On weekdays, Nisaka Haruka also shared a lot of strange things outside the world, but because there was no stimulation from the Great Desolate World Conferred Gods War, the popularity was not high.

"Where did you come from?! Seeing that your soul breath is still underage, it makes my heart shake. It's not easy!"

The voice from the other end of the gate was still echoing, this time across the gate, Rixia Yao could hear the shocked tone of the golden god.

"Since you don't want to get out of the way, don't blame me for being ruthless." As if fearing that the gods would be alarmed, the owner of that young voice was about to make a move.

"During the time I was away, what kind of monster appeared in the atrium?" Haruka Kusaka could guess the strength of the mysterious man opposite just by hearing these voices.

"Is the war going to start? Will the gods be alarmed?"

Rixia looked left and right, although he really wanted to witness a terrifying battle with his own eyes, but his life was the most important thing.

Just when Ri Xiayao turned around and wanted to escape to the corner of the world tree branch for refuge, in an instant, an extremely bright beam of light rushed out from the boundary gate and passed her by!


At this time, the intense explosion sound appeared, and the light beam passed faster than the sound!


Behind the beam of light, a tall blurry figure slid past the dazed eyes of Haruka Hinoka, and when he passed by with raglan shoulders, it seemed that the figure had stopped for a while, and turned his head to look at her suspiciously, but Haruka Katsuka doubted It's my own illusion.

Rixia Yao came back to her senses in a daze, quickly shook her head to wake herself up, and even couldn't help rubbing her eyes, suspecting that she had misread, and then thought of something, she suddenly looked back——

I saw a small hole in the formerly brilliant boundary gate, which is relatively small compared to the tall boundary gate, and it is more than enough for a person to pass through.

At this time, a hollow appeared in the belly of the golden god man whom he had seen a hundred years ago, and the golden blood seemed to have been poisoned by some strange poison, and the black blood was flowing out.

The heart of faith that he relied on for his life was instantly shattered, and the pantheon's law chain wrapped around his body had no effect, as if the blow just now had hit the singularity.

Ri Xiayao's small mouth opened into a word shape, and she had no idea when such a fierce person was born in the courtyard, but she soon came back to her senses, and before she had time to check for other abnormalities, she hurried away.

She wants to take advantage of this opportunity to pass through the gate, because the gods will soon notice her arrival!

Rixia Haruka mobilized the legendary power of her whole body, and her whole body was like a sword light shuttling through the void. This is a solo flying technique invented by her by combining the earth's brain hole and Hill's combat method. Although it consumes a lot of money, it is very fast , the situation was urgent, Rixia Yao had disappeared in another world in a blink of an eye.


Sure enough, the next moment, a one-armed god of war dressed in golden mail descended, and beside him were subordinate gods holding strange artifacts.

Chapter 246 Conceptual Artifact

"A remarkable figure may appear in the atrium world."

On the forum, Kusaka Haruka slowed down the recorded video a hundred times, and finally saw his true face passing by in front of him.

It was a divine arrow stained with black devil blood. The divine arrow opened the way, followed by a fast-moving man. He was tall and strong. Under the infinitely slowed-down camera, he could be seen turning his head to the camera. moment.

On the other side are the gates of the realm and the patron saints that netizens are familiar with. The difference is that there is a hole between them.

"The patron saint just died like that? Or was he killed with one blow? The gate of the realm was also shot by an arrow??"

Some people have a premonition that things are getting worse. There are many strong people in the atrium, but it is impossible for such an out-of-standard one!Because this is the strength that the conquering king did not have back then!

Soon someone called Obi to see if he had heard the news, and how he would evaluate this instant kill.

After a while, Obi appeared belatedly.

"Just now I watched the video recorded by Yaoyao several times, although I couldn't see his bow and arrow shooting, but just seeing the fierce arrow, I was already shocked.

Even among the elves, I have never seen such a powerful archer, Zhong Ting, a great figure. "

Obi sighed to himself, gathering the essence of the two worlds, some people said that he was already the strongest marksman in Hill, but he only made a statement in the atrium because he was in company with nature.

But now he is shocked by the arrow speed of others.

"Obi, haven't you heard that such an incredible character was born in the strange world? He should have surpassed the King of Conquerors. I think he is going to catch up with the strongest King of Heroes in history. He may be a new protagonist, and will surpass all human beings."

"There is a gap between the two realms, information is not circulating, and in order to prevent the gods from attacking, he should have concealed his identity, but I don't know why he forcibly descended to the realm this time."

Obi thought a little further, but everyone knew that great things had happened in Hill's world before anyone knew about it.

"I think I already know who he is." Generation Tianjiao said suddenly.

Everyone hurriedly asked, wondering how the blocked giant kingdom knew about the atrium, Yiyi Tianjiao said, "Because he is right in front of me now."


In the dim kingdom of giants, the volcanic flames made people restless, and there was a crackling sound of beating around, and the brave dwarves released their anger on the magic soldiers.

At this time, a tall and tall man was talking with Ning Tianjiao.

"So, your teacher asked you to come to me?"

Ning Tianjiao, with his bronzed upper body naked, wiped off his blushing sweat, and felt a lot of pressure in front of this Locke.

Locke nodded, "Although the teacher said that your forging technique is Hill's best, but my strongest weapon is myself, and I don't need you to help me forge any magic weapon."

Ning Tianjiao looked at the divine bow and arrow on Locke's back, as well as the sword on his waist, and asked him to take off the weapon and study it by himself.

Luo Yigao was bold and unscrupulously unloaded his weapon, which made Ning Tianjiao frowned even more. This is because he is 100% confident in his own strength, and one person is enough to fight against a clan.

What kind of sword is the sword?Close the moon shame lightsaber.

What kind of bow is the bow?Chaser Evergreen Bow.

Ning Tianjiao lightly picked up the long sword, but unexpectedly his body sank in vain, he leaned forward and almost fell down.

He exercises with a sledgehammer every day, and his strength is now at the top of the legend. Under such circumstances, he still can't handle it? !

Ning Tianjiao rolled his eyes and said, "This sword of yours is made of white flame golden iron, the top material.

On the contrary, the forging technique is very rough. It only plays the function of the god iron itself, and there is no amplitude user. You should forge it yourself. "

Locke nodded, and Ning Tianjiao continued to ask: "Do you need me to process it for you? Take the essence and discard the chaff, it should be able to play a better role."

"That's not necessary, this is a foreign object after all."

After listening, Ning Tianjiao was noncommittal, everyone's choice is different, but when he saw the magic arrow with the black arrow, his hair stood on end. The poison on the arrow is enough to poison the gods to death!

"Worthy of being the protagonist of a new generation, with a high vision, it seems that I have to show my ability to suppress the bottom of the box."

Ning Tianjiao smiled and entertained the dwarf master to take over his job. He had already led Locke into a cave at the foot of the volcano.

Along the way, a knee-high dwarf looked at this visitor curiously. They were amazed by such a tall and burly man.

"Look at this muscle, it's a pity not to use iron, and this is not cumbersome fat, but a perfect match. Just by looking at this perfect body, you can feel the great power contained in this body." A dwarf master commented .

Locke also looked at everything along the way with a curious look. Is this the dwarf who is known as Hill's first forger?

Walking into the deepest cave, Ning Tianjiao proudly took out the first artifact he forged a hundred years ago - the Fire Qilin.

"What a strange artifact."

Locke was curious about what this artifact was like. Ning Tianjiao had already skillfully leaned the butt of the gun on his shoulder, supported it with one hand, and pressed the trigger with the other, aiming the muzzle at the fiery red mud layer above.

In the next moment, with the influx of Ning Tianjiao's magic power, one after another of fiery red magic patterns flashed, with the central unicorn heart as the core, they began to operate at high speed, da da da da!A burst of rapid gunshots sounded in the cave instantly.

Locke looked at this new artifact called Fire Qilin in shock, and then carefully looked at the densely packed small holes above. This "hidden weapon" is very powerful, but the most terrifying thing is that it does not require high requirements for users.

Just looking at the power and speed of this condensed power, it has far surpassed the same level of artifacts.

"Is this formed with the core of the beast as the source of power, supplemented by your unique forging technique?"

"Yes, this is only my work a hundred years ago, and now the technology is more mature."

Ning Tianjiao put down the fire unicorn cherishingly. He approached a wall to the right, reached out and lifted it, and suddenly there was a burst of brilliance. Three exclusive artifacts were quietly hanging on the wall.

Locke looked curiously. Two of them were artifact styles that he had never seen before, similar to the "hidden weapon" just now, and the other was a ferocious long spear intertwined with fiery red and pitch black.

"These three are: Desert Eagle, Eye of Destruction, and Dragon Roar."

Ning Tianjiao proudly introduced, "These three artifacts of mine can be said to be ten times more powerful than ordinary artifacts! The most important thing is that the weak can defeat the strong, and the requirements for users are reduced to the extreme."

Ning Tianjiao took out the Eye of Destruction casted on the principle of "Barrett" from the wall. He solemnly picked it up with both hands, activated the magic pattern on it, and a slender scope shot out instantly.


"Let's talk about the Eye of Destruction that I'm proud of. Don't look at its long barrel, which seems to be easy to break. It is not a close-up weapon, but a sharp weapon for long-range attacks.

It took three thousand clansmen a year to work on this lens containing the power of space alone. Its power is beyond your imagination. If the middle god does not take precautions, his head will be shot thousands of miles away! "

Ning Tianjiao looked at Locke with his eyebrows twitching and smiled. After working hard for so long, he was finally able to show off to others.

"My strength is limited, and it is very difficult to collect magical materials. It took me so long to forge these four new artifacts. If it were you, I have a blueprint of a conceptual weapon here, and its user must be you!"


After seeing the power of this new type of artifact, Locke also became curious.


After a while of rummaging through the box, Ning Tianjiao searched for the blueprint at the bottom of the box in the dark cave, clattering, as Ning Tianjiao turned and searched, many blueprints full of pictures and formulas were flying all over the sky.

Locke reached out curiously to catch one, and saw a weapon in the shape of an alchemy cannon drawn on the drawing, with various reaction formulas written on both sides, calculating the trajectory of the magic power, and the final collection of one blow exploded.

He took another drawing that looked bigger, this time it was not a weapon, but a big well, surrounded by many cumbersome accessories, the formula seemed much more complicated than others, and in the end there was only one big?.

Locke looked at this extraordinarily complicated drawing and wrote: Missile Well.

"Finally found."

After searching for a while, Ning Tianjiao finally took out a blueprint in disgrace.

"This is the general shape. There is still a large stack of drawings about its casting requirements. Let's see if you like it first. If you really want to build this big killer, you will need a lot of magic materials!

Especially the most important magic power core, only you can collect all of them yourself. "

What restricted Ning Tianjiao's development was never wisdom, but material suffering.

Locke curiously took the blueprint at the bottom of the press box, huh~, blowing the dust away with his mouth, he finally saw its true face:

A majestic figure stands quietly on the ground, as tall and sacred as a titan.

But the difference is that this huge portrait has clear water chestnuts, and the arms and legs have obvious junctions, which seem to be disassembled.The central chest appears to be the core, with a large hollow.

The dense lines spread from the core to the limbs, providing the magic power to destroy everything.

Drawing name: Demon God Soldier.

Chapter 247 Liberating All Humanity

"Did you design this based on the Titans?" Locke asked curiously while looking at the drawing.

"Hey, how do you say this?"

Ning Tianjiao frowned, pondering in his heart, he couldn't say that it was the "radish" piece on the earth that inspired him. He had this bold idea after studying the sleeping Titan in the field.

"Well, the complexity of this super artifact is beyond my imagination, and this is just a blueprint fantasy.

If you really want to create your own demon soldier, then I must at least unify all the dwarf tribes in the kingdom of giants, and only by gathering all the forces can we succeed! "

Speaking of this, Ning Tianjiao's heart was pounding. No matter the difficulty or power of this magic weapon, it was the bottom of the box. If he could forge such an artifact, he could even use it to prove the truth with it!

"The most important thing is its energy core. According to my assumption, to drive such a terrifying body, there are tens of millions of complex chain magic patterns, at least a main god-level energy core is needed! Otherwise, it will not be able to drive it at all."

Ning Tianjiao's eyes were piercing, but his words shocked the world.

"Did you see the tens of thousands of parts densely packed on it? All of these require artifact-level materials to be forged, otherwise they can't bear such a huge force at all, and they can't amplify your strength!"

Since he believes that Locke is the Son of Destiny, Ning Tianjiao has 100% confidence in his strength, after all, he was taught by that one.

After making the request himself, seeing Locke's frown as expected, Ning Tianjiao explained with a smile:

"With such a huge price, its power is naturally far beyond imagination. The king of gods is assisted by the strongest scepter that gathers holy objects from the five worlds, and this demon weapon is enough to stand alongside it!

If you put it on, it will be an artifact of overwhelming power!

Even if no one controls it, it still has an autonomous system, and its instinct alone is enough to compete with the main god!I can guarantee that there has never been such an artifact in the world of Hill!Its power will shock the gods and make the world tremble! "

This is an unconstrained fantasy artifact, which made Locke amazed. I don't know how this human legend who was the patriarch of the dwarf tribe came up with it.

Looking at this complicated blueprint, Locke was silent, and his eyes scanned the densely packed new artifact blueprints on the ground again, and he asked:

"These artifacts of yours seem to have special effects on war group attacks, and they can generate extremely large or even wasted energy. This should not be a coincidence. Do you want to resist the Titans, or deal with the soldiers of faith created by the gods?"

"You even detected the army of envoys created by the gods with the power of faith?!" Ning Tianjiao looked at him in surprise.

"That's right, the new type of artifact I've developed is not so much for the individual, but for an army!

According to the information I know, the gods are currently oppressing the humans in the courtyard and absorbing the endless power of faith. In the past 100 years, all kinds of strange gods and monsters have appeared frequently because of the taboo experiments of the gods.

And under so many experiments, each of the main gods has a special legion of "god envoys". These god envoys who protect the gods are responsible for eradicating enemies that threaten the gods.

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