Following the voice, I saw many beautiful maids filed up from the stairs.

After these maidservants came up, they all stood on both sides with their hands down, seeming to be welcoming something.

Immediately afterwards, I saw a woman carrying a dress, walking slowly up the steps.

This is a woman wearing a lavender shirt. She is white and snowy, with picturesque eyebrows, and her heartbeat stopped for a while.

Especially her eyes seemed to be able to speak, and there were a lot of styles in Gu Pan's glory.

When he saw this woman, Xue An couldn't help being startled, and immediately showed a faint smile, but did not speak, just took a half step back.

At the same time, there was a commotion in the audience.

Teng Hongbo hurriedly smiled and greeted him, "Ms. Yun Jun, you are finally here. Your Royal Highness has been waiting for you for a long time, and everyone in the world is qualified to let His Royal Highness wait for you."

That's right.

The visitor was the master oiran of Baiyulou, Gong Yunjun.

We must know that this white jade building is not only the premier restaurant in Ziwu City, but also a top-notch gold cave and hero grave.

Countless beautiful women gathered here, and some even said that if you can't find a suitable girl in Baiyulou, it means that the heavens have no suitable girl for you.

And Gong Yunjun can stand out in such an environment and become the master oiran, which shows how charming he is.

For example, now, everyone in the audience looked at this Gong Yunjun with amazing eyes.

Only Luo Rongjin didn't say a word, and sat on the sofa with a deep face and didn't move.

Teng Hongbo winked at Chong Gong Yun Jun.

Gong Yunjun covered her mouth and chuckled, and then walked over to him.

"His Royal Highness, why are you so depressed? Do you think the slaves are late?"

The language is graceful and touching, and there is also a little bit of anger, which makes people feel comfortable just by hearing.

The faces of the few people who were close to him were fascinated.

Sniffing the faint fragrance from Gong Yunjun's body, the gloom on Luo Rongjin's face gradually disappeared, and then stood up and said with a gentle smile.

"Ms. Yun Jun misunderstood, how could I feel that you are too late! It's just that some unpleasant episodes happened."

Gong Yunjun also noticed the **** man not far away, but she was used to big scenes and just smiled faintly.

"Oh? I don't know who is such a bold man who dares to offend your Highness!"

As she said, her beautiful eyes flowed, her eyes swept over Mu Wushuang and others.

Although her expression was soft and charming, after being swept over by her gaze, Mu Wushuang's heart suddenly rose with a hint of chill, which couldn't help but make her eyes appear solemn.

This beautifully crowned white jade tower, the palace oiran second to none in the entire Ziwu City...obviously it is not that simple.

Then Gong Yunjun looked at the greedy boy again.

The young man had a leisurely look on his face, as if he was reminiscing about the flavour of the meal just now, and he didn't know anything about what happened outside.

Gong Yunjun didn't care too much, but when her gaze finally swept over Xue An, she was about to turn around and suddenly froze in place.

Immediately afterwards, there was an extremely hot light in her eyes, and her whole body trembled.

"Big..." The word whispered in her throat, but immediately it seemed that she had discovered something, and the flame in her eyes dimmed.

"Huh? Miss Yun Jun, what's the matter with you? Why is your face so embarrassing?" Luo Rongjin on the side noticed the strangeness and asked in a deep voice.

"Ah, nothing!" Gong Yunjun's face was pale as paper, and he gave a strong smile, and then took a deep look at Xue An, a look of doubt in his eyes.

what happened?

How is this person so similar to an adult? He even admitted the wrong person.

But soon she concealed these abnormalities perfectly, and then rushed to Rong Jin with a smile.

"Hall Master, I think these people are just ordinary sect disciples. In your capacity, why do you have the same knowledge as them. Why don't you give me a face, just forget it, what do you think?"

Luo Rongjin looked at her quietly and suddenly laughed, "If you believe it or not, if someone else said it, he is dead now and can't die anymore!"

Gong Yunjun smiled and said, "What shall I say?"

"Are you..." Luo Rongjin suddenly stretched out her hand to gently hook Gong Yunjun's lips, then put it in her mouth, took a very satisfied sip, and then sighed.

"It smells so good!"

There was no strangeness on Gong Yunjun's face, and even the slightest change in her smile.

At this time, Luo Rongjin raised his eyes to look at Mu Wushuang, and said faintly: "Mu Wushuang, although I don't know why Miss Yun Jun is begging for you, but since the ladies have interceded with me, I will give you a chance."

As he said, he pointed to a glass of wine on the table and said lightly: "After drinking this glass of wine, then you can go."

A touch of relief appeared in Mu Wushuang's eyes.

She had just prepared for the worst but she didn't expect to turn around and the situation had room for maneuver.

So she took a deep breath and just wanted to step forward to take the glass of wine.

The greedy teenager who had not spoken all of a sudden rushed to the front, picked up the wine glass, and poured it all into his mouth.

Then he smacked his mouth, "Well, it tastes good, any more?"

The audience was quiet for an instant, and everyone was a little dumbfounded.

Luo Rongjin raised his eyebrows, and a deep anger appeared on his face.

But Gong Yunjun took this opportunity to fill a glass of wine and brought it to Luo Rongjin personally.

"Okay, Your Highness, no matter who drank it, this glass of wine is considered to be drunk, just let them go, otherwise stay here, and it will be a shame for you!"

Luo Rongjin snorted coldly and stopped talking.

Upon seeing this, Gong Yunjun quietly rushed to Mu Wushuang and the others nodded.

Mu Wushuang looked hesitant.

Because she didn't know what Xue Anhui meant.

He doesn't care, but he is the majestic Red Lotus Immortal Venerable, can he bear this anger?

But she just started thinking, but when she saw Xue An took the lead, she walked out and urged when she passed her.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up!"

Mu Wushuang was a little dazed, but still obediently followed Xue An and left.

This greedy teenager was walking with him.

Soon, they left the Baiyulou and came to the street.

Until then, Mu Wushuang finally couldn't help the doubts in his heart, and asked in a low voice: "My lord, you... why are you walking so fast?"

Xue An said slowly: "Do you go fast? I don't think so!"

With that, Xue An turned his head and glanced at Mu Wushuang, "Are you wondering why I left?"

Mu Wushuang nodded, "A bit!"

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