For low-level wizards, immortal existences are their backers.

If a large number of immortal-level wizards are trapped in the land of nothingness, it will definitely be a disaster for the lower-level wizards.

Thousands of immortal wizards are now trapped in the void. This is absolutely a devastating blow to the Supreme Council's current abyss expedition plan.

"So... Your Excellency Alice's mission is to go to the Land of Nothingness to rescue the trapped immortal wizards?"

Enzo asked after pondering for a moment.

"Yes, that's right."

Alice nodded and said, "However, this is not my task alone. I am mainly responsible for finding the wizard in the north!"

"As for the wizards in other continents, others will be responsible."

A thoughtful expression appeared on Enzo's face.

"But... what should we do?" After a while, Enzo said in a deep voice.

"Actually, I don't know exactly how to do it."

Alice shrugged and said softly, "The mission I received is to support you first, and then go to the land of nothingness to find clues to the lost wizards."

"In the end, it's not certain whether Wizard Calvin and the others can be found."


After hearing this, Enzo had a strange look on his face and said hesitantly, "Isn't this too hasty? The Land of Nothingness is the third level of the spiritual world."

"If I'm not careful, both you and I may be in danger."

"There won't be much danger."

Alice looked calm and said, "I control the laws of the space system. Even in the spiritual world, I can come and go freely."

"What's more, my mission this time is only for three months."

"If you still can't find Wizard Calvin and the others within three months, I will take you out of the land of nothingness and back to the wizarding world."

As she said that, Alice glanced at Enzo.

"How's it going? Any questions?"

"This mission is related to the expedition plan to the Northern Continent to the 900-layer world of the abyss. However, as a conqueror wizard, you have the right to refuse."

Enzo pondered for a moment, but still shook his head.

Today's northern wizards and powerful ones are almost all trapped in the land of nothingness. If these people are lost, the expedition to the 900-layer world of the abyss can basically be declared over.

What's more, Wizard Calvin is also lost in the land of nothingness.

In the past, Enzo owed Wizard Calvin a favor. Without him, the Ten Worlds Fortress would have been destroyed by the invasion of the Black Dragon Emperor Oren Caesar. Now, Enzo has to go there because of both emotion and reason. Rescue each other in the void.

"Sir Alice, please give me an hour."

Enzo took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Before heading to the land of nothingness, I still have some things to explain."

"sure, no problem."

Alice nodded, but had no objection, and said quietly: "There is still a lot of time anyway, you can arrange it well."

"Thank you."

Enzo thanked him, and then returned to the ruins of the Ten Worlds Fortress, summoned all his senior officials, and began to assign their respective tasks.

Today's Shijie Fortress has been reduced to ruins after the invasion.

But again, after this invasion, the demon coalition also suffered heavy losses, so there should be no more wars in the short term.

Enzo went to the land of nothingness this time, but the expedition to the 900-layer world of the abyss is still not over yet.

Therefore, the Ten Worlds Fortress is still Enzo's base in the abyss world.

"After I leave this time, the Ten Realms Fortress will be in your hands."

In the tower, Enzo said to the evil ghost god Zuofi. Although Zuofi was only a fourth-level life form, he was Enzo's most trusted being.

"I will follow your instructions and restore the Ten Worlds Fortress as soon as possible."

Zuo Fei nodded and said in a deep voice, "Father, please rest assured that I will definitely not disappoint your expectations. During your absence, I will strictly guard the Ten Realms Fortress."


Enzo nodded and looked forward again.

In the high tower at this moment, almost all the senior officials of the Ten Worlds Fortress gathered here. In addition to the indigenous gods under their command, the Seraphim Gabriel was also among them.


Enzo said solemnly, "During my absence, you must obey Zoffi's orders in everything. If you encounter another invasion by the demon coalition and are unable to resist it, you may consider giving up the Ten Worlds Fortress!"

"Don't worry, Master."

Gabriel raised the corners of his lips and said, "I will carry out your order!"

Enzo said nothing more when he saw this, and then issued a series of orders. The first was that Aquamarine World made every effort to repair the Destroyer Mechanical Giant.

After the recent war, the Destroyer Mechanical Titan was on the verge of collapse.

However, through this war, the Destroyer Mechanical Giant has also demonstrated his strength. Under Reiner's control, he even resisted the offensive of the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton. Such a record can definitely be regarded as the fifth level. A living thing.

After Enzo left, the Ten Realms Fortress needed defenders.

If there are only fourth-level indigenous gods under his command, they obviously do not have the ability to defend the Ten Realm Fortress. Therefore, the Seraph Angel Gabriel and the Destroyer Mechanical Giant are the only two fifth-level life forms in the Ten Realm Fortress. As for the destruction of the Ten Realm Fortress, Except for Enzo, no one can control the World Flame Snake.

Therefore, for the time being, it can only be left in the Three Realms of Flame.

It took Enzo an hour to explain everything. Then, he found Alice and the two prepared to go to the void.

"Now that you're ready, let's go."

With a serious look on her face, Alice waved the golden wand in her hand, and the portal to the void was opened at this moment.

"It's really an incredible ability."

Enzo was secretly surprised that Alice, who had control over the space system, was extremely rare even in the entire wizarding world.

Moreover, the opponent's ability is also very terrifying.

Opening the space portal at will means that she is not limited by space, and the banishment technique connects to the void, and can even deal with enemies more powerful than Alice herself.

Looking at the opened portal to the land of nothingness, Alice walked in without hesitation.

Obviously, it seems that this is not the first time that the other party has entered the land of nothingness, and he does not feel the slightest fear of this world that makes everyone in the wizarding world change their minds.

Enzo took a deep breath and followed closely.

In an instant, everything around him was spinning.

"This feeling?"

Enzo's heart skipped a beat, and a look of solemnity appeared on his face. The portal leading to the land of nothingness seemed completely different from ordinary portals.

What appeared around him was not a space storm, but an extremely distorted scene.

"Don't worry, Sir Enzo."

At this time, Alice comforted her by saying, "The spiritual world is different from other planes, and we cannot think in terms of the universal rules of the multiverse."

"Since I became an immortal, I have set foot in the spirit world several times."

"So, you don't need to worry..."

Before Alice could finish her words, a loud noise suddenly came from the surroundings, followed by colorful lights.

"What a nice view!"

Looking at the rainbow-like light emerging around him, Enzo's heart moved, but when he turned his head, he saw a look of surprise on Alice's face.

"How is this possible?"

Seeing that beautiful and brilliant rainbow, Alice's face was full of fear, as if she was under an inexplicable threat.

Suddenly, Enzo felt a chill in his heart.

As a fifth-level holy soul wizard, Alice possesses extremely amazing strength. Even when she faced the Ancestral Mountain Troll Bolton before, she didn't panic at all.

However, the seemingly ordinary light at this moment made Alice feel like she was facing a formidable enemy.

Obviously, that rainbow is not a good thing.

"Sir Enzo, be careful!"

Alice's face was full of solemnity, and she was no longer as calm as before. She took Enzo's arm and said, "It seems that we may not be able to enter the land of nothingness."

"But you don't have to be afraid."

"I will use my ability to transport you to the spiritual world first, and then we will enter the land of nothingness through the dream world!"

Hearing Alice's words, Enzo felt a little comforted.

However, at this moment.

The gorgeous rainbow in the sky suddenly cast a brilliant light, and then, a trace of light that seemed to be enough to tear the space was seen passing through.


Enzo groaned, his face instantly turned pale as paper, and he looked to his left side, only to see that his arm disappeared out of thin air.

The broken wound was as smooth as a mirror.

The terrifying offensive from the void cut off Enzo's arm in just an instant, and Enzo didn't even have a chance to resist.

"Enzo, let's go!"

At this time, Alice was completely panicked. Obviously, even she had never experienced such a scene.

Immediately, Alice did not hesitate.

She waved the golden wand in her hand, tearing a gap out of thin air, and then kicked Enzo in.


There was an illusion before Enzo's eyes, and then he found himself on an isolated island, surrounded by trees.

"Spirit world?"

Enzo frowned slightly, not knowing where he was. He raised his head and saw Alice flying towards this direction outside the void portal that had not yet been closed.

Suddenly, a green shadow flashed past.

"Damn it! It's that frog!"

Alice's scream came from outside the portal. Enzo looked around and saw an extremely huge frog opening its mouth.

The next moment, the frog swallowed Alice.

Immediately afterwards, the giant frog turned its head again, looked at Enzo, and opened its mouth as if to eat the isolated island.

"not good!"

Enzo's heart was frightened, but he reacted very quickly. The shadow under his feet spread instantly and turned into a giant net blocking the void portal.

The next moment, the portal slowly closed.

Enzo's heart skipped a beat. The huge frog that appeared just now did not emit too strong energy fluctuations, but it had an aura that even Enzo did not dare to compete with.

Obviously, this frog has a lot of background.

"Your Excellency Alice..."

In place, the luster in Enzo's eyes flickered slightly, and a trace of solemnity appeared on his face. Apparently, during the process of going to the land of nothingness, some unpredictable accidents happened, so the two of them failed to enter the land of nothingness. land.

"Is this the spiritual world?"

Enzo suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, forced himself to calm down, looked around, and found that he was on a seemingly ordinary island.

Then, Enzo looked to his side.

However, he saw that the magic power continued to dissipate from the broken shoulder. Enzo immediately took a deep breath and the shoulder began to squirm.

Three seconds later, an arm grew again.

As an immortal life form, Enzo can regenerate his limbs even if his head is broken. It's just an arm, which is even easier.

After his body recovered, Enzo waved his hand.

With a black robe appearing on his body and the Soul Bone Wand in his hand, Enzo's mind flashed with thoughts and he first tried to contact the outside world.

As a result, it ended in failure.

Being on this isolated island, Enzo seems to have lost the ability to contact the outside world, and he cannot even return to his own world through the portal.

Fortunately, the power of the World Heart can still be used.

This means that Enzo has not lost control of the fourteen worlds under his command, but is just temporarily trapped here in a sense.

"How to leave?"

Enzo stroked his chin, the luster in his eyes flickering slightly. Although it had been five hundred years since he embarked on the wizard's journey, to Enzo, the spiritual world was still a strange existence.

He had never known anything about the spirit world.

At the same time, even though it was only the spiritual world on the first level of the spiritual world, it was the first time for Enzo to set foot in it. What happened just now left him frightened. Even a space-type holy soul wizard as powerful as Alice was killed by that giant for some unknown reason. Frog devours.

"Chip, scan!"

Enzo pondered for a moment and used the scanning function of the chip, intending to first understand this island to a certain extent.

However, this time, the chip did not work.

It seemed that the information held by the chip could not analyze the nature of the spiritual world. Therefore, after Enzo's order was issued, the chip made a chaotic sound.

Suddenly, Enzo's heart sank.

As the foundation for his foundation, the chip is also Enzo's biggest reliance. In the past five hundred years, there have been many crises, and Enzo was able to escape thanks to the chip. But now, in the spiritual world, even the function of the chip cannot be used use.


On the spot, Enzo took a deep breath, but did not panic because of it. As a holy soul wizard, Enzo had his own abilities. Even if he was lost in the spiritual world, he would still have a certain degree of confidence.

Even the worst plan is just the death of the main body.

Enzo, who has fourteen planes, has many clones in the real world. The death of his body will only cause him to fall into the realm, and it does not mean real death.

And even in the Dream World, sitting back and waiting for death was not Enzo's style.

Immediately, Enzo decided to explore this isolated island first, and then consider a plan on how to go to the dream world and even the land of nothingness.

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