The Baiyu Building is a hundred stories high, so it is naturally impossible to climb up one after another.

In fact, guests usually fly directly to the floor with magical powers.

But this time, Teng Hongbo took everyone to ride a ladder unique to Baiyulou.

Just like an elevator, this ladder is a tool for taking people upstairs.

The difference is that the elevators on the earth are driven by electricity, while the elevators in Baiyulou are activated by clever formations.

Soon, the group boarded the ninety-ninth floor.

When the light of Dharma dissipated, what came into view was this extremely luxurious hall.

A group of arrogant men and women sitting in every corner of the hall, looking at the people who came with scrutiny eyes.

But no matter who it is, the first sight after entering this room will be attracted by Luo Rongjin sitting on the sofa not far away.

Although he simply sat there, he seemed to have a natural aristocracy and compared everyone else.

"His Royal Highness, the Saintess Admiration is here!" Teng Hongbo stepped forward and whispered.

Luo Rongjin was drinking tea with her head down, and when he heard this, she raised her head and looked at Mu Wushuang.

Mu Wushuang shook his whole body and blurted out, "Luo Rongjin?"

As soon as this statement was made, the audience was in an uproar.

Many people looked angrily at Mu Wushuang, who dared to call His Highness by name.

But Luo Rongjin's eyes lit up, waved her hand, motioned other people not to speak, and then stood up and said with a smile.

"Miss Mu, this should be the first time we met! You actually recognize me, this really surprised me."

Mu Wushuang's complexion was very pale.

If she knew that the person who invited her would be Luo Rongjin, she would not come for anything she said.

Nothing else, just because Luo Rongjin's identity is too terrifying.

You must know that the Palace of Human Emperor is no less than the top sect of Xuanmingling Qianhe Palace.

And Luo Rongjin, as the prince of the East Palace of the People's Palace, can be said to be under one person, above hundreds of millions.

Such an existence is far from something she can provoke a little Slaughter of Goddess.

"Don't be nervous, I just saw Girl Mu also by chance, so I invited you to come up for a drink." Luo Rongjin smiled politely, and then winked at the people beside her.

Immediately, Mai Jijiao came up with a variety of drinks.

"What do you want to drink?" Luo Rongjin asked with a smile.

In any case, the current Luo Rongjin's performance is impeccable.

Noble temperament and excellent education are revealed everywhere.

But Mu Wushuang shook his head, and then took a deep breath, "Your Highness, I'm really sorry, I won't drink."

Luo Rongjin raised her eyebrows slightly, "What? Girl Mu didn't drink? It's really a shame, how about eating something?"

When the words fell, someone immediately served an extremely rich banquet.

Every dish is worth ten thousand gold.

"Come, please sit down and eat slowly!" Luo Rongjin said with a smile.

But as soon as he finished speaking, the boy who had been beaten before rushed to the table with his eyes shining brightly, and then he feasted on it regardless.

This sudden scene made many people angry.

But Luo Rongjin still looked at Mu Wushuang with a smile on his face.

Mu Wushuang had no choice but to sit down too.

From beginning to end, no one looked at Xue An more, as if he were pure air.

Xue An didn't care about these, but sat at the table very naturally.

Although this old man had just eaten on the first floor, he was eating like a glutton who had been hungry for many years.

Not to mention anything else, just looking at the way he eats is very appetizing.

So Xue An also ate with a smile.

But as soon as he ate a cup of tea, he saw this Luo Rongjin holding a glass of wine, and smiled slightly when he greeted Wushuang.

"This is specially brewed monkey wine, how about a drink?"

Hearing the three words "Houerjiu", Mu Wushuang was like a painful recollection, and immediately refused.

"Hall Lord, I really can't drink at all, so I'm sorry."

Luo Rongjin's hands froze in the air, the smile on his face remained, but the cold light gradually appeared in his eyes.

"So, you don't even want to drink my toast?"

Words fall.

The audience quieted down instantly.

Only the sound of the starving boy eating.

Many people stood up silently and stared at Mu Wushuang with extremely cold eyes.

Mu Wushuang's complexion turned pale, and a look of horror loomed in his eyes.

Because even though Luo Rongjin just asked softly, she felt a powerful force rushing toward her face.

Has this person's strength reached this point?

Despite this, she still said with difficulty: "Lord, I really can't drink wine."

"Can't drink... or don't you want to drink with me?"

Speaking of this, the smile on Luo Rongjin's face disappeared instantly, his eyes were as glorious as ice, "Or, I can't compare to Xiao Tiansha?"

As soon as he said this, Mu Wushuang's face instantly paled, and his eyes were full of infinite humiliation.

"Lord, you..."

"I toast the wine, no one dares to refuse, so today you have to drink, and you have to drink if you don't! Understand?" Luo Rongjin said lightly.

Mu Wushuang was shaking all over.

But at this moment, a hand swept past her, and then caught the wine glass that Luo Rongjin handed over, and said lightly: "Since she can't drink it, how about I drink it for her?"

Mu Wushuang looked up, but saw that Xue An had appeared behind her for some time. When she looked over, Xue An lowered his head and smiled at her.

In an instant, a great sense of security surged into her heart.

But at this moment, Luo Rongjin's face instantly became gloomy, and his eyelids were jumping vigorously.

But he did not speak.

Because at this moment, someone clamored behind him.

"You drink for her? What are you? You deserve to drink with your Highness?"

"Yes, you are what a joke!"

Xue An's smile was getting colder, and his slender fingers slowly turned the celadon glass, and said lightly: "My patience is actually very limited, so I hope you better stop now!"

"Shut up? Haha..." The person who mocked the loudest before sneered and just wanted to talk down.

The wine glass in Xue An's hand suddenly disappeared, and it was already in his mouth when it appeared again.


The man was blasted from the ground by a huge, smashed two tables, and hit the top of the wall before stopping.

Looking at him at this time, not only his mouth was **** and bloody, but even his jaw was broken.

This hand was really shocking, the audience was quiet at first, and then it boiled.

"Dare to hurt someone in front of His Highness and kill him!"

"Yes, kill him!"

Amid the roar, Xue An smiled coldly, standing proudly, without the slightest trace of fear.

And the teenager who had been feasting, wiped his mouth with his sleeve after a hard swallowing meal, and then came to Xue An's side.

Luo Rongjin said nothing, but looked at Xue An coldly.

The situation instantly became extremely tense.

But at this moment, a ring of Peking Bell came from the stairs.

Then he heard a gentle female voice smiling and saying: "What's the matter, why is it so lively?"

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