At this moment, many people feel that they may travel through time and space, as if they have personally realized the joy of celebrating that they have just broken through the shackles of the projection of the gods and broken free from the blocked time and space.

No matter how beautiful the portrait is, you will eventually get tired of looking at it, but its spirit will last forever. This picture of Changhong penetrating the sun can shock people in different time and space dimensions.

Everyone seems to be able to feel calm and comfortable from that smile, and those eyes are as deep as the sea, but they faintly reveal the randomness of traveling in the world.

At this moment, everyone finally knew why many people in the atrium called him the "God of Joy".

Yaoyao: "??"

The forum was quiet for an instant, Yaoyao thought she was disconnected from the internet, but the next moment, two question marks ignited her sealed enthusiasm!

"Looking at the picturesque pictures, I wanted to recite poems and say something. But I am uneducated, so I can say it all over the world."

"Good! Good! Good!"

"Praise, praise, praise!

Only this word can express my surging thoughts. I don't like the mystery of the driver, but only praise this indifferent temperament that is out of the world. Traveling in the world, enjoying happiness, but not being stained by the world of mortals, this is the peerless power in my dream. By! "

"Follow your heart, do as you please?

Looking at Luo Er's actions, they were all random, but every time they went straight to the core. This war led to the birth of the God King to suppress it, and the fall of the Conqueror King. I didn't expect him to be a big crocodile! "

"Is it still so indifferent under the suppression of the Supreme God Realm? This demeanor is indeed desirable, and what is hidden under the demeanor is the unfathomable strength that is not afraid of anything!"

Netizens agreed unceasingly, not to praise the beauty of the prosperous age, in fact, as long as the strong in the other world are not ugly, it is this demeanor that convinces everyone.

"The invincible king of gods has finally suffered, I didn't expect a big boss to be so strong!

When the King of Gods killed the King of Conquerors, I wanted to make the ancient traveler come back to the world, suppress him with a slap, and crush him into powder with an irresistible force, so that he can taste what this irresistible force is taste! "

There were also people who saw that the King of God was upset and began to make fun of it, "You look like you are running under the sunset, you are chasing after the youthful me!"

"Have you escaped from birth now?" A netizen asked about Yaoyao's current situation.

"What do you mean by escaping? This is obviously a leisurely and unrestrained departure!" Others began to refute his wrong words.

Yaoyao replied: "It's okay, the carriage is crushed all the way, it's like breaking through the constraints of time and space, breaking away from the world, now our place is strange and strange, and there are afterimages of history flashing from time to time, it's like walking in the long river of time, so strange .”

What Yaoyao said was so strange, everyone hurriedly asked her to take a picture, where does the Nine-colored Heavenly Road spread?Is it really in the long river of time?

The destination is the end of time?It is precisely because of this that the god king can't catch up?

Yaoyao sneaked online in the colorful tunnel, opened her eyes and carefully looked at the driver in front of her as usual, and then at the two sleepy girls beside her.

Looking outside, the outside world is silent, there is no real god roaring, the god king chasing after, there are only the mechanical sound of the wheels turning, and the deep roar of the strong horse, the sides are colorful, and from time to time one or two will leave a heavy mark on Hill's calendar The great man flashed by.

"This, this is?" Haruka Haruka looked in surprise at the scene that just flashed in front of her eyes. It was Gilga's true posture of showing the deviant sword in front of the world during Qin Aihai's landing battle.

Soon she saw a familiar scene again, the salted fish preached and wrote a famous book

"Are we walking in history at this moment?"

Haruka Kusaka kept guessing, after all, she felt that one person's wisdom was limited, and she called up the panel and kept taking pictures, but a phenomenon that had never happened before appeared!


The simple game panel that only shows identity, race, and strength has never been blurred before. It seems like a signal that has been disturbed. The fuzzy panel keeps flashing snowflakes, and Haruka Kusakata can't take screenshots at all!

She stared wide-eyed, watching this scene in disbelief, bad signal?

Where is this place that can interfere with the game panel?Fortunately, the logout and logout are not disturbed, and there will be no weird phenomenon that the logout button is deleted as soon as you go online.

Of course, if such a change really occurs, Kusaka Haruka estimates that the remaining players, including himself, will not be affected too much. After all, the world of Hill is more important to them!

On the forum, Yaoyao shouted strangely: "This phenomenon has never happened before, the system panel is blurred, it seems to be disturbed by something, let alone taking pictures!"


As soon as Yaoyao's words came out, everyone in the forum was puzzled, they had never heard of such a phenomenon before!Where exactly is Yaoyao at this time, it can actually interfere with the running of the game!

"Is the signal not good? Could it be that Yaoyao's signal is not good at home?" Some simple netizen used common sense to bring it in, thinking that it might be a practical factor.

"Brother, this is a black technology game. Do you think it is really a real network? I doubt that the 100kb icon on the computer desktop is just an anchor point, and it is actually useless!"

"One thing to say, what can 100kb do? Now a small movie is as big as 6 g." Everyone on the Internet talked about the special situation that occurred.

After many experiments, Kobayashi appeared, "It turns out that the 100kb icon installed on the computer is really fooling us!

Experiments have proved that no matter if the network or power is cut off, as long as you enter the game, you will not be forced to quit! "

"When players enter the game "Heaven and Ten Thousand Worlds", it has nothing to do with the real network at all, and the game icon is just an illusion! The producer completely fooled us for fools!"

Netizens are speechless. Every time the producer shows his attitude like this, he is not afraid of being discovered by others. The actual network conditions are fake. After obtaining the entry qualification, even if there is no internet or electricity, he can enter another world !

"From this point of view, it is really an abnormality in the different world of the game that makes the game panel abnormal, and it is difficult to even take pictures." Using the elimination method, the problem was found.

"Is it a grotesque space-time tunnel? One by one historical figures shuttle, even the god king can't catch up, and they are separated from the world?

I really doubt that where you are now is really an incredible time. "Obi expressed his feelings, as if through the few words Yaoyao described, he witnessed an unbelievably colorful scene.

"Being able to enter such a magical place, use it to get rid of the God King, and track the God Realm, I am becoming more and more curious about this mysterious Rohr's heel. After all, I still know too little, and the strength is too weak. Even the God King They can't figure it out, let alone us." Yiyi Tianjiao replied curiously.

"Uh." The former Saint of Salted Fish appeared. He has been preaching for decades and has learned a lot about Hill's world. As if thinking of something, Salted Fish replied:

"Among the many ancient books I read before, a philosopher once guessed that everything in the world originated from the great Rahil, and finally returned to Rahil.

The depths of the world tree should hide the imprints of creatures born in the endless history, and every major event that happened is engraved in the deepest part of the source, and the ancient god Gaia fell asleep forever, and it should be in this seemingly true and false, in the A dreamy space between "nothing" and "something". "

"I don't read much, I feel like I can't understand what the boss is saying."

"I understand every word you said, but I don't understand it together. Can you describe it in detail in Earth language? It's not that only Hill players can understand the words."

One after another, netizens expressed that they did not understand Xianyu's speculation, but some masters seemed to understand something.

"Salted Fish's words mean that the time and space they are in is in a state of "Schrödinger"?

Mysterious and mysterious, in the eyes of outsiders, they disappear in the world, but in fact, in the eyes of insiders, they really exist? "This is a speech by a master of physics.

"No, according to Yaoyao's description, Xianyu guessed that the carriage should be driving deep in the core of the world tree. If we use our actual knowledge to describe it, it is swimming in the subconscious sea of ​​all living beings!" This is a psychological master speech.

Regarding the current time and space of the carriage, an academic debate began on the forum. They quoted scriptures and produced a lot of esoteric papers.

A few players who are still in the big world of Hill have read a lot of papers and guessed, and they really want to yell:

"Please don't apply the rules of real knowledge to the fantasy world!"

In the grotesque fantasy world, Yaoyao poked her head out carefully, strands of black hair were swaying in the wind, she hooked her slender fingertips, and gently parted her vermilion lips:

"Brother Luo, where are we now?"

Let you make all kinds of arguments and hypotheses, I will go straight!

Chapter 183 Domineering, domineering 【Subscription】

The coachman who was driving the horse looked back, he looked at the slightly nervous girl, then glanced at the dreamy scene around him, and said with a light smile:

"Outside the boundary, within the tree."

He said something that Rixia Yao couldn't understand, smiled and continued to drive the horse forward. The strong horse roared, its limbs moved, and the horse's head sprayed two white air, moving forward vigorously.

Under the oppression of the God Realm, and the God King chasing after him, Da Ma felt that he had reached the peak of his life, and he never thought that he would have such a day!

The strong horse excitedly pulled the carriage and galloped, the nine-colored sky road spread under its hooves, and the historical scrolls of Hill Great World on both sides slowly unfolded, and the magnificent heroic epic unfolded in front of the four of them.

The chaotic history gradually fascinates the eyes, and the nine-colored brilliance has no horseshoes.

The carriage seems to be traveling through a long time, detached from the world, and the three people in the carriage are relaxed and happy, but the groom seems to be used to the autumn moon and spring breeze, and he turns a blind eye to the shocking scene in front of him, which makes Haruka Haruka, who secretly observes and analyzes Another shock.

"Did he ever witness the scene in this historical picture?"

Haruka Kusaka guessed, no matter what, the more I get in touch with this Luo Er, the more mysterious I feel!

Vivienne and Alice were also awakened by their voices. The girl rubbed her eyes with her hands, her face was pale and haggard. Already drowsy and falling asleep, ordinary creatures will be dissipated in an instant under the aura of the god king!

Alice turned her head and glanced at the back. It was quiet behind her. In the silent fantasy tunnel, there was only this carriage galloping, only the sound of the wheels turning, and no roaring sound of the real god.

"Uncle, are we safe?"

Alice asked softly, there seemed to be a trace of worry in her brows.


Jiang Ping laughed loudly, especially in the grotesque time tunnel. He didn't even turn his head, and said very casually:

"How can there be any danger? We have been as bystanders and witnesses of history from the beginning. Will the readers of the story be in danger?"

Although Jiang Ping's words were plain, they made the two girls feel relaxed and happy. What kind of confident demeanor did they reveal in just a few sentences?This is not blind arrogance, but a strength that ignores everything!

"I've followed my uncle for so long, but I've never really understood him." Vivienne frowned, her mind turned a thousand times, and her imagination was running wild for a while.

"Ha ha."

Silver bell-like laughter sounded in the carriage, Haruka Kusakata and Vivienne looked at the laughing Alice in amazement. They didn't know what the point of the smile was, but the smile was contagious, and the two laughed at the same time.

For a moment, in this dreamy wonderland, along with the flying fragments of time, the historical picture scroll unfolded, and there were bursts of pleasant laughter.

After a long time, the laughter subsided, and like a curious baby, Alice poked her head out and asked:

"Uncle, I have always cared about the words of the King of Conquerors before his fall."

"Which sentence?"

Jiang Ping's voice was still so casual, and his deep eyes looked ahead, continuing to drive the horse.

"When he launched the last charge of his life, he once said that conquering the world is definitely not a simple force, but he is called the King of Conquerors precisely because he conquered and crushed all the way with his fearless army."

"Constantly fighting other city-states and kingdoms, defeating powerful epics and demigods, and finally came to this point. Why did he say this at the end? This is denying what he did before, denying his path in the first half of his life !"

Alice raised her head in doubt and looked forward, her small, fair and strange face was full of puzzlement.

"Could it be that in the face of the unstoppable God King, the King of Conquerors changed his deep-rooted thoughts at the last moment of his death? Have you experienced the sadness of the people at the bottom of the world facing the irresistible situation?"

Alice's question also puzzled the other two girls in the carriage. Is this the fear of death in the face of the Conqueror King?Denying his path in the first half of his life, or what did he really understand at the last moment of his life?

Hearing Alice's puzzlement, Jiang Ping pondered for a moment, then spoke slowly:

"The King of Conquerors didn't say this out of fear. He did understand something."

"This is a higher state than his kingly way and the overbearing of the hero king. The reason why he said that the king of gods cannot become the real lord of the world is because the king of conquests also noticed that Yule has not reached this level. realm."


Alice was still puzzled, she leaned on the pole with both hands, and rushed forward even more, "But the King of God is indeed the king of the world now, and he also conquers all with the strongest power, defeats all races and gods, and ascends to the peak. Dian, isn't this the strongest kingly way?"

"Isn't this the strongest way that the King of Conquerors pursues? Is there any higher realm?"

This sentence made Vivienne and Ri Xiayao puzzled, and the two also looked at the driver ahead with doubts.

"Ha ha"

Jiang Ping chuckled twice, "Drive!"

He began to gallop wildly, "The answer lies between heaven and earth from beginning to end. When someone can comprehend the unity of knowledge and action and achieve this step by himself, then he will surpass the king of conquerors and kings of heroes, and will be qualified to challenge Hill is the strongest existence!"


Three big question marks appeared in the carriage, Jiang Ping didn't say anything explicitly, Rixia Yao didn't follow up, the mysterious Luo Er obviously felt that it was useless to talk to the three of them, but she never had any scruples about not talking about another naughty girl .


The incomparably intimate soft cry came out, like a cute golden kitten, Vivienne used it again to show off her cuteness, and her entire upper body was about to be separated from the car.


Jiang Ping's nose twitched twice, and he glanced coldly, Xiao Mian, it's all like this and he still pesters himself!


It seemed that seeing Jiang Ping's nose twitching, Vivian's cheeks were flushed instantly, but she was also thick-skinned, she gritted her teeth and stomped her feet to continue asking.

"Uncle, tell me, maybe I will use this to walk out of a way to reach the sky and launch a magnificent challenge to the Supreme God King!"

"Vivian, you have great ambition."

Alice sat on the side of the carriage, feeling sincerely, never expecting that her childhood playmate would have such big ideals.


Vivian glanced down proudly. I have been so bold since I was a child, otherwise I would not have abandoned my glory and wealth to travel with the mysterious "God of Joy and Mischief".


I have to say that Vivienne is very courageous. Even though she knows that the uncle is powerful and mysterious, she still keeps acting like a baby. In this historical picture, she keeps poking Jiang Ping with her white fingers.

"Don't poke, if you poke again, a hole will be poked." Jiang Ping was helpless, this little girl had seen through that she was soft and not hard.

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