"I hate to see a toad eating swan meat the most in my life. What a girl to be ruined just like that."

"Actually, I think the little girl Deng Chanyu is also average-looking." A netizen named "Armed Personnel" said after lifting up his trousers.

Luo Xuan, Shen Gongbao, Deng Jiugong and others in the Chengtang military camp looked at each other, but Deng Chanyu looked at Yu Xianger with staring eyes, thinking that this was the heroine in her heart, and she even wanted to be a teacher.

"Yes, Fairy Yu is right. If these two scumbags are not eliminated today, they will definitely be harmed by them in the future."

A cute and charming voice suddenly came from outside the tent.

"who is it?!"

The generals and immortals in the tent, those who drew their swords, those who sacrificed treasures, and even Yu Xiang'er sacrificed the Black Demon Tower.

Lifting the tent, a cute loli who was as tall as a child came in, and behind her was a heroic, handsome young man with five-color divine light on his body.

Behind the man of God is a naughty boy who looks like a seven or eight-year-old boy, who is turning his head to look at everything around him curiously, obviously not leaving the house much.

Beside the boy, there was a guardian who served him carefully.

"Dark loli?!" Yu Xiang'er spat out in surprise.

In an instant, the face of the loli on the opposite side turned black.

Chapter 295 The Wave of the Times

It's all because he was young and frivolous back then, talking so much that he lost his integrity, and now it's hard to pick it up again.

"Cough cough."

Seeing the strange gazes from the young master behind, she immediately said:

"Yu Xiang'er, don't mention the embarrassing things that happened back then. Now I've changed my ways and turned my back on the good, and I'm dedicated to assisting my young master."

Hearing this, Yu Xiang'er curiously looked at the three men behind the cute loli, and saw that the oncoming man was imposing, the fairy platform was brightly lit, and the ancient phoenix's legacy protected her, and her merits and luck were all perfect.

Lightning flashed across Yu Xianger's mind, and she blurted out:

"Could it be Prince Kong Xuan?"


Kong Xuan, who was protected by the five-element light, looked over strangely, "Although I was born for a while and traveled around the world, I don't know that there are rumors of me in the devil world."

Speaking of this, he was a little smug, thinking that the three ancient clans had withdrawn from the stage of history, and only the dragon clan directly related to the ancestor dragon still had a sense of existence. Unexpectedly, his reputation was also resounding in the wild, and it was not in vain for him to temper millions in the undead volcano. Year.

"Who in the world doesn't know your name. You are one of the master's masters, comparable to other ancient quasi-sage predators, especially the five-color divine light, which can restrain all magic weapons." Yu Xianger complained in her heart.

At this time, under Kong Xuan, who was extraordinary in martial arts, the boy who looked quite immature was jumping up and down and shouting.

"Brother, you are so powerful. You obviously didn't have a name, but she saw through it at a glance. When I become an adult, I will be as famous as you, and let everyone in the world know my name."

"This person should be the golden-winged roc eagle who beat his grandson to tears in the Journey to the West in the future." Yu Xiang'er thought in his heart, what about the last guardian who served beside him?

"This is my own brother, who was born in the same birth, but his yin and yang qi were not fully fused and he was forcibly born. It was originally planned to let him refine an era in the undead volcano.

However, he has been muttering that he wants to see the world of mortals, and this time he will also show him the world, and let him know that practice is not beneficial, so that he can practice hard in the future with peace of mind. "

"As for this one, it's the Feather Wing Immortal from my clan, and I've heard the immortal method from the Jiejiao saint, so it belongs to the Jiejiao family."

Feather Wing Immortal made a testimonial to a Jiejiao Immortal who was at a loss for swords. He heard that he was also in the same line as he heard the magic method from the sage.

Immortals who were immediately vigilant put down their vigilance, they cut off teachings without discrimination, and they are the most united.

"I don't know why you came here?" Yu Xiang'er asked.

The cute loli looked at the handsome and extraordinary Kong Xuan with starry eyes and said:

"Coinciding with the calamity, although the three ancient clans retreated from the home court, they could not escape the reckoning of heaven and earth. This time, the young master followed Master Zulong's will and came out of the mountain specially to warn some ancient immortals.

Don't think that the dragon dives in the abyss, the phoenix lies in the deep valley, and the Linzang fields are easy to bully. "

Yu Xiang'er's eyeballs rolled around, thinking that it might be the Jinxian who explained the education and even the Yuanshi Tianzun behind him who tried to test the dragons of the four seas and angered Zulong. This time, Kong Xuan appeared to shock the immortals.

The premise of being in a safe corner is that you have the confidence to ignore the struggle, otherwise no matter which side in the battlefield doesn't mind eating a big fat sheep.

Meng Ruo Shen Ji unexpectedly fell and left the field, Yu Xiang'er was alone, and now another player came to help with a super npc, she naturally welcomes it.

On the forum, two popular little devils made an official announcement.

Cute Lolita: "Yu Xiang'er, Sister Xiang'er, this time we see our sisters working together to defeat the enemies around us, no matter how bad it is, we must pay attention to the remaining three generations of disciples of Jinxian and Chanjiao.

They are always full of benevolence and morality, but they do more cruel things than others. "

Yu Xianger came on stage with fireworks, "Sister, how long will you stay this time? Can you accompany me through this calamity?"

The world of adults is not bound by friendship, but by interests.They belong to the same camp and have common interests. Even if their tempers are not right, they can only hold their noses together.

And even if they are close friends, brothers from the same family, due to conflicts of interests, they will fight each other with swords.

Regardless of whether the two have met before, they belong to the same camp now, so they are naturally good sisters.

Moe Lolita also released a precious video of the historical meeting between the two of them, but many people's eyes are not on the two well-known female players, but on the handsome young god who is handsome and extraordinary.

With such a holy vision, the five-colored holy light of merit and virtue hangs from the back of his head, and he looks like a big boss at first glance.

"This time I'm mainly accompanying the young master and the others. I probably won't be able to accompany you to the end of the calamity. The calamity is dangerous. I didn't realize it until I was alive. It turns out that sometimes winning to the end is the result."

At this time, on the spy screen, Li Changsheng, who was looking into the general situation of the Great Desolation, touched his nose and felt that he was on the right path. There is a proverb in the Desolation, as long as you live long enough, you can meet anything, a million years, Domestic pigs can become immortals.

And theoretically speaking, as long as you can avoid catastrophe and liquidation again and again, cut off the cause and effect of the world of mortals, and persist until immeasurable calamities, then you can also accumulate saint-level mana for: Gou Sheng, which is also Li Changsheng's ultimate goal.

On the forum, netizens feel that the honest Lolita is not like the madman style she used to be fearless. Could it be that after so long, she has learned the iron fist of society in the wild, and she knows how to be honest?

But when Lori released a short face-to-face video of the two of them, everyone finally knew why.

"Look, look, look at An Luo's humble and sneaky little eyes, it's an authentic dog licking, no different from me back then." A senior dog licking person immediately discovered the blind spot.

"I've confirmed the eyes, it's a dog licking infatuation, An Luo, you have changed, you are no longer the arrogant blonde loli, but a dog licking incarnation, I think of another who is willing to be ridden on the crotch by the mistress day and night The most qualified player."

Many netizens on the forum lamented that people will change, if others lick you, at some point in the future, you will lick others too.

"Nonsense, I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense.

By the way, when did you add the blond-haired and arrogant character to me?This girl acts frankly, and now she is just a member of the Phoenix clan, and she is only supposed to advise and seek benefits for the prince of the family. "

After Meng Loli finished typing this sentence, she took out a tissue and wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth. On both sides of her pink computer was a figure of Kong Xuan, a saintly martial artist, which was specially customized by her.

The original warm pink room has been covered with beautiful and sacred Kongxuan posters, and there is another one that looks down on the world, the background is the five-color divine light, and the vision is the sacred and magnificent colorful peacock real body.

At that time, she saw Kong Xuan's real body by accident for the first time, and her heart was pounding for the first time in her life.

An Luo's hard-spoken sophistry made everyone burst into laughter. Everyone has been there, and I don't know how many people who are in love, so they naturally know what this gentle look represents.

"Dark loli, just admit it, you can change your job to become a saint of light. Believe me, God rewards hard work, and I will have everything I want until the end.


Ji Laojiang, who hadn't appeared for a long time, appeared after being chased by netizens all the time. He liked Anluo and felt that there was one more person in his camp.

Lori has changed her mind and turned to good. She doesn't always have to use the characters in the game, but can become close friends with the people inside, complement each other, and maybe even have a good time in the end.

"Wake up, you can't hoi when you lick a dog!"

"I hate two kinds of people the most in my life, one is a dog licker, and the other is a person who is proud of being a dog licker without knowing it!"

"Fart! Upstairs, you are wrong. Licking dogs is not human. They are beasts who abandon their dignity! Please don't insult the name "human"!"

A war of words against dog licking is inevitable on the forum. Even the "goddess" who is being licked sometimes feels that the opposite dog licking is too humble and disgusting.

Meng Loli argued vigorously, saying that she just wanted to help the young master with peace of mind, and absolutely did not envy him. As for whether other people believe it or not, she believed it anyway.


The world of Hill is changing with each passing day, and new buildings designed by the world's most famous foundry have sprung up. They are not simple wonders, but each has its own magic.

One after another, the magic gathering towers stand in the center of the city, and a series of simple but not simple magic lines extend to every corner of the city around it, until they converge to the tall city wall.

Along the way, the lights are feasting, and the magic lamps with strange shapes flicker slightly, and people live in the huts curiously.

Originally, Hill was polarized. The high-end and top powerhouses had an unbelievably convenient life. Ordinary people lived like animals. As for slaves?Hehe, even if the major kingdoms don't count the number of people and other data, slaves are not counted as people.

But since the end of the War of the Three Realms, the rule of the church has been overthrown, and it has entered the atrium where the heroes are fighting for hegemony. In order to win the hearts of the people, the heroes of the kings have made the soldiers more fighting spirit and glory.

There are also generals who want to liberate the slaves. After all, fighting for yourself is completely different from fighting for oppression.

Coupled with someone secretly fueling the flames, a vigorous slave uprising began. This is no small matter. It officially announced that the atrium has entered a feudal system from slavery. Just shed tears.

Although slavery may still exist in some remote places, it doesn't hurt. ——In the 21st century, doesn’t Blue Star Africa also have a bunch of chief tribes?The world is complex and diverse.

"I didn't expect that one day we would be able to live in such a nice house."

A dark man who was originally a slave kept stroking this simple-looking small mud house with trembling and cracked hands. Perhaps for others, this mud house was even too simple.

But for him, he couldn't believe that he had his own private property and home before, and his enthusiasm for life was rekindled in his heart.

The Silver Age begins, and the tide of the age is coming. Everyone feels that they are riding on the ark of the age, and there are new changes and new news every day.

Even on the forum, just watching a few construction videos occasionally uploaded by Tianjiao, everyone felt the prosperity after the war. Ning Tianjiao integrated the technology of the two worlds, and now the old gods have been overthrown, and he is committed to improving people's livelihood.

Some forum masters gathered together, and even several major official studios joined in to create a "Magic Network Project" for Ning Tianjiao.

This is not whimsical, but completely based on reality. Tianjiao is now well-known in the courtyard, and with the help of the world's feedback, he has the ability to realize it.

This is a grand plan. It is a plan to change the structure of Hill and create another avenue that is not different from the legendary open field of the year. It will make the Atrium and even Hill even stronger!

The mainstream avenue, the reason why it is the mainstream, is because it can be copied and is suitable for the vast majority of people. The hero king and the human king's strong road also start from the most basic, and then slowly walk out of their own unique road.

As long as the base is large enough, everything is possible, even the strong will be more.

This plan was just a prototype at the beginning, and later it became more and more likely to be discovered as more research was done, and predators and gods continued to participate in it, including theologians, mathematicians, programmers and other elites from various industries.

In the end, the trouble became bigger and bigger, and even Wutian, Zhuge Shi and others who were engaged in the Conferred God War also noticed. They saw that the original 128kb plan had increased to 24gb, and the trend had not stopped.

Wutian took the time to download the "Magic Net Project" which has already reached 25gb and shared it. With the spirit of strengthening the more you play the game, you can see ten lines at a glance, and Wutian admires:

"Sure enough, everyone's wisdom is inexhaustible and inexhaustible. It's a pity that although the plan is good, it can only be used for Hill. The current Tianjiao has a reputation and is capable of doing this great cause.

The prehistoric situation is too complicated, not only are there three big bosses including Shizun overlooking the world and silently controlling everything, there are also six innate sages playing games. "

Wutian shook his head, he was not willing to delete the plan, but it was a pity that Honghuang was not used to it.

Ning Tianjiao discussed with everyone all the way, and finally even Obi, who was changing jobs and evolved into the first batch of elves in the original Hill, also went offline to give suggestions. This is a major event that affects the world, including the other world where he is.

At this moment, all the talents on the earth are thinking hard in front of the computer. The wisdom of the people is magnificent and the power is huge.

Jiang Ping also smiled in front of the computer, both the individual and the world have limitations, just like a smart person always has blind spots in thinking, there is always an invisible wall to resist your thoughts.

And at this time, even other people who are not as good as you will think of things that you dare not think of, breaking the limitation of thinking, a wise man has a lot of worries, and there is bound to be a mistake.A fool who thinks a lot will gain something.


At the moment when the 100cb complex plan was formed, Ning Tianjiao laughed at home, he knew that it was a huge improvement for both himself and Hill

"But everyone has helped so much, do you want to give them a little bit of sweetness?" Jiang Ping thought.

At this time, on the forum, the completed "Magic Net Project" was sent to Ning Tianjiao. Netizens wiped their hands excitedly, and someone dared to ask:

"Master Tianjiao, you are now a big man who cannot be ignored in Hill, and the "Hill Entraining Qi Method" back then has benefited us a lot until now.

Although there are several thousand more mental hospitals around the world, it is undeniable that it is indeed different from the local practice of blowing b.

You see, Mother Earth is all green. It is said that this year's greening index has exceeded the standard. "

The mediocre game has a far-reaching impact and promotes the prosperity of the business of the mental hospital. The top rich people are no longer hiding it. Instead, they recruit talents from all walks of life, set up their own huge research laboratory, collect forum information, and experiment with the extraordinary.

"Tsk tsk, there is a saying, wealth and honor do not return home, like brocade clothes walking at night.

Now the boss has an extraordinary future, and the gods are just around the corner.This time, people from our hometown also put in a lot of hard work to help you build the atrium.

Well, if it is convenient, can you share some advanced top-notch cultivation methods on the forum? "

"It's simple, but it's actually not a big deal. I believe that the players of the Great Desolation must have leaked the fairy art, mainly because the laws of the two worlds are different, and they also lack the most important "spiritual energy" or high-level energy in the dark.

The more advanced and cumbersome the exercises and cultivation methods are, the more error-prone they are. On the contrary, the ordinary foundation-building method that is most suitable for the public has better effects. The Hill entraining method has subtle effects, and it is also because it comes from the forest that is the source of life. "Ning Tianjiao did not hide his clumsiness.

In fact, several players from Honghuang also secretly experimented with the evolved and developed immortal and Taoist methods at home, and the result, let alone calling the wind and rain, the flame video recorded by Wutian back then has not surpassed it.

On the contrary, the basic martial arts taught by the mortal general to the soldiers to strengthen their bodies and practice martial arts had some effect. Later, they practiced and felt that the movements were a bit familiar. Looking back, isn't this just radio gymnastics?

The fiery heart naturally cools down, and if you want to cultivate out of nothing in the world of doomsday without demons, isn't this a waste of your energy?Why not put your energy into the game world, if you succeed, wouldn't you gain more?

What Ning Tianjiao said made the tens of thousands of covetous netizens feel cold and cold. Although they were mentally prepared, they were still disappointed. In the face of transcendence and becoming a saint, who can calm down?


At this moment, thousands of netizens are sighing at the same time in front of the computer desk, and the twists and turns are turning.

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