Chu Yuan's will is mighty, walking the eternal world, bringing a **** storm.

In front of him, the only strong man remaining in this world was easily beheaded by him.

He stayed somewhere, his palm suddenly raised, and suddenly a world was opened.

This world, with violent air currents, retains the original appearance of everything at the beginning of the world, as if it was the first birth period that gave birth to life after the Big Bang.

"Shenwu Emperor!"

In this world, there was thunder resounding and roared: "You have killed the strong on the road of eternity. Are you trying to smooth us? You have also come to the world of the original ancestor, this is to destroy the original ancestor ?"

"I send you back to eternal rules."

Based on this, Chu Yuan brought too much pressure, and when his breath moved, heaven and earth collapsed.


Angrily shouted, a majestic body, extremely tall, with a demon-like aura swept out, and he was glaring at Chu Yuan with a black thunder light rumbling all over.

The ancestor of gods and demons!

The strongest ancient and powerful!

Gods and demons have left too many legends. Gods and demons are rare, and Gods and demons are also powerful. Every epoch breeds powerful Gods and demons, forming legends belonging to Gods and demons.

And this ancestor of gods and demons is the most powerful **** and demons in history.

He is an eternal **** and demon, born of eternal power.

"Emperor Shenwu, you know that this **** cannot take refuge in you. I am bred by eternal power, and this **** cannot resist him, and the original **** can live so long and follow the eternal rules."

The ancestor of the gods and demons is too old, allowing the power of the gods and demons to reach the most glorious period.

"Your choice will not impose any interference."

Chu Yuan would not interfere with the choices of others, he would only kill, using the bloodiest means.

"I know I am not your opponent."

The ancestor of the gods and demons has an innate power in every move, and he is extremely violent. He roars up to the sky, "Everyone, are you still not showing up? This may be the last battle I am waiting for. If you don’t show up, he will come to you one by one. , There is no choice but to fight with him!"

After his voice was heard, many of the strongest came.

They all know that under the pressure of Emperor Shenwu Emperor, they are inevitable, only one battle.

"I'm coming."

A tyrannical aura came down, forming all kinds of spells. This is a middle-aged man in white clothes with a cold face, as if he was the strongest magic god.

The ancestor of all laws is also called the **** of law by the world.

This is also the strongest one.

"Emperor Shenwu, although your strength is boundless, but the ancestor can also use ten thousand methods to deal with you with the power of eternal rules!"

The ancestor of all laws calmly said: "If you want to fight, fight, the ancestor is not afraid!"

"Yes, if you want to fight, what is there to fear? As the strongest man I have never seen before, your mana is powerful, can it be stronger than the eternal rules, you want to go on like this , Will eventually bring mass extinction!"

Another powerhouse with boundless mana.

This is a young man, handsome in appearance, with the vicissitudes of life in his eyes, a wave of life and death, and the colors of black and white spread out.

Lord of life and death!

This was once the strongest master of life and death. He controlled the power of life and death. Now that he can mobilize the power of life and death to its peak due to the release of authority of the eternal rules.

It is precisely because of the realization of life and death that he lived so long.

It can be said that these once the strongest people can not break the eternal curse, but who can survive to the present, which does not have the ability to survive.

"Emperor Shenwu, you want to resist the eternal extinction, but you don’t know what you are bringing is a greater disaster. How long did you live, and how long did we live? The eternal horror, we know better than you, now we resist , You can only have nothing, you think we don’t want to be vigorous, but as long as you are in this world, you can’t be vigorous!"

A woman's voice came.

Then a huge Zerg brood appeared.

This huge brood was shining with the divine light of black gold, and it was extremely strong, and inside was an eternal world of Zerg.

The Zerg mother emperor came, her face was beautiful, and she looked at Chu Yuan coldly.

As the strongest men in the past, although they all knew that the Emperor Shenwu Emperor was boundless in strength, they didn't have the slightest fear and faced them calmly.

Compared with Chu Yuan, they are more afraid of eternal extinction.

Those who dared to face the mass extinction with Chu Yuan had already joined the Shenwu Empire.

"Shenwu Emperor, the last battle in this life!"

The Lord of the universe has also come, knowing that there is no escape.

"Is there anyone?" The Lord of Gods and Demons roared and asked if anyone appeared.

"And the ancestor."

Another ancient strong man appeared from the nihility, with the holy light, like an ancient temple, bright and dazzling, an old man walked out.

The ancestor of the temple.

The old and strongest ever.

After the arrival of the ancestor of the temple, another person came out, and this person was graceful and noble, a cold-looking woman, she had the noble and majesty of a female emperor, and possessed the domineering dominance of the people.

"The Empress Taiyue!"

It is not easy for the Taiyue Empress to traverse the ages with a woman's body and become the strongest, and this is enough to show her strength.

"There is no one."

"The Holy Emperor hasn't appeared yet."

"Perhaps he has other calculations and doesn't want to deal with him with me!"

"Forget it, if the holy emperor can't, then we will fight him, it's enough, it's enough, no amount of meaning."

"Unfortunately, Immortal Ancestor and Poison Ancestor have taken refuge in his camp."

"We know their purpose."

These many strongest people are communicating with each other.

The ancestor of gods and demons, the ancestor of all laws, the lord of life and death, the mother emperor of the Zerg race, the lord of the universe, the ancestor of the sanctuary, the Emperor Taiyue, plus a holy emperor who has not yet appeared.

This is the strongest person between Tiandi and Chu Yuan on the opposite side.

Before, he beheaded the four strongest men including Yin and Yang.

The Changsheng Great Emperor, Immortal Ancestor, and Poison Ancestor have all joined his camp. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Although the strongest born in the long epoch were not the only ones, too many existences have died. After all, the span of time is too long, and even the strongest can hardly hold on for so long.

It's like gods, demons, demons, and Tao.

In this eternal battle, it was as if Chu Yuan hadn't seen the four strongest gods, demons, demons, and Dao, because they had all sat down.

However, Chu Yuan knew that these four powerhouses were also the most terrifying powerhouses ever since.

Although they are dead, their spiritual will is immortal and will remain forever, such as their divine way, devil way, demon way, and three thousand great avenues are circulating in one era after another.

This is their civilized power. Will not be extinct due to his own fall.

"Shenwu Emperor, we have the last battle with you!"

These seven strongest men have exploded out of the most powerful force in this life at this moment, and the power of seven eternal rules swept over.

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