The forum was very lively for a while, and they were naturally happy to see the god king known as Hill's most oss deflated!

As time goes by, the screen advances rapidly, no matter how big or small, all are revealed on the balance of good and evil, being judged by the goddess of the underworld for the sins of this life!

Finally, from ancient times to the present, with a click, the picture freezes at the scene of the god king's sneak attack, trying to snatch the black gold crown of the underworld.

Da, the black tray reached the deepest point, as if it was carrying a weight of [-], Alice finally opened her mouth to judge:

"God King Yuer, with the authority of the God Realm, has disrupted Hill's order many times, which is a heinous crime!"

As the words of Alice's judgment fell, the entire underworld sank, and darkness rushed towards the king of gods like a tide. The king of god Yuer's face was stern, and infinite light burst out from the body of the gods, and the two pairs of fists shattered the void directly!

"I am the son of Hill, who shall judge?"

The god-king was tyrannical and refused to accept what this junior said. However, the underworld shook at this time, and black iron chains that exuded ominous sins shot out from the endless darkness, and bound towards Yuer with clangs.


The god king Yule began to burn the law, and the power of the Titan was exerted to the extreme, and there was nothing in his own place!

The laws of death and life were all broken, and the bound black iron chains were naturally smashed into nothingness by this powerful force.

However, not only the sinful chains that bind all spirits, but also a ferocious blood-dropping thorn from the underworld is killing from the darkness, and the target is the most powerful godhead at the center of the god king's brow!


The ominous River of Styx is boiling, like a dragon wave of black water, it begins to circle around the strongest man in Hill, and the most terrifying evil in the world, the black water, begins to hunt and kill the king of gods!

In an instant, the God King suddenly burst into radiance, and the supreme godhead at the center of his brow exploded into a strong light, and the infinite law of light rained down, forcing the ominous law of darkness to disperse. He shouted loudly:


In an instant, the hand of God appeared, grabbing the God of War who was under siege, and a wave of Xeon appeared!

The god king burns the blood of the gods, burns the laws, breaks many constraints alive, breaks through the constraints of time and space, and wants to fight to get out of the world.


Under the puzzled gaze of the young man in black, the dark tray of the balance of good and evil had sunk to the bottom, but Alice let the God King run away with God of War, and did not go all out to keep him.

"Your Highness, why did you let Yule go? I'm afraid he will become an enemy of the underworld in the future, and he always wants to lead the gods to attack and devour the underworld."

The young man in black asked puzzledly.

Alice said: "The king of gods is not dealt with by us in the underworld."

The young man in black and the woman in white were completely puzzled. The next moment, the God King, who had fled outside the boundary and was constantly shuttling through the thick branches of the World Tree, suddenly shouted angrily:

"You dare!"

I saw a giant frost fist wrapped in infinite ice rushing towards it!Along the way, everything is frozen, including time, everything is frozen!

The fleeing god king was shaken by the divine fire from the attack, and spat out divine blood. Unwillingly, he glanced at the Frost Giant who shot him, and could only turn into divine light and flee away with hatred.

The God King was defeated, and the river of Styx returned to calm, flowing slowly in the darkness, surrounding the whole world, one by one undead continued to wander in confusion, and new ignorant souls descended from the sky from time to time, these were newly dead creatures.

At this time, the hideous bone beasts squatted under the steps of death like cute kittens, and the unbelievable death beasts excitedly climbed up the steps to worship the goddess of the underworld on the throne.

Vivienne's eyes were complicated. Alice, who was always secretly looked down upon by herself in the past, has now become an existence on an equal footing with the God King?Become the master of a big world?

A nameless fire of instinct appeared in her heart, although it was only a cluster of small flames, it was deeply hidden in the deepest part of her heart.

Alice, who is now wearing a gorgeous dark suit, makes Vivienne feel very strange. The left face that was originally ferocious is now as beautiful and holy as the right face, and even Sister Yaoyao is stunned!

It is no longer the ugly duckling before, but now it has become a high-ranking goddess of the underworld, in charge of the scale of good and evil, and judges the sins of all beings.

And as Yaoyao secretly uploaded a photo of Alice sitting on the throne, the number of Alice's fans on the forum suddenly skyrocketed. Who doesn't love the mysterious, noble, and beautiful goddess of the underworld?

"Originally, I was a fan of Vivienne, but now I declare that I am from the underworld!"

"The underworld doesn't accept people, only ghosts! Who doesn't love white hair? Let alone my goddess of the underworld!"

Not to mention the hustle and bustle of the forum, seeing that everything was over, Jiang Ping waved and began to grab the shivering mount hiding in a corner.

In an instant, a space crack appeared, and a brown-red horse holding its head with two hooves appeared.

Alice looked puzzled, what does uncle want to do with this steed that has been with her for ten years?

Jiang Ping smiled at Alice on the Dark Throne: "You will always be lonely here alone, so let this dishonest old horse be your companion."


The strong horse stood up tremblingly, not wanting to stay in this terrible world, but it couldn't help it at the moment.

Alice, who originally planned to enjoy the eternal loneliness all by herself, was enlightened. Since she would never be able to go out of the bounds in the future, she would also be separated from her uncle and Vivian. If she was accompanied by this horse that watched her grow up, she would not be alone.

The young man said to the restless horse with a serious face:

"Evil animal, you made a big mistake, you should be executed for your crime, and you have carried me around the Three Realms, and today you are demoted to become a guardian beast of the underworld, you can be convinced!"

The steed tremblingly looked at the extremely mysterious master, then glanced at Alice on the throne, and said tremblingly:

"May I guard the gate of the underworld forever!"

After the words fell, the young man stroked the horse's head with his palm, and instantly released its seal!

The steed roared proudly, a burst of mysterious light flowed through, and finally recovered its real body. Everyone looked, and saw a three-headed red dragon dancing in the air excitedly, and flames were still floating around its body, constantly shuttling back and forth.

Alice pointed lightly, and saw a dark rune instantly enter the brains of the three red dragons.

"Now you are the three-headed hell dragon of the underworld. You should guard the gate of the underworld and prevent creatures from entering!"

Alice's words decided the fate of the three-headed evil dragon, and they were baptized with the law of darkness.

The three-headed hell dragon roared with a dragon roar, and its attributes were reversed. Blossoming black and red hellfires scattered, and the entire dragon body began to evolve, toward the ecological evolution of the underworld, and a powerful aura erupted from it!


Several other powerful death beasts looked at their new colleagues curiously. Although they are not as strong as themselves now, as time goes by, this three-headed hell dragon will definitely become stronger and stronger, and it will also leave behind many monsters in the atrium. legend.

Alice on the throne looked back at her companions who had been with her all the way, and said, "In the land of the underworld, do not wait for living beings. Uncle, you have to take Vivienne and Sister Yaoyao away quickly."


Jiang Ping nodded. Now that the underworld is initially set, Alice still has work to do. He stretched out his right hand and made a movement that everyone is familiar with.

Alice watched with a faint smile on her face. The eagle will eventually soar in the blue sky, and there will always be a banquet under the sky.


There was a crisp finger snap, and even now that Alice had taken control of the underworld, she still couldn't perceive how her uncle took the two of them away.

Although she had already made preparations, she still asked:

"Uncle, do you still come to see me?"

"Most definitely"

The answer in the affirmative comes from the endless darkness

Chapter 196: The Prehistoric Game Is Open!

"Uncle, where am I?"

Outside the underworld, Vivian pursed her lips and looked at the uncle who kidnapped her fearlessly. He also gave Alice a gift ten years ago. He really gave Alice a new world. What about her who was the first step?

"Is there such a thing?"

On the side, Haruka Kusaka thought to herself, as a witness of the times, she also wanted to see how the two sisters would have different adventures.

Jiang Ping looked at her with a slight headache. Although the little girl insisted on running up at first, but people are not grass and trees, so no one can be ruthless.

After ten years of getting along, he also found that Vivienne is sometimes arrogant, but her essence is indeed superior. Who can grasp the differences?

"I remember asking you ten years ago, little girl, what gift do you want? This time I will ask you again, Vivian, what gift do you want?"

Another problem, the same person, different places, but also determine a person's fate.

This time, Vivienne's eyes flickered, and she said without hesitation: "It's also brought by you, on the same starting line, I don't think I can do worse than anyone else, I want a gift equivalent to Alice. "

Haruka Haruka has a strange face, the master of the world, the highest rank of Hill, Vivienne is very ambitious, but can Luo Er do it?

There are five worlds in the world of Hill at this time, the god king in the god world, the tree of life in the strange world controls the center, and the atrium is chaotic and disorderly. The gods will not tolerate this largest world being controlled by anyone.

The kingdom of giants belongs to the titans, and the goddess Alice in the underworld returns, so what else is there?

"Alice is destined to be the master of the underworld, which cannot be copied."

Jiang Ping looked directly at the stubborn Vivian and said, however, although he could not give her such a gift, he could give her seeds.

The little girl ten years ago was able to keep up with her regardless of her own life and change the fate of her life. Isn't this a beautiful accident?

Like a small fish in the river of fate, if it jumps out of the bank, it will die of thirst, but it is another story to jump into the fisherman's bucket, and how many fish dare to make a leap?This is even beyond the accident of the fishermen on the shore.

Jiang Ping slowly opened his right hand. Vivienne and Haruka Rixia looked curiously, and saw a gray seed in the center of the palm. What does this mean?

The two didn't understand, and looked at this mysterious Luo Er in puzzlement. Until now, they still didn't know any of his background.

"This seed is given to you."

Jiang Ping handed the gray seed to Vivian, "When it germinates, it will take root in the past, flourish in the present, and spread to the infinite future."

The Great World of Hill originated from the great world tree, so tree-shaped treasures are the most precious. What the uncle said made Vivienne puzzled. She held the seeds tightly in her right hand, fearing that they would be lost, and asked:

"Then what kind of seed is it? How can I germinate it?"


On the side, Haruka Kusaka took a photo of this precious seed in time, and she reported the current situation to forum netizens in time.

"So now Alice has really become the Lord of the Underworld and defeated the God King?" Some people think that the situation is changing too quickly.

"Vivienne is not willing to be abandoned by the little sister, and now asks Luo Er for a gift that is not inferior to Alice? It seems that Vivienne is also a member, and a diamond member!"

With Yaoyao revealing the secret, it turned out that the mysterious Rohr said that Alice could not be duplicated. Thinking about it, it was true. Hill only had five worlds in total. How could he give her a world master? How could it be so easy and simple? thing!

But looking at the seed picture posted by Yaoyao and Luo Er's introduction, everyone was stunned for a moment, "Isn't it just a seed? Why is it so tall? Could it be La Hill's seed?"

"Didn't you listen to Luo Er's introduction, when the seed germinates, it will take root in the past, flourish in the present, and extend to the future, so obvious that you still don't understand?

Sure enough, if you enter a different world and belong to people who can't survive three chapters, this is obviously the tree of time! "A big guy guessed right, and netizens suddenly realized, and they all shouted: Big guy is awesome.

However, there are still some people who are very realistic, let Yaoyao wait and see what happens, and see what Luo Er has to say, otherwise it will be ugly to slap her in the face now!

Outside the underworld, facing the puzzled Vivian, Jiang Ping explained:

"This seed has the same origin as the tree of life. If you cultivate it and germinate, it will grow into a tree of destiny. The branches of the tree are woven with the web of destiny for all beings in Hill, and the destiny is in your hands."

As soon as this remark came out, Vivienne squeezed the fist wrapped in the seed tightly again, her breath was short of breath, fate?What kind of supreme law is this?

All living beings have a destiny, no matter whether it is the Titans, the gods, or even the king of gods, they cannot catch the trace of destiny. I am afraid that only the great Rahir can see through the destiny of all living beings in the world.

But now that she actually has the opportunity to master such a terrifying and supreme power, she stared at the uncle closely, completely unimaginable that it was such a great gift!

Rumble!Suddenly the forum exploded!This turned out to be the seed of the tree of fate!

"How is it possible? Fate is illusory and unpredictable. How could Rohr have the seed of the tree of fate?! Could this be his most precious gift? This is Whitebeard's deepest secret?!"

"It has the same origin as the Tree of Life, that is to say, it is also left behind by Lahir, this may be another ancestor-level creature!

It stands to reason that fate is too high, even the world has its own destiny, only Lahiel can grasp it, and now there is a seed leak! "

There was a lot of discussion on the forum, and they were salivating over the previously unremarkable seed. Destiny, upon hearing it, was the existence of the highest level!Beyond time and space.

Such a big event, Obi also appeared:

"The tree of fate? A long time ago, some people speculated whether this divine tree would be born to weave the fate of all lives, but after deduction, it was too illusory, and it was impossible for there to be such an unexpected existence as the tree of life.

I didn't expect to be lucky enough to see the seed of destiny now. How mysterious and miraculous it can grow? "

Regardless of the future, it is still an ordinary seed, and only when a seed germinates can it have all the future, and according to common sense, the more powerful an existence is, the harder it is to be born!

"Then how do the seeds germinate and grow?"

Holding the seed of destiny tightly, Vivienne asked anxiously.

Jiang Ping stretched out his finger and pointed to the other direction opposite to the underworld, "There is a branch of Rachel in a mysterious place far away from here, and when the branch falls, there is a round of fountain of life, just carry the bucket every day Water the seeds, and the seeds will germinate naturally."

Fountain of life?There is actually a fountain of life at the bottom of the world tree. This is the supreme fetish that can life and death people from flesh to bones, and even the hearts of gods and kings!

This place is beyond the worlds, and all unimaginable things will exist. In the opposite direction from the underworld, there is actually a round of fountain of life. Vivienne turned her head in surprise, and the endless darkness ahead was like a ferocious giant beast. It is opening its bloody mouth, ready to devour all living creatures that enter at any time.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, no matter how difficult and dangerous the journey was, since the seed of fate was in her hands, just like ten years ago, she would firmly hold on to the throat of fate and never fall down!

Vivienne looked towards the dark front without fear. At this time, Haruka Kusakata's heart moved, and she suddenly said:

"I can search for the fountain of life together with you. If the tree of fate really appears, I believe that under the guidance of fate, we will successfully plant it."

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