The Great Venerable Liang Yu is the strongest Great Venerable and No. 1 Great Venerable!

Old Fentian is not his opponent.

And his identity is even more difficult.

His father is the fallen **** of the Liang family.

After the Great War that year, after the ancient gods fell, Han Haitian brazenly launched an offensive against True Sun Heaven, and once smashed into the Heavenly Court. The Liang Family Heavenly Dao God fell during the war to protect the Heavenly Court.

Therefore, the Liang family's hatred of the vast sea and the sky is like the sea.

As the head of the Liang family and the son of the **** of heaven, he inherited the **** of heaven's artifact, which is a very rare defensive artifact of the **** of heaven.

His own strength is the No. 1 Great Sovereign of True Sun Heaven, and he has a heavenly artifact, his strength can be imagined.

Heavenly Dao artifact, how precious.

Even the Heavenly Dao God himself is only a few pieces, each one will have a huge increase in himself.

"Liang Yu has entered the battle. He is worthy of being the son of God Liang Tianzun. He dared to enter the vast sea. He wanted to avenge his father. He took the opportunity of this battle to sharpen his own Taoism and make himself a breakthrough to the heavenly realm."

I wish Tianzun appreciate.

"Liang Yu is brave and intent. Okay, Ben Tianzun also admires him. Liang Shen died in the battle for the Heavenly Court. His son is also good. Among the great venerables of my True Sun Heaven, Liang Yu and Yang Yuandu There is hope to climb into the realm of heaven, but it is a pity that the old man Fentian sits and sits somewhat meaningless.

Flame God nodded.

Liang Yu is a junior in his eyes.

At this moment.

How tragic and shocking this countless army was fighting, the frontal army of True Sun Heaven is also trying its best to create opportunities for the powerful to break through.

And Han Haitian naturally wouldn't watch so many powerful players enter.

"Get in, this is the most chaotic moment, Fen Xu, you will follow me with your men and horses."

Although Chu Yuan was not a member of the God Sect Burning Heaven, he had already become the leader of giving orders.

"Okay, listen to Brother Chu's orders!"

Of course he knew that Chu Yuan was an emperor, and he was more familiar with fighting on the battlefield than him, and he simply gave Chu Yuan the power temporarily.


Chu Yuan stepped out, with a stalwart body and a domineering aura, his strength was rolling, his palm was grasping, the light was bright, and the bright sword straight into the sky, like a meteor rainstorm, smashed towards the vast sea.


With heart-piercing screams, countless armies touched the Divine Sword of Light, and instantly disappeared.

"Kill kill kill!"

Jiaotu guarded Chu Yuan.

"We are marching there." Fen Xu said.

Chu Yuan's face did not fluctuate. At this moment, he did not see any movements, the pressure of the great soul technique spread out, and many people were suddenly stunned in place like puppets, and their souls were subjected to forceful shocks.

Divine Burning Sect's army immediately made up their swords and beheaded them.

"I use my soul shock, you are responsible for killing."

Chu Yuan walked on the battlefield with the army of the Burning Heaven Divine Sect, the soul gate dwelling in his mind, constantly shaking.

"Haha, fortunately, with Brother Chu's help, this sudden killing was too easy."

Jiao Tu laughed, he reaped his life wantonly.

Soul shock, this kind of large-scale attack is very useful at a low level. Chu Yuan doesn't need to do it himself, just shake it, and Fen Xu and the others will naturally follow.

"Yes, we can't waste too much power on the periphery, we must get in as quickly as possible."

Fen Xu had already seen that a large number of people had already entered.

However, although they killed a lot of people, Han Haitian's army is endless. As many as they kill, more people will soon be able to make up for it, so they can't kill it no matter what.

"Burning the sky and boil the sea!"

Fen Xu held the Fentian divine cauldron in his hand, rumbling, the endless sky fire was burning, and the torrent rolled, and this time, many people were burnt to death.

"That's the people of God Burning Heaven Sect."

Zhu Tianzun also saw it, "Even though the old man Fentian has sat down, he has left a good disciple and inherited his mantle. The master Fen Xu invited by his side is proficient in the way of the soul, and has a bit of knowledge. ."

He stared at Chu Yuan.

From the eyes of his heavenly gods, it seemed to see a layer of mist.

The qualifications of Old Man Burning were very old, and existed in the ancient times. Although he did not become a **** of heaven, some **** of heaven would give him some face at that time.

"Follow me."

At this moment, Chu Yuan spoke calmly, and the shock of his soul continued to sweep through.

"Soul art, can't let them descend into the vast sea, otherwise it will be a great disaster!"

Just as they marched, some strong men finally couldn't bear it. The order they received was that some trash fish could be put in, but those who were really strong had to stop them.

The power of a figure is like a mad dragon, and it kills with one blow, like the sword of the sea god.

"I'm here to resist, you continue to fight!"

Chu Yuan slashed away with a palm, and the world and all phenomena existed in it. His mighty power, the moment he killed on the Seagod's Sword, suddenly shattered, and then strode forward, the laws gathered, and the invisible soul sword was cut away.

"I want to deal with me with soul means, the deity is not afraid of the attack of the soul, the immortal seal of the sea, protect the soul!"

Water ripples suddenly appeared on the head of this great master.

Om... the blow of the soul slashed on the ripples of water. The great master shook down and the ripples collapsed. He made a rejoicing sound: "Fortunately, I got the teachings of the gods who are good at soul methods, otherwise this The soul will be hit hard."

"Stop them!"

At this time, there was another Great Lord surrounded, and the Mana Alliance was swept by the vast sea! "

Fen Xu snorted coldly. He burned the sky and boiled the sea, and the sea was evaporated.

Chu Yuan's gaze at this time locked on the great master who had resisted his soul blow, his eyes were so cold that he moved in one step and disappeared instantly.

"Void means, his purpose is me!"

This person feels weird at this time. He can't see Chu Yuan, but there is Chu Yuan everywhere in this world, that is, he is covered by a deep blue shield, defending himself, and watching the changes.

He is ready to attack.

But Chu Yuan could not give him a chance.

The palm of his hand was enveloped, the big cutting technique directly turned into a black line, and he lightly cut on his defense, and the whole shield was shattered in an instant.


He let out a scream.

His body became two halves, but the tyrannical vitality of the Great Lord kept him from dying.

There was a deep horror in his eyes, and this person was terrifying no matter whether it was a soul method or a void cutting.

"No, Yushan is in danger!"

In all directions, there are also powerful people in the vast sea and sky. Seeing that the Great Venerable Yushan falls into a life-and-death crisis, I am also very furious. The ordinary powerhouse is dead, but every great Venerable is very important.

Immediately, many masters came to the rescue.

This is the battlefield, don't think about giving you the chance to go heads-up.

"Haha, Brother Chu is going to kill a great elder, eldest brother, and I will fight to block them!"

Fen Xu laughed loudly, and every Great Venerable killed his huge contribution to his Divine Burning Heaven Sect.

"The night is long, and the darkness lasts forever."

The expression in front of Chu Yuan was cruel and indifferent, his darkness fell in the eyes of this great venerable, like the arrival of the **** of death, the blade of the broken sky in his hand slashed the past with a strange path towards him.

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