They also know that their son is grown up now, and when he goes to college, it's basically time for him to fall in love.The thinking of young people today is different from theirs in that era, and some even started to fall in love when they were in junior high school.Luo Jianrong and Li Hong were also aware of this phenomenon. Their only comfort was that their son was becoming more and more sensible now, but what came with it was also his psychological and physical maturity, which could not be stopped.You can only touch him sideways, and you can't let him be too presumptuous.

About ten minutes later, Luo Jianrong and Li Hong both finished their breakfast, then changed their clothes and prepared to leave the house.Lorraine sent her parents to the door and asked, "Mom and Dad, shall I go to the company with you?"

"What are you going to do? Your dad and I went to a meeting and we're doing business. You stay at home, it's almost Chinese New Year, don't run around." Mother put on her coat and warned.

Lorraine nodded.

The door opened, Luo Jianrong suddenly turned his head the moment he stepped out, and then said with a serious face: "Put more focus on your studies, if you really can be admitted to Jinghua University, I will give you With a car."

"Really? That's great!" Lorraine put on a happy look. In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he didn't have much desire for any car or anything. He knew that this was a way for his father to encourage him. At the same time, remind yourself to focus more on your studies for the time being, which is to ring the alarm bell in a disguised form, meaning not to think about other useless things. The episode during the breakfast just now, my father didn’t say anything, but he knew it in his heart very.

After her parents left, Lorraine continued to use her own web.

This new year passed very casually. On the second day of the new year, Lorraine followed her parents to the old uncle's house. I don't know if it was an illusion, but the way the old uncle looked at him was so intriguing.Lorraine knew it well, and guessed that some of the things he had done in the past six months had already reached the ears of his uncle in Zhengzhou City.

In this regard, Lorraine behaved quite naturally and calmly.Anyway, he knew that the old uncle would not tell his parents about those things, because it was of no use except to make them worry.

After the Chinese New Year, his parents were planning to go back to Yanjing soon. Lorraine asked him that he wanted to go to Yanjing to see his grandfather who was working in the military region.However, this proposal was stopped by the parents, who said that because the grandfather was busy with official duties, he didn't even have time to rest during the Chinese New Year.Wait until you are admitted to a university in the capital, and then go to see him.

Helpless, Lorraine had no choice but to compromise.

After her parents left Zhengzhou, Lorraine felt lonely again.However, he enjoyed this feeling of loneliness very much.Because it is very quiet, when you calm down, you can think about many things clearly.

Sometimes, Lorraine feels that a person's life is simply a fraud full of evil.The inconspicuous little deceptions, with the mighty rolling of the years and years, pull out a big lie.When you were young, someone always told you that you can't lie, but if you want to grow up and survive in this world, you must first learn to lie.This is very contradictory, but it fully reveals the inferiority of human beings.There are always many voices in your ears telling you: you want to be No. 1, get admitted to a prestigious university, earn a lot of money, have a house and a car, pass on the family line, and run around for your child’s milk powder.So, this life passed in a daze.

If you are willing to stop and think about it, you will find that there is always an invisible force and habit leading you by the nose, all the way to the west.

This world is getting busier and busier, but it has formed a solid enclosure with layers of barriers.From the day everyone is born conscious, this life is doomed to be busy running around in circles. There is no time to stop and ask yourself: why?

Because once you stop, you will be surpassed, and you will be ruthlessly abandoned by the fast-paced life.So it is doomed that no one can escape from birth.

Unless one day, you can stand at the top and look down on everything.

Lorraine even sometimes wonders if the existence of this world is a conspiracy. The powerful conspirators hiding behind the scenes try to paralyze everyone's thinking with materialistic desires, trying to make people think that life is life, old age, sickness and death, It is a mediocre life, a long but short process of tedious and deceitful death from an unclear birth to an unclear death.

If it is said that everyone's life is lived in a conspiracy, then this conspirator is undoubtedly a real strong man, who has created a [***] network full of emotions and desires, and uses human selfish desires to control world.

Who can possess such courage?

Lorraine was very overconfident and thought that becoming this kind of supreme king was the goal of his lifelong struggle.This is a bit arrogant, but so what?If you are crazy, you cannot escape death, if you are not crazy, you will still die.Life is only this life, not to let you be worthy of yourself, but to let you be worthy of this cruel life game like a dream that may pass by in a flash.

Pessimistic people worry about the impermanence of life and short-lived gods.Optimistic people laugh and sing that life is like a play, every year.

After all, mentality determines everything, including your destiny.

After lighting a cigarette, Lorraine took a deep breath, and the cell phone, which had been silent for two days, suddenly rang.

"Huh?" Lorraine came back to his senses, discarded those perhaps ridiculous life insights, turned on the phone and looked at the caller ID. He thought it was Jiang Yan's message, but he didn't expect it to be an unfamiliar number.

After a slight pause, he remembered the strange number.This is the buddy who sent a text message to ask if he was the owner of the mobile phone a while ago.

Click on the message box, the content is like this: Hello, do you still remember me, I am sister Lei Feng.

Lorraine was speechless for a moment, but he didn't have any important things at this time, and he didn't know what kind of interest he suddenly brought up, and he sent a text message to a stranger for the first time to talk nonsense: Sister Lei Feng? …It is very unkind to blaspheme the dead, ridicule great men, and tamper with other people's names without authorization.

Soon, there was a reply to the message. The speed was not slow. It was probably young people, because elderly people basically use their mobile phones to make calls and send text messages so quickly. Most of them are young people:

But you got my last name mixed up, I'm a girl.


Do you have time, make an appointment, and I will return the phone to you.

Didn't I say I gave it to you?

I'm sorry, I don't get paid for nothing. I have a mobile phone and don't need it.

"..." Lorraine was helpless for a while, the chick who sent text messages was really a paranoid young man.However, this is also very likely to be a scam. There are many things like these who find excuses to trick you out, arrange to meet somewhere, and then kidnap and blackmail you.

But Lorraine is not afraid of these things.On the contrary, the person on the other side of the phone aroused his interest.

Maybe it's because of the pain in the egg during the two days of Chinese New Year's leisure, which made him feel a little bit interested in a strange paranoid.Immediately, he replied unexpectedly: "Okay, tell me the time and place."

After waiting for a while, a message was sent from there: 3:[-] pm, North Entrance of Central Mall.

Three o'clock in the afternoon?

Lorraine looked up at the time, it was already 2:[-], this chick really knew how to make an appointment.But it doesn't matter, starting from home now, it should be around [-]:[-] to where.

Thinking about it, Lorraine changed into her clothes, tidied up casually, and walked out of the house.

After going out the door, he intercepted a taxi head-on, got in directly, and said hello: "The north entrance of Central Mall, please trouble master."

"Om--" the taxi drove away quickly.

In about ten minutes, the taxi came to the Central Plaza. Lorraine is not a fool. Of course, he did not choose to stop directly at the north entrance of the Central Plaza, but stopped across the road. There happened to be a small garden , Lorraine paid and got out of the car. Standing in the garden, with very good eyesight, he looked towards the entrance of Central, and found that there was always a beautiful girl with long hair in a white down jacket and a pair of blue jeans. Standing there and looking around from time to time.

Although she couldn't see the appearance of her face clearly, she could clearly feel the temperament of a great lady emanating from her body, and her slightly immature face condensed a trace of nobility and dignity.This has something to do with the upbringing of the family. It is naturally exuded in every gesture, and it cannot be pretended.

It is estimated that she should be right.

Lorraine also specially looked around the girl for a while. Except for all kinds of pedestrians wandering in the mall, there was no suspicious person at all. This should not be some well-designed trap.In fact, let’s say it’s suspicious. I don’t know if those men who have to look back at this girl every time they pass by the north entrance of the mall count.

Hehe, this chick is really stupid. She is willing to go through such a lot of trouble for a cell phone she picked up. In this cold society, it is really rare.

Lorraine put her hands in her pockets, walked up to the overpass with a smile, and walked slowly towards the opposite side of the road. However, as she got closer, the beautiful girl's face became clearer and Lorraine's expression became more and more surprised... …

When he was about to walk down the overpass, Lorraine finally saw the girl's fair and pretty face clearly, and immediately stopped his figure, blinking his eyes for a long time...

I made a fuss, this, isn't this... isn't the squad leader of University Han? ! ! ——

Chapter 114 What a Big Moon

Han Xuan swears that this time she came out to meet Lorraine because she mustered up the courage to breastfeed.

She racked her brains before thinking of using such an excuse to contact Lorraine.Looking for the owner of the mobile phone... Khan, the conscience of heaven and earth, although Han Xuan has a strong heart and a very good family background, she is not born with much knowledge in lying.This is already the best idea she can think of. In fact, from the bottom of my heart, she has always been very repulsed by lying and deceiving people. It's not that she doesn't know how to do it, but that she disdains it.This time, she actually had a long psychological struggle at the beginning.

When she sent a text message to Lorraine for the first time, she didn't expect to be called Uncle Lei Feng in exchange, which made her not know how to respond for a while.Lorraine's thinking mode is very jumpy, at least, for a lady like her who has been immersed in orthodox family education since she was a child, it is very jumpy.She couldn't figure out what Lorraine was thinking, so she simply made the mistake, so she ended the incident where she called herself "Sister Lei Feng".

Han Xuan blushes just thinking about this title of her own. She has always been unsmiling, let alone joking. This slightly teasing title was forced on her head by herself, mainly because she wanted to be with Lorraine There is a special way to meet.

Although Han Xuan is a more orthodox and conservative girl, but because of her domineering personality in her heart, she will never allow the person she likes to become other people's "good friends".And Lorraine was the first boy who could attract her attention, and the feeling became stronger and stronger.The relationship between Lan Lan and Lorraine is getting closer day by day. This is something that all the students of No. [-] High School in the city know, so it is impossible for her not to know.It was precisely because Lan Lan and Lorraine were getting closer that Han Xuan felt a sense of crisis for no reason.So, she went against her own principles, took the initiative to spend her time on a boy, and "dated" him in a special way...

Thinking of this, Han Xuan despises herself a little, but what's more, it's her heartbeat!

Han Xuan stood at the north entrance of the Central Mall, looking around with her big watery eyes, and finally found Lorraine at the overpass.However, Lorraine's slightly surprised expression naturally fell into her eyes.

Although Lorraine's expression was a bit astonished, his tall figure, with a wicked evil spirit mixed with a heroic eyebrow, made her sink unconsciously.She couldn't figure it out until now, how could she fall in love with this bad boy Lorraine?

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