When the jellyfish celebrated the victory, the escaped kelp mothers couldn't understand why their opponents were so powerful, so they began to find each other's secrets.

The secret of jellyfish was finally discovered by the kelp, good guy, no wonder I couldn’t see you, it turned out that I ran to land, and the point is that I also excavated ancient ruins.

Hehe, now that they have found the powerful secret of jellyfish, the kelp are not afraid. They have never been afraid of anyone in terms of numbers. Who on Gaia doesn't know that kelp is the king?The whole ocean is dyed green by them, isn't it the ancient ruins?One word: dig!

Now 90% are oceans. I don’t know how many relics are in the sea. The kelp has long since discovered that something is wrong, but they just ignore it on weekdays. Now, in the face of the crisis of genocide, it is natural to dig desperately.

Soon the kelp also inherited the legacy of Ivan's civilization, and they also had a simple understanding of Gaia. In order to develop magic power faster, there were too many constraints in the sea, so the kelp mothers planned a vigorous [Beach Landing Battle].

This is a century-old plan. They command the kelp group to sneak ashore to avoid the hunt of the jellyfish, experiment with various chemistry and physics in remote corners, and develop their own weapons.

The jellyfish don't know the truth that if you kill a snake, you will suffer from it. They think they have wiped out the vitality of the kelp, but they don't think that 100 years later, the backyard will catch fire, and the kelp will come from behind with cannons and guns. The sea is boiling. Tens of millions of kelp drove out from the bottom of the sea in a pyramid-shaped warship.

Kelp Mother is full of spirits, and today I want to let these little bitches know who is the real master of Gaia and who is the orthodox heir of Ivan's civilization!


A fierce world war has begun, and both sides claim to be the only legal regime in Gaia, and both claim to be the sole heirs of the Ivan civilization.

"Meow meow. (o?▽?)o"

The flat-headed brother, who was busy looking for food on the ground, looked up at the sky, looked at the fierce battle and let out a suspicious cry, as if saying:

【what about me? 】

Chapter 334 Undead Gods and Nuclear Bombs

"It's incredible, it's incredible."

Jiang Ping talked about the life-and-death battle between the two civilizations, and he was throwing feed in his hands to appease the two family overlords. No wonder everyone said that pets are the father, and he is just a shit shoveler.Every day I open my mouth and wait to eat, but my temper is still very rough.

In the fish tank, little Jin Xiaobai is shaking the tail of the fish happily eating the feed. In another dimension, a fierce battle is going on, and the smoke of gunpowder fills the whole Gaia, and finally the clear sea water becomes turbid again.

Although it sounds relatively light, in fact this is a great battle between civilizations, and there is no way to retreat.The advantage of the kelp is that they have a large number of people and a strong force. Today, the population has reached 500 billion. Under the leadership of a powerful kelp mother, they form a green army to attack jellyfish.

The undead jellyfish follow the route of elite soldiers, and they are passed on one by one. Every adult jellyfish has reached the legendary state, and the best ones are epic creatures. They are extremely powerful and have their own talents.But their disadvantages are obvious, the birth rate is pitifully low, no matter how powerful the weapon is, there must be users, and they are not strong enough to be controlled by anyone.

Although the overall IQ of the kelp is not very high, but with the control and contact of the central kelp mother, they have created terrifying warships. It exploded, tearing the sky apart, and when it hit the undead jellyfish, it was directly torn into countless pieces.

In the fierce battle, the two sides continued to evolve. It has to be said that war is indeed the best catalyst for civilization. Jiang Ping, who watched it, wanted to provoke the major ethnic groups more when he created civilization next time.

The magical equipment made by the kelp caused heavy losses to the jellyfish. Jiang Ping also took a closer look at it. This is a kelp-like warship and a war fortress. Each green kelp has been reduced to a ruthless screw. On the war fortress, provide power and energy for the fortress, and then attack the enemy under the command of the central kelp general.

Other ethnic groups will certainly not create this kind of machinery, who can stay in a narrow space year after year?Also obey the kelp mother, the kelp who does not have much wisdom can drive such a machine.

The kelp mothers have brought out the advantages of their own group to the extreme. The sound of pounding cannons resounds continuously on the sea, on the earth, and in the deep sea. Because of the blessing of magic energy, it is even more destructive.

Jiang Ping searched for the strength of the human navy on the computer. Even if it is the aircraft carrier brigade of Citigroup, facing the ruthless kelp fortress, Jiang Ping feels that it is not certain who will win in the end.

Although the modern aircraft carrier fleet has fighter jets, kelp is not a vegetarian.

"Not bad, excavating the relics of the last era, you can actually innovate and create a weapon of your own civilization." Jiang Ping praised the Green family.

You know, in fact, the kelp civilization is now at the level of human civilization in the 18th century, and it is already very strong to be able to equalize the gap between the two epochs by virtue of racial advantages.

Bang bang bang!

The sea was turbulent, the sky was thundered, and the undead jellyfish were killed to pieces. If this continues, the jellyfish feel that their doomsday has come.

Desperate for change, on the one hand, the jellyfish anxiously searched for the remains of Ivan on most of the land under their control, hoping to obtain the essence of ancient civilizations, so as to turn defeat into victory, while studying their own talents, and wanted to evolve again.

The undead talent of jellyfish is terrifying. Under the research of old jellyfish, a great scientist, they have more talent: [rebirth of severed limbs].

So in the fierce battle, the kelp mother was surprised to find that the jellyfish seemed to be immortal. Even if she blasted them to pieces, the jellyfish reappeared after a small circle.

It wasn't until they captured a jellyfish alive that they realized that their opponent had also evolved, and their body became even more incredible.


The battle was fierce, the two sides were at a stalemate, and both sides suffered heavy casualties. Each kelp was crushed, and the entire blue ocean was dyed green. The jellyfish also suffered a lot. Each of them has a long history, measured in tens of thousands of years. But in the Great War, tens of thousands of people died in one year, and these were accumulated over a long period of time!

Finally, both sides felt that the foundation had been shaken and had to sign the "Agreement of Armistice" to temporarily divide their respective territories.

The hinterland of the continent and the offshore area belong to jellyfish, and the sea and a small part of the land belong to kelp.Although the agreement was signed, both parties knew it was temporary.

Theoretically speaking, Gaia is so big that it is enough for two civilizations to coexist peacefully together.But the cake is only so big, it can be eaten by one person, and it can be eaten by two people.

The two races have been feuding since the Age of Enlightenment, fighting from the sea to the air, and have accumulated too many feuds.What's more, they all think that they are the masters of Gaia, the successors of Ivan's civilization, and they all want to return to the glory of Ivan and dominate Gaia, so naturally they cannot live in peace.

As for the real descendant of Ivan civilization, the honey badger, kelp tribe and jellyfish tribe have instinctively ignored the honey badger who has been busy surviving on the ground. At most, they will not be hunted and killed, and they will be protected as rare animals. This is the greatest humility.

"A dying civilization is worse than a dog."

Looking at the flat-headed brother today, and comparing it to the arrogance of the past.Jiang Ping sighed, but when he turned his head and thought about it, the dinosaurs that ruled the earth back then, and the descendants of birds today, have all become human beings' dinner, which is not as bad as Brother Pingtou.

Both cats and dogs can hunt, kill and tease at will. It is estimated that the dinosaurs would never have imagined that their descendants would be so miserable in the future.

The war in the second era of Gaia was temporarily suspended, and Jiang Ping, whose eyes were sore, stretched, planning to go back to bed and take a nap.

Don't think that he is being lazy, in fact, he is wandering in the sky and practicing "The Great Dream".

Jiang Ping, who was at ease, soon fell into a dream, in which he had everything.

While Jiang Ping was taking a nap, the Gaia planet was still restless. The two races, who felt the crisis of life and death, tried every means to strengthen their own strength. The easiest way was naturally to excavate the ancient ruins.Both races were born halfway, and the foundation of civilization is not very solid, and they did not come up step by step.

Jumping directly from the primitive stone age to the mana age, the huge development in the middle has been omitted. Now relying on oneself to achieve huge development is simply too difficult, at least it will take thousands of years to accumulate.Why not take a shortcut?Naturally, both races focused on excavating the remains of the Ivan civilization.

"Ai Fan's historical records ended in 666. According to previous data, they have a strong civilization and spiritual power. They do not need to communicate with each other, but can communicate with each other with the white tentacles on their heads. They can even communicate with the entire ethnic group." Only the beautiful jellyfish explained.

"Are we stronger? Our spiritual power is integrated into every cell of our body, and as long as we have enough mana, we can be resurrected infinitely." A young jellyfish asked unconvinced.

The beautiful jellyfish slapped her, "It's just that the direction of evolution is different. The white-haired people have superpowers. Everyone's talents are different. Ours is about rebirth and resurrection. When Ai Fan's civilization was at its peak, it was already Break away from Gaia and reach the two moons in the sky.

This is much stronger than us, each of their leaders can approach God, and one person is enough to destroy our family. "

"God? What realm is that? Is it as great as Mother Gaia? Is it as vast as the ocean?" asked the young jellyfish.

"It's just a more powerful super creature. According to the records of Ai Fan's civilization, more than one of them has broken through to become a god-level creature, and even other groups have evolved one. His name is: Tyrannosaurus God. In the end, he fell in Ai Fan. In the hands of Fan Wenming." Another jellyfish said.

"Since they are so powerful, how did they end up being destroyed?"

"The white-haired man didn't lose to anyone, but to himself." The beautiful jellyfish's tentacles trembled, showing a complicated mood.It is a pity that a great civilization has fallen and collapsed, and I am glad that without their death, how could there be the current jellyfish civilization.

The young jellyfish continued to ask doubts, and the other old jellyfish said: "According to the data collected so far, it is speculated that they may be addicted to the spiritual network woven by their own group. There is no distinction between virtuality and reality. In the end, most people do not want to struggle in reality." , do not think about production, and indulge in virtual reality.”

"But in this case, I am afraid that Ivan civilization will not be destroyed."

The jellyfish looked at each other, and finally looked up to the sky and replied: "According to our archaeological findings, they finally carried out a great and terrible plan, and the plan seemed to be successful, but they also called the gods to descend.

The catastrophe of the oldest beginning reappears, and the earth returns to the ocean. This is the truth of the collapse of Ivan civilization. "

The catastrophe of the beginning is a warning that is spread deep in the genes of all Gaia creatures: [Two moons share the sky, blood stains the earth.The catastrophe of destruction of the world, no one survived. 】

It seems that Ivan civilization is also destroyed in the double moon and sky. Thinking of this, the young jellyfish hurriedly looked at the tall and brilliant ten-meter statue of the god of heaven. It is said that it was excavated from the largest relic city. It has not changed color after so long. Still so glorious and holy.

"Does God really exist? Then where is He?"

"It does exist, it may be the god of the universe, or it may be in another higher universe." The tentacles of the jellyfish stood up, imagining that great existence, is he looking down at himself again?


Not long ago, I was looking down on you, but now the God of Creation is taking a nap and doesn't want to talk to you.

"Okay, children, I have said so much, but I just want to remind you that we should reflect on the experience of Ivan civilization. We have decided to help our strongest and oldest one become a god. The appearance of god-level jellyfish will also completely Bad kelp that breaks the bottom."

The jellyfish began to gather, and they couldn't find more knowledge of Ivan's civilization in a short period of time, but the evolution of creatures is common, and their talents are unique. They plan to gather the resources of the whole family to help one of them evolve into a god-level creature. And after they evolve, their combat power should far exceed that of ordinary gods.

The jellyfish named this project "God-making Project", and they will create the strongest undead gods, which will be passed on from generation to generation until the end of the era and the destruction of the universe.

When the plans of the jellyfish were going on vigorously, the seabed was also very lively. The kelp mothers directed the kelp group to dig the ruins. The kelp came from behind. After all, most of the land that year had sunk into the sea was under their jurisdiction. They gain more knowledge.

"The talent of the hateful jellyfish is really scary. Who knows if it will mutate and become spiritually immortal after a long time Immortal talent." The kelp mothers were worried.

Suddenly one of the kelp mothers took out a stack of documents and said: "I found an interesting document here. Although it is an energy technology, it can also be used to make terrible weapons. Manufacturing, so they didn't study it.

But today is different from the past. If we want to eliminate jellyfish, we must use all means. I think we can develop this kind of solar weapon. "

The other seaweeds were curious, so they quickly looked at them. Their consciousness and spirit are very strong, otherwise, how to manage tens of millions of seaweeds, they would be a little stunned.

"Atoms? Fission? Fusion? The world is made up of countless particles? Whether it's our organisms, planets or even the sun above our heads, they are essentially condensed and finally combined by countless different particles."

A kelp mother asked curiously: "So, mana energy is also an exceptionally powerful particle?"

The other kelp mothers continued to read: "The fusion reaction between particles will produce huge and terrifying energy. It can provide energy supply for a civilization, and it can also explode in an instant as a terrifying weapon. The sun's Infinite brilliance is produced by atomic fusion."

Many seaweeds become more and more frightened as they look at it. They cannot see the source of all things. The great sun's light is actually produced by a simple atomic reaction. Sometimes the truth of the world is very simple, and sometimes it is very complicated.

"What a great power, we can stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun and have the same great power, such a great power, why didn't the Ivan civilization continue to develop?" a kelp mother asked doubtfully.

"Because the white-haired people back then thought this nuclear energy was too dangerous and polluting, they were more willing to look for other safer energy sources. Later, they borrowed psychic energy and spiritual integration to create their own collective subconscious spiritual sea." The person who provided the information replied.

The other kelp mothers shook their heads and were shocked by this force.

"At this time and at that time, we are different from the Ivan civilization. We are still at war. The white-haired people have already dominated Gaia back then, and there is no need to create stronger weapons, but we are different. We must first think about eliminating other civilizations. An intelligent civilization.

I think this power is very good, very great.We should control it as soon as possible, otherwise what if the hateful jellyfish take advantage of it first? "

The other kelps nodded, so all members passed, and the kelps were ready to develop nuclear energy.

"How many of these sun-imitating weapons are we going to make at the beginning?" asked a kelp mother.

"Let's make [-] pieces first, and then come again. Anyway, Gaia is very big, we secretly research in a corner of the earth, or a place in the deep sea. When we succeed, we will first put thousands of pieces on the ground to see the effect. If If the effect is good, it will be fine to make another [-] or a million more."

The other kelp mothers nodded, and began to gather their own optimized wisdom kelp to study this terrible weapon based on the papers left by Ivan civilization.

They didn't know that they had opened a Pandora's magic core, and it was too easy to walk all the way. They jumped directly from primitive civilization to magic civilization, and did not learn the lessons of civilization evolution.

The kelps don't know that a sword can kill people, but it can also hurt themselves.

So on Gaia, which seems to be peaceful, on one side is the "God-making Project" and on the other is the "Ten Thousand Suns Project". Both sides are beating gongs and drums in secret.

Chapter 335 The Second Era of Destruction in the Siesta


In a remote place on Gaia Star, there was an earth-shattering sound, but the sound wave was canceled out before it traveled far, and only a beautiful mushroom cloud was slowly rising.

The kelp mother was frightened by her own experiments. She never thought that such a terrifying and huge force could erupt from a simple atomic reaction. The endless light and heat are like a small sun, and they actually controlled the sun's brilliance!

"It's unbelievable. Is this the power of nature? It's obviously an invisible atom, but it can produce earth-shaking explosion reactions. If I didn't know the law of energy conservation, I couldn't believe my eyes."

The kelp mothers did not expect the power of the nuclear bomb to be so terrifying. Compared with its production difficulty and materials, it is simply too cost-effective!

Before the people on earth created the atomic bomb, they did not expect that there would be a bomb under the sky that could destroy a city.The neon people who were bombed once didn't believe it at first, but the second bombing came immediately, and this time they were sure.

"The power is far beyond our imagination, but it seems that the pollution is more serious." Another kelp mother saw that as the radiation wave spread, the seawater was mixed with a lot of nuclear radiation, and her people withered and turned yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye.


White poisonous bubbles rose up on the sea surface, big fish and small fish turned their belly upwards, the original green ocean became white, and the ecosystem in this offshore area was completely destroyed.

"Gaia is very big, and her adjustment ability is also very strong. We wiped out the jellyfish first. What's more, under the nuclear radiation, mutation and evolution may occur. Both us and other sea fish have strong vitality. At the beginning, it may be Death due to maladaptation, but radiation-adapted organisms will evolve in the near future."

The kelp mothers think that the problem is not big, and they should solve what the enemy is saying first.


On this day, divine lights shot out from the land of Gaia, and a ten-meter-tall transparent goddess descended. She wore the crown of the gods, her body was resplendent and beautiful, and she had a divine radiance. Surging and rolling, the world is bright because of her existence.

"She is the strongest and most eternal immortal god of our jellyfish! This Olive goddess will always lead us!" The tentacles of the jellyfish below danced excitedly, and for the birth of this god, they sacrificed thousands of jellyfish that have been passed down for thousands of years big jellyfish.

Gathering the essence and inheritance of the sacrificial jellyfish, this newly born jellyfish is named Olive. Her body is deceptively real, and her mental power is strong. powerful.


The queen of jellyfish killed the kelp people in the depths of the sea. First, they removed their bases on the ground. Within 10 minutes, the kelp city on the other side of Gaia was destroyed. Before the destruction, they spread the news base camp.

The kelp mothers were shocked. They didn't expect jellyfish to evolve into gods. Hundreds of millions of kelp gathered under the sea urgently and drove the super-large battle fortress to fight. But on Gaia, where personal force is paramount, Olive launched a mowing-like massacre.

Every blow of her made the sea roar, and the indestructible fortress of war was thrown to a height of [-] meters, waiting for it to fall down with the inertia of gravity, destroying each underwater city like a meteorite.


All of a sudden, it was like a swarm of meteors falling, one person against one army, thousands of thousand-meter-large war fortresses turned into shells and destroyed Kelp City, the Kelp fought desperately, and the smoke filled the entire sea. The aftermath of the war alone caused tens of millions of A sea fish floats to the surface of the sea.

But this can't stop anything. Although Goddess Olive is bright and beautiful, she is extremely decisive in her attack. She knows that it is useless to kill ordinary kelp, and the most important thing is to eradicate all kelp mothers.

The spiritual power of the god is so strong, she soon found the mother of seaweed in a deep sea of ​​[-] meters, but what she didn't know was that the previous desperate resistance and the current base were all a huge trap.

When entering this huge city with a population of tens of millions, Olive's spirit suddenly shook, and she sensed that the surrounding magic energy was boiling restlessly, as if some catastrophe was about to happen.

"Damn jellyfish, don't think that Gaia is yours. The wisdom of our kelp is far beyond your imagination!"

In the deep sea, this huge kelp mother used as bait roared, and her [-]-meter kelp was waving angrily, like a sea god waving a magic whip.

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