Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2599: Companion (13)

  Chapter 2599 Companion (13)

   There are no nasty words, just this, the words are short.

   No need to say too much, he knows that Yu Chuan will forgive him.

  Huo Yuangong took another sip of wine, looking at the grave in front of him.

  Long time.

   "This year we won the battle, His Majesty was very happy, and said that he would reward our family with a thousand hectares of fertile land."

   "Counting the previous ones, our Huo family can be regarded as everyone now. Finally, we didn't embarrass our parents."

   "Brother, you are in the spirit of the sky, you should have seen it too?"

   Gossiped a few words, but naturally no one answered him.

  He drank his wine and spoke slowly.

   "You and your parents are gone, from now on, our Huo family..."

   "The only thing left is..."

"I still have…"

   Thinking of something, he slowly lowered his hip flask.

  Like drunk, but also not drunk.

   His eyes were as dark as ink, deep and quiet.

   "They said you married a wife."

   "I just met, I feel..."





   "Ah Choo—"

   As night fell, the heat dissipated, and Yun Si sneezed.

   Heavy, abruptly.

   An inexplicable sneeze, she nestled in front of the stove, rubbing her nose while lighting a fire.

   Sucking, with a nasal sound.

  Outside the house, the sky has completely darkened.

  The sky is dark, with stars twinkling above.

   Cloudless and bright moonlight.

   In the kitchen, Yun Si lit the fire and covered the pot.

   Seeing that it was getting late, she wiped her hands, walked out of the yard, lay down outside the gate, and looked around.

   Waiting is a bit hopeless.


   "Is he not coming back?"

  The path outside the door was empty, without a single person.

  The children were all called home for dinner. At this moment, every household was full of rice and coriander, and it was noisy, which made the road outside extraordinarily deserted.

   Waited for a while, but there was still no one.

  No one passed by.

  Yun Si lay at the gate and watched for a while, but she couldn't see anyone, so she slowly closed the door.

  In the kitchen, the heat from the pot slowly came out.

  She ran into the kitchen to add firewood and vegetables.

   In a quarter of an hour.

  She came out holding a hot rice porridge.

  Brought into the house, sat down, picked up the spoon, and looked at the closed door outside the house from time to time.

  He never came back, maybe he just left after seeing Huo Yuchuan.

  If he just left...

  Yun Si was thinking while drinking the porridge slowly.

  Does she pack up and catch up, or...

   Live here with peace of mind and live a lifetime?

  She rested her chin and looked around quietly.




   After dinner, Yun Si opened the door again and looked at the road in the distance.

   Still no one, it seems that he doesn't plan to come back.

   With a premonition in her heart, Yun Si stood at the door and waited for a long time before closing the door again.


  The village at night is very quiet, especially after dinner, only the barking of dogs is left in the village from time to time.

  Called a few times occasionally, accompanied by a few curses, gradually, the village became quieter.

  The lights went out from house to house, even Er Bao’s house, which was the most noisy place on weekdays, was gone.

  Everyone went to bed early.

  Under the night sky, only a few houses are still lit.

  Among them, including the Huo family.

  Huo's house, the yard has no lights.

   Only the main house is lit.

   A small lamp was dimly lit, and the candle flickered.

   From time to time, dogs barked in the village, through the door, one sound.

  In the room, Yun Si was wiping her hair after bathing.

  (end of this chapter)

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