Jiu Ge’s Beloved Spirit

Chapter 2598: Companion (12)

  Chapter 2598 Companion (12)

   While thinking, a hand suddenly stretched out from her side.

  Going around her, he picked up the wine jug placed on the top of the cabinet.

  Behind him, his faint and deep voice came, "Alcohol is enough, nothing else is needed."

  The moment he approached, his breath was so strong that it made people's heart tremble suddenly.

   Missed a beat, and then she turned around abruptly.


  The distance between the two people has widened.

  He was holding the wine, his deep eyes were dull, as usual.

   "I can go up the mountain by myself, you can rest."

   It seems that he doesn't want to trouble her.

  Yun Si was taken aback, "But..."

  Holding the wine, he bowed his head slightly to her.

   After that, she turned around and left under her dazed gaze.

   Concise and concise, it doesn't seem to stick to formalities.

  Yun Si followed him to the kitchen door and watched him leave.

  She opened her mouth, but made no sound.


  Watching his figure disappear at the door, she subconsciously touched her ears.

  Just now his sudden approach, next to her ear, she—

  She sighed slowly, squatted down, and hugged her knees.

   "Don't get so close in the future..."

  She can't help it.

  She lowered her head and slowly puffed up her cheeks.




  Huo Yuangong went up the mountain with the wine alone.

  Under the scorching sun, in the hot and unbearable weather.

  The sun is very strong, and the hard ground is very hot, so hot that the soles of the feet gradually start to feel hot.

   There is no wind, and the sun has no intention of restraining itself.

  The forests on the mountain are dense, and although they block most of the sunlight, they can't resist the overwhelming heat from the sun.

  The entire mountain seems to be in a huge steamer at the moment.

  It was hot and stuffy, and the air was sticky.

   It's unbearable.

  Huo Yuangong carried the wine and walked on the path in the mountains.

  Perhaps it was because he had been on the battlefield for a long time and practiced holding a sword all the year round. This heat had no effect on him.

   In three or two steps, you will reach the halfway up the mountain, the Temple of Earth on the mountain.

  Go around the small temple gate and walk to the back.

   Soon, he saw the tomb belonging to his brother.

   His name is engraved on the stele, which is very clear and easy to recognize.

   Huo Yuangong stood in front of his grave, slowly put down the wine.

  There is no one around, he is the only one behind this earth temple.

  The sweltering air was silent, and the golden sun pierced through the forest and shone on the deciduous land.

  Huo Yuangong looked at the tombstone quietly, the emotion in his eyes was faint, with silence.

  I don't know where to start.

"elder brother."

  With a low sound, he bent down and lifted the jug again.

  Open the red cloth cover, and slowly pour wine in front of the tomb.

   There is no cup, pure wine, dripping, flowing into the soil.

  He lowered his eyes and moved very slowly, very slowly.

  The wine splashed onto the fallen leaves piled up on the ground, turning into shiny dewdrops.

  He poured almost halfway down, and then, stopped.

  The flagon was placed on the ground, and he sat there.

   Quietly, without words.

   They are brothers, but when they meet again, they don't know what to say.

   It's been a long time since I saw each other. In my impression, they barely spoke a few words.

  One was taciturn since he was a child, and when he was a little older, he was taken to Kyoto to join the army and never came back;

  The other one, who has been weak and sick since he was a child, has been living in this village with daily potions to hang himself.

  The two brothers never saw each other again.

   Come back again, unexpectedly, it will be a farewell to heaven and man.

   Huo Yuangong looked at the words on the tombstone, raised the jug beside him, and took a sip.

  The voice is low.

   "Sorry, I couldn't come back to see you off."

  (end of this chapter)

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