At this moment, Jiang Feng's heart was hanging tightly, even stopped beating, and he was so nervous that he couldn't breathe. At this moment, his life and death were completely in the hands of Lu Ya Taoist.

Jiang Feng stared at Lu Ya Taoist, he was ready, if Lu Ya Taoist's killing intention did not decrease, he would do his best to escape.

Although it might be futile, Jiang Feng would never sit and wait for death.

Heaven, Yaochi.

The Jade Emperor, Queen Mother and Princess Longji were also watching nervously.

"Could it be that Jiang Feng has the same means of escape as last time? If so, I'm afraid we will be disappointed again this time."The Queen Mother frowned and sighed. The

Jade Emperor shook his head,"Not likely, I feel that Jiang Feng is bluffing and trying to fool Taoist Lu Ya."

"Even if there is a way to escape from the eyes of a quasi-saint, even if it is created by a saint, it must be extremely precious. It will be gone once it is used, and it cannot be used indefinitely."

"The most important thing is, from my observation and understanding of Jiang Feng these days, he seems a little unconfident."

""Ah?" Princess Longji screamed at the side, and asked worriedly,"Father, Jiang Feng wouldn't be killed by Taoist Lu Ya, right?"

"Don't worry, if he died so easily, your father and your mother wouldn't have to go to so much trouble to set up such a big plan."

"Wait and see, today, the mystery of Jiang Feng will be revealed."

The Jade Emperor put his hands behind his back, his expression calm, more confident than Jiang Feng himself.

This time, Jiang Feng is facing an unprecedented crisis, trapped in a desperate situation, and there is no way back if he makes a mistake.

His nerves are tense, and he can hardly breathe.

"What do you want in exchange for handing over the key to the prison?"

Taoist Lu Ya suddenly spoke, breaking the dead silence.


Jiang Feng heaved a sigh of relief, and his heart, which had been in his throat, dropped down, and he relaxed a little.

He understood that Taoist Lu Ya was frightened by him and started to negotiate with him.

The fact was just as Jiang Feng expected. The key to the prison was extremely important to Taoist Lu Ya, and the Nine Infants Demon Marshal was related to his future plans.

This time he was determined to get it and could not afford to lose it.

Although Jiang Feng was temporarily relieved, his crisis was not resolved.

Taoist Lu Ya was always like a sword hanging over his head, ready to cut off his head and take his life at any time.

At this moment, Jiang Feng was in a state of panic. He racked his brains, pondered, and frantically searched for countermeasures.

What kind of conditions could satisfy Taoist Lu Ya and ensure his personal safety?

After thinking for a moment, a bright light suddenly flashed through Jiang Feng's mind.

Then, he gritted his teeth, made up his mind, and gave it a try.

However, he still looked relaxed and said with a smile:"This is actually simple, Taoist Lu Ya, I heard that you are the tenth son of Emperor Jun of the ancient demon court. Your body is a three-legged golden crow with wings on your back. You are majestic and awe-inspiring. You are born to control the law of fire. You can spit it out casually and it can set the prairie on fire and burn the world."

Jiang Feng first praised Taoist Lu Ya without thinking, but the next moment, his voice suddenly changed,"To be honest, I am actually a foodie and proficient in barbecue skills. Can you break off one of your wings and let me make a grilled chicken wing? I guarantee that everyone in the world will be greedy!"

After saying that, Jiang Feng licked his lips, looking salivating.

For a moment, the air seemed to be still, and the world was as quiet as water, and there was no sound.

Everyone suspected that they had heard it wrong, and they stared at each other, staring at each other with eyes wide open, looking unbelievable.

But soon, everyone reacted, boom! Their minds were like being struck by five thunderbolts, and a huge wave of shock was set off in their hearts, and they could not calm down for a long time.

What was Jiang Feng talking about, saying that he wanted to use Taoist Lu Ya's wings to make grilled chicken wings and taste how they tasted? What kind of tiger and wolf talk was this?

This was completely courting death! No, it was simply a birthday star hanging himself because he was too tired to live.

He They thought of countless conditions that Jiang Feng might propose, even including killing Lingji Bodhisattva to relieve him of the crisis, but they could never imagine that Jiang Feng would propose such an alternative condition.

This is incredible.

What exactly does Jiang Feng want to do? What is he up to? Is it just to tease Lu Ya Taoist and draw hatred points?

But what can he get by doing this? Is it just for fun?

For a moment, everyone looked at Jiang Feng with no sympathy or pity, but as if they were looking at a big fool.

Some people even felt that Jiang Feng was a big pervert. Such behavior, isn't this masochism?

"What is this operation?"

In heaven, the Queen Mother and Princess Longji were stunned when they saw this scene.

The Jade Emperor frowned deeply. He remembered very clearly that the last time Jiang Feng went to the seventh floor of the Heavenly Prison to see the Nine Infants Demon Marshal before escaping from heaven, he did the same thing.

At that time, he said that he would break the bones of the Nine Infants Demon Marshal and make soup. Now he wanted Taoist Lu Ya to contribute his wings to make grilled chicken wings. Why is this? What is the point of being so crazy and dying? Is he a big foodie as he said?

The Jade Emperor couldn't figure it out.

Lower world.

Although it was not the first time that Jiang Feng had committed suicide, this time was the most dangerous and uncertain one.

However, he had no choice but to do this.

Last time, he played a trick on Taoist Lu Ya. Now, no matter what he did or what conditions he put forward, he could not ensure his personal safety.

He didn't know Taoist Lu Ya's character, and he couldn't guarantee that after handing over the key to the Heavenly Prison, The other party can let him go.

In this case, he might as well give it a try.

Fortune and wealth are sought in danger. If he tries to die and is rejected by the other party, perhaps the system reward he gets will include an escape talisman or other means of saving his life. As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Feng stared at Taoist Lu Ya.

He could keenly sense that although Taoist Lu Ya did not move, the murderous intent in his eyes was surging wildly, almost condensed into substance, wanting to rush into the sky and break through the chaos.

He was the prince of the demon clan and a quasi-saint. No matter what era he was in, he was a big man standing at the top of the pyramid.

But now he was asked to break off one of his wings to make grilled chicken wings and taste himself!

What a great shame, even the revenge for his father's murder was no more than this.

So far, Taoist Lu Ya has never hated someone so much. This little god of justice in front of him successfully ignited his most vigorous anger, unprecedented.

"In that case, then let me do as you wish and let you taste my wrath!"

Taoist Lu Ya roared to the sky, his voice was extremely gloomy, as if it came out from between his teeth, which was frightening.

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