My Mythical World Author: Bamboo Window Listening to the Rain

brief introduction:

Creation flow + behind-the-scenes hand + player flow

It all started when Jiang Ping accidentally picked up the creation diary of a certain blue fat man.So one after another ancient mythical world was created by him.

Prehistoric world, Olympic world, fantasy world...

Coupled with the random entry of a group of sand sculpture players, countless variables have been added.

Praise of the gods: You are one and ten thousand.It's a moment, it's an eternity...

Jiang Ping: That’s right, it’s me

The branches that Jiang Ping folded at the side of the road unexpectedly grew into a world tree, the eggs sent by the neighbor's aunt came out of Pangu, and the lotus in the pond also turned into a chaotic green lotus...

Chapter 1 The Genesis Lost by the Blue Fatty

The world is full of goodwill, and the world is all good.

The atmosphere in front of the station is always very lively, people come and go, a young man walked out of the station with a backpack.

After graduating from high school, Jiang Ping struggled in the city. Unfortunately, the last city left his youth, but he couldn't leave him alone. In addition, his girlfriend who had been dating for five years broke up when they said they would break up.

Tired of intrigue, Jiang Ping simply quit his job and went back to his hometown to relax.On the way home, for some reason, he was a little timid.


Suddenly a man in black passed by Jiang Ping, and dropped a heavy book with a black cover.

"Wait a minute, you seem to have dropped something." Jiang Ping bent down to pick up the book, and hurriedly turned back to look for someone. Unexpectedly, the man in black had disappeared in an instant.

"Strange, where did people go in such a short time?" Other people around looked at Jiang Ping curiously, as if no man in black had ever passed by him before.

It was a hell of a day. Jiang Ping waited depressedly at the roadside shop. Unexpectedly, the wait lasted for two or three hours. Seeing that the sun was about to set, Jiang Ping could only sigh and go back to his hometown with the black book.

"creak, creak"

The old gate made strange noises because it hadn't been opened for a long time. At this time, it was dark, and the scattered lights in the village gradually lit up.Jiang Ping spent several hours tidying up the old house, and finally he was able to settle down.He dragged his body and was about to lie down and rest when he suddenly thought of the black books he picked up in the afternoon.

Under the yellow light, Jiang Ping carefully observed the mysterious book. I don’t know what kind of material the black cover is made of. When you touch it, there is no trace of roughness. It is neither leather nor fabric. The cover is plain and unpretentious without a single word.It is also difficult to tell the exact age of the book.


A gleam of golden light suddenly shone under the light, Jiang Ping rubbed his eyes, thinking that his eyes were dazzled, he opened the cover to see if he could find the owner's clue in the book.

The moment he opened the book, Jiang Ping froze, his whole body was absorbed by the mysterious book

There are still countless people singing in the dark night. Jiang Ping can't feel the existence of his body, but he seems to be able to see anyone next to him. Even the puppy who has just gnawed on the bone by the side of the trail sticks out his tongue to taste. Jiang Ping can clearly see the tongue drool on.

"What's going on here, didn't I read at home just now?" Jiang Ping's mind was beating violently, unable to understand his current situation, but as if the pages of a book were turning, the scene in front of him flashed like a marquee.

In the blink of an eye, artillery fire exploded into the sky, old planes in the sky kept dropping incendiary bombs, soldiers with different hair colors charged into the battle, the surrounding battle was raging, and the sound of explosions could be heard endlessly.

"This, is this a world war?" Looking at the bloody soldiers and the classic old-fashioned aircraft in the sky, Jiang Ping was shocked, and it seemed that it was not his memory before his death as he had guessed before.

time continues to turn back

"Woo! Woo!"

The terrible roar rang in Jiang Ping's ears, and the classic black steam engine was whistling, and hot white gas was continuously sprayed out from its head.Pedestrians wearing Victorian-style clothing walked past Jiang Ping.

"The first industrial revolution?" Since he didn't understand the current situation, Jiang Ping could only continue to watch uneasy.

Jiang Ping is like a ghost traveling through different eras. He has witnessed the era of great geographical discovery. Columbus pointed to the Central American continent and shouted "This is India!" to the crew.He also witnessed the struggle for hegemony among the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu, and the process of the construction of the Great Wall by Qin Shihuang, an emperor through the ages.

The establishment and destruction of the Holy Roman Empire, the construction of the 146-meter-tall Khufu Pyramid, and the establishment and collapse of the first Egyptian dynasty in human history.How did Sumeria come into being in Mesopotamia?

The earth seems to be turning upside down, showing its mysterious ancient history to Jiang Ping.

He also saw a white glow on the earth, and the human ancestors held stone spears, fighting against the sky, the earth, and the mammoth in the Ice Age!

The first ancient ape to eat cooked food after a forest fire, the first ancient ape to come down from a tree, the huge and domineering Tyrannosaurus rex galloping on the earth, the pterosaur soaring in the sky with its wings covering the sky, and The huge meteorite that destroyed the dinosaur dynasty!

The scene of the meteorite destroying the world shocked Jiang Ping. Under such a mighty power of heaven and earth, how little individual power is.

He has also seen the ancestors of mammals struggling to survive on the ancient earth, the huge primitive insects dominating the ancient earth, the ferns growing wildly on the ground, and the first weird ancient fish crawling out of the ocean and becoming the first amphibian!

Going back further, Jiang Ping was amazed by the explosion of life in the Cambrian period, and the strange creatures were amazing. They showed the miracle of life, and their strange appearance challenged Jiang Ping's imagination.

The first single cell was born in the ocean, and the 3000-meter-thick ice covering the equator from the north and south poles!The entire earth has turned into a white frozen planet, and everything is quiet. It is hard to imagine any cell that can survive under such conditions.

Jiang Ping looked at everything in front of him in shock. He had forgotten why he was here, and his whole soul seemed to be dissipated in the rolling planetary history. Fortunately, the mysterious book in his mind was shaken, awakening Jiang Ping who was almost lost. soul.

The earth is still looking backwards, and Jiang Ping has witnessed the movement and fusion of continental plates, as well as the Pangu supercontinent where the global continents merge together!

The birth of the atmosphere, the birth of the ocean, the appearance of organic matter, the continuous eruption of volcanoes, and the birth of the earth in the hell environment.

"It's still going back!" Jiang Ping was shocked. He saw how the huge earth was slowly impacted and enlarged from a small fragment, and how the moon was knocked out of the earth by an extraterrestrial meteorite.

A ray of light flew from the original position of the earth to the sun, and Jiang Ping's consciousness also witnessed the appearance of the sun along with the light.

Nebulae, star clusters, supernova explosions, huge black holes swallowing stars, and then the beginning of time, and finally the Big Bang!

In the endless light, Jiang Ping suddenly felt his body. He came back, and he had just opened the mysterious book. The long journey just now seemed to be just a moment, and the summer frogs outside the door were endless.

Jiang Ping closed the book with a "snap", and at this moment, three large characters appeared on the quaint cover, "Genesis"!

Jiang Ping opened his eyes wide, unable to believe that the mysterious book he took to read the origin of the universe just now had such an earth-shattering name.

"Ding!" A voice appeared in Jiang Ping's mind out of thin air, "The companion creature is successfully bound, and Genesis is officially activated."

"Who are you?" Jiang Ping asked this voice in his mind with his consciousness. This voice did not seem to contain self-intelligence, but more like a mechanical system pronunciation.

"I am Genesis in your hands, and I don't know how I appeared. I only know that my duty is to find the master and create everything."

Jiang Ping raised his mouth and said, "Then can you create my current universe?"

"The real big universe is far from what I can create at present. I can only create small worlds that seem real and fake, and also consume precious original points."

Jiang Ping was a little disappointed. He thought he had met some super artifact that could make him the creator of the universe. He didn't expect that he was a Xibei product and couldn't create the real world. Wouldn't it be the same as playing a sandbox game?It's just for fun, not for real life.

As if feeling the loss of his master, Genesis continued: "The world I can create now is equivalent to your small world. It seems virtual and real. Call it false, but this world actually exists. Affecting your three-dimensional space, but consuming precious original points, you can realize items in a small world, and as I upgrade step by step, I may not be able to create a three-dimensional world in the end."

Jiang Ping laughed. At the beginning, he was able to reach the sky in one step because he thought too much. Now, listening to Genesis' explanation, its future is unlimited, but what is the original point that it has been talking about just now?It seems like everything needs it.Jiang Ping then asked his own questions.

"The original point is one or ten thousand. It can evolve all things and interfere with the three dimensions. My body can only accumulate a little after 100 years of accumulation. Now the initial point is 1200 points. Every point should be used with caution! When the points are used up, only Re-accumulated over a long period of time."

Jiang Ping found that Genesis didn't care about everything, but he paid the most attention to the original points, which seemed really remarkable.

"Can the original points still interfere with reality? Can it make me a god?" Jiang Ping asked curiously, is the point really omnipotent?

"If the original points are used to strengthen the master's body, it is enough to make your body reach its limit, and the cell activity is greatly enhanced. You only have a lifespan of 100 years now, and the maximum lifespan after strengthening is 1000 years."

Jiang Ping's eyes brightened. Birth, old age, sickness and death are inevitable for everyone, but now, according to Genesis, it seems that as long as you have original points, you can transcend life and death?

"What is the greater use of the original points? Besides accumulating slowly, how can we earn more original points?" Jiang Ping said a little excitedly.

The voice of Genesis is still stable, and it seems that other than the original points, it cannot be valued, "It is not recommended for the master to use precious points to strengthen himself. The initial points are the initial capital of the master. The best way to use them is to create small worlds, small The creatures in the world are growing vigorously and powerfully, and they will give back to me after they die in the end. Using the initial points to directly strengthen yourself is the behavior with the lowest utilization rate, which is tantamount to building farm tools with gold."

Jiang Ping nodded, it's a pity to directly use the precious points to strengthen, it seems that it should be used to create the world!

"Forget it, forget it, I don't want to bear children, I can't catch wolves. Today I planted 100 points, and when I harvest it in the future, it will become 1000 points. It seems that I still have to develop the great cause of farming honestly, not to mention my own extraordinary. You can also get opportunities from the small world. This is the best deal!"

After he figured it out, Jiang Ping was enlightened. Ever since he followed Genesis and witnessed the origin of the universe, the birth of the sun and other universe history, Jiang Ping's horizons have been broadened.

A famous historian once said: If a person can stay in the historical perception, then he must have acquired true knowledge, because historical experience is the most abundant treasure house of wisdom.What's more, what Jiang Ping was watching was the truth of the entire universe. If it wasn't for the help of Genesis, he would go crazy at this moment.

If Jiang Ping now takes the exams for majors such as geography and biology, he can easily get a university degree.

"If you think about it this way, why do you feel that the function of this Genesis is a bit similar to the creation diary of Fatty Lan?" Thinking of this, Jiang Ping himself laughed. Could it be that Fatty Lan really lost this mysterious Genesis?

The original points are very precious, and only one point can be accumulated after 100 years. Jiang Ping decided to plan how to use the initial 1200 points. He already has a huge creation plan in his mind, but he still needs to plan carefully and experiment first. This is your own original capital, so don't be careless.One careless move, the whole game will be lost, it is possible.

During the long night, Jiang Ping kept communicating with Genesis and began to prepare for his own creation journey. Jiang Ping found that it was difficult for Genesis to create things out of thin air, but as long as there was a little template, it could be copied easily. He touched the "Creation" in his pocket Capital, it looks like tomorrow is going to be a hemorrhage!Jiang Ping secretly sighed in his heart, exchanging money for points, there is no more cost-effective business than this.

"I need to remind the master, just looking back in history, I found that an asteroid is coming towards the earth."

"What?" Jiang Ping was taken aback. Genesis is really talking nonsense. He didn't remind himself of such an important matter as the meteorite hitting the earth. He had seen the meteorite impact that destroyed the dinosaurs. Living things are hard to survive.

Jiang Ping quickly took out his notebook and searched. He found that there was only one Apophis asteroid that frequented the earth. However, it appears that some undiscovered change caused the asteroid to change its orbit.

Witnessing the magic of Genesis, Jiang Ping believes even more in Genesis' words, that Genesis is obviously left over from an existence far beyond human civilization!

"How long will it take before it hits the earth?" Jiang Ping hurriedly asked.

"According to your time, this asteroid will hit the earth in about 20 years," Genesis said calmly.

Jiang Ping's heart tightened, don't talk about the crisis of destroying the world so lightly! 20 years is not short, and it is not long.

"Do you have any good solutions?" Jiang Ping asked with a frown. He finally got a chance encounter, but he didn't want the crisis of annihilation to come.

"With the current technology of human beings, it is very troublesome to solve this asteroid. Even if it is smashed, the fragments will turn into countless meteorites and fall on the earth. Master, you'd better manage the world well. You can control time and space in a small world, and adjust time acceleration. , Maybe you can become a god within a year, but of course the business fails, you run out of points, and there is a high chance of sitting and waiting to die.”

The corners of Jiang Ping’s mouth twitched. Genesis is sometimes very venomous. Maybe it’s because of a completely rational analysis, but what it said is correct. There is an extra sense of crisis of destroying the world, and I have to create the world well. After all, there are still more A mission to save the world!

"Then let's become the God of Creation from today!" Jiang Ping smiled while looking at the night outside the window.

Chapter 2 Planting a World Tree

The sun was rising, and Jiang Ping, who hadn't slept all night, was exceptionally awake. Last night, he not only made a huge creation plan, but also placed orders online to buy the blood or fur of many creatures. Of course, there are no formal channels, but major biological forums There are many such.

"Although I asked the merchant to expedite it, it is estimated that it will take two days to arrive." Jiang Ping planned, "It will take a while for the new world to stabilize, so I can create a small world first and try it out."

Planning in this way, Jiang Ping summoned Genesis from his mind, and he was a little apprehensive: "Start Creation!"

Genesis is automatic without wind, and the blank pages are constantly flipping, "I have received instructions, please formulate rules for the small world."

"The first world is small, experimental, the sky is round and the land is 200 million square kilometers!" Jiang Ping said cautiously.

Genesis was full of brilliance, and a small world with a round sky slowly appeared in Jiang Ping's eyes.The small world seems real or fake, wrapped in a glorious world crystal wall.

"Where is the exact location of this small world?" Jiang Ping asked.

"The small world and the third dimension belong to different dimensions. Although they are in the same position as ours now, they cannot touch each other. Only with the help of my body can the two be connected. Of course, the master, you are the god of creation, so you naturally have a small world. The supreme authority of the world", Genesis answered Jiang Ping's question while creating the world, it seems that creating such a small world is a thief for it, "Please determine how many original points will be consumed by the master."

Jiang Ping asked suspiciously: "Didn't the points be used to create the small world? Why do you still need to consume them? Is it derived from all things?"

"The original points not only determine the size of the world, but also determine the upper limit of the world's potential and the amount of extraordinary energy."

"So that's how it is." Jiang Ping understood, no wonder the points are so precious and have so many uses! "Consume 100 points, be careful in the first world, it's a wretched development, don't waste it!"

The small world keeps expanding, and it can be seen that the laws inside are gradually improving. There are constant volcanic eruptions changing the landscape, and the source of all things is still water. Jiang Ping turns on his own faucet. It doesn’t need to be much. As long as he touches it, Genesis can consume points to easily copy it. 1 point is enough to copy massive amounts of water!

Don't look at Jiang Ping's claim to create a small world. In reality, China only has a territorial sea area of ​​470 million square kilometers, and a land of 200 million square kilometers also needs a huge amount of water!

The small world is now in darkness, Jiang Ping waved his hand and said domineeringly: "I said there must be light!", so the projection of the sun in the three-dimensional world appeared above the small world.

Suddenly, the small world was filled with light, and the brilliant sun shone on the ground.The darkness quickly faded away, and the world has since alternated day and night.

The projection of the sun will become the energy source of the small world, just like the earth!

Seeing that the earth was bright and volcanoes erupted all over the place, Jiang Ping continued to wave his hands, "I said there must be water in the world!"

Immediately, huge waves rushed from the sky, rushing to the low-lying places on the ground.

At this time, a mighty Milky Way was formed between the heaven and the earth, and Jiang Ping himself was shocked by his own generosity!

This kind of creation between waving hands is really cool!Say what you say!One word makes the world fall, and the heavens are destroyed!

Jiang Ping looked at the newborn small world with a smile, "In the old myths and legends, the old God needs seven days to create the world. It seems that I only need seven minutes to do it!"

With the influx of sea water, oceans gradually appear at the end of the land, and tributaries continue to appear in the ocean, flowing to the surrounding land, and finally the rivers and rivers merge into the sea to form a cycle.

However, Jiang Ping found that the seawater was consumed quickly from the perspective of God, "What's going on? Isn't it a cycle? Is there something wrong?"

Following Jiang Ping's careful observation, he finally discovered the problem. "It turns out that there is no atmosphere, so the sun shines directly on the seawater, and the water vapor rises and cannot be preserved." Finding the problem is easy to solve.

Jiang Ping waved again: "I said the atmosphere will appear in the sky to protect the earth!"

Immediately, a white layer of air appeared in the sky. This layer of atmosphere will filter out harmful substances in the sun, so that the creatures on the earth can avoid radiation damage, and it can also play a role in preserving sea water. How many planets can’t have biological creatures because of the absence of it? !

With the gradual improvement of the small world, Jiang Ping found that he observed from the perspective of God. Although he understood everything, after all, he was not involved in it himself, and it still lacked a lot of fun!

"Genesis, can I enter the small world now?" Jiang Ping was eager to try, wanting to experience the world he just created for himself.

"The master has the authority of the Creator God. No matter how dangerous the small world environment is, it is the same for you. After all, the world is your child."

Jiang Ping couldn't help laughing when Genesis rarely spoke human words. Genesis flashed a streamer into Jiang Ping's body, and Jiang Ping disappeared from this world!

"Is this the new world?" Jiang Ping stepped into the small world, and in his eyes the laws of the small world were clearly displayed.

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