The light of the Blade of Fractured Void distorted, and directly strangled this great master.

His body smashed, it was broken into thousands of pieces, as tragic as Ling Chi.

However, the strong vitality did not die immediately, and his will remained in every piece of flesh, but this only aggravated his pain. Make a screaming scream.

Chu Yuan waved his big hand, and the flesh and blood of the Great Lord was sealed by him.

This is the cruelty of war, without reason.

And this is precisely why Chu Yuan is coming to Hanhaitian.

This time, he obliterated a great deity, which was equivalent to plundering all his wealth, and for the empire it was an accumulation of heritage.

In ordinary times, how can there be such a good opportunity.

"Retreat, can't fight hard with them!"

The besieged Great Master also backed away in horror.

This person was so terrible and cruel, he directly divided a great master into hundreds of pieces without blinking his eyes.

The Heavenly God of True Yangtian nodded slightly when he saw this scene.

They don't care what Chu Yuan is from and what his purpose is, as long as it is to kill the powerful Hanhaitian, it will be good for them, even if they are.

"Step into the vast sea sky, don't stay."

Chu Yuan beheaded a great venerable, his face did not fluctuate.

Turning his palm again, countless rays of light penetrated.

"Okay, keep up!"

Fen Xu yelled, and then followed Chu Yuan to continue killing in.

"You guys are looking for death!"

An incomparably angry thought, a powerful existence, distorted time and space, he slapped an angry palm, and immediately traversed the ancients, and the whole world was filled with the collapse of heaven and earth.

This force is exactly what the heavens and gods blasted.

Although there are a very small number of great elders who can survive under the hands of Heavenly Dao God, they are just fleeing for their lives. It is impossible to fight them head-on.

The Heavenly God of Han Haitian was angry.

The attack and plunder of the **** army, the intrusion of the strong from all sides, made his own loss not small. He could not suppress his anger and wanted to blast a wave.

"Heavenly God wants to make a move, let me bear it!"

The blazing **** of heaven burns the raging sky fire.

He smiled contemptuously, and also slapped out the palms of fire, which had the most positive collision with the power of the Taoist God that day, blocking all the power back.

"Flame God!"

The heavenly God of the vast sea gritted his teeth.

"Haha, Nangong Haotian, you are just a **** of heaven who was just promoted 30 million years ago. I'm afraid that you haven't fully figured out what heaven is. You still want to make a move. You are not my opponent. "

The Flame God of Heaven laughed.

For Tianzun, the 30 million-year-old God of Heaven, time is really nothing.

"You gods want to fight, we can fight you immediately."

I wish Tianzun smiled.


Nangong Haotian grabbed it with a big hand, seeing that a large number of people had rushed into the vast sea, and did not continue to do it, knowing that no one would let the power of the strategic level of the Tiandao God fight indiscriminately on the battlefield.

"Thinking that this would destroy my vast sea and sky, I laid down Longtan Tiger Lair a long time ago, and kill as many as I come! Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Nangong Haotian has a perverse and violent temper, like the roar of the sea.

The outside world is raging.

Wow! Chu Yuan seemed to pass through a layer of water mist, and the vitality in the air changed drastically. It was like a humid mist, mixed with the smell of the sea, and did not have the burning sensation of a true sun.

"Brother Chu, we have entered the vast sea sky!" Fen Xu said.

"Han Haitian is indeed completely different."

As soon as Chu Yuan arrived in the vast sea sky, he looked around. It was on a deep blue sea with rolling waves, which was most suitable for cultivating water system power.

In the ocean, there are many sea creatures.

"The vitality of this vast sea of ​​heaven and earth is really uncomfortable."

When Jiao Tu came here, he felt a strong suppression.

Not surprisingly, he and Fen Xu are both fire-type heavenly realities, and such an environment full of oceans really suppresses them.

"This time, Han Haitian activated the suppression of Heaven's Dao in response to my waiting for entry. We are here as if we are carrying a mountain, suppressing everywhere, and my strength has been suppressed by several percent."

Fen Xudao.

Chu Yuan didn't care, he didn't cultivate any specific power, but cultivated a kind of control, and this kind of marine environment could also be controlled.

"I have a map here that records some conditions in the vast sea. What we need to determine now is where we are in the vast sea. There is no point in destroying the weak sect. If you want to destroy it, you will destroy the big one!"

Fen Xu said fiercely.

"Nowadays, a large number of powerful people rush into Hanhaitian, which will cause great damage in a short period of time, but it is thirty-three days after all. Hanhaitian has already dealt with it, and many positions will set traps waiting for us. Goal, don't do it."

Chu Yuan used the Great Void Technique to induce fluctuations.

After his spiritual knowledge spread out, he already felt that a great war had broken out.

"Brother Chu is right. Hanhaitian is headed by Hanhai Shenting. We should not get close to the land of Hanhai Shenting. Some of them exist in their temples, as if a pair of eyes are staring at us."

Fen Xu responded.

In fact, the ruling pattern is different every day.

Just like in the days of hell, that is, **** lords are ruling, and there is no such a highly unified existence as the vast sea heaven.

And in the oldest and most powerful gods, there are all gods, standing high above them, each opening up their own gods.

"Don't stay in one place for a long time, it is easy to be noticed by Han Haitian."

Chu Yuan waved his hand, and suddenly a chaotic void force cut off the prying eyes. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"Yes, all of you are in the Burning Heaven Divine Cauldron, appearing when you need you."

Fen Xu gathered the army of the Fentian Divine Sect into the divine cauldron.

"Hurrying to a place first, and seeing some cities, you should be able to know the approximate location, but I'm not sure, Han Haitian deliberately confused our location because of the suspicion formation."

Chu Yuan opened the door to the void, distorting the space.

The vast ocean, such a huge sky, is shrouded by the ocean.

This is not seen in other places, and in these oceans, there are also super huge lands.

It is said that Hanhai Shenting was built in the deep seabed.

"This city is called Haitao City. It's not a big city. There is a great master, but he has already been transferred to the front line. There will be no treasures left. There is no need to take action here to expose our position."

Chu Yuan and the others were walking in the void, crossing a huge land.

For them, looking for a valuable goal this time, after all, this is someone else’s internal affairs, and every time they make a move they have to bear huge risks.

As they passed through Haitao City, the sound of the war suddenly resounded.

The black cloud was overwhelming, and countless army of hells had arrived. They were not like Chu Yuan and they cared about whether there was value or not. As long as they saw the land where creatures existed, they would all attack the past like locusts.

This is the brutality of the army of hell.

"Beacon fire everywhere, the more ferocious the **** army, the better, let them attract firepower for us."

Chu Yuan and the others flew all the way, fighting everywhere, fighting everywhere, and the chaos was extreme.

The powerhouse of the true sun sky does things in the vast sea days.

And Han Haitian also formed a law enforcement team to strangle these intruders.

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