The kelp mother itself also has good strength, and it is also a master in ordinary sea areas, but it also depends on who it is compared with.


Two destructive lights shot out from Queen Olive's eyes, breaking through the three-meter city wall and the millions of kelp groups blocking the way in an instant, killing the kelp mother in one move, but the haze in her heart has not disappeared.

Queen Olive suddenly looked vigilantly at the ground beneath her feet, her transparent body was about to burst apart, turning into billions of clones to escape, but it was already too late.

Boom! ! !

Like a super submarine volcano erupting, a hundred super nuclear bombs with a power equivalent to 1 million tons of TNT explosives detonated at the same time, and this huge city with a population of tens of millions was wiped out in an instant.

The endless light and heat ignited the [-]-meter deep sea, and the blind deep-sea monsters sensed the light for the first time in their lives, and the endless terrifying explosions killed everything around them, and Olive, the god who bore the brunt, moved away in an instant A hundred miles, but far from enough.

Still in the core area of ​​the nuclear bomb, under the double pressure of the impact of the explosion and the surrounding crazy sea water, the body of the gods gasified in an instant, a second sun appeared in the depths of the ocean, and the jellyfish on the other side of the ocean were all shocked. Saw that blazing light.


The second wave of shock from the explosion of a hundred super nuclear bombs came, and the entire ocean was like boiling hot water. With the explosion point as the center, circles of shock waves rushed around with the momentum of destroying everything. No creature survived, the entire seabed was flattened, and seabed mountains over [-] meters were annihilated in ashes.

The big earthquake and tsunami followed. This was a shocking roar, which symbolized the kelp's counterattack against the jellyfish. The whole Gaia was shocked in vain, the rotation and revolution were affected, and the two magnetic fields were greatly affected.

Hundreds of billions of living things perished in this ultimate explosion, tsunamis continued, the sea continued to roar like an angry lion, shock waves were still lingering and released, and at the same time there were waves of radiation. These are shock waves all over the world. People are spared.

At the center of the explosion, ten thousand meters of seawater was evaporated and pressed to the sides, the sun shone in again, and the entire sea was forcibly reshaped. The third wave of seawater collapse came again, and a huge super tsunami appeared as if devouring the world , the wind was raging, the sea was roaring, the sky was roaring, and in one breath, endless dust covered the sky.

Under the triple destruction killer move, no god can survive, and there is also a chain explosion of mana, and everything is closely related. Even if the main god of Hill, the Great Luo Jinxian of the wild, is placed at the core of Queen Olive just now, he will fall with hatred. This is the power of the sun, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The jellyfish who were celebrating just now were stunned. They saw the earth shaking, the earth's crust was unstable, and heavy waves came crashing down. From the direction of the queen, there were only endless waves of light and explosions.

At this time, a super mushroom cloud filled with the eyes of all jellyfish rose slowly on the violent sea.

The background is the roar of the sea, the devastating super tsunami is below, and a blazing mushroom cloud is above.This scene of annihilation shocked all creatures, no matter the user or the recipient.

Impurities in the mushroom cloud will be carried high into the sky, and finally spread to all parts of Gaia, blocking direct sunlight.

"The kelp have developed a terrible weapon, which should be the nuclear energy mentioned by Ivan civilization. We need to hide it quickly and develop it as soon as possible, otherwise we will only be greeted with death."

Among the shocking jellyfish, a newly born transparent jellyfish queen woke up and immediately gave the highest order. She is the fallen Queen Olive just now. She can be reborn with a causal-type super attack. Although most of her energy is lost and her spirit is destroyed a lot, her realm is still there.

Time is most needed now, whether it is the queen or the jellyfish family.

Being suddenly attacked by the jellyfish queen, the kelps who had to blow themselves up in a super ancient city cleaned up the mess while driving tens of thousands of war fortresses to kill the jellyfish habitat. In case of accidents, they also brought nuclear bombs!


This day was destined to be an uneasy day for Gaia. She felt that the cells on her skin were rebelling, and they kept giving her red envelopes, big and small, making her skin look ugly.

At this time, Jiang Ping, who was taking a nap, turned lazily, and the fifth page of Genesis was slowly recording: [Gai Yali: In the second era, marine civilization, the jellyfish tribe evolved immortal gods, and the kelp tribe developed nuclear bombs.The bloody battle between the two clans drew the curtain of the era.

After all, they don't know that all the gifts of fate have already been secretly priced. 】

There are illustrations on the pages of the book. On one side is the endless ocean with kelp floating on it, on the other side is the surrounded land with jellyfish gathering, and in the middle is a mushroom cloud that symbolizes death.


The war on Gaia continued, because of the existence of a god, and the previous explosion was too violent, and the kelp then dropped ten small nuclear bombs with a yield of 1000 million. On this day on Gaia, there were constant explosions , Mushroom clouds rose all over the world, and shock waves spread high in the sky, which lasted for a long time.

The jellyfish were killed and suffered heavy losses. They did not expect such a convenient and powerful big bomb. Under the leadership of Queen Olive, they took refuge and hid urgently, and they were also researching this terrifying weapon by the way.

With the help of nuclear bombs, the kelp kept exterminating jellyfish. They happily danced the seaweed dance to celebrate.

This weapon is very suitable for their needs. It is powerful and has a lot of raw materials. The only disadvantage is that the after-effects are a little bigger, the air is much muddier, it always makes people feel uncomfortable, and the sea is also dirty.

However, they feel that after the jellyfish are eliminated, the dust and particles that fill the air should slowly quiet down, and it will not be too late.

The invention of science and technology means that once there is the first, there will be the second immediately. The ready-made nuclear bombs are still being bombed every day. Within a month, the jellyfish family created their own by relying on the materials collected in Ai Fan’s papers and a stone tablet excavated in the past. nuclear bomb.

I have to say that in the face of the pressure of death and the crisis of genocide, a group will indeed create unimaginable miracles,

At this time, none of the jellyfish survived, and too many people died. These were accumulated over a long period of time. They invented the nuclear bomb and launched a bloody revenge under the leadership of the Queen.

Although the number of jellyfish is less, with the leadership of god-level creatures, they can often hit the vital point with one blow, and ancient cities under the sea are blown up by thousand-ton nuclear bombs.

The kelps were shocked to find that in such a short period of time, the damned jellyfish had copied their myth, so what can they do now?

Only one word: kill!

So the vigorous confrontation of nuclear bombs began. The two sides worked hard to manufacture cheap and affordable nuclear bombs, and then tried their best to drop them on each other's heads.

The two races manufactured a small 10-ton nuclear bomb for special attack, and also a super large nuclear bomb of [-] billion. Mushroom clouds bloomed on the Gaia star, and the extremely prosperous ocean became terrifying and turbid. Whether it is tiny plankton , or the thousand-meter sea king beast hidden in the deep sea, they all float dead on the surface of the sea.

Under the gloomy radiant sun, rot vengeance, yet no maggots and microbes, yes, even the microbes were killed in such a harsh environment!

The seaweed plants that play a role in purification are even more dead, the sky is getting darker, only the endless smoke is filling the air, the earth is smoothed by nuclear bombs, and even the ten-meter-high mountains can't be found, only the craters are pitted .

Now that the war has reached the present, the two tribes have forgotten why they fought and why they fought. The kelp and jellyfish at the bottom just obeyed the orders of their superiors, performed their duties, dropped nuclear bombs, and detonated them.

The upper ruling class, the kelp mothers and Queen Olive had a premonition that something was wrong, but it was already too late. The sunset chariot could no longer pull the brakes, and plunged into the bottomless front with an indomitable attitude. abyss


Ten years later.

The land and ocean are silent, and the kelp group and transparent jellyfish that were so prosperous in those days are gone.

There was gray snow on Gaia, and the only muddy jellyfish alive in the second era was stumbling across the messy land. She looked up at the black sky blankly, and stretched out her hand to catch the gray snow falling from the sky.

This is not a snowflake, but it is dust formed by the condensation of countless radiation particles. The tentacles of the turbid jellyfish catching the dust trembled and felt the piercing pain, but she did not let it go, but held it tightly.

After walking in the gray silent world for a while, this turbid jellyfish sat down a bit tired. Her whole body was turbid, but her eyes were still clear. She was always looking in one direction. It used to be a holy place for jellyfish, where the last jellyfish was buried. The most precious relic of the Era, that is her goal.

Stop and go, the only remaining intelligent creature on Gaia finally arrived at its destination after a month of walking. At this time, her body became weaker and her tentacles were blistered, unable to resist the constant invasion of the outside world. .


The muddy jellyfish struggled to push open the tightly sealed and crooked metal gate, and finally set foot here again. There were only two things hidden in the metal shelter.

One is a ten-meter statue of a god carved in white jade. His eyes are vast and kind, and his specific face is invisible. His eyes look down lovingly, as if he is sympathizing with the world.

One is a stone tablet with unknown texture, and the densely carved text on the front helped the jellyfish to research the nuclear bomb, and it was also one of the culprits of the war.

There are also words on the back, left by the Terminator of the previous era. The turbid jellyfish raised a tentacles and used the last bit of divine power. A golden light suddenly appeared in the gray world, becoming the only light.

[Second Era: Marine civilization, two intelligent races were born deep in the seabed, one is jellyfish and the other is kelp.

The two were supposed to help each other, but in the end they went on the road of irreconcilable war.Relying on the civilization materials left over from the first era, the civilizations of the two races evolved by leaps and bounds, without laying a solid foundation for their own civilizations, which foreshadowed their demise.

Whether it is jellyfish or kelp, they are too easy to get everything in front of them, and have not learned to cherish it. They don't know that technology is a double-edged sword.In the end, the two races developed the nuclear bomb, opened the magic box, and the deafening explosion resounded throughout Gaia.

Hundreds of billions of creatures were destroyed during the ten-year nuclear war, and the air was filled with terrible nuclear radiation. Even the body of a god could not stay for a long time. Groups of creatures in the ocean were extinct, and the sun, the source of all things, was blocked. The radiation dust turned into a cloth covering the sky, falling down from time to time, forming gray snow.

In the end, the two races died together in the nuclear war, and the cities were wiped out, and other innocent creatures were also wiped out.The Gaia ecosystem is completely destroyed, and the ocean cannot breed other creatures.

At the end of the second era, the cause of death: died in the hands of the stupid self.

——Carver: Jellyfish Queen: Olive. 】

The golden divine light was dim, and after the last word was engraved, this muddy jellyfish seemed to have completed its mission, and the only pillar supporting her existence had disappeared.

This could only be the most beautiful and ugliest queen since the jellyfish clan stopped her tentacles and fell to the ground with a bang.


Bitter radiant cold winds hit her, rolling up layers of dust to completely cover her body, in the gray silent world, only statues and monuments stood alone


Jiang Ping, who was taking a nap, was suddenly awakened by the closing sound of Genesis. He stretched out his hand to grab the book unhappily, flipping through it in a daze, and suddenly he saw the latest illustration on the fifth page.

It was a gray and quiet world, only the cold gray snow fluttering, the earth was scorched black, and the ocean was turbid. The former overlord of the ocean, kelp, and jellyfish, the overlord of the earth, were no longer visible. Only the white statue and the immortal monument stood quietly in the quiet world. middle.

【End of the Second Era】


Jiang Ping woke up instantly, with question marks in his head, is it over?That's it?Take a nap by yourself, and two civilizations will be destroyed in one era?Things happened too fast, Jiang Ping was a little caught off guard.

Chapter 336 Opening of the Third Era

Jiang Ping, who looked carefully at the history, finally knew what happened. The two clans had a grudge against each other. After excavating the remains of the Ivan civilization, the civilization took a leap forward. Everything came too easily. They did not grope all the way. Step by step towards the peak.

Instead, they directly inherited their predecessors, gained a lot of knowledge, and lost the process of hard work. They are not in awe of technology itself, thinking that it is just a simple tool, but they don't think it is a double-edged sword.Can kill the enemy can also kill themselves.

"It's a pity, both kelp and jellyfish have strong talents."

Jiang Ping was a little regretful, who would have thought that he was just taking a nap, the two civilizations smashed the dog's head, and both lost in the end, leading an era and hundreds of millions of races to destruction together, even giving him a chance to save No.

Come and go quickly, this is the ocean civilization of the second era, hastily writing its own story and history on the historical scroll to warn the latecomers.

"Gaia in trouble."

Jiang Ping speeds up the flow of time. Now the whole world is in a nuclear winter, and no living things can survive. Let's hope for Gaia's own purification ability.

The sky is covered with a layer of radiation dust, the blue sea, hundreds of millions of floating corpses are floating on the sea surface, emitting an unspeakable stench, the sea is polluted by corpse oil and pus, and the green sea is like a hot pot boiling with poison , It's so hard to look directly at, Jiang Ping doesn't want to set foot in person.

The earth was scorched black, with cold wind and snow blowing from time to time, Gaia's living environment is too harsh, time is speeding up, the whole planet is like a spinning top, Jiang Ping is the one who is holding the whip of time and is constantly swinging people.

The ancient times are long, and there is no scar that time can't repair.Gaia, which has been ravaged in every way, is also recovering at an extremely small speed.

Just like the huge meteorite that destroyed the dinosaurs in the past caused the sky to be full of dust. I don’t know how long it took, maybe 10 years, maybe a million years. A subtle ingredient, re-integrated into nature.

A green and disgusting ocean like poisonous chicken soup. The toxic substances on the sea surface have poisoned all living things, and then slowly sank to the bottom of the sea to be digested. Tens of thousands of years can slowly weaken.

The smoke of the gunpowder finally clears, and nothing remains unchanged in the long time. What remains unchanged is the pursuit of generations.

"Producer, when will "The Heavens and Worlds: Small Universe" be launched? How is my white-haired man?" The white-haired chief urged again on the forum, wanting to play the game impatiently.

"Big Daddy, is there any other inner quota in this small universe? Since he goes to other places, then I will too." Others are also looking forward to it, after all, there are only two worlds now, and it is too greedy to watch others struggle.

Jiang Ping turned around and looked at the Gaia star, which was slowly getting better now, and said melancholy: "Who knows when it will go online, everything will return to zero, and it will start again."

Speaking of the two eras of Gaia, the three civilizations born always like to die. Let’s see what will happen to the next intelligent civilization. I hope this time they will not repeat the same mistakes. They must deeply understand a truth:

[If you don't die, you won't die. 】

"Actually, if you think about it, the reproduction of a civilization to its peak is of course inseparable from your own struggle, but you also have to consider the timing. Speaking of human civilization alone, maybe during the Bagu crisis in the 60s, a war broke out in another world line? It is not certain whether human civilization exists now.”

Jiang Ping was thoughtful, maybe because Gaia is too close to the earth, they can refer to each other.


Push away the clouds and mist to see the sky, the dust dissipates, and the light finally emerges.Gradually, strands of life began to emerge on the dead land, and buds pushed aside the ruins of the old era to welcome the light of the new era.

They spread their green leaves, greedily absorbing sunlight, but at this time there are still various radiations, and now these plants can be regarded as mutated, able to carry out photosynthesis in harsh environments, and automatically eliminate toxins when absorbing water.

The earth becomes lush and green because of their appearance, this is the miracle of life.

A small grass slowly appeared from a corner and spread all over the land. Over time, due to the nuclear radiation, it grew extremely ferociously. Later, it could no longer be regarded as grass, but a big tree.

This plant named Mulia ancient tree attracted the attention of Jiang Ping, who had been observing, "The second era was destroyed, and the third era was a plant civilization? That's interesting. This civilization should be able to learn the lessons of the destruction of the previous era. Can take good care of the environment.”

With the speed of time, the ancient Mulia trees grow bigger and bigger. Their leaves are born with complicated lines, like interlaced electrons, which absorb sunlight and convert it into their own bio-energy. In the center of the body, there is a tree heart that is gradually growing. Formation, its function is similar to that of the heart and the brain, which converts energy and is responsible for thinking.

There is only so much sunlight, and the places that can absorb it are limited. Ordinary plants evolve towards tallness and fierceness, trying to grow the tallest, so as to monopolize the sunlight, but trees are beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy them.Such minorities come and go as quickly as they come.

The restless Mulia ancient tree decided to find another way. They connected with each other and began to try to move around. After all, it was too restrictive to be able to move.

Evolve in that direction if you want to achieve something in your heart, just like the ancestor of the bird wanted to fly to the sky and stand side by side with the sun, and then grew membrane-like wings.

When the Mulia ancient tree was able to move its huge roots, Jiang Ping knew that this era belonged to them. This was a small step for the ancient tree, but a giant leap for the third era.

Because it can move, it can naturally find better water sources and better places to absorb sunlight.

The more their bodies evolve, the more mysterious they become, and the tree hearts are thriving, much more mysterious than the magic cores of the previous era.

Magic cores are just energy accumulation, and their tree cores can also function like a computer cpu. The sunlight is absorbed by the leaves, and through the dense texture conversion between the branches, it provides them with new power.

In order to survive better, the Mulia ancient tree chose clusters, usually with the oldest one as the leader.

After an unknown period of time, a [-]-year-old tree led a group of Mulia trees to the coastline. They were stunned, like a person who has been hungry for seven days and saw a room full of steaks and hamburgers.Like a poor beggar seeing a room full of gold.

The excitement was indescribable, and their branches swayed in joy. It's not like they haven't seen big rivers before, but can this be compared?

Not only the water resources, but also the light reflected from the sea surface, such a vast and unoccupied space, isn't this the chosen place for them?

So this group of Mulia ancient trees began to station on the coastline, thinking about how to use the infinite space of the sea.

"If I'm right, the branch of this ancient tree will become the mainstream." Jiang Ping observed silently for a while and came to a conclusion.

Just as the ancient apes in the past were divided into forest apes, australopithecines, and Ramapithecus, humans are one of them. Later, they continued to evolve and swallow other apes, and gradually became the only intelligent monkey, also known as terror upright ape.

Now that this branch of the sea has been found, Jiang Ping feels that they are the ancestors of the future plant civilization.

Chapter 337 Exploring the Mystery of the Destruction of Civilization

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