the layer covering the surface of the burrow was still there, and it was only discovered when the pangolin was alarmed at this time.

"Could someone get there first?" The two Taoists were startled, and quickly turned into flies and entered the cave.

This was naturally a reminder from the sky, but he knew that this was not a stolen cave, but a retreat specially left by the craftsmen who built the imperial tomb.

"The mausoleum of the first emperor of Qin is so mysterious, let me explore it."

Chapter 382 Who Is The Praying Mantis?Who is the oriole?

Passing through the narrow and winding tunnel, the two Taoists became more and more curious about who made the tunnel.

The flies flew and flew, like entering a maze, going round and round to avoid the defense mechanism for a full hour.Only then did the two senior brothers see the light of day again.

"This is?"

After entering the underground palace and reappearing their real bodies, the two of them looked at the corpse of the craftsman who fell on the ground, and had guesses in their hearts.

"Since ancient times, in the construction of royal tombs, in order to avoid leaking information and secrets, the craftsmen who built the royal tombs will be killed on the day of completion. The tunnel just now was the way they prepared for themselves, but it is a pity that they still cannot escape death in the end." The senior brother named Bai Lingzi sighed.

"It is precisely because the rulers plundered the people's fat and anointment for their own selfish desires, drained the country's power, and killed craftsmen to build tombs, so our tomb robbery today is in the dark. Otherwise, it would be a pity that so many treasures are buried in the ground." Master Qing Lingzi Make excuses for your behavior.

The mausoleum is dark, and mortals cannot see it here.

The two immortal elders carefully probed. After all, they are not the emperors of the mortals, but the figures of the immortals. The bronze gate made them suffer a lot before. As the two walked, the ancient bronze bird and animal lamps hanging on both sides suddenly lit up. Long flames.

Bai Lingzi was well-informed, and he saw clearly that the oil used in the lamp was the oil of the sharks in the North Sea. It was always bright and could last for thousands of years.

"The first emperor is really magnificent, here are all using shark oil, what about the main tomb? Then how mysterious is the lamp in front of his coffin? Could it be an innate spiritual lamp?" The younger brother sighed with emotion.

"Don't dream, even if you are rich and powerful, you won't be buried with the innate lamp. We'd better be careful."

The two were walking in the dark royal tomb, and the ever-burning lamps were lit up. The uneasy dancing flames illuminated the shadows of the two like demons with claws and claws. It was chilling, and the two angels felt chilly for no reason.


If there is the sound of the rushing river lingering in the ears, the brothers and sisters looked at each other, and they both saw curiosity in each other's eyes. This is a thousand meters deep underground. Where did the underground river come from?

The two walked forward following the sound of the river. The walls on both sides of the royal tomb were engraved with the deeds of the first emperor who conquered the world and unified the country, praising his greatness and legend. After walking for a while, Bai Lingzi and Qing Lingzi suddenly became dizzy The yellow lights brighten up.

The two instinctively squinted their eyes, splashing, the sound of the water became louder and louder, and the silver light shone around them. They finally saw the source of the sound, which turned out to be a water galaxy that was surging around the entire underground palace like a moat!

Bai Lingzi sighed again, Qin Chao was rich and powerful, and then he was worried about how to cross the river. Obviously, they are now on the periphery, and the inside is the real thing.

"Senior brother, something is wrong. I think the water galaxy is the driving force of the trap that drives the entire underground palace, and it also contains weak water, which is difficult to get through. Don't you feel that the surrounding pressure is heavy?"

When the two were discussing, the water and the Milky Way were already different, the sound of splashing was getting louder and louder, the river was rushing, and the flowing silver water seemed to come alive, and finally roared and killed the two Taoists on the bank.

"No, Mercury Snake!"

Bai Lingzi was horrified, this is an extremely clever puppet technique, turning a stone into gold, transforming the river into an automatic puppet, which automatically defends against the enemy.


Silver Mercury opened its scarlet eyes, snake-shaped pupils glowing with cold blood, standing tall like a tall building in front of the two celestial beings, and before the two of them drew their swords, they roared at the snake and bit them.

"It's really useless, let me do it myself."

The invisible sky sighed, the dungeon level of Emperor Shihuang's Mausoleum is too high, the celestial cultivation of these two pathfinders is useless at all, you see, now the two are being chased and killed by the mercury snake like rats crossing the street.

"Wan Jian Jue!"

Swish, thousands of sword qi appeared like mountains and seas. This is the sword of heaven, a sword can collapse mountains and rivers, but at this time, the celestial sword qi cuts on the snake of mercury, but it is like cutting on immortal silver and gold. The sound was endless, and there was a burst of sparks and lightning.

The Mercury Snake, whose body was as tall as a building, was indestructible, roaring and biting at the two of them.


After a breath, the duo of duo, Bai Lingzi and Qing Lingzi rushed to the street, leaving only a mess and a drop of mercury.

The high-rise Mercury Snake turned its eyes, and Snake Xinzi and his eyes could not sense the intruder, and began to crawl steadily on the bottom of the river.

At this time, when the dust settled, the sky turned around and appeared, and the mercury snake that was originally lying on the river bed came galloping again, but the sky was not the first two.


In an instant, his body turned into a blur, turning into a beautiful rainbow from the river bank, and crossed the river directly. The mercury snake in the middle wanted to intercept it, and the gravity field sent out, distorting time and space, but it was already too late, when the mercury snake soared into the sky , is the strongest and the weakest, the previous two Taoists did not see through it and missed the opportunity.

When Huahong landed, suddenly the sky heard the sound of piercing through the sky. He looked up and saw arrows coming from all directions and corners like a torrential rain.

"Tips for carving insects."

Sky cast spells at will, his body changed from solid to empty, and he wanted to travel to another space. Unexpectedly, the void was full of ripples, which had not been broken, and he couldn't enter it. It seems that this place has become a whole, independent of Nanzhan Buzhou.

Since he couldn't hide, the sky forced his way in. He raised his foot and turned into an immortal bell, and charged towards the center of the tomb.

Dangdang Dangdang!

Like an old monk ringing a bell, or like ten thousand swords piercing gold, the sound keeps echoing in the underground palace. The biggest support in the sky is your real body, the innate treasure, and even the material of the sky-opening axe. How can it be destroyed by a divine arrow?Innate treasure arrows are useless!

"A good counselor has become a fearless fighter."

On the sofa, Jiang Ping, who was watching the Tomb Raider movie, commented, "Adventure in the Sky is not bad, but now he has come from behind and has become the strongest player alongside Wutian. Only Ning Tianjiao can match him on Hill, which is also different from his daring to fight." If you dare to fight, you are willing to bet on it.

Danger and profit coexist, but his style is completely different from another Li Changsheng who is often overlooked.One aggressive, one steady.

The sky, shot by thousands of arrows, kept approaching the main hall like an iron wall. As he approached, the entire underground palace was faintly shaken.All organs are alive.

Those who have seen tomb robbers have never seen such an arrogant tomb robber.Whether you are a thief or a soldier, Wushuang opened the way all the way, cast by divine gold, the Wanjian soaked in venom did not even shoot at his robe.

Cang Qiong heard the sound of the drums beating on the battlefield again, and he said with a smile: "Water Galaxy, thousands of arrows piercing the heart, next is the real highlight of the million terracotta warriors and horses? I want to see how powerful and brave these Qin Dynasty heroic souls are!" .”

"Ben Ben!"

"Kill kill!"

With the clamor of war drums and the hunting of black flags, the entire underground royal tomb seemed to come alive, the sound of thousands of troops galloping forward, the shark oil lamps were lit, and the dark world was illuminated.

Cang Qiong saw the terracotta warriors and horses standing on the tunnel opened their eyes, the mud tiles on their bodies burst, and they shot all over the ground, aiming their war spears at the front.


There were war horses roaring, and a horseman on the bronze chariot being pulled behind was brandishing his whip, rushing towards the intruders.

"Ying Zheng will become the king of the underground kingdom after his death. There are so many generals, and they are not ordinary puppets. They condense the immortal heroic soul of Tyranny."

The sky is fearless, his footsteps are motionless, standing on the spot like a sea god's needle, before the soldiers arrive, the guns arrive, and the spears fall from the sky, like directional missiles, automatically aiming at the enemy.

Sky didn't dodge either, and caught the spears abruptly. Kaka, the marl-gray spears burst apart. Is there any material in the world that can surpass the Celestial Axe?

The sky moved forward triumphantly, even among the innate treasures, the three open heaven treasures were all at the top.

"In the prehistoric world, there is no stronger material than it, unless it is the world-exterminating mill that symbolizes the end and destruction. The two will die once in a lifetime, each inheriting the destiny, and they are at the same level."

Facing the flying spears, as well as the soldiers and chariots that came, the sky was like a humanoid tank, rushing into the inner room.

"How did a good tomb robbery movie turn into an action movie? It's digressing." Jiang Ping sighed, thinking that he would change the name of the movie from "Night Robbing the Mausoleum of the First Emperor" to "Break into the Tomb of the Emperor".

Sky naturally didn't know that his every move was magnified and watched on TV, and he didn't know that what he did would be edited into a big-budget movie and shown on the Internet.

But at this time, the terracotta warriors and horses were turned on their backs along the way, and the sky trapped in the sea of ​​people sighed that the souls of heroes are immortal. It is a pity that it is too wasteful to bury millions of soldiers in the underground palace like this.

"Whoever has this power can become the new king. Although I am a casual cultivator and have good friends with the Jiejiao, I am alone and weak. Why don't you take this terracotta army and use it for yourself?" Sky on the battlefield secretly.

Now that the terracotta warriors and horses trapped him, although there was not much threat, it still delayed the time, so he simply accepted it.Take the terracotta warriors and horses accumulated by Yingzheng's past dynasties and condense countless painstaking efforts and heroic souls into his own.

The sky turned around, and the body turned into a prototype chaotic clock. As soon as the quaint big bell appeared, the surrounding terracotta warriors and horses were shaken away.

The primordial spirit of the sky pinched the sealing formula, and the mouth of the chaotic bell aimed at the vast terracotta warriors below.


In an instant, the wind was raging, and the violent devouring power spread out from the entrance of the cave, pulling the terracotta warriors and horses into the Chaos Clock continuously like catching ants.

This is the man with great supernatural powers, with the world in his sleeves, changing the celestial phenomena.

A million terracotta warriors and horses is not a small number, and it will take a while for the chaotic clock of the sky to be swallowed like a black hole. On the way, one cannot give up easily. At this critical moment, a sudden change occurred.

"Jie Jie, thank you little friend for clearing the way for me, abolishing the traps along the way, when the old demon I took the Ancestral Dragon Dragon Ball, cultivated into the body of a real demon, and proved the holy way, thank you little friend."


Suddenly, a ray of light pierced through the underground palace and jumped past Chaos Clock. His speed was no faster than that of the Rainbow Transformation Technique. With his wings spread, he traveled thousands of miles and directly broke into the main room of the Emperor's Mausoleum.

"How brave!"

The sky was furious, the clock of chaos turned sharply, and the power of devouring was a little bit stronger, and the last tens of thousands of terracotta warriors were also collected.Millions of terracotta warriors and horses consumed countless national strength and manpower of the Great Qin Dynasty, and there are even thousands of heroic souls.Combined in everything, it is no worse than a top-notch innate spirit treasure, and the sky is also reluctant to waste it.

"The demon master Kunpeng? What are you doing here?" Cang Qiong scolded angrily.

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows behind.I thought I was a oriole, but unexpectedly it was a bigger praying mantis, and it was also a wayfinding for others.


Kunpeng broke into the main room, and there were continuous shrieks of laughter.

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