If you want to fight against the gods, then each of my artifacts is the best weapon! "

"However, my first idea was not to compete with the gods, but to resist the high pressure of the Titans." Ning Tianjiao changed his words, and his new artifact enemy turned out to be the Titans!


Ning Tianjiao sighed. The Titans were cruel and savage. Whenever they woke up from a long sleep, they would always harm other races in the kingdom of giants and treat them as snacks.

"If the Atrium is to rebel against the gods, your strength is indispensable!"

Locke said solemnly, the more he is the enemy of the gods, the more he can feel the despair of the gap in strength between them. They have the strongest power and wisdom in the world, and they have ruled Hill for tens of thousands of years.

The road of faith in the new era opened up by the ancient sage Xianyu has been absorbed by the gods, and their rule has been stabilized.

Hearing Locke's words, Ning Tianjiao fell silent. He walked out of the cave and looked at the dwarf tribe that had accompanied him for hundreds of years. At this time, thousands of thoughts flashed in his mind.

Do you continue to hang on like this, slowly collecting magic materials to create exclusive artifacts, or fight it out?If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent?

Seeing that Ning Tianjiao remained silent, Locke was not surprised. It was indeed a difficult decision for a while. After all, if he really wanted to fight against the strongest gods in Hill, no one would be afraid of death.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Ning Tianjiao raised the corner of his mouth and sighed in his heart:

"Ning Tianjiao, Ning Tianjiao, you have lived comfortably here for hundreds of years, but you have completely extinguished your blood.

If you keep going on like this, are you really worthy of your second life?What about your passion for traveling through two worlds alone?What about the grand plan and great cause when you first entered the game?

Isn't now the best time to show your talents?After finally meeting a child of destiny, what is the point of this life if you don't take the biggest adventure in your life with him?

Back then, salted fish could believe in gods and left a huge mark in Hill's calendar, so you are worse than him? "

Thousands of thoughts flashed in my heart, and they all turned into a smile in the end. Only by not forgetting the original intention can we have it forever.Hill's native strongmen are not afraid of death, but he shrinks back and fears the death of his second life. Is this still a man? !

"It seems that I have been at ease for too long, and I have forgotten all the dreams of the year." Ning Tianjiao finally spoke, he turned and looked directly at Locke, and said with an extremely solemn expression:

"Hundreds of years ago, I had a fellow countryman who made a shocking move that changed the entire pattern of Hill.

Now, I put my life on you! "

"Your sixth trial, isn't it to challenge the Titans and obtain their badge of King of Strength? Alright, I'll lead the way!"

After making up his mind, Ning Tianjiao acted resolutely and immediately started to act. Locke smiled. He knew that he had a way to deal with the army of envoys of the gods.

"At this moment, a group of giant titans are waking up, and a wrestling match is being held. I wanted to take this opportunity to fight against the titans with an artifact in my hand, and at worst, I would take my group of dwarves to neutralize.

Now that you're here, this time you'll pierce through the Titans and completely smash their pride! "

Ning Tianjiao looked towards the center of the distant country, "After such a long time, the power of the gods has become more and more terrifying. In recent years, even the ancient Titans have been hunted down. Although the giant Wang Mier was furious, there was nothing he could do.

She should also be very anxious, otherwise the Titan wrestling once in a thousand years would not be advanced.If we do it right this time, we might even be able to pull the Titans into our fold, since the enemy of an enemy is a friend after all. "

"In this case, without further ado, let's set off quickly." Locke replied.

It seemed that he was in a hurry, Ning Tianjiao raised his eyebrows, maybe Locke had something urgent, Ning Tianjiao quickly picked up the Desert Spear, fastened it to his waist, and went out with the Fire Qilin on his back.

Before leaving, he summoned the masters of the clan and said that it might be dangerous to go to the giant titan this time. If he didn't come back after a month, the dwarves must move immediately.



The dwarf masters hurriedly tried to persuade them, thinking that it would be ok to be patient, and there was no need to confront the terrifying titan, but Ning Tianjiao had made up his mind to go, and no one could persuade him.

Before the sky was completely dark, Ning Tianjiao and his Destiny protagonist Locke rushed to the heart of the Titans together!

Although he has lived in the kingdom of giants for hundreds of years and knows where the city of giants is, this is the first time he has set foot on it himself. After all, this is an extremely ferocious titan!

From time to time along the way, there would be notifications from the forum. Guessing that someone might be looking for him, he took the time to log off and check it out.

"Master Tianjiao, why did that mysterious person find you? How did he know of your existence? Why did he go looking for you?"

Everyone was puzzled and asked questions one after another.

A generation of Tianjiao quickly replied: "I choose to bet my life on this man named Locke, if I don't succeed, I will be benevolent.

This time I want to release all the hundreds of years of accumulation in the game world and liberate all mankind?The goal of the action is noble and sacred, even if in the end I have no regrets. "


One stone stirred up thousands of waves, Ning Tianjiao simply reported the situation and went offline to continue on his way, but the others were not calm, and some even summoned the other two remaining players frequently.

Rixia Yao: "Tianjiao, after meeting him, you chose to bet on him. Is this Locke so attractive? Or is his strength really so terrifying?"

"Yaoyao, you have to be extra careful, in ancient books and TV movies, this kind of protagonist who bears the fate of a world, it is said that when the tiger's body shakes, others immediately kneel down and surrender in tears.

The beauties all over the world will turn weak and flushed when they see it, as if they have eaten Mixin powder. "

Some people joked, but this statement is not false. Such things have indeed happened many times in history. Of course, there is a survivor bias. Those who survive are winners, and those who die have no chance to say.

"The heaven and the earth have the same power, and the heroes are not free. Maybe Tianjiao is convinced by Locke's domineering spirit."

Obi: "Tianjiao, are you going to make the biggest gamble in your life? It seems that your talent is about to explode. I wonder if this change will involve the strange world."

"I wish you prosperity in martial arts." Haruka Nishita also replied.

Chapter 248 Titan Fight

In the rough giant country, all the scenery is magnified. At this time, in the giant city in the center of the world, the titans wake up one after another, and start to compete in the huge arena of the giant city.

And on the high platform, there is a taller and more terrifying ancient titan giant supervisor, this is the elder of the titan clan, born when the world first opened, and is juxtaposed with the ancient main god.

"I heard that the last time Elder Gary went out to investigate, he was discovered and besieged by the gods. They borrowed an army of divine envoys to blew up and besieged the elder, causing the elder to fall! Grandma Mill was furious, but she couldn't take revenge."

A young titan as tall as a mountain said, and several other giants who were not dwarf than him were also full of anger.

"Despicable gods! Slave Zhongting humans to extract their spiritual power, but Zhongting still rumors that we are the biggest devil in Hill, I think the gods are!

Foolish peoples!Besides us, how can other ethnic groups resist the control of the gods? "

Another giant said fiercely that the advance of the "Titan Fight" this time was also carried out because of the soaring sense of crisis and for the emergence of more powerful people in the clan.

"I heard that in order to motivate us this time, the clan will take out the legendary Titan blood!"

As soon as this remark came out, even the giant in the middle of nowhere felt its heart pounding. This was the precious blood from the original ancestor Uriel, which symbolized the most powerful ancestral blood of Hill!

After such a long time, the small amount of ancestral blood has been exhausted. Now this should be the last ancestral blood in the world, and the rest will either be consumed or return to heaven and earth!

"This ancestral blood will be rewarded to No.1, and No.1 must be me!"

A titan who was two heads taller than the other giants said that his name was Yule. It is said that the elders had high hopes for him and purposely named him a name close to the ancestor.

The other giants looked at him with apprehension. Yule is indeed the top giant in the new generation. Not only is he powerful, but his body is endowed with the ability to strengthen his body.


With the knocking of the bronze bell, one after another of the rebellious Titans began to run, each rushing to the arena, the earth shook for a while, and many dark monsters in the distance were terrified.


The titans are roaring, and their explosive muscles are terrifying. If anyone from other races can see this scene, they will find that it is a collision of mountains and mountains!

On the huge obsidian arena, titans are fighting desperately. The terrifying body contains the divine power to tear the sky and the earth. Every shot has the sound of empty explosion. This is breaking the space with huge force!

Breaking through ten thousand methods with one force, the power of the titan is named Yaoxier.

"Are you all so weak? Isn't it worse than one generation now?" Elder Ivan, who was in charge of this matter, reprimanded.

He bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang.

"Now the gods are peeping from above, there are temptations every year, they are ready to devour us at any time! This is the world of Hill, the gods are high above, and now we Titans have been reduced to the rations of the gods!"

"If it is not strong, then with the sneak attacks of the gods, our family will no longer be able to resist! At that time, there are only two choices!"

Elder Ivan, who was as tall as the Immortal God Mountain, solemnly looked around at everyone, and he shouted: "You want to kneel in front of your former mortal enemies, and be blood drawn and studied by them all day long, and be regarded as pigs.

Or do you want to leave your hometown, leave Rahil's mother forever, and go to the most dangerous chaotic sea to survive? ! "

"Tell me your answers!"

Elder Gary yelled angrily. This is a sincere question. This is not alarmist talk. In recent years, the Titan family has been in danger!

Not only the ancient giants who chose to sleep in order to prolong their lifespan have awakened one after another, even the giant king, the current ancestor of all giants, Mir, is not sleeping, but keeps an eye on the God Realm, lest he be hunted and killed by his tribe again!

"No! We want to dominate the land of Hill!"

The Titans on the ring shouted angrily. Their veins bulged, the strength of their arms increased several times in vain, and they roared and rushed towards their opponents.

"Our titans stand upright, and we will never be able to submit to the feet of the gods!"

The strongest Yuer had a hideous face, his veins burst out like a poisonous dragon, his eyes exploded, he shouted angrily, and lifted his opponent violently, with a huge force!


There was an earth-shattering sound, and the entire giant city shook. The Titan that landed was suppressed twice and could not get up again. Yuer raised his right hand high to declare his victory.

Seeing this, Elder Gary nodded in satisfaction. He looked at the three rewards on the high platform, needless to mention the runner-up and third runner-up.

The highest champion reward is a huge tightly sealed black magic jar, which seals the blood of the ancestor giants that are juxtaposed with the ancestor gods.

When the ethnic group was in the most critical time, the giant king was also desperate, planning to cultivate a super titan at all costs, and he was bound to surpass the ancient boundaries and reach the level of "king".


"Crash crash!"

In the city of giants, one after another roared, and the titans fought with all their might, overwhelming their opponents, but at this moment, there was an untimely knock on the door.

"Boom boom boom!"

Amidst all the loud noises, this magical knock on the door echoed in the huge city of giants, and the titans who were fighting passionately stopped their movements.

Elder Gary frowned and looked at Gaoda City Gate. This is a short-sighted guy who dares to interfere with the Titans' game.

"Kenle, open the city gate and see who is the guy who doesn't know how to live or die."

"Haha, it seems that we can add a meal." The tall Kenle got up from the ground, he was eliminated in the ring just now.


The tall city gate is like the gate of two mountains. When Kenle slowly opened it, under the attention of everyone, two small dots came into view.

The titan was used to looking down at people, and he spotted the two "little people" outside the city at a glance.

"Where are the two humans coming from?!" Kenle, who squatted down, was a little surprised. He thought it was some monster with no eyes, but he didn't expect it to be an extinct human in the kingdom of giants.

"Everyone." The slightly taller boy clasped his fists and said, his eyes looked at the titans who were fighting in the "distance".

"The Titan Fight, can I participate?"


Hearing what this little guy said, the audience burst into laughter, and the titans who were still fighting in the arena even temporarily stopped because of the fatigue of laughing.

"Haha, you're the only one who still participates in our sacred competition? I think you can't even squeeze our teeth!"

Ken, who stood in front of the two little ones, stretched out a finger surrounded by three people? Pointing at him.At this moment, the laughter from behind still didn't stop.

"Sure enough, Titans are so proud." Ning Tianjiao silently held the Desert Eagle tightly and sighed.

Locke frowned. He hated being pointed at like that, no matter who it was.


Locke made a shot in vain, he strode forward, hugged the giant pillar with both hands instantly, his limbs exerted strength, and the muscles of his whole body agitated, Locke's eyes flashed with divine light, and he shouted angrily!



In an instant, Ken's finger that could be hugged like a hill was used as a fulcrum, drawing a perfect arc in the air, and was directly smashed to the ground with a bang.


A huge burst of smoke and dust rose, and Locke let go of his pillar-like fingers, clapped his hands, and said calmly on his face:

"Who else?"

Chapter 249 Triathlon

Silence, deathly silence.

After Ken Ke was thrown over the shoulder by this little guy, the titans fighting each other in the arena got stuck, and the smile on their mouths hadn't faded.


Such a majestic "meeting ceremony", Ning Tianjiao naturally recorded it from the very beginning. He wanted to witness the birth of a legend with his own eyes, and it was not an ordinary legend.

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