Hexi had an obvious happy expression on his face. She secretly experimented with some things and found that the harmful ones would be basically eliminated by Lu Xiaoqi's genetic system, but the beneficial ones would be instantly absorbed by Lu Xiaoqi's genetic system. A good thing that belongs to the angels, and also made some innocuous little jokes.

Lu Xiaoqi was thinking whether to run away immediately.

"Okay, don't freak out the little guy."

First, a voice appeared, and three people walked in from outside the door...angels.

They are Yan and Zhi Xin walking on the left and right sides, and in the middle is a woman wearing a gorgeous military uniform with long straight golden hair.

It doesn't matter what this woman looks like, she fully demonstrates what is called majesty.

It seems that with her, the sun and the moon dare not compete with her.

"I heard that today is the premiere of a movie called "Physical Warfare"?"

"My dear lady, yes."

Lu Xiaoqi's nerves are a little rough, and his EQ seems to be a little lower, but he is not a fool.He guessed that the new lady was Holy Kesha, King of Angels and King of Gods.

"Very good. You take us to Blue Star."

"Huh? Oh! Okay."

Lu Xiaoqi didn't want to think too much about it, so he declared that there would be physical contact when taking them to Blue Star, and if no one objected, he took them away and came back again and again, repeating this four times...


Thank you for pampering Liu Xiaoying and donating 5000 starting coins (the first deacon in this book), and Su Xianxian rewarding 500 starting coins.

Thank you Muqing DiGo, there are beauties in the north who are all over the country and all over the city, and rewarded 100 starting coins again.

PS: Don't raise it, it is easy to raise it to death.Didn't follow up, the editor didn't give a recommendation, the author is going to be a tragedy, please everyone!

Chapter 63: Queen Keisha Arrives!

The so-called contact actually means that what Lu Xiaoqi's skin touches is their armor part, not hugging their waists or holding hands, it is Lu Xiaoqi who grabs their arms to complete the transmission.

The location is naturally chosen by the angels. The choice is not to reach the blue star directly, but in a cosmic location some distance away from the blue star.

When Lu Xiaoqi transmitted it for the first time, he was surprised to see this big "U"-shaped building floating in space, and asked Yan who was the first to follow, and learned that it was the angel civilization erected in the Chiwu star system ( Solar System) interstellar beacon.

This building is very special. It seems that there is an invisible circular force field supporting the interior. It can breathe while having gravity, and it is a constant temperature environment.

The last one brought over by Lu Xiaoqi was the Holy Kaisha, and the previous order was Yan, Zhixin and Hexi.

"When you get to this place, do you want to fly over by yourself?" Lu Xiaoqi asked, and said when he got the answer: "Then I will leave for a while and contact you when I arrive at Blue Star?"

The person who responded was Yan, she looked at Lu Xiaoqi with a smile, and asked: "Is it going to Lieyang Star to bring Di Leina to Blue Star?"

It has been two days since Leina returned to Lieyangxing, she actually wanted to leave the next day, but Lu Xiaoqi didn't go to pick her up.It will take at least three months for her to jump to the Chiwu star system repeatedly through the worm bridge on the Lieyang side, and she can only wait for Lu Xiaoqi to pick it up.

"Contact again."

As soon as the words fell, Lu Xiaoqi disappeared in place.

"Even we can carry the jump (transmission)." Holy Kaisa looked at the place where Lu Xiaoqi disappeared, and said to Hexi: "There is no energy fluctuation during the jump (transmission), and it seems that it does not consume him. It is indeed So special."

The holy Kaisha and Hexi are both the fourth-generation gods, and they are also holy bodies.

The so-called sacred body is an upgraded version of the fourth-generation divine body, which upgrades the core atoms to sacred atoms and adds star-level energy, so it can be resurrected in situ at any time without the support of background supercomputers.

Of course, while each atom can be positioned and attracted by itself, once the atoms are dispersed far enough, the longer the resurrection time will be.

Traveling through the wormhole with the fourth generation of gods consumes a lot of energy, and it is really hard to afford it without any family background.

"It's very special." Hexi stretched out his hand, held up a string of information sources visible to the naked eye between the fingers of his index finger, and said: "I have been recording since just now. I can confirm that the jump (transmission) is an instant thing , and not through the dark plane or the void plane we guessed before, it is more like a super space folding."

"Space folding?" Holy Kaisa squinted her eyes, laughed a few times, and said, "Lieyang's technology is not up to this level."

"It's not the technology of Lieyang civilization." Hexi recorded that information source, summoned a new information source after dispelling it, and directly transmitted it to the holy Kaisa, saying: "Look at it, it's very interesting."

The source of information is a golden chain composed of densely packed small characters. Since the characters are dense enough and small enough, it looks like a golden belt.

"Yo! Any gene can be absorbed and accepted!? Then the space gene, the time gene, the god-killing gene... are really... enviable. There is also the anti-energy conservation that only the power of the galaxy has!?" Holy Kaisa Incomparably surprised, he said, "So...he is a perfect body? No wonder you judge him to be a universal carrier."

"Zhi Xin, you have to work harder." He Xi looked at Zhi Xin with an unclear face, covered his mouth and shook his shoulders and chuckled a few times before saying, "Don't be preempted by Leina."

Zhi Xin looked at Hexi in astonishment first, then looked at Holy Kaisa, moved her lips, and said, "I...I'm not Yan, so...so..."

Yan, whose name was called, curled his lips, but his eyes were very solemn, and he pretended to say disdainfully, "It's just a little kid."

"No. It's not wrong to be a child, but as long as it doesn't fall, it will be..." The voice behind Holy Kaisa was too low for anyone to hear clearly.She smiled and said to Yan: "You have a bad reputation in the known universe for teasing male gods." After a pause, she said flatly: "You need to change it. Then... bravely pursue the true love." (It was mentioned in the original book)

Yan has several titles in the known universe, the first is the officially recognized Holy Left Wing, and the second is Thunder God of War. At the same time, because of his personality, it is rumored that he likes to seduce men... (mentioned in Frazer's article)

"As long as you are an angel, you can pursue eternal love." The holy Kaisha turned her gaze to the blue star that was only the size of a bowl in the distance, first nodded to Zhi Xin, and then continued: "Man in the universe There are very few gods, and there are even fewer good male gods. We angels can't always miss excellent male gods, do you understand?"

Zhi Xin has already started contacting someone.

Holy Kaisa is the king of angels, or the king of gods recognized by the known universe, no matter how particular, it is impossible to take two or three people on a long journey.

About 1 minute later, many angels came through the "star gate".

They were led by Zhi Xin to fly around the beacon, as if they were adding some modules to the beacon (star gate)?

In fact, they are modifying this fixed beacon into a style with induction devices.

Then, after refitting, in addition to continuing to serve as a worm bridge, it can also position angel battleships in other positions, and then enter the long-distance interstellar jump.

About 5 minutes later, some flowing light patterns appeared on the "U"-shaped beacon, and soft blue-white light balls appeared on the top of the two huge rocks.

A voice came from nowhere.

[The induction force field is activated! 】

Afterwards, without any sound effects, first a "big sword" came out through ripples like flowing water, and slowly the whole body appeared.

Looking at the "big sword" on all sides, there is another island-like thing in the middle, and you can even see a castle. It is clearly an angel battleship of the Skyblade series.

A total of 6 angel warships of the Skyblade series came to the Chiwu star system through fixed beacons. A knowledgeable person can find that twelve of them belong to the No. 7 type, and the only one is No. [-].

Each Tianren No. 6 has a diameter of more than [-] kilometers, and the length of the blade and blade of the "big sword" also reaches about ten kilometers.

There is a big difference between Tianren 7 and Tianren 6. It is no longer the style of "big sword" with islands in the middle.It has a "big sword" that looks convex and concave on the front, and "wings" with a large area on both sides. The "wings" have many grid shapes.

The "big sword" of Tianren 7 is more than 45 kilometers long, and the "wings" on both sides are about [-] kilometers long. The concave top and rear are the core structure of the hull, and the rear is a huge rock island.

There are many buildings on the island, and in the center is a gorgeous palace.

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