Journey to the witch world

Chapter 926 The Island of the Soul

"The spiritual world..." Enzo muttered to himself.

Even if it is only the first level of the spiritual world, Enzo must face it with caution, otherwise there is a risk of falling if he is not careful.

Although the body falls, it does not mean true death.

However, for Enzo, the Holy Soul Wizard, the consequences of falling into the realm are almost the same as death.

Enzo took steps and walked forward.

At the same time, he also began to recall information about the spiritual world in his mind. It is said that the spiritual world is the first level of the entire spiritual world. In the concept of wizard civilization, it does not belong to the real plane, but is formed in the hearts of intelligent creatures. The island is generated.

But I don’t know who this isolated island represents.

Swish, swish, swish!

There was a huge forest, and there were tall trees everywhere as far as the eye could see. The further Enzo walked, the darker the surrounding environment became.

At this time, there was a sudden sound from around.

Enzo stopped and looked away, only to see an eye slowly opening on a big tree not far away.

"Who are you?"

The one-eyed tree has no mouth, but it makes a sound that seems to echo throughout the entire island world, appearing in Enzo's heart like a spiritual communication.


Enzo raised his eyebrows, but did not answer the other party, but asked lightly.

"and who are you?"

The one-eyed tree was not angry, but a glimmer of thought flashed through its eyes. After a moment, it suddenly shook the tree umbrella above its head.

"I don't know either." The one-eyed tree said.

"You don't know either?"

Enzo frowned slightly and looked at the one-eyed tree opposite, thinking about the other person's identity and whether he represented the owner of the isolated island.

"too long."

The One-Eyed Tree was silent for a moment, and the luster of thought flashed through his eyes again, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

"By the way, I remembered."

The one-eyed tree seemed a little excited and said, "I remembered my name!"

"My name is Odo!"

"I'm a... wizard!"

The one-eyed tree revealed his identity, as if he was afraid that Enzo would not be able to understand, and quickly said, "Maybe you don't understand what the wizard means, but I can explain it!"

"Wizard! That's extraordinary power!"

"We are just like you, we are just ordinary humans, but through knowledge, we gain power and change our own destiny!"

The one-eyed tree Odo's explanation was a bit incoherent, but Enzo had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Are you... a wizard?" Enzo pondered.

"Yes, wizard!"

There was a hint of excitement in the tone of the one-eyed tree Odo, and he said, "This is the name Osikas gave us, just like the stonemason and the gardener!"


A strange look appeared on Enzo's face, and then he thought of some possibility.

"Yes, Mr. Osikas."

A trace of admiration flashed in the eyes of the one-eyed tree Odo, and he said, "He is really a smart man. Without his wisdom, I am afraid we would not be able to master this extraordinary power!"

"I just don't know if this kind of power can change the disaster..."

As he said this, a hint of melancholy flashed in the eyes of the one-eyed tree Odo.


The One-Eyed Tree Odo sighed and said, "I really don't know where those terrible monsters came from. Is it another punishment from the gods?"

"No, probably not."

"Even the gods are helpless against those terrible monsters, so how can this be their punishment?"

Hearing the one-eyed tree Odo's words that seemed to be talking to himself, even though Enzo had already entered the immortal level and became a fifth-level holy soul wizard, he still felt a creepy feeling.

"who are you?"

Enzo took a few steps back and tightened his grip on the Soul Bone Wand.

"I am the wizard Odo!"

The one-eyed tree Odo had a trace of confusion on his face and said blankly, "I am the wizard Odo. There is no need to lie, right?"

"Who are you Osikas?"

Enzo asked again, a glimmer of vigilance flashing in his eyes.

"Mr. Osikas?"

The one-eyed tree Odo hesitated and said, "Mr. Osikas has brought us extraordinary power, so let us call him mentor."

"What's wrong with this...?"

The one-eyed tree Odo had a puzzled expression on his face.

" problem."

Enzo shook his head, his face a little pale, and he suppressed the throbbing in his heart and tried to stay calm as much as possible.

In the wizarding world, and even the entire multiverse, Osikas's name is definitely known to everyone.

Because he is the pioneer of the entire wizard civilization.

The ancestor of wizards, Osikas!

As the origin of the entire wizard civilization and a short-lived eighth-level life form in the multiverse, Osikas, the ancestor of wizards, is a unique existence even in the entire multiverse.

Every wizard, even the fallen, was full of reverence when mentioning Osikas' name, but the one-eyed tree Odo in front of him only called him sir.

This made Enzo have some thoughts in his heart.

"Your Excellency Odo."

Enzo raised his head, looked directly at the one-eyed tree Odo, and asked in a deep voice, "I wonder how long you will stay here?"

"for how long?"

The One-Eyed Tree Otto thought for a while and was a little unsure.

"It seems like...a year?"

"No, no, three years? Three years and six months? Or seven months?"

A trace of distress flashed in the eyes of One-Eyed Tree Odo, and his memory seemed a little confused.

"It seems like ten years?"

"No! It should be ten thousand years. Yes, I have been here for ten thousand years."

A trace of determination appeared in the eyes of the one-eyed tree Odo, but he quickly rejected his idea and said, "Sorry, my memory is not very good."

"I haven't stayed in this world for long, probably only three months."

Hearing the one-eyed tree Odo's incoherent narration, Enzo felt helpless. It seemed that the other person's memory was not very clear.

"Let's do this, Lord Odo!"

Enzo thought for a moment, organized his words, and said, "Like you, I am also a wizard from the outside world."

"I'm here for some reason."

"But actually, I have a lot of things to get rid of, so could you please help me and tell me how to leave?"

The one-eyed tree Odo blinked.

"Are you from outside?"

One-eyed Tree Odo's tone seemed to be a little more excited, and he said, "Great, can you tell me what the situation is like outside?"

"Did the gods defeat those monsters?"

"By the way, you said you are also a wizard, so you must also know Mr. Osikas, right?"

As he spoke, the one-eyed tree Odo's eyes flashed with anticipation.

"As expected!"

Enzo sighed in his heart, and through another communication with the one-eyed tree Odo, he once again verified his previous conjecture.

If Odo, the one-eyed tree opposite, had not used some means to deceive himself, he would have been an antique from the First Era of antiquity.

That's right, a being who was contemporary with Osikas, the ancestor of wizards, was trapped in this place for some reason.

In place, thoughts flickered in Enzo's mind.

Facing the expectant look in One-Eyed Tree Odo's eyes, he was a little unsure of how to answer him. Although he didn't know exactly what happened, as an old antique who had been trapped here in the First Era, he had experienced the spirit of One-Eyed Tree Odo for countless years. Something is obviously not normal.

If the other party knew that three entire eras had passed in the outside world, and Osikas, the ancestor of wizards, had died, no one knew what kind of excitement it would bring to Odo.

If he accidentally makes the other party go crazy, Enzo will inevitably fall into passivity.

"The war continues."

After Enzo pondered for a moment, he decided to answer the one-eyed tree Odo with a lie, and said softly: "Your Excellency Osikas is very good. Under his leadership, wizards in this world have done more and more."

"Everything is going in the right direction!"

As Enzo spoke, a dark luster flashed in his eyes. Under the guidance of magic, Odo, who was not mentally normal to begin with, did not notice the lies in Enzo's words at all.

"That would be great."

A trace of joy flashed in the eyes of the one-eyed tree Odo, and he said, "Thank you, stranger, for bringing me good news!"

"By the way, what did you ask just now?"

"How to get out of here? Are you planning to go to the next world?"

One-eyed tree Odo said.

"The next world?"

Enzo's heart moved and he asked, "Your Excellency Otto also knows about the dream world?"

"The dream world?"

A trace of doubt appeared in the eyes of the one-eyed tree Odo, and he said, "I'm sorry, I don't know what the dream world you are talking about is."

"However, the only way to leave here is to go to the next world."

One-Eyed Tree Odo paused and said again.

"Although I don't spend much time here, I have been to the next world a few times. It is really a magical place there!"

As he said this, the one-eyed tree Odo's eyes flashed with exclamation.

Obviously, he also knows something about the dream world.

"How do I get to the next level?"

Enzo asked directly. For him now, if he wants to go to the land of nothingness, the only way to go is the dream world, the second level of the spiritual world.

"It's easy."

The one-eyed tree Odo replied, "If you want to leave here and go to the next world, you just need to let your brain empty out and enter the dreamland!"

"So simple?"

Enzo raised his eyebrows, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face.


The one-eyed tree Odo said matter-of-factly: "Isn't it a simple matter to go to the next world?"

"Your Excellency Odo."

Enzo pondered for a moment and asked tentatively, "I wonder how much you know about the dream world?"

"The dream world?"

The one-eyed tree Odo thought for a while and murmured, "So is the next world called this name?"

Then, the one-eyed tree Odo thought for a moment.

"Sorry, stranger."

After a while, the one-eyed tree Odo replied apologetically, "My memory is not very good, and it has been too long."

"So, I don't remember what the next world will be like."

As he spoke, the one-eyed tree Odo's eyes flashed with the light of memories, and he murmured.

"I just was very vast..."

"There are blue skies, white clouds, mammoths, and..."

At this point, One-Eyed Tree Odo's voice suddenly stopped, as if he was a little confused, and there was a strange aura around him.


In an instant, black thunder flashed in the sky, a strange fog spread around, and the forest seemed to turn into a devil's cave.

"Who are you?"

In the eyes of the one-eyed tree Odo, the friendly luster was replaced by vigilance and fear, turning into endless ice.

"Why are you here!"

As he spoke, the crown of the one-eyed tree Odo's head shook suddenly, and the leaves were like black sharp blades, heading straight towards Enzo.


Enzo raised his brows, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes, but he didn't know why the one-eyed tree Odo opposite him suddenly turned against him.

However, in the face of the one-eyed tree Odo's attack, Enzo remained calm, his thoughts moved, and then an energy barrier automatically appeared around him.

Ding ding ding!

The sharp black blade, like a blade, hit the energy barrier and made a sudden sound, but it did not cause any damage at all.

"Have you lost your mind?"

Enzo frowned slightly, and then his spiritual power spread like a sea.


Suddenly, the energy turned into a storm and swept through the entire lonely island forest.

Soon, the one-eyed tree Odo returned to calm.

"I'm so sorry, stranger."

There seemed to be a sense of tiredness in the words of the one-eyed tree Odo, and he said helplessly, "I have been in this world for too long, and I can't control myself."

In place, Enzo was thoughtful.

Then, he nodded slightly and sighed in his heart, but he also felt a hint of understanding. The one-eyed tree Odo had been trapped in the isolated island world for too long.

Therefore, his mental state was clearly not normal.

In the past, the one-eyed tree Odo's words had some inconsistencies, but now, Enzo's guess has been confirmed.

Being trapped in an isolated island world for endless years has caused the one-eyed tree Odo's thinking to become abnormal. It is not easy to communicate with Enzo.

"Forget it, let's leave as soon as possible."

Enzo's mind flashed with thoughts. Since the one-eyed tree Odo in front of him was no longer mentally normal, he might not be able to get any useful information if he continued to communicate with him.

What's more, even if the information is obtained, its authenticity may not be confirmed.

Therefore, it seems that there is not much meaning in continuing to stay in the isolated island world. Enzo can leave after he gets the way to the dream world.

"It's a pleasure to meet Lord Odo."

On the spot, Enzo bowed slightly and saluted, saying, "Thank you for the information you provided. Now, I have to leave."

"you are leaving?"

After hearing Enzo's words, a trace of reluctance appeared on the face of the one-eyed tree Odo, but in the end he sighed, and the crown of the tree above his head shook.

The next moment, three golden fruits appeared in front of Enzo, exuding a strange aura that made Enzo's eyes flash.

"This is……"

Looking at the three golden fruits in front of him, a trace of surprise appeared on Enzo's face.

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