The air in the newborn world is extremely turbid, the air is full of volcanic ash, the sky is dyed gray, and volcanoes in the distance are constantly erupting, and occasionally rivers pass by to help cool down the earth.

In the small world, Jiang Ping has the authority of the Creator God, basically omniscient and omnipotent. When he steps forward, mountains, rivers and rivers are reversed, and soon he can visit the entire newborn world.

On the way, he saw an abyss as deep as ten thousand feet. If he hadn't set up a world barrier by himself, he believed that it could reach the outside world!

At this time, Jiang Ping was standing on the highest peak in the world. There was a super volcano before, and as the lava faded, it formed a geographical wonder.

"The world is still too monotonous!" Jiang Ping sighed, he was the only creature in the whole world, not to mention living things, not even a hair!

"Do you need time to speed up?" Genesis asked.

"Okay, time is speeding up tens of millions of times, let the earth stabilize quickly." Jiang Ping's heart moved, and he just took a moment to settle the food.

The scene in front of him is like a speeding up movie, everything is constantly changing, the sky and clouds are running, the sun rises and sets, the sun and the moon continue to rotate, and the sea changes in the blink of an eye. Jiang Ping returned to reality after watching it for a while.

In the small restaurant in the township, Jiang Ping was eating, but he was constantly planning how to manage the world better.

"Recently, Professor Ou Meng observed abnormal fluctuations in the sun. It is not yet clear what caused it, but the professor reassures everyone that it will not have any impact on the earth." The TV next to it broadcasts the noon news.

"It won't affect the earth, but it will affect the trajectory of other asteroids." Jiang Ping complained silently in his heart.

For some reason, Jiang Ping now looks at other people a lot less, probably because he has seen too many changes in the world, and more importantly, he knows that he is not in the same dimension as other people!Although I may be the weakest creation god in history now, but step by step, I will eventually become a real creation god!

Back from the restaurant, Jiang Ping collected some leaves along the way, and even broke off a branch. After returning home, Jiang Ping asked Genesis to analyze the leaves. At this time, as time accelerated, the small world became more stable, and the volcano was no longer erupting frequently. Genesis was almost instantaneous. It analyzed the leaf gene, and began to put seeds into the small world!

"Can I put these leaves directly into the small world?" Jiang Ping asked suddenly.

In the past, Genesis analyzed the composition of real matter, and when it was placed in the small world, "Three-dimensional matter contains huge energy, and it is easy to destroy if it is not adapted to the laws of the two worlds when it is directly invested, and there is a very small chance of survival, and there will be unexpected mutations. ’ replied Genesis.

Hearing that there was no major impact, Jiang Ping sent the leaves into the small world with a wave of his hand, and inserted the broken branch just now in the center of the world.

The leaves are all withered, but the branches in the center of the world, probably because of the blessing of the Creator God, have adapted to different worlds and survived!

As Jiang Ping began to invest in plant seeds, the earth became lush and lush in the blink of an eye. Towering giant trees continued to grow taller and compete for sunlight, and the winding roots under the ground also competed for water, and the realistic branches planted by Jiang Ping himself were even more It is huge, 300 meters high and 40 meters in diameter!I don't know if there is a special mutation due to crossing the two realms.

After all, the tallest tree on earth is less than 100 meters.

At this time, this big tree stands in the center of the world, covering the sky and daylight. There is almost no sunlight under the tree. Only grass grows within the radius around it. No big tree dares to compete with it for sunlight and water!

Jiang Ping enters the small world and looks at everything in front of him with satisfaction. The land is finally full of life, and the ocean has produced the most primitive single cells. As time goes by, animals will eventually climb ashore and snatch the dominance of the continent. Now the continent is still the domain of plants. world!

Jiang Ping walked into the towering giant tree he had planted by himself. He reached out and gently stroked the vigorous and ancient bark. At this moment, this giant tree had survived for 5000 years!Fortunately, this small world is different from the reality. The small world contains extraordinary energy. Although it is not a lot, it is enough to make the creatures in it far surpass the creatures on the earth.

"I didn't expect you to survive, work hard to grow, and one day you will evolve into a world tree!"

The giant tree seemed to understand Jiang Ping's words, and the whole tree trembled slightly. A slender bud swayed gently, and slowly reached Jiang Ping's hand like a child, as if it was acting like a baby?

Although Jiang Ping was a little surprised, he still stroked the buds gently, just like a parent caressing a child. "Could it be that this big tree has self-awareness?" Jiang Ping asked in his mind.

"Probably not. Even if this small world contains extraordinary energy, but after all, it uses very few points and not much aura. It would be good to make animals stronger. It is almost impossible to make plants conscious." Genesis was also a little puzzled, This giant tree obviously has immature consciousness, although it is very hazy, it does exist.

"It is the first living being in this world, and it was also planted in the center of the world by you, the Creator God. In addition to the mutation brought about by crossing the two worlds, there are unpredictable changes. The world's luck is clocked, and this position It is also the place with the most aura in this world, but it may end here, because the size of the world is limited, it is absolutely impossible for it to evolve into the world tree you think of."

Genesis directly denies the future of this giant tree, because it is limited by the world. After all, this world cannot give birth to sacred things, just like the real world cannot cultivate.

Jiang Ping still said with a smile: "There is nothing impossible in the world, maybe it will really evolve to the extreme in the future, and then you should look at it with admiration!"

Jiang Ping continued to tour the world. When he walked to the edge of the world, he saw an endless ocean. If other creatures were looking for the end of the world, they would find that they had returned to the original point after swimming around.For the creatures of this world, the depths of the ocean are the end of the world.

Primitive organisms are being born in the ocean, but this process is quite long. Jiang Ping returned to reality and continued to adjust the time acceleration of the small world.

In the blink of an eye, ten thousand years have passed. For the world, the unit of time is hundreds of millions of years!Over the years, Jiang Ping discovered that the giant tree in the center of the world is still growing!It is now as high as a kilometer, and it is almost really becoming a World Tree that covers the world!

Of course, Jiang Ping knows the magic of the World Tree. The World Tree is able to carry the world, and all the gods can live on the branches. But now he sees the potential from this big tree. Even Genesis is also amazed. He thought he would die of old age. During the years, unexpectedly, Dashu broke through his limit and lifespan time and time again.

At this time, the tree has grown to the limit of the world. The world created by Jiang Ping stipulates that it can only grow to a height of 9000 meters. I thought this was an impossible number, but now some plants really grow to the limit!

In the ocean, single cells became multi-celled, and then algae appeared to swallow oxygen, and primitive ancient fish appeared, but it may be because the small world has more extraordinary energy than the reality, and the creatures here are much fiercer, easily destroying gold and breaking jade , one sprint is to smash the rocks!

Where there are organisms, there is competition. In the depths of the ocean, each organism begins to compete for evolutionary speed.

Herbivorous fish grow bigger and bigger, and they keep stacking their armor, making it impossible for carnivores to bite!It also evolves into a streamlined shape, and when it encounters an enemy, it makes a "whoosh", faster than a bullet!

Gradually, those that could not keep up with the development of the enemy were naturally eliminated, and carnivorous fishes evolved faster and faster, and their teeth and claws were even more indestructible. Jiang Ping even discovered from the perspective of God that some fishes can generate electricity by themselves!

"It's amazing, the electric eel is about to evolve. Tsk, this fish looks colorful, and it can easily kill a 30-meter-long fish." Jiang Ping marveled at the biological evolution of the ocean. It seems that there are disputes. progress.At the same time, he found that some fish felt the competition in the ocean, and began to look for a place to live on the coastline, and finally the first fish climbed onto the land!

Jiang Ping retracted his gaze. With the development of the world, Genesis has also changed, and words emerged from the blank pages.

The first page: Earth Calendar: On July 2020, 7, the God of Creation began to create the world, and the big tree in the center of the world grew to the limit of the world, reaching a height of 8 kilometers.There were also drastic changes in the depths of the ocean.

"Please name the newly born world." Genesis reminded.

"Let's call it the original world. After all, this is the first experimental small world." Jiang Ping thought.

After the naming was completed, the whole small world was faintly shaken, as if there had been a little change.

Words continue to appear on Genesis: Page 1: [-] year after the original world, the world was born.With the waving of the Creator God, there is light and night in the world, the Milky Way comes from the sky, gallops towards the earth, and the ocean appears. During this period, volcanoes continue to erupt, the air is filled with poisonous gas, and no living things are born.

In the original calendar, in the beginning of ancient times, God of Creation set foot in the world, deeply felt that the world was monotonous and lifeless, so he cast plant seeds on the earth, planted a giant tree in the center of the world, placed high hopes on the giant tree, and a primitive creature was born in the depths of the ocean. Unicellular.

In the original calendar, in the Yuangu period, the giant tree in the center of the world grew to the limit of the world, the land was green, creatures were born in the ocean, and fish continued to evolve.

Unexpectedly, Genesis, who has always been vicious, gave himself face in this way when recording history. Jiang Ping looked at Genesis with satisfaction. At this time, the sky was getting dark. He didn't sleep all night last night. I hope to fall asleep, I don’t know how much the original world can surprise me tomorrow

In Chapter 3, there is another mass extinction of creatures! (seeking collection recommendation)

"Why are they all dead!" Jiang Ping heard the bad news when he woke up, 99% of the creatures in the original world died.

Originally, fishes had evolved into amphibians yesterday.Jiang Ping thought that today he could see animals running everywhere on the land, but unexpectedly, even the base camp of the ocean is almost extinct!

The plants on the ground are also dead in patches, without any green.The giant tree in the center of the world has become a bare commander, without a single green shoot, and I don't know if it is dead.

Just as Jiang Ping was thinking, there was an unforeseen event in the sky. In the blink of an eye, black clouds from the original world floated over, and a huge lightning struck the giant tree, as if the sky was punishing the tree.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, Jiang Ping placed high hopes on it, the big tree that was expected to become the world tree collapsed, well, it should really be dead now

Jiang Ping was a little confused, didn't he develop very well yesterday, why did the whole world change when he opened and closed his eyes.Moreover, Jiang Ping keenly saw that the rain falling from the sky turned out to be black, and there was a sound of sizzling when it fell on the ground, and even the ocean was dyed into patches of black water.

Jiang Ping quickly took out the Genesis watch log, and opened the second page to record the history of the original world.

Primordial Calendar, Primordial Era

Archaic Period: Amphibians appeared, animals gradually appeared on the mainland, and insects also appeared in the sky. The big tree in the center of the world is not growing, but it is still absorbing rare spiritual energy, making the closer to the central tree, the less living things.However, the creatures multiply wildly, and they do not restrain themselves, constantly destroying the environment.

As a result, oxygen and spiritual energy were consumed crazily, the world finally reached its limit, marine life died in large numbers, and plants and animals on the mainland began to wither and become extinct. Finally, acid rain continued to fall from the sky, and 99% of the creatures died.

The big tree in the center was also condemned by God, and was destroyed by thunder and lightning from God!Only the spark of life exists in the depths of the ocean.

After watching the changes in the original world after he went to sleep, Jiang Ping had a complicated expression on his face. He thought it was some accident outside the sky, but he didn't expect it to be the result of the living beings.

The big tree in the center was originally the first living being, and its location was also in the middle of the world. It was originally the son of God, but in the end it was destroyed by the thunder tribulation sent down by God himself!

"Creatures only know how to take, but don't know how to give. Even the big tree in the center is crazily absorbing spiritual energy, so that there is no life within a thousand miles. No wonder it will end like this." Jiang Ping said with emotion.Fortunately among the misfortunes, the creatures are not dead, and there is still a spark of life in the depths of the ocean.

Jiang Ping glanced at the ruins of the earth after being devastated. The acid rain from the sky flowed and merged with the ocean, causing white bubbles to pop out of the ocean. When the bubbles exploded, strong methane gas came out!

Jiang Ping shook his head, such an environment would not recover in a million years, "Adjust the flow of time!" Jiang Ping speeded up.

The picture of the original world is fast-forwarding. When the acid rain in the sky is exhausted and the environment can't be worse, it finally begins to decline. When it reaches the deepest point, it can only recover.

The ocean slowly became clear, and a group of fragile little guys emerged from the deep sea and wandered around.Under the black ashes on the ground, young buds worked hard to emerge, spewing out oxygen, as well as traces of aura that were absorbed and fed back to the ground!

"It seems that the first biological extinction is not without harm. The living things know that they can't pollute the environment wantonly, and start to feed back to the world. The earth is more fertile because of the death of countless animals and plants. Huh?" Suddenly Jiang Ping looked at the original world in surprise Zhongyang.

In the middle of the wreckage of the big tree in the center, a small sapling slowly emerged from the lightning strike wood.

"Didn't the thunder and punishment sent down by the gods wipe out its vitality? It shouldn't be." Jiang Ping turned to the genesis in surprise and began to watch the previous history.

Under God's punishment, the 9-kilometer-high behemoth has no resistance at all. The giant tree in the center would have been destroyed like this, but at the last moment it released the spiritual energy accumulated over thousands of years, and all of it was fed back to the earth!

It is precisely because of this behavior that the earth retains its last trace of vitality!

"It seems that it finally realized at the last moment that survival is not plundering, but a feedback loop." Jiang Ping finally understood the whole story. Greater world development!

After death, there is new life, and all things are revived. After an evolution, the creatures this time are obviously much faster, and they are also richer and stronger!

A gigantic monster with a length of 50 meters and a weight of 300 tons appeared in the ocean. Jiang Ping named it Canglong. It is the undoubted overlord of the ocean!Others that evolve into power generation, highly poisonous, and special attack cannot shake its position, big is strong!Strong is fierce!

However, there is a kind of shellfish among them, which attracted Jiang Ping's attention, because it existed in the last era. I didn't expect that after the mass extinction, other overlord creatures died, and it survived. This creature is only one Character.


It carries forward the essence of this word thoroughly, and the direction of evolution is to develop towards this word. Other creatures keep getting bigger in order to eat better. In order to survive better, it actually does the opposite, the more it evolves, the smaller it becomes. Now they can live by eating mud, and they can sleep in a shell for 100 years!

Recently, this group has moved to the coastline, probably because they want to evolve into amphibians, so that they can survive better. Jiang Ping named it: Ancestral Shell Beast!

Gradually, more creatures crawled to the shore in the ocean. The continental plants did not grow wildly like in the last era, but paid more attention to themselves and the surrounding environment, and did not blindly compete for sunlight and water.

Millions of years have passed, and the big tree in the center has grown to a height of one thousand meters again. This time, its growth rate is very slow, but it is very stable. There is no life under the tree, but a bunch of parasitic plants on it. These parasitic plants Relying on big trees to enjoy the shade, it evolved into a fragrant predatory animal, similar to the pitcher plant on Earth.

However, the good times didn't last long, as if it was the aftermath of the last era. The mountains and rivers on the mainland were swaying, volcanoes erupted constantly, rolling magma swept across the world, and fires in the forest chased fleeing animals.

With the eruption of a 5000-meter super volcano, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and a large number of creatures died. Nine out of ten creatures survived on the continent, and only some underground creatures that could make holes barely survived. At this time, the bigger the body, the faster the death.

No, Canglong, the first generation of super overlord of the ocean, was the first to rush to the street. Seeing the huge 50-meter-long corpse float to the surface of the sea, Jiang Ping shook his head.

After the volcanic eruption, the dust covered the sky and the sun, and it continued to float to the whole world. The ocean was polluted, and creatures continued to float to the surface of the sea. At a glance, it was full of corpses.

Words began to appear on the second page of Genesis:

In the original calendar, the barren ancient era, the world gradually recovered, and everything began to recover, showing a more prosperous and prosperous age than the ancient era. However, the good times did not last long. With the continuous eruption of volcanoes on the earth, the environment deteriorated rapidly, and 85% of the creatures died.

The big tree in the center was revived but was burned by the fire again, but after all, a little vitality remained in the center.

ps: The special time for the Chinese New Year has passed, and the normal update has resumed. I am looking for a recommendation ticket for collection!

Chapter 4 The Fragrance of Plum Blossoms Comes from the Bitter Cold (Please collect and recommend tickets)

This mass extinction is much better than last time, but it is still very cruel. If we continue to delete and select again and again, every time the catastrophe of the era will leave elites.

"But tens of millions of years have passed, why is there no trace of the birth of Ming?" Jiang Ping wondered.Was it too good to be born?So there's no pressure, just like the earth-dominant dinosaurs of yesteryear.

In fact, every catastrophe, Jiang Ping can use his identity as the God of Creation to settle it. However, he helped once, but he couldn't help him for a lifetime. It is best to let it develop.

I provide opportunities at most, and I will not support them all the way. After all, I am the god of creation, not their nanny, so I still have to have this card!

After the second mass extinction, Jiang Ping speeded up again, and the earth gradually settled down. Creatures that survived the catastrophe carefully appeared one by one, and began to occupy the previous ecological niches. Be completely conquered by them!

The third-skinned creature does not blindly pursue hugeness, but is faster and stronger, and is more adaptable to complex environments. Jiang Ping even discovered that there is a pangolin-like animal with sharp horns on its head. !

It is almost impossible to evolve on the earth, and it is only possible in a world that contains aura. Jiang Ping named this animal: Golden Armored Beast.

Even a small amount of aura can evolve into such a miraculous animal. Jiang Ping looks forward to the extraordinary world with a lot of aura.The higher the world level, the more original points will be consumed!I am still poor now!Otherwise, thousands of gods and demons will be created with a wave of hands.

The big tree in the center has once again recovered from the ashes. This is its second rebirth. If you count the survival of the branches from reality in the original world, it is the third rebirth.

Jiang Ping was amazed by its vitality, it surpassed the limit again and again, and did better every time.

Jiang Ping named this era after the volcanic eruption: the Ancient Era.

This time the ocean competition is even more brutal. The second generation of ocean overlord has a slender body, 30 meters in size. Although it is not as big as Canglong, its attack power is several times that of Canglong!Its giant teeth are a full 2 ​​meters long, and the bite force explodes, which can easily tear the flesh. The first-generation Canglong can't survive 5 rounds when it meets the second-generation!Jiang Ping named the overlord of the second generation: Jian Hailong.

The big tree in the center is becoming more and more verdant, its surroundings are full of vitality, and there are countless creatures attached to it. Although it is only 2 kilometers high, it is recognized as the king of the entire continent!

However, the good times didn't last long. Of course, in Jiang Ping's view, it was a prosperous age of 200 million years according to the original world time.

This time, affected by the projection of the stars, the sun shines on the original world for less and less time, and the temperature gradually drops. In the end, the ocean continued to freeze, and the 3000-meter-thick ice layer made 90% of marine life rush to the street. Hai Long also burped.

The ice that swept across the earth from the four polar oceans finally converged in the middle of the world. The big tree in the center is the creature that has resisted the longest. It is fully in the 3000-meter-thick ice layer, and it is 5000 meters long. Just to absorb more sunlight!

It's a pity that it's difficult to fight alone, and the land is dead silent. Even after resisting for a thousand years, the big tree in the center still collapsed with a "boom".

A new record emerges in Genesis: the original calendar, the end of the ancient era, the temperature plummeted, the 3000-meter-thick ice layer swept across the world, the whole world was white, and everything was silent. 90% of the creatures in the ocean died, and only the deepest part still had small creatures. Barely survive.

99% of the organisms on the continent became extinct, leaving only the cells in the ice, and perhaps some organisms survived after the ice melted.

The original world has changed, as if wearing a white padded jacket, not only has the whole body gained weight, but it is also dazzlingly white!

The Ice Age lasted for millions of years. During this time, creatures in the deep sea continued to die. In the end, Jiang Ping couldn't stand it anymore, but he didn't take action in the end. In the most critical situation, there were only [-] creatures in the deep sea. !

But it is these ten thousand creatures that have evolved extremely cold-resistant structures!They can survive at minus 50 degrees!

Genesis: The original calendar, the Ice Age, the world fell into a deep sleep, and the only creatures in the deep sea evolved extremely cold-resistant bodies.


Huge glaciers melted and collapsed, and there are icy rivers under the glaciers. They are all formed by the melting ice water from the depths of the continent. At this time, in this unimaginable environment where living things can survive, there is a man wearing only short sleeves. The young man regarded the glacier as nothing and walked quietly on the snow.

"The glacier is starting to melt. I don't know if there are any creatures under here that can be revived." Jiang Ping looked at the glacier that was a thousand meters thick under his feet.

It may be because of the mass extinction of creatures many times, and now Jiang Ping is much calmer, not as moved as the first time. As the saying goes, the sharp edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from bitter cold.

Isn't this calamity again and again tempering the essence of an era?

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