But she didn't want to think too much about it, the degree of affection for a person was out of her control.

She swore that the moment she came to her senses, she really wanted to find a place to hide.Lorraine has clearly found himself, will he see through my little trick? ! !If he sees through, will he think I'm a scheming and bad woman? ?

Thinking of this, Han Xuan suddenly regretted it.

No wonder many people say that a woman can turn her face faster than a book, and her mind is like a silver needle in the bottom of the sea. It's always a matter of habit, even just doing things according to a little obsession and intuition in my heart.

This is the biggest difference between women and men.If you pay close attention, you will find that every man has his purpose in everything he does.Even including a look, a smile, and a gesture, there are reasons and reasons to follow.And women, some things they do will make people feel inexplicable.Because most of the time, their attitude and style of doing things change at any time according to their mood.

That's why it is said that a woman's heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea.

At this time, Han Xuan didn't know what to do. The figure standing there seemed a little stiff, and she looked at Lorraine in a daze, her eyes didn't know how to dodge, her complexion became more and more red, and her heart beat faster and faster .

As for Han Xuan's rather clumsy "encounter plan", the quick-witted Lorraine seemed to have caught some signs by accident the moment she saw Han Xuan standing there.

The impression of Han Xuan was deeply imprinted in Lorraine's mind, including the righteous and hurtful words she said to herself before she was reborn.In fact, putting aside personal grievances, Han Xuan is still a very upright girl. Although she is a little arrogant, even a little cold, but in terms of heart, she is quite kind.

Lorraine felt that if judged according to Han Xuan's personal character, she might indeed be able to do this kind of behavior that might be thankless.But, how can there be such a coincidence in the world?It happened that a girl picked up a mobile phone, and happened to send text messages to the wrong number, and happened to be a classmate again. ...Lorraine, I don't believe it.

However, I have to say that today's Han Xuan has an outstanding temperament and a refined appearance. She is dressed in light-colored winter clothes, showing her purity and beauty.Counting the beauties who have appeared around Lorraine, no matter their age, they all have their own styles.

Let me talk about Qin Wanshu first, she is gentle and considerate, like a lily blooming quietly under the warm sunshine.And Song Meiyuan, smart and beautiful with a touch of capriciousness, like a purple lilac flower, there will always be such an inadvertent moment that you will feel that she is suffocatingly beautiful.Lan Lan is more like a budding orchid, a little shy, a little stunning, with a quiet beauty that makes you want to take care of her.When it comes to Jiang Yan, she is more like a noble peony flower, the capable beauty that emerges from the mud but not stained is vividly reflected in her.

As for Long'er... Hehe, Lorraine hasn't had too much contact with her, but he can at least make some comments on her.The red rose with thorns that Jiang Yan once mentioned could not be more appropriate as a metaphor for her.Looking from a distance, people can't help but want to go up to pick them. In fact, under her delicate beauty, there are hidden thorns that are invisible, and they will always hurt you the moment you fall into them.There are many things in the world, the more beautiful they are, the more dangerous they are.From Lorraine's point of view, the most untouchable woman is Long Er, the reason is simple, he can't see through her.

Looking at Han Xuan in front of her again, her snow-white attire, snow-white skin, snow-white face, watery eyes, and a trace of noble arrogance unconsciously revealed between her brows.The pure white snowflakes on the ground have not yet melted. In a white world, she is like a plum blossom in the ice and snow. She is a bit lonely and self-admiring, but it makes people love it. He stopped and watched from a distance.

The smile on Lorraine's face became stronger and stronger. Perhaps there was still a trace of fate-like entanglement in Lorraine's heart. Recalling all kinds of past life and the strange entanglement with the scene in front of him made him suddenly feel like The dream is like a dream, and the fate is so wonderful. Unexpectedly, the two people who have never talked face to face after rebirth will meet alone in this special way outside the school.

Seeing Lorraine's approaching smile, Han Xuan felt a thump in her heart. In the cold winter, it was like a fire that almost melted her body.At this moment, she didn't want to worry about how she tricked Lorraine here. She only knew that she and Lorraine could finally talk like a pair of friends.

For a girl like her with a very strong personality, it is very difficult to take the initiative to put down her body and talk to a boy.But now, this seemingly unexpected encounter is the best way to meet each other. At least, the delicate atmosphere between the two of them at this time made Han Xuan feel relieved and filled with joy.

"Hello, Squad Leader Han, what a coincidence."

Lorraine greeted him with a smile, without the slightest unnaturalness, a slightly sinister handsome face, filled with a gentle smile.

Han Xuan's face was slightly flushed after a brief moment of stupefaction. Fortunately, the weather was slightly colder at this time, and the flush on her face soon faded away, turning into a throbbing in her heart.

"Ah, Lorraine, uh. Yeah, yeah . . . what a coincidence."

Lorraine looked at the somewhat cramped squad leader Han in front of him, and raised his brows slightly. This was very different from the cold, arrogant and noble young lady Han Xuan in his impression. No wonder others said that women are fickle. The outside of the school is completely different.But he knew in his heart that Han Xuan should be that "Sister Lei Feng", so he simply stood beside her, ready to speak out.In fact, after seeing Han Xuan's slightly strange eyes just now, he had some guesses in his heart, and felt that this encounter between himself and Han Xuan seemed to be delicately arranged.His thoughts are so delicate, with just one glance, he can see through the thoughts of a little girl like Han Xuan.

I saw him standing side by side beside Han Xuan, with his hands behind his back, looking up to the sky and sighing: "What a big moon."

"Pfft." Han Xuan couldn't hold her breath at this moment, but actually laughed out loud.The atmosphere was a little tense, but it was broken by Lorraine's slightly nonsensical words.

Lorraine turned her head and saw Han Xuan's blushing smiling face covering her mouth and chuckling, she couldn't help admiring: Hey, it's true that women have the most beautiful smiles.If Han Xuan didn't keep a cold face, her popularity would probably be a hundred times better than now.

Realizing that she had lost her composure, Han Xuan quickly came to her senses, and said to Lorraine very into the character: "I'm sorry, student Lorraine, I'm still waiting for someone, let's talk next time I have a chance. "

Well, little girl, pretend, you continue to pretend for me.

"Waiting for someone?" Lorraine narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a smile, "I'm also waiting for someone, so let's just wait together."

After speaking, Lorraine was also a bachelor, so he stood shoulder to shoulder with Han Xuan, and passers-by couldn't help but look sideways at them.Han Xuan is young and pretty, and Lorraine is tall and handsome, they really are a very good match.Some lovers passed by, and some even showed a hint of envy.

Sensing the ambiguous eyes of passers-by here, Han Xuan's face became more and more red unconsciously, and finally she couldn't stand the atmosphere first, and said, "Student Lorraine... I have no problem with you waiting for someone. But can you stand far away?" Some, I'm afraid people will misunderstand..."

At this moment, Lorraine smiled and said: "Okay, I'll go first, I have to date my sister Lei Feng!" As he said, he turned and walked towards the entrance of the Central Mall without looking back.

Chapter 115 Past and Present

"Hey! Wait a minute!" Seeing Lorraine turn around and leave, Han Xuan panicked immediately, and almost subconsciously blurted out to stop her.

Just kidding, Han Xuan tried her best to get an appointment with Lorraine, how could she let him leave without saying anything?

Hearing Han Xuan's blocking shout, Lorraine's mouth twitched, little girl, you are too young to compete with me.

Thinking about it, he turned his head, with a playful smile on his face: "Huh? What's the matter, Squad Leader Han? What's the matter?"

"Ah, oh, I..." Han Xuan was stunned for a moment, and immediately blushed. She was in a hurry just now, and the seemingly indifferent demeanor she maintained before disappeared in an instant, and she was a little embarrassed, but fortunately She is smarter, recalling Lorraine's words just now, she said in a hurry: "You...you said just now that you were going to find...'Sister Lei Feng', right, right?"

Sister Lei Feng...

Saying this title from her own mouth, Han Xuan unconsciously felt her scalp tingle, why did she think of such a bloody title by such a coincidence?

Lorraine's eyes narrowed slightly. He was very good at observing words and expressions. He could see the sense of contradiction and embarrassment in Han Xuan's heart, which made him more convinced of his guess.Sure enough, this little girl went to great lengths to arrange such an encounter for me, what exactly is her intention?Lorraine is no fool. From Han Xuan's blushing attitude towards him from time to time, he can vaguely feel that this little girl seems to be interested in him?

Oh, what a trick of fate.

He still clearly remembers that in his previous life, in order to win the smile of this beautiful woman Han Xuan, he spent a lot of money to buy the latest BMW convertible sports car, but was ruthlessly rejected by her. Not only that, but also She uttered a lot of words that made her feel ashamed to face other people, including one of the Four Young Masters in Beijing who was traveling with her: Ma Lei.

What a sports car, it was smashed to pieces by that idiot.

Although that Ma Lei was the youngest of the four youths in the capital with the least experience, he was still the youngest of the Ma family, one of the four wealthy families in the capital.The family background is not ordinary, and any arrangement can make people from other places in the capital disappear without a trace, regardless of whether they go to school or work, and the aftermath is quite clean.This is not to say how thoughtful he is, but that the prestige and influence of the four giants are so great that not many people dare to offend them. As long as he has an attitude, he is willing to take the initiative to show his courtesy to him. went.

Thinking about it now, I was able to meet Han Xuan at an important investment promotion meeting in the capital in my previous life, and her existence seemed to be surrounded by stars, and even such a coquettish figure as the Fourth Young Master of the capital had a kind and gentle attitude The pursuit of her is enough to show that Han Xuan's family background is probably many times stronger than it appears on the surface.

For a rich man like the Four Young Masters in Beijing, if he wants to find a beautiful woman, he only needs to spend money and show his identity. How many beauties from various departments of the drama school or dance school will line up to keep up. How many beauties are there?When they get tired of playing, they will throw it away, and whoever is willing to pick up the broken shoes they have played with will love whoever.

With such strength, there is no need to spend time chasing anyone.Unless... it's this woman who deserves them to lay down their figure and spend all their time pursuing it.It's not just enough beauty, but also a family background.According to Lorraine's understanding of people like Pan Jiajun in his previous life, Han Xuan's family background must be stronger than the four big families, at least to a similar degree.

As a matter of fact, the four giants, the strong ones, have always been developing in China. Many families that have made a name for themselves in China in the early years have already left overseas for various reasons. It is also impossible to establish outside. An underestimated financial dynasty with a transnational nature.

Just like the saying goes: Wealth should not be revealed.The really rich people are all anonymous.The so-called richest man in the world like Bill Gates, if you count those invisible rich people, he wouldn't even be in the top [-].This is not alarmist talk. The popularization of the Internet and computers, although Microsoft, the first to eat crabs, has tasted a lot of sweetness, but what about those buddies who dig oil in the UAE and other places?What about those anti-sky studios that professionally speculate in stocks until the sky is dark?

So, what is on the surface is often not necessarily the most powerful.

The real strong often like to hide their own strength, just like a killer. Could it be that they hold two kitchen knives every day and swagger through the market?Smiling and scratching your head foolishly in front of you, the next second when you relax your vigilance, suddenly cold like a walking dead, blankly cutting your throat, that is a qualified killer.

It's the same reasoning.

Therefore, the Han Xuan in front of her must have an extraordinary family background.Lorraine will not be like the previous life, foolishly thinking that Han Xuan is just an ordinary daughter of a high-ranking family.

When she was a little dazed, Han Xuan also adjusted her embarrassing state just now, cleared up her mood, and even took the initiative to walk slowly thinking about Lorraine: "Student Lorraine, are you...the owner of the phone?"

Lorraine smiled and said, "Don't you know if you make a phone call?"

As expected, Han Xuan took out her mobile phone very cooperatively, and then dialed the number. Soon, the mobile phone in Lorraine's pocket was missing, and he slowly took out the mobile phone and put it in front of his eyes, smacking his lips in a serious manner: " Well, my sister Lei Feng called me. Squad leader Han, do you think I will answer it, or not?"

Han Xuan's face was flushed red by Lorraine's words, and she didn't know how to respond.

Lorraine smiled, hung up the phone, put it in his pocket, and shrugged: "First of all, I want to tell you that I didn't lose my phone. You may have made the wrong call. Secondly, it's time to drink During the afternoon tea time, if you don’t have any important things to do, class leader Han, let’s go to the tea restaurant in the shopping mall and sit for a while. It’s the first time we meet outside the school. Regardless of whether it’s a date or not, I have to invite you to sit for a while. Sit down?"

"..." Han Xuan was silent for a while, her head lowered unconsciously, and her face became more and more flushed. She didn't expect that Lorraine would invite her to sit for a while so casually, and she didn't know what she was thinking. Obviously, I have been looking forward to Lorraine's invitation all the time, why is it that people have invited me now, but I have been hesitant to agree?

Seeing Han Xuan's slightly awkward expression, Lorraine couldn't help but feel amused. I really didn't expect that when I came back from rebirth, I would be lucky enough to see the arrogant and arrogant young lady Han Xuan with such an expression. More importantly, The object of her manipulation is still herself.

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