Chapter 380 Master, you are so flirtatious

When the Gaia World War was in full swing, in the wild, the Zulong was born and swept the world.

The Yin Yin Great Zhou, which has been handed down for 800 years, has been officially destroyed.The king of Qin sweeps, the tiger sees He Xiongzai!Swinging the sword to break the floating clouds, all the princes came to the west.

The world's first formal unified dynasty was born.In the previous three dynasties in ancient times, Xia, Shang, and Zhou were just the rulers of the world in name.The princes have their own military command and governance power, while the Qin Dynasty's system of counties allowed the centralization of power and imperial power to the countryside.

He thinks that his merits surpass the five emperors, and his virtue surpasses the three emperors. 【Emperor】This extremely noble name taboo was born.

"The leader told me that after the fall of the ancestral dragon, there will be another half of the road to enlightenment. He let me seize the opportunity and prepare the conditions for becoming a saint as soon as possible. Otherwise, Yuanshi Tianzun will not let me go and allow me to prove the Tao and become a saint. "

In the East China Sea, the yellow rainbow pierces the sun. The principle of the escape technique of the sky is the same as that of Lu Ya's technique of transforming the rainbow. They both inherit the secret technique of the ancient demon court, except that one is to activate the three-legged Golden Crow's real body, and the other is to borrow the primordial chaos clock of the original body. Mysterious yellow gas.

With the guidance of the Master Tongtian, Cang Qiong is exploring his own path to enlightenment.

"Huh?" Suddenly, the sky that was rampant over the East China Sea stopped, and he said to a black cloud flying not far away, just like greeting an acquaintance on the road of a mortal:

"Brother Zhao, don't come here without any problems, why do you have the leisure to go out to sea today?"


Like a sudden brake, the black cloud stopped at an extreme speed, leaving exhaust in the blue sky.A cute black tiger's head poked out from the black cloud, and at the same time, Zhao Gongming, who was righteous to the sky, also poked out his head. He said in surprise:

"Fellow Daoist Cangqiong, why did you leave Penglai Island? In the last catastrophe, you set up a peerless formation and personally sniped and killed Sage Yuqing, but you made him lose face. In addition, you were on the list of gods. The Golden Immortal of Interpretation and Education serves in the Heavenly Court, but now you have to be careful about your interpretation."

Cang Qiong nodded: "Of course I know, but the Chanjiao Golden Immortal has a position in the heavenly court, and he is not allowed to leave without authorization. I have no fear of dealing with the real world. As for the sage Yuqing, as long as he is not given a chance to make a move, he will not appear in the sky." In front of him, he will not be thousands of miles away, and he will specifically curse and kill me, an unknown junior.

But Senior Brother Zhao, where are you heading in a hurry? "

Zhao Gongming shook his head on the black tiger, "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be, don't let me be discouraged by the name of senior brother. I am going to sea at this time, but I am rushing to heaven to apply for a job. Manpower is urgently needed to maintain the order of the Three Realms, and the position of the God of Wealth, which has been delayed for so long, is about to take office."

After listening, Cang Qiong nodded clearly, and he said with a smile: "Senior brother Zhao, this is a fat job, don't be careless."

Zhao Gongming replied uninterestedly: "It's just an unimportant civil post, otherwise Jinxian Jinxian would not let it go, he has no real power, he is in charge of the order of heaven and earth, but the fortune of the world.

I had no intention of serving in the heavenly court, and the most annoying thing is to intrigue with those who explain the teachings.But think about the time when my apprentice Shen Ji made me pay attention to the position of the God of Wealth, and the master said that the resurrection of Shen Ji may require the power of incense and faith.

That's why I went out to go to heaven, but I happened to meet a fellow Taoist. "

"Oh, did Shenji also remind you. Daoyou Zhao, you must not underestimate the position of the God of Wealth. I can say that there is no god in the heavens who is more popular than this god. Even the Jade Emperor is not as popular as you. You can be called the most popular person in the heavens. The god with the most beliefs. It is far more noble than the six emperors, five elders, and civil and military gods."

"Isn't this a false job? Why do you and my apprentice attach so much importance to the position of the God of Wealth? Isn't it the one who is in charge of wealth and money? I'm not interested in the smell of copper." Zhao Gongming is a monk who is Zhang Liu. , the God of Wealth is so simple, why does the stranger pay so much attention to it.

"But you don't know that wealth can lead to gods, and money can turn ghosts. For the common people, the Jade Emperor is too tall, and the God of Civil and Martial Arts is too far away from them. On the contrary, everyone pays attention to money, so you don't have to worry about it." Your own incense, work hard and have a bright future. Your cultivation base can even take the opportunity to cultivate to the pinnacle of quasi-sage." Cang Qiong told Zhao Gongming not to be careless.

Zhao Gongming's thick black eyebrows twitched, obviously he did not expect the God of Wealth to be so important.Afterwards, Cang Qiong sent the Buddha to the west, and personally helped Zhao Gongming create the image of the God of Wealth.

So Zhao Gongming, a local tyrant with golden skin, was born. He wore a tall hat with two feathers inlaid with gold thread and beads, and was dressed in a red brocade coat, with a grandmother's jade belt tied around his waist. He held three tall gold ingots in his left hand, which became smaller from bottom to top. .

In his right hand, he held a golden and red scroll with the words "Lucky Fortune" written on it, and his face was full of richness, which set off his old black face before, which was thick and kind.Zhao Gongming moved his bloated body unaccustomed, and the big red robe on his body was a bit tight, not as comfortable as the Taoist robe, maybe this is work.

He lowered his head to look at the surface of the East China Sea, the waves were sparkling, and he didn't even recognize the vivid figures reflected in it.

"Practice, work, don't be shabby."

Cang Qiong patted Zhao Gongming on the shoulder in satisfaction, and took a photo as a souvenir. This is the image of the God of Wealth created by himself. He is kind and approachable. I believe that the dream girl will thank him when the time comes.

"Not shabby, not shabby."

Zhao Gongming, who has changed his image greatly, is no longer riding the black cloud. The black tigers under the seat are all dressed in golden clothes, dyeing the black cloud into a golden cloud. Jinhui.

Along the way, a mortal raised his head and was instantly blinded. He squatted down quickly, covered his eyes with his hands in pain, and called out: "What is it, is gold flying in the sky? Blind my dog's eyes!"

And when Zhao Gongming arrived in the Heavenly Court, he also blinded [-] Heavenly Soldiers and Generals. The other third and fourth generation disciples of Jiejiao who were applying for positions in the Heavenly Court opened their mouths to speak, but in the end they didn't say anything.

"When did Zhao Gongming become so flirtatious? Vulgar, he looks like a true immortal, Da Luo Jinxian. He is simply a nouveau riche in the world, with no taste." Guang Chengzi, who is a social animal in the heavenly court, said disdainfully.

On the other hand, the Antarctic Changsheng Emperor felt that Zhao Gongming's thoughts were terrible. He commented: "Although the image is vulgar and rustic, it has to be said that it is very suitable for the [God of Wealth] god. He is not a generation, but a rich and fat man with jade and pearls in his arms.

Zhao Gongming has a deep mind. For the sake of cultivation, he will do whatever it takes, regardless of his image. I have to be careful in the future. "

"Just him? He's just an idiot. If someone sells him, he might even count the money." Chi Jingzi snorted, thinking that the immortal thinks too much of Zhao Gongming.

What's more, what are their identities?Occupying an important position in the heavenly court, to put it bluntly, the previous Haotian God was ousted by them, the Jade Emperor was reincarnated, and the Queen Mother, a weak woman, was completely excluded by them. The teaching forces said that the Queen Mother dared not go west.

And Zhao Gongming's God of Wealth position is nothing more than a vain job, in charge of the fortune of the world.Far inferior to their order of heaven and earth.

Everyone in the heavenly court either snickered or despised, but no matter what.Zhao Gongming came to power, and his image of the local tyrant, the God of Wealth, spread like a virus in the world. For a year, every household, day and night, often worshiped the God of Wealth.

The incense that was so thick that it condensed into dew came from every household in the world, which shocked all the gods in the heaven. It was the belief in incense that surpassed all gods, and the gods were stunned.

Even Ying Zheng, who was in his later years, was shocked. He looked up at the sky, and said to himself: "All the schools of thought, the devil is arrogant, I didn't expect you to be the last winner in this era. Things are unpredictable."

No one expected that in this era, in order to compete for the belief in humanity, the princes and demons fought against each other, the dog's head was blown up, and the demons of Hunyuan were suppressed. The final winner turned out to be the rising star, the unknown God of Wealth Zhao Gongming.

The whole world believes in cooking in one pot. People burn incense and worship the God of Wealth first thing in the morning, and worship the God of Wealth with a pillar before going to bed at night.During the holidays, I always think of ways to worship the golden statue of the local tyrant who is golden, holding big ingots and jade ruyis.

In ordinary people's homes, there may be no portraits of the Three Qings, Four Imperials and Five Elders, or even the portraits of the current emperors, but there must be portraits and statues of the God of Wealth. In various places in Nanzhan Buzhou, burly temples of the God of Wealth have sprung up like mushrooms overnight. The ground is in between.

The rich contribute money, and the powerful contribute.

The richer people are, the more they believe in the God of Wealth, and the poorer they are, the more they want to donate money to make statues of the God of Wealth.The most important thing is that all of this is voluntary. Back then, the philosophers worked tirelessly to preach the word with their disciples in the world, but they didn't get a single fart. The common people didn't believe what they said.

Now one by one is working tirelessly, taking the initiative to build temples and cast golden statues of the God of Wealth.The incense was so prosperous that even the blessings of the God of Wealth Temple were so rich.

Such a comparison makes the minds of the successors complicated.

"The world is getting worse, and people's hearts are not ancient."

The university scholars lamented that when they looked back, their family also enshrined the statue of the God of Wealth.Who can feel bad about money?

So just like that, Zhao Gongming, people sit at home, blessings come from heaven.Inexplicably, he became the biggest and final winner of this era.

Zhao Gongming, who was wearing a bright red brocade suit, touched his top hat in the Temple of the God of Wealth in the Heaven Realm, and said a little puzzled: "I didn't do anything, I just sat and smiled. How could my performance surpass all the gods in the heavens? Come on, could it be that I am born with great luck? Great Fortune Immortal?"

He began to suspect that he might be the child of luck, and he would gain something if he didn't do anything.But the problem is that in the last era, in the Conferred God Tribulation, sometimes he was unlucky again and again.

"My lord, auspicious people have their own celestial features. What you do is dark and natural, and you can do something by doing nothing." Below, the dog leg Cao Bao said flatteringly.


Another burst of incense that was thick enough to drip from the sky made Zhao Gongming, who was sitting on the high platform, tremble. Suddenly, the resplendent and magnificent Temple of the God of Wealth was bright and bright, and countless gold ingots and copper coins were scattered from the sky. The money-scattering boy is throwing ingots and copper coins.

"Is this a quasi-holy vision? Another great supernatural power was born in the heaven?"

Naturally, the vision of the Temple of Wealth was immediately discovered by the gods from all walks of life. After they saw the direction clearly, their faces were complicated. They had a huge breakthrough just one day after taking office, and they were directly pushed up by the incense belief. No one laughed at Zhao Gongming's vulgar image.

"Ding ding dong."

A small copper coin with cute wings flew out from Zhao Gongming's mausoleum. Cao Bao and Xiao Sheng's expressions were complicated, because this was their treasure of the town, and their skills were not as good as others.Sometimes when they were dreaming, they still thought, if Luobao and the money hadn't been lost, would they be the God of Wealth now?

Luobao money is surrounded by gold ingots, submerged in the rain of money, moistened by the incense of the world, and becomes more mischievous and psychic.The merit porch flashed by, and a golden God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, was born from gold with a smile.

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist, you will enjoy the true fruit." Zhao Gongming got up quickly and thanked him.

Zhao Gongming, the God of Wealth who was born by relying on Luobao money, hurriedly returned the gift, and the two of them lowered their slender hats like horns: "You are me, and I am you, how can I thank you?"

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time. Unexpectedly, the practice that had troubled them for thousands of years would be solved in one day in the heaven. After today, Zhao Gongming, the supreme quasi-sage under the saint, will also have his place.

"Apprentice, apprentice, I didn't expect what you said back then was correct. The position of God of Wealth is really important. Why do mortals love money so much?"

Zhao Gongming felt that he missed his naughty apprentice a little bit. If he saw his image of the God of Wealth at this time, he would definitely laugh at him regardless of his dignity.

Zhao Gongming was wrong about this point. At this time, on the forum, Meng Ruo Shen Ji also saw the image of the master. He did not laugh at it, but said:

"Master, you are so coquettish. (ΦwΦ)"

"Kang Qiong, why is the image of the God of Wealth you designed for my master wearing a big red robe? Thanks to my master who has always been a rough man, he can wear it. It's not shabby for work."

Cang Qiong said with a smile on the forum: "You should thank me. Without the eye-catching image I designed for your master, he hasn't cut out good corpses so quickly, and with the evil corpses chopped up in Fengshenjie, he has become a top As a quasi-sage, he was on a par with the ancient predators, plus he was carrying several treasures, there were very few saints who could threaten him.

Although Dahongpao was a bit flamboyant, it had to be said that it was eye-catching enough.This is a normal marketing method, and your master is very happy. "

The long-lost Wutian also bubbled up: "It's funny and unexpected. All schools of thought, Yuanshi Tianmo, are constantly competing for beliefs. Even Lao Tzu personally went out to Hangu Pass to spread the Tao Te Ching. The final winner turned out to be Zhao Gongming .Qian, what a bastard."

"No way, whether it is the philosophers or the demons, they stand too high and ignore the most important thing in people's hearts. In fact, no matter inside or outside the world, we all pay too much attention to money. I don't know if this is the tragedy of the times or human beings. sorrow." Han Qingyue talked with feeling.

"Beauty, you are the least qualified to say this. You have embezzled more than a billion points in the heaven. How many jewels and corals tribute from all over the world, and fairy roots on the ground, have been ignorant by you. The fairy world has been spread, go When dealing with affairs in the Heavenly Court, you don’t need people first, as long as I give you a big gift, things will be easy.” Long Shao teased.

The wages of avarice is death.

The enlightenment of Zhao Gongming sparked a heated discussion on humanities.The forum had a great influence, and many celebrities and bachelors were brought in to talk about money and capital.

It's just a cliché, Cang Qiong shook his head, not interested in the topic, exited the forum, and logged off.At this time, he has already rushed to Nanzhan Buzhou, and the chance meeting with Zhao Gongming before was just a small episode.If you meet someone, just help them out and form a good relationship, and now it's time to do serious business.

"The ancestor dragon died and the land was divided, and Qin II died. The first emperor is about to pass away. How many dragons are lurking in the world?"

Standing on the top of Lingshan Mountain, the sky opened its eyes of chaos and began to investigate the weather in the world.This technique cannot be used by non-supernatural beings. If you are not careful, you will sink into the world of mortals and your soul will return to heaven.

Chapter 381

The world is dark, forming a complete and unified sea of ​​black water.The Qin Dynasty belonged to the virtue of water and was still black.Gu human weather presents the Black Sea.The mortal spirit gathers into a strand of black water, and the condensed billions of black water form the sea.

There are various branches in the Black Sea, which symbolizes the power of belief occupied by various factions.Among them, the one belonging to the Legalists is the thickest, like a winding dragon, endless, majestic and terrifying.But Cang Qiong knew that the good times of the Legalists did not last long.

"Primitive times were barbaric and brutal. Civilization will progress. The humanistic spirit will slowly awaken. Brutal administrative measures will not solve everything. It is a pity that the rulers will castrate Confucian dogma and imprison the people's thoughts for their own needs. It is a pity." The sky is a little bit Shaking his head regretfully.

Among the dragons of luck, the belief in the golden God of Wealth is particularly eye-catching and strong, full of the smell of copper. It comes from behind and stands above all schools of thought.No matter which dynasty, people will pursue him and worship him. Thinking of the modern times they live in, they must worship the God of Wealth, and the sky laughs.

"The dynasties are changing, the times are changing, but no matter which dynasty or generation, people pursue your crazy heart. Maybe only when everyone lives forever, and the productivity is enough to smooth out all the gaps. At that time, you will withdraw from society big stage."

In the bustling black water, it's okay to have Zulong to suppress it at this time, but his destiny has arrived and he has a high position.There are too many karma involved in the world of mortals, coupled with the unification of the world, the destruction of the six kingdoms, and countless resentments.The huge ancestral dragon luck has shown fatigue, the most important thing is that there are no successors,

As long as Zulong is alive, no one dares to oppose him.But after he fell, how could his son suppress the unruly dragons lurking in the dark of the Black Sea?

"Golden scales are not things in the pool, they will transform into dragons when encountering wind and cloud." Sky's eyes were full of spirit, and he saw dragons with royal aura lurking in the deep sea, grinding their teeth secretly.Among them, a stout dragon is particularly eye-catching.

But Cang Qiong noticed a weak and inconspicuous little white flood flooded by ordinary people.It does not carry the aura of nobility, but is born ordinary, and will eventually become the first commoner emperor in history, and also a rogue emperor.

"Where is half the road to enlightenment?" At the top of the mountain, the sky urged the Taoist movement, and they searched hard, but they couldn't find the whereabouts of the heavenly destiny that the leader of Tongtian said.

"Could it be that we really have to wait until the ancestor dragon falls to be born?" Cang Qiong frowned.The next moment his Dharma eyes sting.The sky suddenly looked up and saw a meteorite falling from the sky.

Such a vision caused the Black Sea to evaporate, and the deep sea dragons were excited. Their chance had come.

Yinghuo Shouxin officially declared the decline of the Qin Dynasty. Although the empire was powerful, it also had many hidden dangers.People think about the old country, and the laws of the Qin Dynasty are also strict.The sky is very patient, and the patience of cultivating immortals is very good. He built a thatched hut on this unnamed spiritual mountain, and quietly waited for the death of the ancestor dragon and the chaos of the world.

As for entering Xianyang himself, he was not so courageous.After all, the first emperor is obviously that one's pawn.

While the sky was waiting for the rabbit, a voice came out from the secret: "Zulong, your plan has failed. People's hearts are not so easy to unify. Even if you forcibly subdue them and destroy all countries, it will be useless if the books are the same, and the cars are the same track.

Your Xianqin plan failed, but you were backlashed by humanity, and you will be leaving soon.There are no funeral arrangements. "

The meandering ancient dragon hovered and said: "Failure is a common thing. But I never thought that people's hearts would be so complicated that even I couldn't figure it out."

"The height of the sky is not high, but the human heart is higher than the sky. I am fit to the Dao and hold the power of heaven and earth, but I still can't control the hearts of all living beings. When I understand this step, I am afraid that I am not far from transcendence." There are three thousand heavenly ways, and Hongjun's voice comes out.

"Luo Hu, the Yuanshi Heavenly Demon you planted was suppressed by Calabash Mountain. Is there any future trouble? What he said before was not false. The resentment of all beings in the world keeps piling up and grows like a snowball. It is better to let it go slowly. He was suppressed at this time , keep accumulating malice, and wait until the day of the landslide, let alone a saint, I'm afraid even we won't be able to stop him."

"It doesn't matter, the world is natural, and it goes back and forth. The world is like a rushing river. It will never return. One day, immeasurable calamity will come and end everything. The common people will be destroyed, and the chaos will repeat itself." Luo Hu said indifferently.

"The prehistoric world will be destroyed. This is an established thing when Pangu created the world. But what about the chaos beyond the prehistoric? The concept of "nothing". What will happen to me when the time comes?" Hong Jun mentioned this heavy topic.

Just like ordinary people have birth, old age, sickness and death, immortals have five declines.The world is born and destroyed, and the natural chaos also has its day of extinction.In the infinite time, nothing is eternal between heaven and earth.

The three most powerful men were silent, and Zulong said slowly after a long time: "Either transcend in the great calamity of annihilation, or die with the world."

"Does the alien world you investigated before have eyebrows?" Tiandao Hongjun asked.

Zulong shook his head: "It's not so easy to find. The only thing that can be confirmed is that the Great Desolate Realm is by no means the only one. Alien people call it the Heavens and Myriad Realms. It seems that there is also a Great Realm of the World Tree. I have been looking for its spatial orientation, but it is too late. It's hard to find. In the vast void, I searched with the void dragon method and found no trace."

"Even if we go to another world, if the Dao is really dead, it will be useless for us to break away from the order and flee to another world. Our own Dao will also self-destruct. At most, we can only invade the other world, devour the essence of spiritual energy, and delay the extinction. coming." Luo Hu said regretfully.

The saints are still thinking about the next catastrophe, but the Dao ancestor and the devil have already considered the final catastrophe after endless years.

In the world, after Yinghuo guarded his heart, the weather was in chaos.Finally one day, following the mournful howl of a black dragon above Xianyang in the Qin Dynasty, it exploded, and a generation of emperors fell.

Cang Qiong walked out of the small hut excitedly, his eyes penetrated into the void, and saw the destiny he was pursuing from the collapsed luck.

"Where is Lishan? Yingzheng's underground palace?" The majestic palace surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the underworld soldiers buried with millions of soldiers, Yingzheng had already prepared his funeral before he died, and entered the underground world in advance.

Sky's Dharma Eye only saw the appearance, and there was a Qiankun formation inside, from which endless killing aura burst out.In order to prevent the immortals from retaliating and digging up the graves, Ying Zheng arranged a lot of shocking methods to ensure that Da Luo Jinxian would never return.

But this is related to the proof of the sky. He has the most precious treasure in his body, and he has offended the teaching of death. If he does not try his best to prove the way and become holy, sooner or later he will fall into the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun.

This is the dragon's pond and tiger's den, and he wants to break into it!

"In the game, this is a copy of the Mausoleum of the First Emperor. I hope the monsters in it won't be too powerful." Cang Qiong muttered, descending from Lingshan, and rushed to the Mausoleum of Lishan Emperor.

Along the way, wars in the world resumed, and the suppression of the ancestor dragon was lost. Carp and dragons began to swallow their luck, and they wanted to become real dragons, which is a big picture of the romance of dragon and snake.

"Princes and generals, would you rather be kind?!"

In the vicinity of Daze Township, Cang Qiong saw a contractor rising up and roaring under the heavy rain.However, all of this has nothing to do with him. He hurried all the way, and when he arrived at the destination of Mount Li, the sky stood on the clouds and looked down.

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