Yaoyao, who hadn't been online for a long time, suddenly replied: "Oh, well, I quit the game recently, and I have enough time to experiment at home, and I have some small results."


There was a sensation on the forum, Yaoyao is a national goddess, she has traveled in the world of Hill for hundreds of years, and although she unexpectedly exited due to the catastrophe recently, but speaking of her experience in cultivation in another world is definitely her own.

Coupled with the fact that she now has enough real time to experience the different rules of the two worlds and refine the cultivation method, she is the one who is most likely to succeed in cultivation in reality!

All of a sudden, a disappointed netizen who was about to go to bed got bloody.

"If you talk about this, I won't be sleepy."

Chapter 296 A Reincarnation

"Because I retired, I have more time to study at home. During the hundreds of years in Hill, I have also collected a lot of cultivation methods."

When Yaoyao said this, many people's hearts moved. If they want to say what is the most precious thing in a civilized world, it is naturally knowledge, and knowledge is power. So how much wealth does she have today?

"After a lot of research and comparison, many of them have no effect. It may be because the laws of the two realms are different. But recently, I read the ancient books handed down by my ancestors, which gave me inspiration. After some experiments, I found that there is also a sense of energy."

Speaking of this, everyone breathed heavily, and couldn't wait to ask: "To what extent can it be done? Is it as magical as Hill's world?"


Yaoyao answered honestly, without hiding her clumsiness, "Lack of certain key trace substances, and being immersed in the game for hundreds of years, my spirit has been strengthened invisibly. Even so, I can barely reach the level of x-rays. Look inside yourself.

If it is an ordinary person, even if he is very talented, he will almost have half a foot in the coffin after cultivating to my current level, and it will be too late.

Moreover, this kind of cultivation consumes one's own foundation and essence, and the environment is a big problem. Even if there is a top-notch technique that can be cultivated after complete modification, it is estimated that it will only last a hundred years if it is practiced on the earth.

The dream of flying to the sky and escaping from the earth is still a myth, and it would be nice to be able to fly over the roof and walk over the wall. "

What I said is that the hearts of netizens around the world are cold and cold. In a world without magic and a world of doomsday, there may be a trace of trace elements left in millions of kilometers, but in such an environment, there is no way to achieve anything. Today's prolonging life is already It is not easy.

"Could it be that we can only take the road of technology becoming a god? But I think technology has reached a bottleneck now, and there will be no next big explosion. I don't know if it will take hundreds of years."

"It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Dear producer, I am willing to turn the earth into a battlefield of the heavens and connect with the world, just to usher in the recovery of spiritual energy."

You can say anything for a while, and the ultimate goal is the same - immortality.This is the deepest pursuit engraved in the bones and genes.Especially the bigwigs standing at the top are the most concerned.

A netizen who joined a research laboratory asked: "What special energy is needed? Can it be synthesized on earth?"

All things generate and restrain each other. The principle of the five elements in ancient China is essentially the same as today's chemistry. Substances that do not exist in the world can be produced by the synthesis of different molecules.

"o((⊙﹏⊙))o, I don't know."


She is a girl, she doesn't look very old, so she naturally doesn't understand such a profound truth, no way, this way is not feasible for the time being, she doesn't understand the structure and nature of super energy, so how to talk about synthetic replication.

The crowd asked Yaoyao to share her modified advanced cultivation method, Yaoyao was straightforward, and soon uploaded the "Foundation Building Method of Flowing Swords" that she had put a lot of effort into.


In an instant, the forum that had been reinforced hundreds of times exploded, and netizens with red eyes quickly downloaded and saved it. Although Yaoyao had already mentioned the effect, what if she was a genius?The most common skills can also be turned into miracles in one's own hands.

Everyone has a fluke mentality, try and not get pregnant, at worst, take a few more tranquilizers, stay in a mental hospital for two more days, to calm the restless spirit.

"Quickly, print out this advanced information, and I want you to use a supercomputer to simulate and calculate its operating principle."

In the research room established by Abu, a world-renowned billionaire, researchers in white coats are excitedly typing on the keyboard.

After inputting the calculation formulas one by one, the "Foundation Building Method of Flowing Sword" is almost in seconds, and the virtual human body that collects Abu's data is displayed on the huge ultra-clear screen. Countless data constitute a complete 3D person.

And as the data jumped, another wave of energy poured in, and the huge number of billions made this expensive computer very hot.

This is not simply human body data, a human body model will do.Instead, the surrounding environment and the various environmental data of the earth should also be included.

At this time, this move is not only staged in this place, besides the research team formed by the rich man, who is the most powerful person on Blue Star?Naturally, they are big figures in each country.

Not to mention anything else, just the really rich and oily emirates who sell oil have also formed their own teams. In front of them, no list of the world's richest people is worth mentioning.

At this time, in a secret desert base in the ancient eastern country, researchers were also excited.

"The blue enchantress once appeared in Kunlun Mountains, which means that the earth is not a completely magical environment, but it is too rare and can only be left in extreme areas." The leader in charge said excitedly.

"Since it still exists in the world, it means it can be copied!"

Yaoyao's random actions caused turmoil, and countless experiments started at the same time. Everyone wanted to transcend the ordinary and become a saint and live forever.

No matter how rich and powerful you are, you are still based on human society. In essence, all living beings are equal, and you are still a weak chicken if you deprive foreign objects of wealth.

But this is a truly extraordinary power. If you can get it personally, it will completely represent the transcendence of the human race. Whether you are good or evil, at least you have the power to protect yourself.

"Research, let me see how many results there are."

Jiang Ping was also curious, deliberately indulged them, and released part of the information. He wanted to see if he could cultivate to a certain level out of nothing in reality, succeed in building a foundation, or create an extraordinary god.

The earth is so big, there are many talents and resources, and personal power is too small, why not use such a big help.

"Perhaps the most extreme place on earth may be rewarded." Jiang Ping looked up at the bright sun, expressing his feelings.

The sun, the sun, the most terrifying celestial body, has been supreme in people's hearts since ancient times, and the sun god is also the top group in myths and legends.

A celestial body accounts for 998% of the mass of the solar system, and all the energy and heat of the earth come from it. It is what is called vastness and what is called stalwart.

"One day I will go to the surface of the sun myself."

Jiang Ping muttered to himself, "Let's make a small goal for myself first, to explore the extremes of the earth. It's not appropriate to stay at home all day. After the earth is explored, you can go to the moon and look at the starry sky."

But let’s put aside the exploration plan first, and there are many things to do on my one-acre three-point land. The magic net plan is no small matter. How can Jiang Ping let go of such an interesting change of the times?


Flipping through Genesis, Jiang Ping saw the vivid historical paintings on the fourth page of "Hill's Almanac".

Hill calendar: The battle of the three realms, in which the human king raised the banner, punched open the gate of the realm, dressed in the savior and beheaded ten main gods, and finally had a shocking battle with the god king.

Among them are not only Locke, but also heroes, epics, dragons, dwarves, orcs and other races. Above them are countless glorious gods and holy angels who surround them.

Among them, the appearance of Steins Gate is also particularly eye-catching. An ancient hero is summoned. After the hero king shoots the god with an arrow, he fulfills his long-cherished wish.

The last painting is fixed on the indomitable Kaitian giant, with the holy sword of original sin criss-crossing, ending the era of the old gods.The supreme god Cook inherited the legacy of the king of mankind and walked out from the deepest part of the New Territory, symbolizing the coming of a new era.


Jiang Ping closed this complete chapter, officially marking the end of this era, just like the original calendar on the second page, becoming a historical freeze.

"It is said that Genesis has already begun to evolve, and it is only a matter of harvesting a batch of huge energy points for feedback from the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods. By then, it will have a new form."

Speaking of this, Jiang Ping is still a little excited, with an eternal heart of creation, overlooking the birth and death of the world.Genesis also allowed him to have such longing expectations, because it is the source of everything.

I just don't know the identity of the man in black who left "Genesis" back then, could it be the previous master?Or is it a higher-dimensional creature at a deeper level?

Jiang Ping shook his head. Now he is not qualified to explore this. He has also used the mythology field to trace his tracks in the station. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as the man in black, as if his mission is to leave the divine book.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Jiang Ping turned to the next page, Hill Calendar: Silver Age.


In an instant, a wave of the times is coming


On the bustling street, there are peddlers buying and selling goods on both sides. Luo Er is Jiang Ping's special vest. At this time, he is looking at everything around him curiously.

The tidy streets paved with gray rocks at the foot are surrounded by carriages pulled by strong unicorn horses, and there are also black classic cars similar to the 19th century.

The grooms leading the unicorns in twos and threes were gathering together, looking at the old cars that were also waiting for customers with hatred.

"Can this iron lump run fast? Don't lose money by making a trip."

"That's right, that's right, even if it comes from Master Tianjiao, it can only be used by nobles and gentlemen. It's convenient for cattle and horses."

"The times are advancing very fast." Luo Er looked around, the lights were brightly lit, the darkness was no longer exclusive to the rich, but convenient for the public.

"Extraordinary! Extraordinary! Terrible, the ancient heroes, together with the kings of the kingdoms, the commander of the knights, and the chief scholar, sniped the remnant god forces led by the original lord Hephas in the Eagle Falls Canyon."

Suddenly, a little boy wearing a patch was holding a stack of newspapers and was peddling hard. His little face was flushed.

"What? Vulcan Hephas? Remnants of the old god?"

"Falcon Falling Canyon, isn't that a desperate situation? The big man really knows how to choose a place."

Hearing the newsboy hawking, pedestrians stopped their busy steps, quickly took out copper coins to buy newspapers printed by the new magic printing machine, and read them directly on the street.

"Son, give me one too."

The newsboy who jumped up and down Luo Er waved his hand, and he put his lightly grasped hand on the newsboy's hand and said:

"Recently, the academy has started. This is an opportunity that can change the fate of your life. You should sign up."

The newsboy handed him a newspaper and said in a low voice, "My family used to be a slave, so how can I get money to go to school?"

"Hehe, remember to go home early so that no one will see you." Luo Er walked away with the newspaper.

The newsboy opened his small hand on the spot, and a ray of golden light leaked from his fingers. He immediately closed his palm, his little head looked around nervously, his heart was beating, he didn't even sell the newspaper, and he hurried home.

Like other children, he always likes to read epic biographies of heroes, fantasizing that he is the protagonist in it, gets adventures from ordinary families, becomes a knight, and marries a princess.

He didn't expect that he would actually meet Qi Yu today. Although it was not a big deal, it could change his life.

Luo Er picked up the newspaper and read it on the stone bench in the park. There were pictures and words on the newspaper, and it was a photo of Eagle Falling Canyon.

The gods below are guarded by divine light, and the leader is the Vulcan with the Vulcan hammer, but this time the gods are not as proud and calm as before, but solemn.

The top is full of heroes and kings, but the most eye-catching thing is the huge alchemy cannon above.

"Relying on the power of the magic weapon, the gods were ambushed, and the Vulcan's roar was useless. The old gods were defeated, and even the Titans personally escorted them to the abyss of the kingdom of giants. The last remnants of the old gods were destroyed. Let's celebrate together!"

"The times are advancing, and the gods who were invincible in the past have also been officially destroyed, and the last remaining forces have been defeated by the magic artifacts of the new era."

Luo Er shook his head and sighed, the world of Hill is getting better and better, not to mention other things, the world tree has grown taller, and the sea of ​​​​swallowing chaos is almost three points faster.

This is a terrible era, the gods are destroyed, new stars rise far away, the remaining ancient heroes, revolutionary leaders, a new era is born, and the sons of the era come as the times require.

The stars twinkled in the dark night, the long-suppressed human race broke out, and a proud son of heaven was born.

At this time, the original gate of the world has now turned into a huge immovable fortress. There are millions of people in the fortress. They are not fighting, but dwarves, humans, and even half-orcs such as magic werewolves who are doing business between the two worlds.

At this time, there were more pedestrians poking their heads out on the already lively street, because the team of old gods escorted by the Titans had arrived.


The earth shook, and the Titans from far and near escorted the old god who was imprisoned by the special torture device. The front one was the old Vulcan, who seemed to have lost the power of faith and had a backlash.

Coupled with the destruction of the God Realm, the fall of the Twelve Lord Gods was a huge blow, making the heart of the mighty Vulcan even heavier.

"Finally see you, Vulcan Hephaes."

Right in front of the fortress, a bronze-colored ordinary man was standing in the middle of the street. He purposely met this legendary ancient god and the originator of the world's blacksmiths.

God of Vulcan Hephas raised his head and recognized who was in front of him at a glance. He is the famous Master Tianjiao. He has made great contributions in the Three Realms. Not only did he create many new artifacts, he killed the angels, and even the savior who caused the defeat of the God King. build.

None of the remaining true gods today does not know this human being who makes them grit their teeth with hatred.

"Human, are you here to laugh at me?"

"No, it's just that I simply want to meet the seniors, so as to warn myself that if I don't keep learning, I will be replaced by the newcomers." Ning Tianjiao said from the front, without the intention of ridicule.

"It seems that you are about to be promoted to the God of Craftsman. This time, losing to the artifact you made is not considered a disgrace."

Vulcan said meaningfully, "We lost this time, what about ten thousand years later? Will you be replaced by the next generation?"

Vulcan and Ning Tianjiao looked at each other, a reincarnation.

The Titans escorted the Old God past Ning Tianjiao's side, out of the gate, and was imprisoned in the dark abyss of despair ever since, guarded by a hundred-handed giant and a cyclops.

So far, the power of the old gods has been completely destroyed. Even if there are one or two fish that slip through the net occasionally, they dare not appear in this era.

Chapter 297 [Old Eight Secret Seasoning]

In the bustling city square, people in leather jackets and cotton jackets looked up curiously, and saw a strangely shaped black magic tower in the center that was slowly starting construction.

"Isn't the Demon Gathering Tower good last time? It benefits the city and gathers energy. Why do we need to upgrade it now?" A middle-aged man who saw the construction of the Demon Gathering Tower last time asked strangely.

"It is said that this time seems to be Master Tianjiao's idea, and it is different from the original one, adding many things. I heard that the master talked with the kings and heroes in person, so that he can build the city-states in the atriums. He is the only one who has this call in the world. force."

The people around the square were talking about it, and they always felt that the master did not build it for nothing but had some deeper ideas. Not to mention other things, if he didn't see this construction, did he still let the guards guard it?It wasn't like this last time.

"I came from the southernmost city, and there are magic towers being built along the way, and even small magic towers are being built in remote villages.

In this era, the merchant industry was born, and many ordinary people with poor spiritual talent began to work tirelessly, and a new batch of wealthy classes were born.

It is said that although some wealthy merchants only have ordinary gold-level strength and piled up with precious resources, even the major kings value them. They are rich beyond rivals, control major business channels, and have friendship with many foreign leaders.

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