The sun bathes the sea, and the long rainbow pierces the sun

Half of the sun seems to be hidden in the deep sea, while the other half is still lingering in the world, and what separates the two halves is a nine-color rainbow. This spectacle stunned hundreds of thousands of people.

The Goddess of Chenxi also forgot to worry about the God King, and stared blankly at this wonderful scene with a pair of divine eyes. This scene was destined to be engraved in her soul forever.

Ka Ka Ka

Haruka Haruka took the photo excitedly. She is not a star chasing girl. After hundreds of years in the world of Hill, she used the sword of wisdom to cut through the troubles of the world, and now she still maintains a pure sword heart. She is also amazed at the magnificence of this scene at this moment.

Vivienne and Alice also opened their eyes wide, their cherry lips parted, looking at this spectacle in disbelief.

Traveling all over the world, walking to the ends of the earth, I have witnessed the endless magnificent scenery. When I look back, it turns out that the most beautiful is myself!

Chapter 181 The Rolling Waters of the Yangtze River in the East【Seeking Subscription Monthly Pass】

Upload, upload, one after another extremely beautiful photos were posted by Yaoyao on the forum, and the majority of netizens are always paying attention to the end of this battle.

The magnificent temples with various giant dragons carved on the walls of the gods and the most powerful existence of the true god appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Looking at the past, there is a sacred place filled with immortal energy. From time to time, one or two mighty monsters of the level of gods and beasts wander around like domesticated pets, and terrifying figures as tall and mighty as sacred mountains are looming in the clouds and mists.

They stand at the top of the world, control the rules of the world, and promote the movement of the world. Every move represents the will of the world itself, and their real bodies are the rules!

"What a majestic temple, these magnificent and extravagant palaces seem to be the people's anointing who are searching for the courtyard!"

"I thought that the King of Heroes taught the gods a lesson more than 200 years ago. It seems that they still don't repent! (Blooded sword jpg)." Someone looked at the picture of the thousands of glorious golden temples, and his mind was full of imagination. Introduce with earth culture.

"Well, although the gods are hateful, this seems to be a fantasy world. The gods built palaces, shouldn't they be exploiting the people?"

Some people think that the laws of the two worlds are different. Perhaps the God Realm itself is rich in resources, and there is no need for offerings from other great worlds.

"Most of the majestic building materials in the God Realm do come from the atrium." Obi appeared and explained, "Even in the strange world I live in, although it is protected by the goddess of life and elves, it still needs to supply many precious resources to the God Realm every year. .”

"Not to mention the atrium that is completely controlled and supervised by the gods. Although the God Realm is located at the highest level of the world tree and has the most abundant natural power, one-third of its origin has been destroyed by Gilga 200 years ago."

"The atrium is also the largest world. Although the magic power is not higher than that of the God Realm, there are more of them. There are more magical and precious substances born and bred in it than the God Realm. The gods preach in the world, so it is natural for the kingdom and city-state to pay various precious resources. "

"So, these glorious temples are really the people's anointing of the atrium?" The netizens who refuted before were speechless. Exploitation and oppression are the eternal themes of the world. Even if they are in different dimensions, they still cannot escape this truth.

After all, as long as all living beings are not equal, there must be a pyramid-shaped social structure, and the few people at the top of the tower must be based on the people at the bottom.

"Aren't these the palaces of the real gods in the God Realm? The gods also borrowed the skills of the dwarves, Yaoyao, how did you take the photos of the God Realm? Could it be that Luo Er lost to the God King, and you were caught in the God Realm?" Generation Tianjiao worried asked.

"No way, I have a good impression of this mysterious uncle. Seeing his relaxed demeanor, even if he loses to the God King, it should be no problem to escape."

"Day, my goddess! It's over, I was caught by the gods and brought to the God Realm, I have already made up a hundred chapters in my brain!"

"Stop talking! I've already filled my mind with a 100-minute short movie! The image of a goddess is going to be ruined!" This is the reply of a man who often ponders the true meaning of small movies day and night.

Players said that this is the God's Temple, and for a while, netizens worried about Yaoyao and the others. After all, this is a cruel world, not a beautiful fairy tale.

Yaoyao appeared in time to refute the rumors: "Well, Luo Er is very mysterious, and it is not so easy to be caught in the God Realm. This is the projection of the Kingdom of God, and the palaces of all gods appear together to suppress them. The King of God will use his trump card to keep us!"

"On the side of the couch, how can you allow other people to snore. Such a mysterious person appeared in the world. The God King, who has always been conceited, really can't tolerate it, but even mobilizing the power of the God Realm, God King Yuer intends to do whatever it takes!"

Obi suddenly realized: "No wonder I looked up not long ago, and saw thousands of radiances blooming from the God Realm above, and wisps of supreme power leaked out. It turned out that the God King mobilized the power of the world!"

"Unexpectedly, the King of Gods personally took action to suppress and obliterate this time. The outstanding hero of the Warring States Period, the Conqueror King, blew up another big fish!" Seeing this, Tianjiao couldn't help but sigh.

Yaoyao continued to explain: "The Kingdom of God is projected down, and this ancient battlefield is completely controlled by the God King. His will becomes the will of the world, and what he says follows the law, changing the rules of the world with one word."

She started to zoom in and posted the most brilliant golden picture.

As soon as the photo was uploaded, many netizens felt that it was too bright and dazzling!

"This, is this the moat? The palace is so hot! It almost blinded my 24k titanium alloy dog ​​eyes!" This netizen spoke excitedly, and even posted an emoji of a dog's head covering its face.

In the photo, there are brilliant temples surrounded by stars and moons, and there are six magnificent and solemn main temples on both sides of the God Realm Avenue. The huge golden palace of the king of gods.

I don't know its height, I don't know its greatness, but I can only feel the supremacy of the Palace of the Kings of the Gods from the bottom of my heart. This is the core of the God Realm, the hub of the world's supreme power.

It represents not only the supreme power of the God Realm, but also the ruling power of the strange world and the atrium. In fact, the God Realm is at the highest level, and the kingdom of giants and the underworld are also driven by oppression.

But the titans and the gods are feuds, and the surviving titans cannot submit to the gods, and the gods are also afraid of death and do not dare to oppress them too much.

The underworld is so special that it can be called the polluted God Realm. It is essentially the same as the God Realm. It is at the darkest bottom of the World Tree, absorbing all the dead and fallen things and things above the World Tree.

The law of death in it made all the gods shudder, fearing that if they accidentally touched it, their souls would be permanently stained. Since the birth of the underworld, living beings stay and the dead go. It is still a dark and deadly terrifying world.

"The Palace of the King of Gods represents the supreme power in the world, suppresses many laws, and controls time and space. This is troublesome!" Obi frowned. Fortunately, Yaoyao replied with peace of mind, which means that there is no big crisis. Of course, it may be that she didn't I have no heart, and I can't do anything anyway, so it's better to broadcast live on the forum.

"The Palace of the King of Gods? I heard that there is also a glorious throne of the King of Gods in the palace. It symbolizes supreme power and strength, and can suppress all living beings in the world of Hill! Let them face the owner of the throne in awe, and their own strength is absolutely inexhaustible Nine."

"Even if the mind is not firm enough, it is very likely to be completely brainwashed and surrendered to the throne! Its name has been sung in Shi Yao in the courtyard for a long time."

Xianyu, who hasn't shown up for a long time, appears, but he can still be reincarnated once. Of course, he must always pay attention to the latest developments of "Heaven and Myriad Worlds", let alone this is his own life and death enemy!

Xianyu's words attracted the approval of a generation of Tianjiao, "Indeed, borrowing the projection of the gods and relying on the hall of the king of the gods, the king of the gods is born to suppress the creatures of Hill, and the giant Titan does not know how much blood is spilled in this hall of the king, and he is extremely afraid!"

"Although I don't know what method Luo Er used, it seems to be related to the mastery of time and space. The king of God is pulling the trigger! The previous attack seems to have tested a lot!" A great master analyzed the essence, and the king of God is not an incompetent person !

Yaoyao: "The God Realm Projection is so powerful, I was shocked. The time and space of this film is completely deprived of the world, not bound by the law of the atrium. The will of the god king Yuer replaces the heaven and the earth and becomes the sky of the ancient battlefield!"

"Then what? What big move did Luo Er use again? The God King must be trying to get rid of this predator at all costs!"

Some netizens nervously asked, God King used the power of a higher dimension!

No matter how strong a person is, is he stronger than the world?It is the strongest that can invoke the power of the supreme world, and replace the rules by itself and become the executive will of the world!

"Ha ha."

Yaoyao chuckled twice, and proudly flaunted:

"I didn't expect, and everyone didn't expect, that the joyful Luo Er would turn a blind eye to the oppression of the God Realm."

She pulled the rein of Luo Er and uploaded a picture of the nine-colored sky road under her feet galloping wildly.

Everyone clicked on the loading at the speed of light, and saw surrounded by temples that were so tall that they couldn't see the top. An ordinary-looking driver was driving a big brown-red horse and three people were galloping in the carriage.

However, even under the suppression of a supreme God Realm, the Nine-Colored Heavenly Road is still shining brightly, as if it is not disturbed by any attack from the outside world, and is independent of the world.

"So handsome!"

This is the first thought of the vast number of netizens, but after carefully observing the casual face of the driver, many psychological masters secretly sighed, the other party did not pay attention to the attack of the god king, which puzzled the masters, could it be that he really Believe in yourself 100%?

"Actually, it's not handsome, but free and easy, based on one's own free and easy, not on purpose, but the most authentic behavior."

A master made a speech, and everyone saw that his id was exactly the same as a well-known psychological master in the world, and they didn't know whether it was true or not.

"I have been studying psychology all my life, trying to find everyone's true thoughts from the clues. With these few photos, I am convinced that this mysterious Rolle is fearless. Have you noticed his expression?"

"Whether it was the God King who first discovered that they were spying, or punched and attacked, and tried step by step, this mysterious Rohr has always remained indifferent. Before everyone speculated that he came from a higher world, I now think it is really possible, otherwise how could it be possible? Such a relaxed posture? You don’t even pay attention to Hill’s strongest person in the world!"

"There is too little news now, and the timing of his birth is also very clever. It may be that the God Realm fell sharply, and the Underworld was born with an odd number!" A generation of Tianjiao stood up.

"Variable?" Netizens laughed after hearing this, "As players of the fourth natural disaster, aren't you a variable? Why are you calling him a variable now?"


The players fell silent. They felt that they might be the worst players in the class. Not only did they fail to dominate the game world, but they managed to make some achievements and were cut off by NPCs. Now only three of them died.

"Hey, you think I don't want to do a big job?"

A generation of Tianjiao sighed, he silently recalled his journey, and suffered a lot. Climbing from the courtyard to the kingdom of giants was even more difficult than Tang Sanzang's journey to the west to get the scriptures!

Sometimes he even wondered how his slender arms and legs could accomplish such a feat under the danger of traveling between the two worlds?

At that time, I traveled to "Heaven and Myriad Realms: World Tree", there were ten players in total, and each of them had great ambitions, trying to do something big in this different world!

However, he died before he was able to leave the school. The first bone-burying slime named Feng Tian Qingyu once became a laughingstock all over the world. He has since quit the online game world, leaving a deep shadow behind.

Over a long period of time, players have fallen due to various accidents. After all, this is not a safe earth, not to mention the war era in the history of the earth is also full of dangers.

At the beginning, Xilin, who had swallowed the world and attempted to unify the Zhongting human race, failed and the city was destroyed. After that, he was never seen online again. From time to time, netizens left messages under his gray profile picture.

However, the rolling Yangtze River flows eastward, and the waves wipe out the heroes.

After Xilin, Xianyu borrowed thousands of years of earth's cultural accumulation, preached for decades among the people in the courtyard, and finally ignited the divine fire in one fell swoop, holding high the throne of culture and art. The hero king Gilga shot the strongest arrow in his life, and both sides suffered a loss.

Xianyu has become the shortest-lived god in history, luckily in misfortune, he still left a way for the world to believe in gods, and he will have the opportunity to return to another world in the future.

The rules of the world are tainted by the evil of this world in Hill's Box, and the world of gods plummets. The gods are no longer immortal, but have various disasters, and ordinary gods have to fight for themselves.

Now there are only Zhongting Rixiayao, Strange World Obi, and Ning Tianjiao from the Kingdom of Giants. I have to say that sometimes knowing is easier than doing. Does anyone still remember the title of Saintess of the Sword?

Only when the people read the "Epic of Gilga" can they notice the generation of legendary and mysterious archers who sniped the King of Heroes in the Qinaihai landing battle.

Relatively speaking, Xianyu, who has brought many legendary stories to the world, has been reverberating in the mouths of men, women and children for a hundred years. In addition, his fall opened the curtain of a new era of conferring gods, which is even more for him. The first god on earth added a strong touch.

No wonder some latecomers wrote "The Biography of the Saint" for Xianyu and wrote this sentence in the preface:

"He wrote legends all his life, yet he was the biggest and best epic ballad."

"Only by experiencing the strange world first-hand can you know what awe is!" After thinking for a long time, a generation of Tianjiao finally said this sentence.

Which player who travels through another world is not high-spirited, trying to swallow the world and become the protagonist in the story?However, fairy tales are all deceitful, and most of them are buried in other lands.

ps: Quack, I want to laugh when I see the light in the neon world. Ordinary high school students can only save the world with the cheats given by the gods. It seems that the whole world is the same. How can they get along without cheats and cheats?How to break the shackles of class?

(??) I think that in the future, when I write a different world with my real name as the protagonist, prepare the thickest and largest golden thighs, and travel through it in the future to receive everything and walk on the road of Long Aotian. Don’t despise everyone, u1s1, you guys Traveling through another world, do you want to take the main road of abuse, or go all the way, embrace soft girls, and become Long Aotian who holds the strongest artifact?

In addition, book friends who want to be Long Aotian with me quickly vote for it, and I will take you with me across the world.

Chapter 182 Schrödinger's Carriage

"Tch, you are still useless, with such great advantages as the historical experience of the whole earth and the wisdom of thousands of netizens, you are still suppressed by the indigenous people."

"That's right, that's right! With the wisdom of tens of thousands of us to help, it's still so miserable!" Knights holding keyboards appeared.

"To be honest, I have no chance to travel through another world, otherwise, I will hold a dragon-slaying knife, change my fate against the sky, and directly overthrow the rule of the old gods!"

"Hey, in reality I am silent, but on the Internet I strike hard!

If you enter the heavens and worlds, to be honest, watch me take all the good fortune from the heavens, forge an immortal body, prove the way in another world, and become a god on earth! "

The knights became more and more excited as they talked, only the producer gave him a chance, and he could defy the sky, pick up the keyboard and turn the world upside down.

Ji Laochan: "I also had the same idea at the beginning, but until now I was still being used as a mount, and I was humiliated to ride on my crotch. There are many players who have the same idea as you. Now their graves are two meters high. gone."


Another big boss showed up to speak out, and Mengtun said sternly: "One mistake will cause eternal hatred, and looking back, it has been a hundred years!"

"Woohoo." Beiming Youyu appeared crying and crying, "The tears I cry now are all water that entered the prehistoric world back then! Only when you lose it can you understand what is precious and what is respect!"

There are two factions on the Internet, those who agree with the player's ideas account for the majority, and those who talk about it are a minority after all.

"Stop arguing, let's see if Yaoyao has escaped from the predicament. The God King is still chasing after him, right? He probably won't let it go like this." Some people are concerned about the theme.

Yaoyao chuckled, "The horse stepped into the void, the Nine-Colored Heavenly Road spread to endless nothingness, the God Realm suppressed it, and the God King blocked the way, and they couldn't stop it at all!"

The brown-red horse roared and galloped, and two ancient wooden wheels rolled out a road reaching the sky in the sky. All gods attacked, but the carriage was impenetrable!

Without any influence of this world, keep breaking through!Keep going until you finally break through this alien space!

The most stunning map of Xiriyuhai, Changhong Guanritu appeared!

The red sunset is about to set, half of the huge shadow is hidden on Qinaihai, dyeing the blue sea into a sea of ​​red, only the distant place is still the sparkling blue sea, and the end of the horizon is the other half of red Big day!


This is the most instinctive thought that floats in the hearts of all people. At this moment, thousands of words of praise come out of my heart, and they turn into two words of mantra:


However, the next picture has reached the visual extreme, which is not only beautiful, but also stunning on the spiritual level.

Under the sky full of sunset, the phantoms of the gods are behind them, and there is even a terrifying tall and mighty king holding a scepter behind him, but the nine-color sky road is like a bright rainbow after a heavy rain.

The carriage gallops forward, and the rainbow just crosses the red sun that is about to disappear. At this moment, the heaven, earth and people, the three talents respond.

Zooming in on the picture, everyone can see the white gas from the excited nostrils of the strong horse. The driver smiled slightly, as if he was just enjoying the rare scene in front of him, and he didn't care about the chasing king behind him.

Netizens pulled down further, only to see three small heads exposed on the lifted cloak, and six pairs of eyes peeking timidly from the rest of their lives.

Sunset, sunset glow, blue sea, pantheon, carriage.

The dilapidated ancient battlefield after the great war, the indifferent driver on the carriage, the three people with different expressions secretly watching from behind, the ghostly shadows of all gods behind, the god king holding a pearl scepter, and the blessing of the great world faintly coming from behind.

All these elements are gathered in one painting, and the spirit is above the form.

Silence, silence, these two photos uploaded by Haruka Kusaka stopped the hot forum for a moment.

It’s like white snow suddenly falling on a hot summer day, the atmosphere is more abrupt than Yaoyao’s imagination, everyone seems to be watching the most exciting and exciting movie clips, they even stop breathing for a while, watching every detail of Changhong Guanri without blinking .

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