Journey to the witch world

Chapter 964 Dragon Scale Disease

However, at this moment.

The aura emanating from the second-level apprentice surprised even Enzo, as if he had broken through the level of life.

In the forest, the second-level apprentice wearing a gray robe looked extremely ferocious.

His whole body was covered in black scales, like a poisonous snake, his eyes had turned into vertical pupils, and two tumors grew on his back, which were constantly squirming, as if they were about to explode at any time.

"Everyone, be careful, something is wrong with Us!"

Around them, several apprentices stood ready. They were all third-level apprentices, but they all seemed very nervous when facing their former second-level companions.

Anyone could tell that something was wrong with Us.

"Eat! Eat you!"

Covered in black scales, Us seemed to have turned into a monster, with fishy mucus flowing out of its sharp bloody mouth.

The next moment, Wusi suddenly burst into flames.

He ran straight towards the figure in front of him, with a speed that could be described as weird, something that a second-level apprentice could not display at all.


A shrill scream resounded in the forest, and a third-level apprentice was thrown to the ground. Us bit the opponent crazily like a wild beast. In a matter of seconds, the third-level apprentice was torn apart into bloody pieces. The companions around him didn't even have time to react.

Above the treetops, Enzo looked like a crow.

He had no intention of taking action against the plight of the apprentices in the forest. Instead, it was the second-level apprentice named Us who made Enzo a little interested.

"Is this...the power of blood?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Enzo's eyes, but he quickly shook his head and said secretly, "No, the aura exuding from this apprentice obviously comes from the same source as the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar."

"If Oron Caesar comes to the north, I can't possibly be unaware of it."


Enzo's eyes shone with thought as he kept analyzing Us's situation. The black scales growing on his body were indeed very similar to those of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar.

However, there are some differences between the two.

Therefore, Enzo could almost conclude that the apprentice named Us did not become so violent because he absorbed the power of Oron Caesar's bloodline.

"Damn, everyone, be careful!"

Seeing their companions being killed by Us, the other third-level apprentices around him became more vigilant and took out their wands and prepared to cast spells.

However, at this moment.

After killing the first third-level apprentice, Wus seemed unsatisfied, and quickly set his sights on another tall apprentice.

The next moment, Wusi pounced forward.


The burly apprentice reacted very quickly. Facing the oncoming Us, he immediately used his own power and his whole body turned into stone.

"The power of blood!"

In the distance, Enzo's eyes flashed. This was the real power of blood. The burly third-level apprentice obviously had the blood of a stone monster, so he could turn his skin into rock.


Us rushed straight towards the burly apprentice. His hands, which had turned into sharp claws, instantly scratched across the opponent's chest. His rock-like body seemed as if he was like tofu.

In just a moment, the petrified skin of the burly apprentice was broken open.

With a scream, the burly apprentice was also thrown to the ground. Such a turn of events was unexpected by everyone. No one expected that as a burly apprentice with the skin of a stone monster, he could not block Us's terrifying offensive.

You must know that among the many third-level apprentices, those with the blood of stone monsters have the strongest defense and can even withstand attacks from first-level wizards.

However, facing Wusi's offensive at this moment, he seemed extremely vulnerable.

In just a moment, Us bit off the opponent's neck, pierced the petrified skin with his sharp teeth, and devoured it greedily.

Soon, the apprentice with the blood of the stone monster seemed to be drained.


Around him, several other third-level apprentices exclaimed, and one of them, a tall female apprentice, decisively waved the wand in her hand.

"Arcane Missile!"

The female apprentice whispered the syllables in her mouth, and the energy had already gathered into missiles, heading straight for Us to attack.

However, at this moment.

Wusi suddenly twisted his neck, and the skin all over his body squirmed, as if his bloodline talent was activated, and his whole body turned into rock-like skin.

"Oh? Stone monster bloodline?"

Enzo raised his brows, and finally felt something unusual. The apprentice named Wus seemed to have gained the abilities of the stone monster after devouring the blood of the person with the bloodline of the stone monster.

"Damn it, it's Adil's ability!"

The female apprentice's face changed, her eyes flashed with disbelief, and she asked in surprise: "How can Us have the blood of a stone monster?"

Seeing such a scene, the other apprentices were also surprised.

But the situation in front of them didn't allow them much time to think about it. All the blood in Adil's body had been sucked dry, and his condition was in critical condition at the moment.

"Don't worry about it, save people first!"

The female apprentice gritted her teeth and took action again decisively. With a wave of the wand, a vine sprouted from the ground.

The next moment, the vines headed straight for Us.

However, at this moment.

Merely sucking blood seemed to be unable to satisfy Us's desire. He suddenly opened his mouth and bit into Adil's neck with the sharp fangs inside.


There was only a crisp sound, and Adil's neck was bitten off. Us tore the opponent's flesh and blood, as if he wanted to eat the opponent into his stomach.

"Damn it!"

Next to him, another tall apprentice saw such a scene, an angry expression appeared on his face, and he suddenly let out a low growl-like voice.

"Us! Are you crazy?"

As he spoke, the tall apprentice waved his arm, and the strong wind instantly turned into sharp blades, heading straight in the direction of Us.


However, when the sharp wind blade struck, Wusi was not seriously injured. His petrified skin blocked all attacks.

"How can it be?"

The tall apprentice's expression changed. He had always been very confident in his attack methods, but he didn't expect that even with all his strength, he couldn't break through Wus's defense.

"Get out of the way and let me come!"

At this time, the female apprentice spoke again. After taking a deep breath, the wand in her hand suddenly paused, and her eyes seemed to be burning with fire.

"Fire burst!"

The next moment, the female apprentice whispered syllables in her mouth, but she saw that the earth seemed to be torn apart, and the flames gathered into a tornado and headed straight in the direction of Us.


At this moment, the two fleshy tumors on Wushu's back suddenly exploded, and along with the black mucus, the two fleshy wings also expanded.

Suddenly, Us made a neighing sound.

The next moment, he spread his wings and flew straight into the sky, avoiding the female apprentice's attack, and then rushed straight towards the opponent.

At this time, Us had completely lost his human appearance.

He was like an out-of-control beast, roaring and lunging towards the female apprentice.


At this time, the tall apprentice shouted loudly, then rushed forward regardless of his own safety, intercepting Us directly in mid-air.

The female apprentice was in shock, but there was a flash of pain in her eyes.

But he saw Us throwing the tall apprentice to the ground and biting him ferociously, as if in just a moment, he had torn the opponent's chest to pieces.

Not long after, the tall apprentice was already dead.

Seeing such a scene, the surrounding apprentices had expressions of surprise on their faces. No one knew what happened to Wus.

"Eat! Eat!"

Us lay on the ground, gnawing crazily on the body of the tall apprentice. As pieces of flesh and blood were stuffed into his mouth, his belly seemed to be stretched out.

However, the endless hunger drove Us to continue eating crazily.

"The Curse of the Gluttony Demon!"

Above the treetops, Enzo's eyes flashed when he saw Us's performance at this time. He was almost sure that Us in front of him was cursed by the Demon God of Gluttony.

Under the influence of the power of the curse, Us will show such a state.

However, Enzo was still a little confused, because the situation displayed by Wus was obviously more than just the curse of the Gluttony God.

"Not just the power of the curse."

Enzo murmured to himself, a look of thought flashed in his eyes, and he said faintly: "There is also the aura of the abyss. Could it be the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar?"

"But...isn't it right?"

"How come this apprentice still exudes the aura of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar despite being cursed by the Demon God of Gluttony?"

"Could it be..."

A certain possibility emerged in Enzo's mind, and a solemn look suddenly appeared on his face, but he did not dare to draw a conclusion when the information was incomplete.

Immediately, Enzo continued to observe calmly.

At this moment, Wusi was completely crazy, his whole body was covered with black scales, and he looked like a monster. The constant feeling of hunger made him eat the tall apprentice under him in a moment. Clean and tidy.

"Us! Wake up!"

A trace of sadness appeared on the face of the female apprentice, but she seemed to have made up her mind. The wand in her hand suddenly paused, and invisible light spread from her body.

On the treetops, a trace of surprise appeared on Enzo's face.

Unexpectedly, this female apprentice, who was only at the third level, could master such a level of magic. Although the other party had the help of magical items, it still proved that she was extremely talented.

The art of purification!

It was a technique that could only be mastered by formal wizards in most cases, but it was now being performed by a female apprentice.

However, as the light spread, Wusi was not affected at all.

"How can that be?"

The female apprentice's pale face could not hide the look of disbelief, but she did not expect that the trick she was proud of as her trump card had no effect at all.

You know, that move just now consumed half of the female apprentice's magic power.

Even a formal wizard would not be able to survive unscathed, but Wus, who was only a second-level apprentice, seemed to have nothing happened.


At the same time, Wusi had already eaten up all the tall apprentices on the ground, but the hunger deep in his soul made him feel very hungry.

Immediately, Wusi slowly turned around.

His eyes were full of greed, as if the apprentices in front of him were all delicacies, and he launched an attack directly without much unnecessary movement.

"Everyone, be careful!"

Seeing Us rushing towards her, the female apprentice didn't care too much and could only take out a green potion from her arms and throw it on the ground.


As the magic potion exploded on the ground, several green vines grew quickly, seeming to bind Us in a matter of seconds.

However, in just a moment, Wus broke free.

Since eating the stone monster bloodline apprentice and the tall apprentice, Wusi's strength seems to have improved, surpassing the category of a second-level apprentice.

At this time, Wushu would probably not be at a disadvantage even if he faced an official wizard.

"What a monster!"

The female apprentice gritted her teeth, but had to retreat quickly. She didn't know what was going on with Us, but she had to avoid the edge at this moment.

"Callodo, fire the flare quickly!"

The female apprentice retreated and said to her companions. At this time, the threat from Us was obviously beyond the capabilities of several people.

Therefore, female apprentices can only turn to the academy for help.

If, as the official wizard's mentor, he could arrive in time, he might be able to subdue the Us in front of him and figure out what happened to him.


After hearing what the female apprentice said, the apprentice named Carlodo didn't say anything and directly fired the signal flare into the sky.

That's what several people asked their mentor for help.

As the signal flare took off, several people just breathed a sigh of relief. However, at this moment, Wusi had already pounced on them again.

"Rock Chains!"

Upon seeing this, Carlodo immediately activated his spell, manipulating the rocks and binding Us as if they were chains.

However, all this is in vain.

Us, who had turned into a monster, seemed to have infinite power. In just a moment, he broke free from the rock chains and rushed towards Kalodo.


Us let out a harsh roar, and the sharp claws went straight towards Calodo, but as a third-level apprentice, Calodo also reacted very quickly.

"Breath of the Wind!"

Facing the ferocious attack of Us, Kalodo made a prompt decision and used his magic ability, and his whole body was enveloped by a green whirlwind.

The next moment, Carlodo retreated suddenly.

With the blessing of the Breath of Wind, his speed was greatly improved, and he barely escaped Wushu's fatal attack, but his chest was still scratched by the opponent.


Carlodo felt relieved. Although his chest was scratched, it was only a minor injury, and it didn't seem to have much impact on Carlodo.

Immediately, Carlodo took out a potion from his waist.

He poured it into his mouth casually to treat his injuries, and then used the spell again to attack the crazy Us.

At the same time, other third-level apprentices around him also took action against Wus.

Seeing that Us had completely fallen into a mutated state, the apprentices had already left no options behind. However, no attack at any level could pose any threat to Us. Therefore, all they could do was to delay as much time as possible. That’s all.

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