Jiang Feng had expected this. Although he had successfully provoked the anger of Lu Ya Taoist by his crazy and suicidal behavior, there was a time lag between Lu Ya Taoist's reaction, being rejected, and then receiving the system reward.

Even if it was only one second, it was enough for Jiang Feng to die a hundred times.

So Jiang Feng had to do something, and he had already thought of a countermeasure.

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Feng did not stop, and immediately activated the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, frantically mobilizing the power of Hongmeng, and pulling the Sun-shooting Divine Bow with all his strength.

Only the Sun-shooting Divine Bow, a top-grade innate spiritual treasure, could withstand all of Jiang Feng's power. If it was an ordinary top-grade innate spiritual treasure, I'm afraid it would have been pulled apart by Jiang Feng long ago.

In an instant, the Sun-shooting Divine Bow was pulled into a full moon, full of power.

But this time, Jiang Feng did not shoot the Sun-shooting Divine Arrow condensed by magic power, but the Heavenly Prison Key.

That's right, he wanted to shoot the Heavenly Prison Key as far as possible to lure away Lu Ya Taoist, so as to buy himself some time.

Maybe Taoist Lu Ya will not do as he wishes. Maybe at this moment, he is full of anger, abandoning everything and only wants to kill Jiang Feng.

But Jiang Feng has no choice but to give it a try.

As the saying goes, if you try hard, a bicycle can be turned into a motorcycle.

Jiang Feng has done what he should do, and the rest is up to fate.

At this moment, Taoist Lu Ya was beyond anger, and the whole person was like a furnace of heaven and earth, ready to burn this world.

Feeling such terrible heat, all the spectators retreated.

In the past, the ten golden crows appeared out of nowhere, scorching the earth, and countless living things were burned to death.

At this time, Taoist Lu Ya is much stronger than before, and full of anger. His horror is unimaginable.

But just when Taoist Lu Ya was about to take action, whoosh! A golden light suddenly passed through the sky in front of his eyes, like lightning, and reached the edge of the sky in a blink of an eye, disappearing at the end of the sight

"Hmm? Prison Key……"

Taoist Lu Ya frowned, paused for one or two breaths, and then turned into a stream of light to chase after him.

Jiang Feng won the bet again, which was reasonable.

The key to the prison was extremely important to Taoist Lu Ya, and in his eyes, Jiang Feng was no different from an ant, who could be easily stepped on to death at any time.

However, there must be no mistakes in the key to the prison, and he must get it in his hands as soon as possible.


Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The scales of fate still leaned towards him.

However, he still couldn't take it lightly at this moment, and the crisis of death was far from over.

Without the escape talisman, even if he ran for his life, he would never escape from the palm of Taoist Lu Ya's hand. The gap between the two sides was too big to count.

In order to increase the safety factor, Jiang Feng decided to continue to die.

The next moment, he suddenly turned around, stared at the Lingji Bodhisattva, and said with a grim smile:"Lingji Bodhisattva, the treasures you presented to me last time you came to the heaven were really good."

"How about this, if you give me a few more good treasures, I will release the Bag Arhat. Not much, three top-grade innate spiritual treasures are enough."

"Hey! Lingji Bodhisattva, what's with that expression on your face? I don't ask for much. Didn't you Buddhists offer a reward of three top-grade innate spiritual treasures in order to hunt me down?"

"Is the life of Budai Luohan less valuable than mine? Or are you really like they said, I blackmailed you last time and now you are more clean than your face?"

"No way, no way, you are a great Buddhist Bodhisattva, you can't be so poor……"

Jiang Feng looked serious and sincere, but his words were more vicious than the last. He was clearly exposing Lingji Bodhisattva's scars in public, and he was also rubbing salt into her wounds.

Nothing could be more cruel than this.

""Ah! You little bastard, I will kill you, the mighty Vajra Finger!"

Lingji Bodhisattva roared immediately, and then pointed a finger at Jiang Feng to kill.

The mighty Vajra Finger is just a very ordinary Buddhist magical power, but when it is performed in the hands of Lingji Bodhisattva, the Golden Immortal, it is extremely powerful and outrageous.

In an instant, a finger of light broke through the air and radiated Buddha's light, but it was extremely cold. Wherever it passed, it was unstoppable, destroying mountains and splitting peaks, and nothing could resist it.

Jiang Feng was shocked and hurriedly held the cloth bag arhat in front of him, and then tried his best to frantically activate the off-ground flaming flag.


In the next moment, a burst of blood splashed.

The cloth bag arhat was the first to be hit, and was hit on the top of his head by Lingji Bodhisattva's finger, and his head was shattered on the spot It exploded, blood mixed with brain matter splattered everywhere, and the soul was shattered like glass. It was obvious that he was dead.


Then, the finger light continued to impact Jiang Feng with its remaining force.

The crisp sound of metal clashing was heard, shaking all directions. The protective shield formed by the Lidi Flame Light Flag suffered an unprecedented impact.

A crack appeared at the first sight, and the crack spread everywhere like a spider web.

Finally, with a bang, the protective shield broke into pieces like porcelain and disappeared without a trace. The

Lidi Flame Light Flag is one of the five innate flags, and its protective ability is unparalleled in the world, but Jiang Feng is just a small Taiyi Jinxian and cannot fully display its power.

"My goodness, is this the strength of a Daluo Jinxian? It's really terrifying!"

After the protective shield was broken, Jiang Feng took three steps back before he stopped. He was horrified and frightened.

Fortunately, he was safe, thanks to the bag arhat blocking him.

"Lingji Bodhisattva, you, you actually killed Budai Luohan. Even if you don't accept my conditions, you shouldn't be so cruel to your own people."

Jiang Feng pointed at Budai Luohan whose head exploded on the ground, and tried to sow discord, continuing to buy time for himself.

Sure enough, his goal was achieved.

Many Luohan and���Seeing this, the Vajra jumped out and accused Lingji Bodhisattva.

"Lingji Bodhisattva, what do you mean?"

"Even if you are a Bodhisattva with a high status, you have no right to decide the life and death of my Eighteen Arhats."

"Budai, Budai, you died so unjustly. Don't worry, I will report this to the Buddha and seek justice for you."

"Bodhisattva Lingji, you are so cruel and ruthless that you kill your fellow disciples. What is your intention?"


"No, it's not what you think. I didn't want to kill Budai Luohan.……"

Lingji Bodhisattva hurriedly waved his hands to explain, but the obvious facts were here, in full view of the public, even if he had eight mouths, he couldn't explain it clearly.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by the demon prince, Taoist Lu Ya, and obtained a supreme treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by Lingji Bodhisattva and obtained a black gold treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

At this time, two crisp prompt sounds from the system sounded one after another, and Jiang Feng was instantly shocked and overjoyed.

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