The most conspicuous thing about it is a huge crown-like device suspended in the air, surrounded by a large sea-blue gem, which is glowing with soft light at the moment.

The grids of the "wings" on the left and right sides are actually some star gates, which can be linked to other positions, allowing the angels on the battleship to pass through the star gates to other places.

Holy Kaisa and others boarded Tianren 7, and the fleet was heading towards the blue star.

In about half an hour, the thirteen angel warships arrived in the outer orbit of the blue star.

Tianren No. 7 leads the front, and the other twelve Tianren No. 6 are lined up behind.

In fact, after the appearance of the warship of the angel civilization side, it was captured by many forces for the first time, and each force had its own guesses and reactions.

Angel Leng flew out from Tianren 7 with a team of angels. She faced Blue Star, connected countless information sources and signal sources, and shouted loudly: "Let the clouds roll up—Queen Kaisha is here!"


Thank you book friends 20190410143539271, Xiaoyao Tianxia XND, and Xuejinji for rewarding 100 starting coins respectively, and awakening the power of the world for rewarding 200 starting coins.

Thank you Master Yu Wu for giving 100 starting coins again, Yun Menghan giving 500 starting coins again, Bookworm Daozu giving 500 starting coins again, Muqing DiGo giving 1000 starting coins again, by Yi giving 500 starting coins again, The extremely handsome Jun Shao once again rewarded 100 starting coins.

In particular, the timeline in the book was changed after the end of the Battle of Tianhe when the Holy Kaisa arrived on Earth.

In addition, I am struggling to recommend tickets and collections.Next week is too important for the author Bacteria, thank you!

Chapter 64: Rising Winds and Clouds (for collection)

A haughty and icy cry not only spread throughout the entire Blue Star, but also continued to spread to the surrounding universe.

On the blue star, the waking and sleeping people all suspected that they had auditory hallucinations, and countless people began to wonder who Queen Keisha was.

In a shopping mall in American, Morgana... Well, it was Liang Bing, who had no makeup and was wearing a black skirt and a windbreaker. She said "Damn" at the first moment, with a very contemptuous expression. The expression said: "This bitch, every time he plays, he has to make such a big noise!"

No matter what the leaders of the countries were doing before, they were immediately closely guarded or held a meeting immediately.

Du Kao, who was on the Nanyang Juxia aircraft carrier, walked quickly to the conference room, and used video communication to communicate and report with many people. At the same time, he asked his adjutant Lingfeng to go to the Super Seminary immediately.

Tianren 7 has already started to land. It didn't use the battleship's body to rub against the atmosphere, but a honeycomb-like golden shield appeared ten kilometers away from the ship's body.

Blue Star's countless equipment is preparing for the west coast of the Pacific Ocean. In fact, it can be seen with the naked eye that the sky is burning. A large cross-shaped object broke through the atmosphere and fell rapidly.

Satellites in space, they captured the picture, and saw twelve huge warships parked in the outer orbit of the blue star.

The holy Kaisa is sitting on the throne of the Tianren No. 7 large square, and the place where the eyes are looking is a huge black dust.

"Is it near Pluto?" Holy Kaisa narrowed her eyes slightly, and said without any emotional fluctuations in her voice: "That pervert left a beacon in the Chiwu star system 1 years ago, and sneaked around The land sent people to build a super-large worm bridge."

This is the case, the "big chrysanthemum" seen by Blue Star is a kind of projection, not the super-large wormhole is really in the outer orbit of Blue Star.Regarding this point, countries have already detected it with satellites, including the movement caused by the appearance of the "big chrysanthemum", but they don't know which force created it to make Blue Star panic.

In fact, no matter where the "big chrysanthemum" appears, the Blue Star humans are very clear, that is, the "big chrysanthemum" is not in the outer orbit of the Blue Star, but only able to make a large projection and create those movements, it is completely a Blue Star human Impossible.

"Humble student, I heard that he sent someone from behind to report this matter to you?" Hexi changed into a military uniform and stood on the left side of the throne, and said, "Have you ever thought about sending a fleet to destroy the What about the worm bridge?"

"No, why destroy it." Holy Kaisa turned her gaze to Blue Star, raised her hand and waved it lightly, and said flatly: "Dukao refuses us to interfere with Blue Star, he wants to use war to make those reserve gods To grow, we also need to observe those reserve gods. In this way, there is no need to destroy them."

He Xi shook her head helplessly, she actually knew why the situation was like this.

The Angel Civilization looked at the last friendship of the Kamigawa Civilization before, and did not interfere with the management of Kieran’s disciple Karl, even if they knew that they had sheltered the animal body civilization, they just laughed at Karl’s departure from the cause that Kieran had fought for. Became a creampie traitor.

Waiting to discover that the Styx galaxy led by Karl is developing in a direction that conflicts with justice and order. Holy Kaisa once wanted to erase the Styx galaxy, but it happened that Liang Bing turned into Morgana and established a demon civilization.

Subsequently, the angelic civilization entered a situation where wars broke out with the demonic civilization every once in a while.

The sisters led the team to fight because of their ideas and various reasons, but Karl in the Styx galaxy has developed to the point where the holy Kaisa is not completely sure of destroying it.

The war between super god civilizations is meaningless if they cannot destroy the main god of the other side.

That's because as long as the opponent's main god does not fall, and the nation's genes and related data are backed up, it is only a matter of time before civilization is rebuilt, and it can come back every time in a very short period of time.

So, if you don't kill the main god of the opponent, if you really start a fight, it will be like the current angel civilization and demon civilization. The endless war consumes resources again and again. The angel civilization can always win the war, but it just can't see a complete victory. hope.

"Queen." Zhi Xin walked up the steps slowly, saluted and said, "Received a communication request from Ducao. It is suspected to be through Deno 3."

Holy Kaisa gave a "bah" laugh, waved her hand and said, "Don't worry about it."

Deno 3 is the supercomputer of Ducao. They escaped from the Deno galaxy ten thousand years ago, wandered in the universe for thousands of years, and came to Blue Star about 3000 years ago.

The remnants of this batch of Deno galaxies are only a part of them. After coming to Blue Star, most of the members had to be sealed and slept. At one time, a large number of them were unsealed more than 1000 years ago, and Ducao was one of them.

Then there was the outbreak of the "demon chaos" in the records of the Blue Star. The Deno galaxy stood on the side of the Blue Star, together with Sun Wukong expelled the Lieyang civilization, and even Sun Wukong was killed to Lieyang with the help of the remnants of the Deno civilization. Xing played a very hilarious havoc in Yunxiao Tiangong.

After that time, the unknown Deno remnant fell into self-seal again, and it was only in the past few decades that it was unsealed in large numbers and resumed activities.

Unblocked in large numbers only decades ago?This also explains why Huaxia, which has taken refuge in China, has no obvious technological leaps and bounds when Mingming Deno's technology is so advanced.

"Still can't get in touch with him?" Hexi was completely asking questions for Holy Kaisa.She got the answer and ordered: "Contact Lieyangxing and ask about the situation."

Tianren 7 has landed, and it really made the clouds roll up, and then hovered in the high seas near the Asian continent.

"Huh!?" He Xi had read Lan Xing's information with his eyes of insight before, wrinkled his nose, and said: "I found traces of Morgana's activities, and she also participated in the performance of "Physical Warfare", yes One of the leading actors!"

"I already know." Holy Kaisa's face was normal, she seemed to smile mockingly, and said: "Morgana modified the memory of Yan and Zhixin, did not kill Yan and Zhixin, and did not even bring the devil number 1."

He Xi was very speechless and said: "Anyway, I don't care about your business."

Kaisha has always been very clear about He Xi's attitude, otherwise He Xi would not have retired after Liang Bing became the Demon Queen.

The last time Hexi appeared in the City of Angels was completely too long, and he played a visit on a whim.She will stay in the City of Angels all the time, and even came to Blue Star this time because she discovered something interesting by accident.

"Explore where Morgana is." Holy Kaisa first gave the order to Kaila, the captain of Tianren 7, then looked at Hexi, and said calmly: "I know they are playing a conspiracy. Just wait and see. What kind of tricks can they play?"

He Xi shrugged his shoulders very masculinely, and said, "It's good that you know it in your heart."

"Lv Xiaoqi has returned to Blue Star. Di Leina and Pan Zhen are also with him. They are currently in the Super Seminary." Zhi Xin, who had just left, came again, saluted and said: "Our scan did not find the Chiwu star. There are troops other than ours and will always be watching closely."

Obviously, the angel doesn't regard Blue Star's army as an army anymore?

"Oh?" Holy Kaisa was somewhat surprised, and said very strangely: "Pan Zhen is willing to leave Lieyang Star?"


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This week is too important, please recommend tickets and favorites!Thanks!

Chapter 65: Dead pervert!

Morgana, who was in American before, opened the worm bridge to the Alps by herself, and immediately summoned the revived demons after landing.

"Karl, hurry up!" Morgana said angrily, the first time in thousands of years to take the initiative to Karl: "Lock our position."

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