Design features can truly attract consumers. In this regard, Charm Mobile is very confident!

What?The original system?

Oh well, I can explain.

Charm phones and the system departments of all domestic smartphones have completely ceased to exist!

Our system experts were all recruited by President Wei of Xiawen Group, yes, Pangu Technology! ..."

In fact, Charming Mobile under the leadership of Cheng Zhang is in a very difficult situation.

Transferring to the Pangu camp is still difficult!

The market share of charm mobile phones in foreign countries is very small, almost negligible, and its main battlefield is domestic.Relatively speaking, the risk of joining Pangu is small, and there is no need to worry about the development of foreign markets.

However, the domestic mobile phone market will not be calm!

Just imagine, if Huawei, Huangmi and Hongbai Dachang encounter Waterloo abroad, where will they set their sights?

Domestic market!

At that time, it will not only be fierce competition, but also a shopping battle, you will fight to the death!


Domestic operating systems, Pangu, and system upgrades have become hot search keywords, and the streets and alleys are hotly discussed across the country.

"Sister Wang, are you off work? Why are you leaving in such a hurry? By the way, have you been promoted to Pangu? I just finished upgrading, hurry up! It feels much faster than before!"

"Aren't I rushing home now to get promoted? There is no WIFI in the unit, so I can't get promoted!"

"Tsk tsk tsk~ What are you talking about? Xiao Wang, when will you have to use WIFI to have a baby? Can't you have a baby without WIFI? Who's going to have a baby?"

"Aunt Li, are you out of date? It's not about giving birth, upgrading the system! Pangu system! Oh, that's right! You are using the old fruit that the child gave you, so I have to know."


VV pure chat interface.

"Silly Qiang, come play ranked!"

"Get out! Donkey Wang, if you don't say something nice, I'll play you a lot in the queue!"

"No, Brother Qiang, God, take me to fly! Tomorrow is off, help me get to the stars tonight!"

"Group me!"

After a moment.

"Brother Qiang, I can't invite you! It is said that you are from the Pangu region and I am from the Anguo region. Different operating systems cannot play together. Aren't you also from the Anguo region? When did you become Pangu?"

"Oh, after I upgraded my system, I re-downloaded "Warrior Glory", and then it was automatically transferred to the Pangu region. I can't play together? Are Anguo and Guoguo okay?"

"System upgrade? Upgrade Pangu? What's the situation? I moved bricks all day and sweated all day.

What happened?Isn't there just a few Huawei phones in Pangu? "

"Hahaha! Stupid donkey, are you stupid for moving bricks and stones? Hurry up and check the system update, and come find me after the update is over!"

At the end of the chat, Wang Dalong fell into deep thought.

Are you stupid for moving bricks?

Do not!

He loves moving bricks!Move bricks to enrich him!

Recall that hot summer, the high temperature was over [-] degrees, but the air conditioner in the rich woman's house was very cool. Wang Dalong stayed in the comfortable air-conditioned room, feeling weak all over.

Small pills of Shibawei Dihuang Wan were scattered on the ground, Wang Dalong lost his mind for a moment, and resolutely put down the new fruit phone, took out the phone card, and inserted it into his domestic thousand yuan phone.

Then, back to the construction site.

Moving bricks is very tiring and dry, but...

The feet are not soft!

Legs don't shake!

"Damn, I'm distracted!" Wang Dalong acted smartly and checked the system update interface.


While moving bricks during the day, he received a message. He didn't pay attention to it. It turned out to be a push reminder from the Pangu system!


in the villa.

After dinner, there was the usual small gathering in the living room. Sisters Wei Xia and Mu Qingyu were all there.

Only little sister Xia Hanmo is the most excited!

"Master Cut! Ah!! No! Cut the shooter first! Big villain, what are you doing? Didn't you agree to deal with that assassin first?" Xia Hanmo pouted angrily.

Wei Xia is helpless~

In this round of qualifying, it was a one-on-nine!

Headed by Wei Xia, leading Xia Hanmo and her three female classmates, referred to as "one fierce lead four fools".

The opposite is also five rows, and the level is not bad, in line with the current titanium rank.

The reason why Wei Xia was beaten so helplessly, in the final analysis, is his own fault!

After the major update of the Pangu system, the "Glory of the Warriors" area was reset, and a small bug appeared. The healthy game mechanism was temporarily closed for a day.

Then, Xia Hanmo's four dissatisfied little girls were freed from the man-machine battle, and were able to truly experience the taste of qualifying.

Inheriting the ranks of the human-machine qualifying competition, the four girls are all titanium gold, but they are titanium gold in the man-machine ranking, and the opponents they match are titanium gold in the actual combat qualifying competition.

That must be different!

Who is to blame?I can only blame Wei Xia~

Even though Wei Xia's tuba is at the level of the God of War, it's too difficult to hit nine!

The four little girls were constantly being harvested, Wei Xia worked hard to clear the line of troops and steal the tower...

Finally, there is a turning point!

When the opposite tower climbed to the high ground, Wei Xia performed a pentakill freely, followed the high ground tower that was stolen by the opponent on the road, and directly smashed the crystal.

Take it away!


With a "snap", the expensively fake crystal goblet fell to the ground and became injured, which would never heal for life.

"One day! The whole day! What are you all eating? Huh? Pangu system has issued a system update to all Ango phones, don't you know?" Emmett, the president of Guoge, roared angrily into the phone.

"Boss, boss, all we use are fruits, so we didn't receive the push message." On the other end of the phone was the person in charge of Anguo in China.

The person in charge of him is purely a fat job. He basically has nothing to do. He receives a high salary and is only responsible for spending time and drinking every day.

"Anguo has a base of one billion users in Huaguo, one day, one day! It's all ruined! You trash! Trash!"


The phone was smashed directly.

###289 Chapter Big Fudge###

What Emmet said was too exaggerated, and it would not be completely destroyed. At least a small part of the security system of domestic mobile phones still remains.

Some are ordinary contract machines, and users are worried that the system upgrade will cause unpredictable impact, so they have not upgraded for the time being; some are purely due to traffic, and cannot be upgraded because they cannot connect to WIFI;

Finally, there are several types of users who actively choose not to upgrade.Those who don't understand, those who find it troublesome, those who are idle, those who have deep affection for An Guo...

But in general, most of the real active users abandoned Ango and chose Pangu.

Of course, it is limited to China.

The Pangu system has not yet been released to Anguo mobile phones outside Huaguo.


Wei Xia didn't let go of this small part!What he wants is all, the entire Huaguo mobile phone market!

On the third day after the Pangu system was pushed, the Huaguo operators immediately released a message, or welfare, to the users in the form of a text message:

Once all contract machines are upgraded to the Pangu system, there will be no mandatory requirements for contract agreements related to traffic usage and other related aspects!

All mobile phones use data traffic to update to Pangu system, all for free!Just click the upgrade button, without waiting for prompts, and automatically enter the streaming-free mode.

at the same time.

Xiawen Group, VV Purity Division issued an official announcement:

VV Pure has been removed from the major app stores of Ango, and users of Ango mobile phones cannot download the VV Pure client in the app store.

The Ango version of VV is pure, and the server will be completely shut down within 30 days. Hope everyone knows and understand.

The final interpretation of the above information belongs to Xiawen Group.

"Warrior Alliance", Qianmo Chinese Website, Kugou Music, Somao Video, etc., Xiawen's apps all responded to the group's strategy and issued similar official announcements one after another.

To sum it up:

The entire Xiawen Group and the Anguo System are completely separated!

There is a process, and most of the buffer period is set at 30 days, after which the relevant services will be completely stopped.

All kinds of measures to kill Anguo have disgusted a very small group of users to a certain extent. No matter how nice it sounds on the surface, in essence, this is a kind of coercion!

Where there is oppression, there is resistance.

However, the power of this kind of resistance is very weak and insignificant, it cannot cause big waves, and it will not have any impact on Wei Xia.

If there is any effect, perhaps, this can be an excuse for someone to talk about.


"Mr. Wei, with all due respect, your group's actions have seriously violated consumers' right to choose! Consumers have the right to use Pangu, and of course they also have the right to use Anguo!"

The person in charge of Anguo System Huaguo, Will Kenneth, is the one who was scolded by Emmett, sitting in the reception room on the first floor of Xiawen Group, facing Wei Xia, speaking righteously Said these words.

Wei Xia chuckled, and handed over a bottle of tea with his own hands:

"Mr. Kennedy, try it, Huaguo's special tea drink! Get rid of your anger!"

"Thank you, I'm not used to it!" Wilkenned thanked him coldly, and put the drink aside.

"Heh~" Wei Xia asked with a helpless expression:

"Actually, I don't understand. Anguo is a free system. Guoge has no interests in China. Why is Mr. Kennedy so angry?"

Wei Xia directly skipped the issue of the right to choose, it was all an excuse, and there was no need to bring it up.

Will Kenneth can become the person in charge of Ango in China, how much

It is more or less capable, not so wasteful to the end.

He clearly knows the significance of the Huaguo mobile phone market!

Those who occupy 40% of the global mobile phone market share are from Huaguo mobile phone manufacturers, and they are all allies of Ango!Isn't this important to An Guo?

The global share of Ango system has reached an astonishing 85% or more, and the Huaguo mobile phone manufacturers have contributed a lot!

Wherever Huaguo mobile phones are sold, the Ango system will follow, and the benefits of Guoge will spread. Isn't that important?

Although An Guo doesn't make money in China, this is the base camp of allies. How can the close allies be easily shaken?

Furthermore, if it is true that it is not making money now, who can guarantee that it will not make money in the future?

Guoge withdrew from Huaguo, Anguo has been around in recent years!Guoge has never promised that the Ango system will be free forever. Once the charging model is adopted, how much direct profit will Huaguo have?

"Mr. Wei, the Huaguo mobile phone manufacturer is Anguo's traditional partner. To tell you the truth, I have visited these friends one by one. They told me that they would only join the Pangu camp when they were threatened."

Having said that, Will Kennard looked at Wei Xia intently, his expression darkened a bit:

"I hope Mr. Wei can give me an explanation!"

"Explain..." Wei Xia looked hesitant, frowning slightly, and tapped his fingers on the table regularly, tap, tap, tap~

It seems to be thinking about something very important!

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