Linghuye, a group of simple-minded people, couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, where did you guys come from? Why did you come here?"

When he said this, the coercion of the fairy king on Fox Ye's body was as substantial as it was, and the dragons dared not even lift their heads.

"My lord, spare your life! We are all forced!"

"That's right, your lord, all this is the idea of ​​the devil dragon holy lord, it has nothing to do with us, we are also victims!"

"Yes, yes, I haven't paid my salary this month!"

This group of dragon people began to scream for Zhuangtianqu.

"Oh? It has nothing to do with you? It's not just for you to just talk about it. Now tell me in detail, who are you and what are you doing here! If I say that I am satisfied, then I am not satisfied. ...... Hmph, what kind of Holy Lord is this example!"

Anyway, it's okay to be idle anyway, Hu Ye simply began to train these gangsters.

"Yes, yes, don't worry, sir, we must know that everything is endless, and we guarantee your satisfaction!" said the group of dragon people eagerly.

"Okay, come one by one, no one is allowed to jump in the line, have you heard!" Hu Ye said with a smile.

Just when Huye was having fun with such a dragonman.

In the void about hundreds of millions of kilometers from the solar system, a starship suddenly appeared.

"Is it coming soon?" Meng Yao asked anxiously in the star boat.

"Not yet, but it shouldn't be far away! But there is no star map near here in this starship, so we have to look for nearby reference objects to tell where we are going!" Ye Hanshang manipulated Xingzhou, Shen Sheng said.

That's right!

On top of this starship were Ye Hanshang and others from the alchemy hell.

Because the alchemy **** is too far away from the earth, even though Ye Hanshang left immediately after receiving the news, he waited until now.

"Doesn't it take a long time to delay? What if something happens to Xue An at this time?" Meng Yao became more anxious.

At this moment, a gentle and mellow voice came from behind her.

"Ms. Meng doesn't have to be so worried, Xue Shizhu and Ji people have their own heavens, and nothing will happen!"

The person who speaks has a bright head and a majestic face. It is Jin Jue Seng.

Ye Hanshang smiled when he heard the words, "You monk usually talks about it, but this is a good sentence. I don't believe that Xue An will have an accident if you kill him! Are you big?"

With that, Ye Hanchang turned his head and looked at the porthole not far away.

In front of the porthole stood a man who was three meters tall and his muscles bulged like a small hill.

I saw him staring at the void outside the window, and said indifferently: "Yes! He won't die!"

"Look, even the big man admits that Xue An will be fine, so you should relax!" Ye Hanchang said with a smile.

Although Meng Yao was still extremely anxious, since Ye Hanshang had said so, she had no choice but to nod her head.

In fact, from the moment she learned that Xue An had an accident, her heart had never been at peace.

Now that she is getting closer and closer to her destination, she is even more ups and downs, like sitting on pins and needles.

At this moment, along with the slight fluctuations in the space, the song of Fox Night came over.

When it passed into the star boat, everyone was taken aback.

This singing...

Immediately afterwards, Meng Yao turned blue and spit out: "Who is singing this? This is too ugly!"

But as soon as her words fell, Ye Hanchang's eyes gradually lit up, and at the same time a faint smile appeared at the corners of her mouth, and then whispered softly: "You really arrived earlier than me!"

Not only him, but even the big man standing in front of the porthole gave a slight shock.

Meng Yao didn't hear clearly, and couldn't help asking, "Master Mingjun, what did you just say?"

Ye Hanchang chuckled, "It's nothing! I just felt a little emotional when I heard this song!"


Meng Yao couldn't imagine anyone who could sigh with emotion after hearing such harsh singing.

Ye Hanshang also saw her thoughts and couldn't help but smile: "This song is really unpleasant, because this guy who sings is notoriously incomplete! But now it's a good thing to hear it!"

"Good thing?" Meng Yao looked puzzled.

"Yes, because it also means that we are already very close to the goal. Just follow this song and you can easily tell the direction! Isn't it a big man?"

The big guy turned around, there was a rare smile on that cold poker face, and then he sighed: "That's right! But I have to say, this fox's singing is really... hard to say!"

There was a hint of helplessness in his tone.

"Hahahahaha, it seems that the only voice of this dead fox among the heavens can make you feel helpless!"

Ye Hanshang laughed loudly, and then shouted: "Sit down, we will move forward at full speed next!"

As he said, he pushed the joystick abruptly, Xingzhou slowly turned the direction, suddenly accelerated, and disappeared in place as a stream of light.

The distance of hundreds of millions of miles seems to be great, but it is so insignificant to the vast starry sky.

After discerning the direction, the starship moved forward at full speed, and just a few minutes later, countless boulders appeared in the space in front of him.

Everyone was refreshed.

Ye Hanchang also showed a smile, "Finally here!"

After that, Xingzhou concealed into the gravel and flew forward.

"Everyone has it, stand at attention!" Hu Ye commanded with hands on hips in a serious manner.

With an order, these dragon people stood up straight and tried their best to make their standing posture become standard.

Hu Ye nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, it seems that you really regretted it, so let's go! Anyway, your boss is dead, so why not follow me?"

These dragon people looked at each other, and then scrambled to shout.

"My lord, we are willing!"

"My lord, after UU read, where your finger is, it is our direction!"

"My lord, I don't want salary anymore!"

Hu Ye looked at it with a smile, but at this moment, he suddenly felt something and turned to look at the distant sea of ​​gravel.

At the same time, Ye Hanchang drove the flying boat straight out from the center, wherever he passed, the gravel was shattered and the momentum was like a rainbow.

"Oh my god, someone is speeding!"

In the shouts, these dragon men immediately hid behind Hu Ye.

Ye Hanchang looked at the fox night standing in front of him, with a narrow smile on his face, and he slammed on the accelerator.

Xingzhou, which should have slowed down, shook his entire body, and then ran into Fox Ye at a violent speed.

Meng Yao exclaimed, "Master Mingjun, what are you doing?"

However, in the face of the aggressively rushing star boat, Fox Ye didn't even move. Instead, he hugged his shoulders in time and looked at it with interest.

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