Vivienne's eyes lit up, and she looked at Sister Yaoyao gratefully. With this legendary female swordsman and the help of the Excalibur, her journey of destiny will be much safer.

Jiang Ping also nodded, since the player took the initiative to accept this task, it would be best.

"Look for it in the darkness and confusion. The seed has been given to you. I am also looking forward to how far it can grow."

Vivian asked hesitantly, "Are you leaving?"

Jiang Ping nodded and said with emotion: "This is really a wonderful journey. I have also completed my mission, and there are people guarding the underworld."

"But isn't the atrium still fighting endlessly, and the major human city-states are fighting each other?"

Haruka Kusaka asked suspiciously, seeming to think that Luo Er shouldn't leave so soon.

He smiled, "That's another story."

The young man helped Vivienne put the straw hat on her head straight, and said slowly: "Then you will have to walk the rest of the way by yourself, please always remember the shadow of you who was desperate to find the answer.

Don't beg, learn to fight, if so, you will get something in the end. "


Under the shadow of the straw hat, Vivienne replied affirmatively: "I will definitely not do worse than Alice!"

Finally she looked up and asked the same question as Alice's last:

"Can I meet you again?"

"Ha ha"

The young man took two steps back, chuckled twice, and his whole body had begun to dissipate into light spots, "Every parting is for a better meeting next time, I will come again, and I am looking forward to seeing you at that time How far has it grown?"

The blond girl with a straw hat clenched the seed of destiny in her hand, with a sunny smile on the corner of her mouth, and looked up at the mysterious person who changed her life's destiny:

"Don't worry, I will be the goddess of fate!"

"Next time we meet, I will definitely do better than Alice!"


There is only a voice of laughter in the dissipated light spot, "I am looking forward to it"

Under the girl's reluctant gaze, this mysterious person completely disappeared, and Vivienne felt lost for a while, where would he go?Is it still here?

The earth, Huaxia, and his hometown in the countryside, Jiang Ping stretched his waist well, closing and closing his eyes is a period of a hundred years of life, he rubbed his temples with his hands.

"Alice returns to her place, the underworld is in order, and the world of the World Tree can come to an end temporarily."

His eyes pierced through the emptiness and saw the chaotic Five Realms of Hill, "As for the gods of Hill, under the guidance of fate, there will always be someone in the atrium to stand up and resist, but as I said before, this is another story .”


The long-lost Genesis appeared, and Jiang Ping gently turned the pages of the book, only to see that the fourth page of the Hill Calendar had also been updated for a long time.

Hill's Calendar: During the Warring States Period, the mysterious Rolle traveled through the Three Realms, leaving behind legends. He was called the God of Joy and Mischief by the people in the atrium, and then took Alice and Vivienne to the underworld.

The God King tried to stop her, but failed. Alice, the goddess of the underworld, returned to her place. Since then, Hill's dead souls have been orderly. Luo Er gave Vivienne the mysterious seed of destiny to guide her in the direction of the fountain of life.

The records about Hill's world are here for the time being. As for what will change in the future, Jiang Ping himself can't see through it.

With a flick of his finger, the long-lost Honghuang appeared on the third page, and the corner of Jiang Ping's mouth twitched, "It's been a long time since I paid attention to the great world of Honghuang."

On the Zhutian Forum, the only four players left in the past have already grown their hair, and all the waiting flowers are gone.

Even Wutian, the current No.1 player, couldn't sit still, bluntly saying that the producer is a noble person who forgets things too much, is busy creating new games and developing new games, forgets the old love when he has a new love, and directly forgets the prehistoric world.


The pages of the Genesis book were flipped, and a white light flashed. Jiang Ping finally saw the great catastrophe without the participation of players.

The earth was devastated, and the starry sky outside the territory was also chaotic and dim. Even the 365 ancient stars in the foundation of the heaven seemed to have shrunk by a large circle.

What can be seen is that the glorious and supreme demon court has been turned into ruins, the ancient murals that originally engraved ancient beasts have been broken into countless pieces, and the splendor of the demon clan has also been buried together.

In the past, the two extremely powerful Lich clans died together, and even looking back in history, Jiang Ping also discovered that the fierce capital formation formed by the Twelve Ancestral Witches and Taiyi's Zhoutian star battle broke the prehistoric land.

The four largest fragments condensed into four major continents, and countless other small fragments left the center of the world, and many ancient survivors and powerful people also lived in the prehistoric fragments.

It's only a few days since the Great Desolate land was broken, and the authentic Ancestral Dragon couldn't stop it. Fortunately, due to the reincarnation of the earth, after the catastrophe, the Ancestral Dragon also re-adjusted the land veins, which minimized the loss of the Great Desolate World.

The giant shadows of the twelve demon gods and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who held the Chaos Bell all fell at this moment!Only Houtu survives alone, but he is also bound in the cycle of reincarnation all his life.

"If there are no unexpected variables, it would be much more boring."

Watching the cataclysm of the Lich like watching a movie, Jiang Ping sighed, sure enough, the presence of players is still necessary!

In the world of Hill, although Xilin failed, he also set a record in the legendary realm, and brought a lot of earth policy experience to the humans in the courtyard.

Xianyu's belief in conferring gods has greatly increased the strength of the gods. No matter how bad it is, doesn't the fall of Xianyu also provide Jiang Ping with a feedback of god-level energy?

Jiang Ping, who has absorbed a lot of feedback energy, is now at the legendary middle-level strength, and the more extraordinary energy he needs in the later stages.

At this time, the saints in the prehistoric land were not only Hongjun, Luohu, and Zulong.

"Hongjun's "Huang Ting Jing"'s big words and small meanings have become stronger with his integration, but it is the same as Luo Hu's "Promise Magic Art" and Zulong's "Imperial Chaos Classic". It's still early, and at most it can only be used as a reference."

He began to look at the avenues of the six congenital sages again. At first glance, they were the first and the second big. Their realm was still a long way from his current self. On the contrary, they were some supernatural powers, which he could almost study.


Flipping through the many treasures accumulated by Honghuang after the great catastrophe, Jiang Ping's eyes suddenly brightened. What surprised him this time was not Hongjun's perfect three-corpse testimonial, nor Laozi's unrequited love, but the one that has always been ignored. Receive and guide the Taoist, that is, Amitabha Buddha in the future!

"Proving the Dao in a dream?"

Breaking away from Hongjun's Taoist avenue, it is a supreme method that leads Taoists to create a unique path.

Jiang Ping studied it carefully, and from time to time gave out the sound of admiration. It is really a method of unconstrained style. Although he has not yet perfected it, he already has the potential of the three overlords of the Heavenly Dao level.

Jiang Ping's eyes turned, as if he had already thought of something.

"It's better to write an announcement first to inform the four players of Honghuang."

Jiang Ping smiled, randomly intercepted a piece of video data of the Lich Tribulation, sent it to his laptop, and began typing on the keyboard.

Game announcement:

"Due to the enthusiastic urging of the majority of netizens, the producer has indeed received everyone's wishes. Don't wait for the next time to make sure. After the rectification of this prehistoric game, the server will be officially reopened at 12 noon tomorrow!

This opening of the server is a public beta, please prepare for the four inside players who survived last time, and go online in time.

By the way, I would like to remind you that the game has been updated a lot this time because of One Thought For Thousand Years. If you can’t find the character’s body after launch, or if you are missing arms or legs, don’t be surprised, Genesis will not be responsible.

In addition, due to limited funds, this time, like "The World Tree", a small number of elite players will be selected. As for the selection method, it will be kept secret for the time being and will be announced tomorrow.

In addition, the new game expansion packs "Lich Wars" and "Three Emperors and Five Emperors" have been uploaded, and interested friends can read them. "


The Heavens Forum boiled and exploded!At this moment, tens of millions of netizens burst into tears in front of the computer!How long, how long!

The game announcement finally appeared again, and players from the heavens were finally selected again!

"┭┮﹏┭┮ Woohoo~!

I'm crying, it turns out that the producer has not forgotten that there is another fairy world waiting for us to save, although the announcement is still as arrogant as ever, but this time I still choose to kneel and lick! "This netizen's speech represents the inner thoughts of the nine-tier netizen.

At the same time, thousands of netizens began to summon four prehistoric inside players, who had been on the bench for n long!

"Wu Tianlong's cute loli Jiji sauce, Jiji, come out and get fucked!" Thousands of netizens roared angrily!

And the four who had been paying attention to the game dynamics of the heavens and were ready to launch the prehistoric game at any time naturally appeared at the first time!

"Hey, here, here, this girl has finally rejuvenated! I recently spent a lot of time in my room picking up a lot of ancient books I bought online, and I'm just waiting to enter the prehistoric game to show off my grand ambitions!

I saw Yaoyao and the others traveling around the world of Hill before, but it made me hungry!I just don’t know if there will be something wrong with the Phoenix’s real body that has been tempered for so long in the undead volcano in the south, and if it will really be regarded as a madman by the tribe and die, it will become a magic weapon! "

After such a long time, the dark Lolita actually had a feeling of worrying about gains and losses.

"My old man is still here, and the profound ice shouldn't be broken so easily, just don't be roasted by the unlucky clansmen." Long Shao also appeared urgently with ecstasy and sorrow:

"Recently, I have been bombarded by mythology experts day and night, this time I will never play again, I want to show my true skills!"

In a resplendent and tall villa, a young man wearing brand-name clothes was rubbing his hands excitedly at this moment. He couldn't help but want to quickly enter the game "The Wilderness", and in his huge room, there were huge pictures of The distribution map of prehistoric forces, and the blueprint of plans surrounding the current known bosses.

Wutian appeared: "I'm looking forward to it, see you tomorrow, I don't know how long it has been, how is the master, after Hongjun joins the Dao, he should suppress the demon world even more."

The belated Ji Laojiang finally came too: "Whoa, who called me just now? What did they say they were going to do to me? I'll blow your dog's head off!"

"Hey, I thought about it for ten thousand years. Although I knew that the update would take a long time, I didn't expect it to be so long! My unscrupulous master, your obedient apprentice is coming back! I just don't know if the body has evolved into a star beast."

"Is it a mount?" Someone teased: "Could it be that Fairy Ziwei grilled you, I don't think the producer is responsible for talking about you!"

"Didn't you notice the two expansion packs? It's over, the secret is lost!"

Netizens who watched the introduction videos of the two new expansion packs rushed back, and the four prehistoric players took a quick look.

Hehe, the Twelve Patriarchal Witches stood upright and were confronting the Eastern Emperor Taiyi who was holding a chaotic clock in the sky. In the end, the violent chaotic air blast exploded, the prehistoric land was shattered, and all the liches died together.

Seeing this, the players felt a chill in their hearts. The Lich Calamity has just passed, and they have lost another secret!

After all, the farther you go, the more bosses appear. From the beginning of the opening of the sky to the later catastrophe, the saints overlook the eternity. How can their players have a chance to stand up?Even knowing the follow-up plot doesn't help much!

And when I clicked on the second "Three Emperors and Five Emperors" video, my heart sank and fell into the frozen snow valley. Even the period of the human race's struggle and earning the great merits of the heavens has passed!

Three emperors ruled the world, five emperors ruled the world, the human race has been determined, and it has become the protagonist of the prehistoric world, and even the six innate saints have all returned to their positions, and there are countless great supernatural beings hiding in the prehistoric corners!

"It's over, I told you before that the sooner you enter, the better. Not only is it the environment of the world, but it can also show your talents. Now there are so many big bosses suppressing you. Except for Wutian, I can't think of any of you who can stand out. Now compared to Back then it was countless times more difficult!"

"If we say that at the beginning of the opening of the sky, when Daozu Hongjun was not yet sanctified, it was easy difficulty, then now it is hell difficulty!

By the way, it doesn't count whether Hongjun will remember that you all besieged and murdered him together back then!Otherwise, there will be the attention of the No. [-] Xuanmen boss, hehe, wipe off the cold sweat for the players who entered the prehistoric world. "

Not only players, eager to try to be selected by the producer, netizens who have entered the prehistoric world are also worried, "Looking at the current known situation, after this super big update, it should be before the battle of the gods! There is still a chance!"

There was a lot of discussion on the forum, and the restart of the prehistoric game has excited global netizens, not only Huaxia, but also foreign netizens who heard the news frequently responded.

Not to mention, the flowers bloom inside the wall and the fragrance outside the wall, but now foreign countries have risen: "the one who knows", many foreigners study theology, just to have the opportunity to become players in the wild, or other heavens and myriad worlds.

Zhutian Games released a new announcement. Such a major event naturally attracted the immediate attention of officials from various countries. Secretly, there was a surge of wind and clouds. Someone said to himself:

"Isn't it a public beta? Why are there still a small number of elites, and I don't know how to select players."

At this time, many TV stations began to broadcast, and the world's most popular game news of the heavens, each host explained the opening server of the game "Heaven and Myriad Worlds: Primordial", and guessed how to choose it.

Despite the noise from the outside world, Jiang Ping has already poured himself a cup of spiritual tea, sat on the rocking chair in front of the door, and began to savor the quietness of the years

ps: The Dongsheng Shenzhou that appeared in the Dragon Han catastrophe that was a little problem before has been corrected. It is set to be broken after the Lich War. The four continents are broken after the Lich War. Organize your thoughts.

Chapter 197 Who is the first to realize the big dream

The Jade Rabbit rises in the east, the golden crow falls in the west, and the sky is full of stars. In ancient times, human beings rested at sunset and worked at sunrise, but now the colorful world is fascinating. Under the colorful neon lights, one after another is enjoying life.

However, more leeks are enjoying cheap entertainment under the laws of exploitation that have been accumulated for thousands of years. The most popular forum community in the world, Zhutian Forum is more lively than ever.

Netizens from all over the world swiped their screens and posted posts, discussing how the producers would choose players to enter the prehistoric world. There were also "masters" who repeatedly watched the two new expansion packs in an attempt to get more news.

In the dark basement, the dim fluorescent lamps made the sound of unstable voltage from time to time. The impoverished young man named Zhuge Shi scratched his head. The two expansion packs he had already downloaded had been watched dozens of times.

"At present, it seems that the general situation remains unchanged. Luo Hu has been banned for an era, and Tiandao Hongjun is still in charge of the general situation. However, because there are two other siblings, he does not cover the sky with one hand like a myth, and there is still room for it!"

The rough pen tip drew and wrote on the chaotic white paper. After clearing his mind, he frowned and shook his head, "I still don't know how to choose."

He laughed at himself, put down the pencil in vain, the hero is useless!If he was born in another mythical world, would he have another life?

He is not the only one who thinks this way, many people think this way in the middle of the night, exhaustion floods his heart, and everyone falls asleep

"Dalang, are you awake?"

Zhuge Shi was shaken awake in a daze. He opened his hazy eyes and looked around in an ancient style. Hey, there is a woman in a pink dress. There is such a delicate and beautiful woman in the world who is playing with Hong Huang. Like a fairy!

"Am I crossing over?"

Zhuge Shi, who had just been forcibly woken up, immediately shuddered, "Or do you think about it day by day, and dream about it at night? I had this lucid dream because I wanted to enter the prehistoric game so much?"

Zhuge Shi forcibly calmed down, and cautiously glanced at the beautiful woman who seemed to be worried about him. Is she his wife?

Before Zhuge Shi wanted to ask a few words to set up the situation, this beautiful woman had already brought a steaming bowl full of soup and medicine. She sat on the edge of the bed with concern and said, "Da Lang, you should eat it." Medicine."

Zhuge Shi:


At the same time, another person woke up like a hangover with a headache. He opened his eyes in a daze, and beside him, a coquettish woman in a gorgeous golden palace dress said worriedly:

"Your Majesty, the traitor Jiang Ziya and others have led an army of [-] princes outside Chaoge, tonight my two younger sisters and I took advantage of the exhaustion of the army and pointed at the Chinese army, beheading Jiang Ziya and Ji Fa!

Such a large army naturally has no leader, and the Chengtang crisis will naturally be resolved! "

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