Journey to the witch world

Chapter 965 Legendary Figure

However, even if it is just delaying time, it is not easy for everyone.

Not to mention that Us, who had transformed into a monster, was as fast as lightning at the moment. Just his pair of sharp claws were enough to break through everyone's defenses.

In a matter of moments, several apprentices were injured.

"Damn, why are you so strong?"

A trace of bitterness appeared on Kalodo's face, and he suddenly felt something strange in his body. He raised his hand to touch his chest, and was suddenly shocked.

"what happened?"

There was a strange feeling in his chest. Carlodo quickly pulled off his clothes, only to see that his skin was covered with black scales.

At the same time, there was a feeling of hunger deep in my soul.

"What's wrong? Carlodo?"

At this time, his companion seemed to notice something strange about Kalodo, so he asked, but he did not notice that black scales appeared on his arms.

Both of them had been injured by Wus before.

"It seems that it is contaminated."

On the treetops, Enzo saw the changes in several apprentices, and a look of thoughtfulness appeared on his face. Apparently, the apprentices injured by Wus had the same situation as the other one.

"Hungry! So hungry!"

Deep in Kalodo's heart, there was an irresistible feeling of hunger. He couldn't help but look aside, and then pounced on him like a hyena.

"Callodo, are you crazy?"

The other apprentice was thrown to the ground by Kalodo and screamed in surprise, but his neck was bitten off before he could react.

"how so?"

At this time, the female apprentice's face was as pale as paper. The changes happening around her made her feel unexpected, but she didn't know what to do.

Among the people present, at least half of the apprentices were injured by Wus.

At this moment, they were all in the same state as Wus, with black scales growing all over their bodies, and lumps of sarcoma protruding from their backs, as if they might explode at any time.

The female apprentice looked ugly and seemed to be aware of the threat.

"Everyone, get out of here!"

At this moment, the female apprentice finally recognized the reality and decided to abandon her injured companions and let the uninjured people escape from danger first.

However, everything could not develop as she imagined.

The apprentices around him who had been injured by Wusi had all undergone alienation at this moment, turning into monsters covered with black scales.

The female apprentice wanted to escape, but was surrounded by monsters.

"Eat! Eat!"

Kalodo, who had transformed into a monster, made a strange sound, and his eyes were full of trembling greed.

Obviously, they have all been consumed by gluttony.

Around them, monsters were pressing closer, and the female apprentices, who had almost exhausted their magic power, now seemed very dangerous, and they had no way to deal with Us and Kalodo.

At the critical moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the sky.

"The instructor is here!"

A hint of joy appeared on the face of the female apprentice, but she raised her head and looked at the sky. A huge goshawk appeared dragging a white-robed wizard.

The next moment, the white-robed wizard jumped down.

"Are you okay, Sheena?"

As soon as the white-robed wizard appeared, the surrounding apprentices immediately breathed a sigh of relief. To them, the formal wizard-level mentor was almost like a god.

"Teacher Green!"

When the female apprentice Xina saw the arrival of her mentor, she almost burst into tears with excitement, and her extremely nervous mood was immediately swept away.

"what happened?"

Wizard Green looked around, looking at the apprentices covered in black scales, with a look of thought on his face.

"I don't know either."

The female apprentice Xina shook her head and said with a wry smile: "Originally, we were preparing to carry out a mission, but Us suddenly became like this."

"Teacher, please save them quickly."

Hearing Xina's words, Wizard Green looked thoughtful.

Then, he nodded slightly, looked at the apprentices who had undergone changes around him, and suddenly pointed the wand in his hand towards the ground.

"Aura of water!"

Wizard Green mouthed syllables, and the water beneath his feet spread like ocean waves, and invisible power spread around him.

As an official wizard, there is no doubt about Green's strength.

According to his idea, if he takes action, it will be easy to deal with these apprentices who have not even condensed the magic crystal.

However, the next moment.


Among the many apprentices present, Us, who was severely alienated, suddenly let out a beast roar, and the strong sound wave immediately shattered the Green wizard's spell.

"How can it be?"

Wizard Green's face changed slightly, and a trace of disbelief flashed in his eyes, but he didn't know how Us, who was only a second-level apprentice, could have such strength.

Immediately afterwards, Wus suddenly rushed towards the Green wizard.

The wings that broke out from the sarcoma behind him whipped up a black gust of wind with a sudden wave, striking at the Green wizard like a sharp blade.

"Energy shield!"

Upon seeing this, Wizard Green decisively opened the energy shield to block Us's attack, and a solemn light flashed in his eyes.

However, the next moment.

The other apprentices who had been contaminated and alienated around them all made piercing strange screams and rushed towards the Green Wizard.

In place, a trace of solemnity appeared on Wizard Green's face.

The wand in his hand was suddenly inserted into the ground, and the shield formed by the energy blocked all the apprentices, allowing them to attack crazily.

"So strong?"

Wizard Green looked at the apprentices outside the energy shield, and a trace of surprise flashed across his face, but he did not expect that these alienated apprentices could be so terrifying.

However, he did not become timid.


On the spot, Wizard Green took a deep breath and said to the non-alienated apprentices next to him, "Be careful, I'm going to use a one-ring spell."

As he spoke, Wizard Green's eyes flickered slightly.

From his chest, it seemed as if thunder was gestating. Obviously, facing these alienated apprentices, the Green wizard no longer planned to hold back.

This is in line with the behavior of wizards.

Although those alienated apprentices are all disciples of Wizard Green, Wizard Green will never hold back if the other party threatens his life.


After realizing the Green wizard's intention, a hint of paleness appeared on Xina's face, her lips trembled slightly but she said nothing.

Although she is Wizard Green's favorite disciple, she also knows very well that she is not qualified to shake Wizard Green's decision.

"I'm sorry, Us, Kalodo..."

The female apprentice Xina prayed silently in her heart, as if she couldn't bear to look directly at them. Those alienated apprentices were all her friends who stayed with her day and night.

However, it seems that at this moment they will all be killed by the Grimm wizards.

"Thunder's Fury!"

Wizard Green uttered a whisper, and saw endless thunder power spreading out from his body like an explosion.

In an instant, thunder roared.

The strong magical energy attack broke through the energy shield in just a moment, knocking away all the alienated apprentices attacking around him.

However, at this moment.

Just when the Green wizard thought he had the winning ticket, a beast roar suddenly came from behind him, and he suddenly felt something bad in his heart.

"Ice shield!"

The Green wizard felt the threat coming from behind him and immediately used magic to defend himself.


However, the shield formed by the ice was shattered by the alienated apprentice behind him in just an instant.

The Grimm wizard suddenly turned around and held his wand across his chest.

Although he is a magic wizard, this does not mean that Green Wizard's melee combat ability is not strong. Being able to become a formal wizard has more or less many fighting methods.

"No, Mary also..."

At this time, Xina's expression also changed slightly, and she suddenly became panicked when she saw that another companion had also changed.

"It seems that contamination does not only rely on wounds to spread!"

On the treetop, Enzo observed everything happening below, recorded the information one by one, and then saw that the time was almost right, so he decided to take action.

At this moment, Wizard Green was surrounded by alienated apprentices.

They are like bloodthirsty and crazy monsters, their eyes are full of greed. Although they still maintain human wisdom, they have been controlled by their inner desires. At this moment, they are only hungry and want to eat everything in front of them.

Faced with such a ferocious alienated apprentice, even as a formal wizard, Green found it very difficult.

And here, shadows cover the land.

"This is!"

Wizard Green's pupils shrank for a while, but he saw a figure slowly emerging from the shadows, and a surprised expression suddenly appeared on his face.

"Shadow Chain!"

Being in the shadows, Enzo whispered syllables in his mouth, and the chains formed by the shadows freed all the alienated apprentices.

As a fifth-level holy soul wizard, Enzo's strength has surpassed that of a god.

In the wizarding world, his strength can be exerted to the extreme, so dealing with these alienated apprentices is simply a piece of cake.

The reason why I didn't take action before was just to record data.

On the spot, Enzo pointed casually.

The black vortex that suddenly appeared in front seemed to have endless attraction, absorbing all the alienated apprentices.

In a moment, all the alienated apprentices were sealed by Enzo.

"What did you do to Us and the others?"

The female apprentice Xina's face was pale, but she still couldn't help but speak. She looked at the man in front of her with a look of fear on her face.

"Xina, don't be rude!"

At this time, Wizard Green scolded him, with a fanatical expression on his face, and said, "Wizard Green of Phantom Academy of Crows has met Lord Enzo!"

Enzo couldn't help but be slightly startled when he heard Wizard Green's words.

"Do you know me?"

Enzo was a little surprised. The memory flashed in his mind, but he didn't know who the other person was. It seemed that it was the first time he saw the other person.

"I have never met Lord Enzo."

Wizard Green quickly said: "However, your deeds are widely spread in Phantom Crow Academy and are the glory of the entire academy!"

"I heard about your deeds when I was still an apprentice."

"And your sculpture still stands in the college square!"

Wizard Green's tone was full of admiration. As a wizard who has only been on the wizarding journey for more than a hundred years, he knew Enzo's name very well. When he was still an apprentice, he heard about Enzo's name in the open class of the academy. Deeds.

"I see."

A hint of surprise appeared on Enzo's face.

Crow Phantom Academy is now the overlord of the entire Dark Territory. Almost all wizards born in this area come from the academy.

As a fifth-level holy soul wizard, Enzo is already the strongest being that has ever appeared in the history of Crow Phantom Academy.

Therefore, after he became Speaker of the North, the Academy erected the sculpture.

His information is also recorded in the academy's textbooks. Every member of Crow Phantom Academy will know information about him. For such an existence that transcends gods, any wizard will be filled with awe.

Apparently the same goes for the Grimm wizards.

When he first met Enzo, Wizard Green was not sure that he was the legendary figure from the Phantom Academy of Crows.

However, when Enzo showed the power of the shadow, the Green wizard was immediately impressed by his power.

He was convinced that the man in front of him was the Holy Soul Wizard Enzo, and his heart suddenly became excited, as if a mortal had seen a god.

In fact, it's pretty much the same.

As a Holy Soul Wizard, Enzo is like a god in the eyes of ordinary wizards. Most formal wizards may not see an immortal-level All-Soul Wizard in their lifetime, let alone a Holy Soul Wizard. .

"What's going on at Phantom Academy of Crows recently?"

Since his identity was revealed by the other party, Enzo was not in a hurry, and a smile appeared on his face, intending to get some news about the Phantom Academy of Crows from the other party.

“Everything is great at the academy!”

Wizard Green looked excited and said quickly, "Since you became the Speaker of the North, the academy has taken control of the entire Dark Territory, training more than a hundred apprentices every year. Ten years ago, a third-level wizard was even born!"

"Very good, not bad."

After hearing the Green Wizard's words, Enzo nodded slightly, although at his level, any existence under immortality was vulnerable.

However, in fact.

There are at least more than a thousand places in the Northern Continent like the Dark Territory, and there are countless wizard organizations. However, third-level wizards are rare. The Phantom Academy of Crows was originally known as one of the three major forces in the Dark Territory. One, but there are only three third-level wizards.

And, two organizations remain.

The Roadless Skeleton Castle is still the Fang Blood Shadow, and there are only two third-level wizards under its command, including the Infernal Bone Dragon under Crosno's command.

This shows how rare third-level wizards are.

"Okay, let's go back to the academy early."

Enzo spoke softly and said, "Some things may happen in the north recently. If it is not necessary, try not to leave the academy."

"Yes! Lord Enzo." Wizard Green said quickly.

Although it is not clear what happened, Enzo has a hunch in his heart that something big will happen in the northern continent in the near future. Those alienated apprentices are like a conscription, and the reason behind it is more serious. question.

Then, Wizard Green left with several apprentices.

Enzo also turned into a shadow and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already in the tower specially prepared for him at the Phantom Academy of Crows.

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