Invincible’s Most Powerful Divine Selection System

Chapter 1981: Enlightenment in the killing

Chu Yuan was domineering and cruel, unparalleled in the world, and watched the world.

He even cut the Nine-Nine Supreme Emperor and the Lord of Swallowing Heaven, did not continue to stop his footsteps, but continued to move forward. In the following time, many ancient powerful men died in his hands.

He is enlightening.

Deliberately let these people use the eternal law to understand the truth.

Chu and Yuan are eternally integrated, condensing the complex empire into one body. Everyone, even the weakest, is part of the empire and has the value of his operation.

He just killed a strong man who is good at controlling the power of gold.

He used the power of eternity to mobilize the rules of gold, allowing Chu Yuan to more directly appreciate the power of this rule.

Normally, all kinds of rules exist in an extremely obscure way, at most applying its original power, and if you want to really mobilize, it is almost impossible to do.

This kind of confrontation was a confrontation between Chu Yuan and a variety of eternal rules, which benefited greatly.

He knows that some people can use rules now, but this is only a part of countless rules, and countless rules converge to form a true eternal rule.

A rule has incredible power, so the eternal rule that countless rules converge is almost unimaginable.

Everything in the world will decay and disappear, only eternal.

"Your own eternity makes your own decisions, makes all your own rules, and his rules are always his rules."

Chu Yuan realized this truth more deeply and clearly.

Now, this eternal rule is formulated by the eternal rule, which is a rule that anyone must follow. If Chu Yuan violates the rule, all will kill him.

If he completely broke the rules and tore them apart, this eternal rule would not exist.

So this is why the eternal rules will destroy him.

But Chu Yuan didn't care. In his eternal empire, all the rules were evolving according to his formulation.

For example, if he becomes eternal, he can not start the so-called reincarnation again and again, then no eternal catastrophe will come.

Chu Yuan said that if people in this realm are immortal, then they can be immortal.

This is to determine the rules of order.

He seems to be walking on the path of eternity and killing a powerful person, but in fact he has fallen into a deep enlightenment process.

He has too many new insights and is paving the way for eternity.

Boom! Chu Yuan spurred an eternal wave of tens of thousands of weights with one fist. In front of him, a strong man was mobilizing the eternal rules to resist.

Now the strength of the strong on the Eternal Road has become very weird.

Because of the various changes in the eternal rules, if you use the strongest, eternal peak to judge, it is no longer appropriate.

"Shenwu Emperor, you!"

This strong man collapsed every inch under the eternal waves, and the power of a single blow completely destroyed him.

"Shenwu Emperor, he killed another strong man!"

Heaven and earth trembled, Emperor Shenwu's methods were too domineering and bloody, he had already killed many powerful men in succession.

Ruthless, there is too much blood on his hands.

"Shenwu Emperor, kill like this, how many strong people he has to kill, will he stop!"

Because they saw Emperor Shenwu marching again, another person was killed by thunder.

"Does he want to slaughter all those who are his enemies on the Eternal Road? Before he and the eternal battle begin, kill all the people who are opposed to him!"

Many people want to split their lists.

This method of sweeping the entire eternity is simply a means of mass extinction. They also want to wait for the eternal rule to erupt when the strongest anger, but the other party does not seem to give this opportunity and directly eliminate it in advance.

They also want to escape.

However, Emperor Shenwu's eyes can penetrate the eternal world, and he can walk from one side to the other side of heaven and earth in one step, and no one can hide under his sweep.

In other words.

Their location is exposed, and it is impossible to even escape.

This broke out a big escape.

"Eternal rules, you are not trying to destroy the Emperor Shenwu Emperor, but the power you descend is not enough. If this continues, all people on your side will die!"

These people are praying for eternal rules, hoping that he will be able to descend on greater power.

Eternal anger burned in the entire world, forming the **** of anger. He wanted to stop the emperor Shenwu Emperor from killing, but he was shocked and walked through the monstrous anger.

"Without showing the strongest power, you want to stop me with this?"

Chu Yuan was domineering. He ruled the world and didn't put the eternal anger in his eyes. He, the emperor, wanted to baptize in countless wars and eventually suppress the world.

He clearly knew that the next battle would be divided into two steps.

The first step is when he achieves eternity, in addition to the means of mass extinction, the rules of eternity will burst out with the strongest force to kill him and kill him in advance.

The second step is the last step.

When all the conventional methods cannot destroy Chu Yuan, for the sake of their own rules, they can only choose to completely destroy Chu Yuan, including the imprint of countless eras.

The mass extinction came.

"After all, it's not the real spirit."

Chu Yuan said lightly.

After all, the eternal rules are not real creatures, everything must follow the rules, otherwise it will collapse.

If he is the eternal rule, it is very likely that the eternal extinction will be launched in advance, and he will not be given an eternal opportunity.

Unfortunately, he can't.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with this. Chu Yuan has only cultivated for less than an epoch, and how long the eternal rules have existed, the difference between the two is too long and too long.

"When I am eternal, the level of life and death will be the same level as the eternity itself, great extinction? I am waiting for you."

Chu Yuan said slowly.

At this time, he walked eternally and found a strong man.

"Shenwu Emperor, the greatest existence, please forgive me. I am not long-eyed and stand on the side of eternal rules. As long as you forgive me, I am willing to be loyal to you and join your eternal empire! "

After an ancient figure was found by Chu Yuan, he knew he was not an opponent and had no dignity. He begged Chu Yuan for forgiveness, just to spare his life.

of course.

In the face of such great existence as Chu Yuan, UU reading for mercy is not a shame at all.

Chu Yuan attacked mercilessly, and then killed him with one palm. This so-called ancient powerhouse immediately exploded.

He had been in the empire for tens of thousands of years and showed all kinds of miracles. In fact, he was giving these people the last time to consider, but these people made a choice that went against him.

Swaying on both sides, wanting to be a wall of grass, where is such a cheap thing.

Standing on the wrong team, the end is to pay the price he deserves.

"Ah, Emperor Shenwu, you must not die, you must not die, I curse you to die more miserable than me, when the eternal extinction comes, all your traces will be wiped out, and you will come with me!"

Another ancient strong man uttered a roar and curse before his death.

"Shenwu Emperor, when will he stop until he kills!"

"Don't use eternal rules, Emperor Shenwu seems to be using eternal rules for killing!"

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